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Nadamo se da ćete uživati doprinoseći Vikipediji i da ćete postati njen stalni korisnik. Ako imate bilo kakva pitanja, slobodno se obratite meni ili drugim urednicima na nekoj podstranici Trga. Takođe, možete postaviti pitanje svom mentoru. Prijatan boravak! --Милићевић (разговор) 20:17, 5. новембар 2013. (CET)
уредиБез обзира колико било твоје знање арапског језика, Правопис српскога језика је тај који одређује правила транскрипције. А он каже да се пише ЕЛ и БЕН и тога се уредници држе. Нико не иде у надметање ко зна више арапски језик, него само слиједи правопис. Стога, немојте исправљати арапске називе по томе како вама звуче боље или по томе како су новине написале нечије име. Дакле, арапски члан је ЕЛ и увијек се пише БЕН или ИБН. --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 15:23, 10. јануар 2014. (CET) с. р.
- I'll speak in English as my Serbian is not perfect. Look, you seem to insist the spelling is "Muhamed ben Zajid el Nahjan", I haven't seen a single Serbian (news or other) website spell it that way!
- Let me give you good reasons why the spelling should be "Muhamed bin Zajed al nahjan":
- 1-Almost all Serbian media websites spell it that way (Newspapers, radio websites, Magazines, etc.. Cyrillic or Latin)
- 2-If you check the article for Sheikh Muhamed bin Rashed, his surname is spelled as "al maktum", even in Bosnian and Croatian wikipedia! (Eventhough they usually copy the English spelling!)
- 3-Eventhough surnames starting with "ال" can be transliterated to Serbian as "el" or "al", "آل" is different, it's always pronounced the same. "ال" can be pronounced "el" in spoken Arabic while it's pronounced "al" in formal (standard) Arabic. However "آل" is pronounced "al" in spoken as well as standard/formal/traditional arabic. Try to understand this please, instead of being to stubborn for no good reason. You claim Serbian media are not good sources. Seriously? what language do they publish in? Moreover, if a specific spelling matches with most Serbian media publishings it must be the most correct one!
- Now coming to Ben and Bin, you are right, both are accepted because in Arabic they pronounce it either way, but "bin" is more correct because most spell it that way! You can also spell it as "ibn" because it's sometimes (actually rarely in the case of such names, where you have the name of the father and the son, where bin means "son of") pronounced that way in Arabic (though incorrect grammatically), but I would accept it.
- Zajed is never "Zajid", trust me, it's never pronounced that way. If it was the right it was possible to spell it in English as "Zayeed". In English you can spell it as "Zayed" or "Zayid" because English doesn't have an exact sound for each letter!
- You say editors "agreed" that the spelling is that way. Really????
- -Go to the article on Qatar (Katar), check the name of the Emir (Qatari prince)!
- It's spelled as "Tamim bin Hamad al-Tani" (Bin not ben and al not el- tani)
- -Go to the article on Saudi Arabia (Sadijska Arabija), check the name of the king, it's "al-Saud" not "el-Saud". They wrote "ibn" but that's acceptable (notice writing ibn means it's not agreed to always write "ben" or "bin". "El" is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
- You can't say just because a group of idiots (sorry for the wording but that's true) "agreed" that his name is "el nahjan" it means that's the correct spelling! The ignorant editor who created the article spelled his name that way and they didn't really care. That doesn't mean they "agreed" on that spelling!! I'm totally fine with "ibn" or "ben" but not "el" insead of "al" because it is undoubtedly WRONG! Zajed CANNOT BE Zajid either. Give me a break, leave it that way!
- For your knowledge, here are examples where the name can be transliterated to "el".
محمد العبار , Mohamed Alabbar : Elabar is acceptable because "ال" is connected to "عبار" (According to the Arab country you come from you may pronounce it as "Elabar" or "Alabar", but in the case of few Arabic tribes, like Sheiks of the gulf, it's for example, "آل نهيان" (Al nahyan), "آل" is separate fom "نهيان" and it is "آ" (=aa) not "ا" (=a). Therefore pronounced "aal nahyan". Therefore, knowledge of Arabic is not trivial!
- Pozz
- Sorry for writing in English, I wanted to be clear!
Ниједна српска новина није релевантна за транскрипцију било каквих имена, да се одмах разумијемо. Новинари немају појма о транскрипцији него лупе па остану живи. Сви чланци гдје се могу наћи облици АЛ су они чланци који нису усклађени са Правописом и њих такође треба преименовати. Википедије, бошњачка и хрватска, чини ми се да уопште и не транскрибују имена него пишу као Енглези, дакле код њих нема домаће транскрипције, тако да ни по чему нису референтни. Не могу ништа тврдити у вези облика Зајед или Зајид, нити сам о њима говорио, али чланови ЕЛ и БЕН/ИБН тако су прописани Правописом и ту нема расправе. И нису се нигдје уредници договарали о исправном облику, они примјењују оно што каже Правопис српскога језика (кога издаје Српска академија наука и умјетности и Матица српска) као највиши извор за све језичке недоумице. --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 21:18, 11. јануар 2014. (CET) с. р.