Čajldove balade (engl. Child Ballads predstavljaju zbirku od 305 balade iz Engleske i Škotske, i njihovih američkih varijanti, koje je sakupio Fransis Džejms Čajld krajem devetnaestog veka. Zbirku je pod naslovom The English and Scottish Popular Ballads između 1882. i 1898. izdao Hauton Miflin u deset[1] tomova, a kasnije je reizdata u pet tomova.

Ilustracija Dva gavrana (engl. The Twa Corbies), Artur Rakam.


  1. ^ „The English and Scottish popular ballads / Part I-X.”. WorldCat. Pristupljeno 25. 4. 2011. „10 vol.; in 4° 

Dalja literatura

  • Child, Francis James. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 5 Volumes (Dover Publications, 2003)
  • Bronson, Bertrand Harris. The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, with Their Texts, According to the Extant Records of Great Britain and North America, 4 volumes (Princeton and Berkeley: Princeton University and University of California Presses, 1959, ff.).
  • Bronson, Bertrand Harris. The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976).
  • Marcello Sorce Keller, "Sul castel di mirabel: Life of a Ballad in Oral Tradition and Choral Practice", Ethnomusicology, XXX(1986), no. 3, 449- 469.

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