Njufaundlend (engl. Newfoundland,[4] fr. Terre-Neuve, lat. Terra Nova),[5] veliko je ostrvo na severoistočnoj obali Severnoj Americi i najnaseljeniji deo kanadske provincije Njufaundlend i Labrador. Ostrvu Njufaundlend (prvobitno nazvano Terra Nova) je verovatno ime dao Italijan Džon Kabot 1497, što je najstariji evropski naziv u Severnoj Americi. Provincija u kojoj se ovo ostrvo nalazilo zvala se Njufaundlend do 2001, kada je preimenovana u Njufaundlend i Labrador (poštanska skraćenica je promenjena iz NF u NL). Njufaundlend je odvojen od poluostrva Labrador prolazom Bel Il, a od Ostrva Kejp Breton Kabotovim prolazom. On zatvara ušće reke Sen Loren, stvarajući Zaliv Sen Lorens, najveći zaliv na svetu. Najbliži sused Njufaundlenda je mala prekomorska zajednica Sveti Pjer i Mikelon.

„The Rock”[1][2]
Površina108.860 km2
Obala9.656 km
Visina814 m
Najviši vrhKaboks
Najveći gradSent Džons
Njufaundlend i Labrador
Stanovništvo477787  (2016)
Gustina st.4,39 stan./km2
Dodatne informacije

Površina ostrva je 108,860 km² i po tome je 16. po veličini ostrvo na svetu.[6] Njufaundlend i pridružena mala ostrva imaju ukupnu površinu od 111.390 kvadratnih kilometara.[7] Glavni grad provincije Sent Džons, osnovan je na jugoistočnom vrhu ostrva. Kejp Spier, južno od grada je najistočnija tačka Kanade. Ostrvo ima oko 485.000 stanovnika.

Stanovnici Njufaundlend izgovaraju „nju-fin-lend“ ili „nju-fan-lend“. Na Njufaundlendu se govori dijalektom engleskog jezika poznatom kao „njufaundlendski engleski“, dijalektom francuskog jezika poznatom kao „njufaundlendski francuski“ i dijalektom irskog jezika poznatog kao „njufaundlendski irski“. Prema zvaničnoj statistici popisa stanovništva Kanade iz 2006. godine, 57% stanovnika Njufaundlenda i Labradora je navelo da su britanskog ili irskog porekla, pri čemu 43,2% tvrdi da im je najmanje jedan roditelj Englez, 21,5% najmanje jedan roditelj Irac, a 7% najmanje jedan roditelj škotskog porekla. Pored toga, 6,1% tvrdi da je bar jedan roditelj francuskog porekla.[8] Ukupna populacija ostrva prema popisu iz 2006. godine iznosila je 479.105.



Njufaundlend je dugo bio naseljen domorodačkim narodima kulture Dorseta, Biotacima, koji su govorili sada izumrli biotački jezik.

Ostrvo je verovatno posetio islandski istraživač Lejf Erikson u 11. veku, koji je zemlju na koju je naišao nazvao „Vinland“.[9] Prva potvrđena poseta bila je od strane Nordijaca koji su izgradili privremenu bazu u Lansi Medouz, nordijsko naselje u blizini najsevernijeg vrha Njufaundlenda (rt Norman), koje je datirano na pre oko 1000 godina. Ovo mesto se smatra jedinim neospornim dokazom o pretkolumbovskom kontaktu između Starog i Novog sveta, ako se ne računa nordijsko-inuitski kontakt na Grenlandu.

Smatralo se da je Pojnt Rosi, na jugozapadu Njufaundlenda, drugo nordijsko nalazište sve dok iskopavanja 2015. i 2016. nisu otkrila nikakve dokaze o prisustvu Nordijaca.[10]

Dana 5. avgusta 1583. godine, Hamfri Gilbert je proglasio Njufaundlend kao prvu prekomorska koloniju Engleske pod Kraljevskom poveljom kraljice Elizabete I, čime je zvanično uspostavljena preteča znatno kasnijeg Britanskog carstva.[11] Njufaundlend se smatra najstarijom britanskom kolonijom.[12]

Imigranti su razvili različite dijalekte povezane sa naseljavanjem na ostrvu: njufaundlendski engleski, njufaundlendski francuski.[13] U 19. veku je takođe postojao dijalekt irskog poznat kao njufaundlendski irski.[13] Blisko srodan dijalekat škotskom gelskom takođe je govoren na ostrvu tokom 19. i ranog 20. veka, posebno u oblasti doline Kodroj, uglavnom među doseljenici sa ostrva Kejp Breton, Nova Škotska.[14] Gelska imena su odražavala povezanost sa ribolovom: na škotskom gelskom ostrvo se zvalo Eilean a' Trosg, doslovno 'Ostrvo bakalara';[15] Slično, irski naziv Talamh an Éisc znači 'Zemlja riba'.


  1. ^ Dekel, Jon (22. 7. 2014). „Shaun Majumder brings Burlington, Newfoundland, to the world with Majumder Manor”. National Post. Arhivirano iz originala 29. 7. 2014. g. Pristupljeno 29. 7. 2014. „After all, it’s not every day the a famous native son of The Rock returns to its capital. 
  2. ^ Gunn, Malcolm (10. 7. 2014). „The term "go anywhere" has been redefined with the redesign of a family favorite”. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Arhivirano iz originala 11. 8. 2014. g. Pristupljeno 29. 7. 2014. „Canada's 10th province is called "The Rock" for good reason. 
  3. ^ Population calculated by removing Labrador (27,197), Little Bay Islands (71), Miles Cove (104), Port Anson (130), Lushes Bight-Beaumont-Beaumont North (168), Pilley's Island (294), Brighton (188), Triton (983), Division No. 8, Subd. D (10), Division No. 8, Subd. H (1,900), Cottlesville (271), Summerford (906), Division No. 8, Subd. I (216), Crow Head (177), Twillingate (2,196), Change Islands (208), Fogo Island (2,244), Greenspond (266), St. Brendan's (145), Division No. 7, Subd. L (1,232), Division No. 1, Subd. R (322), Wabana (2,146), Ramea (447) and Dissemination Block 10090097012 (108) from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (519,716).
  4. ^ Jones, Daniel (2011). Roach, Peter; Setter, Jane; Esling, John, ur. Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18. izd.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15255-6. 
  5. ^ Both names can be found in this document Arhivirano mart 28, 2019 na sajtu Wayback Machine.Ikkarumikluak means "place of many shoals" while Kallunasillik means "place of many white people". It is thought the Ikkarumiklua was used before the colonization of Newfoundland and was later replaced by Kallunasillik. It is also thought that Ikkarumiklua may have been a term for the Great Northern Peninsula and not the island as a whole.
  6. ^ „Atlas of Canada, Islands”. Arhivirano iz originala 22. 01. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 19. 7. 2006. 
  7. ^ „NL Government website: Areas”. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 10. 2006. g. Pristupljeno 26. 8. 2007. 
  8. ^ „2006 Statistics Canada National Census: Newfoundland and Labrador”. Statistics Canada. 28. 7. 2009. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 1. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 19. 4. 2010. 
  9. ^ „Leif Eriksson”. HISTORY. 10. 10. 2019. 
  10. ^ Parcak, Sarah; Mumford, Gregory (8. 11. 2017). „Point Rosee, Codroy Valley, NL (ClBu-07) 2016 Test Excavations under Archaeological Investigation Permit #16.26” (PDF). geraldpennyassociates.com, 42 pages. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 20. 6. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 19. 6. 2018. „[The 2015 and 2016 excavations] found no evidence whatsoever for either a Norse presence or human activity at Point Rosee prior to the historic period. […] None of the team members, including the Norse specialists, deemed this area [Point Rosee] as having any traces of human activity. 
  11. ^ GILBERT (Saunders Family), SIR HUMPHREY" (history), Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online, University of Toronto, May 2, 2005
  12. ^ „The British Empire: The Map Room”. Pristupljeno 21. 6. 2010. 
  13. ^ a b „Language”. www.heritage.nf.ca. 
  14. ^ Bennett, Margaret (1989). The Last Stronghold: Scottish Gaelic Traditions of Newfoundland, Canongate, May 11, 1989.
  15. ^ Dwelly, Edward (1920). Illustrated Gaelic – English Dictionary, September 2001.


  • Gimlette, John (2005). Theatre of Fish: Travels Through Newfoundland and Labrador. London: Hutchinson. ISBN 0-09-179519-2. 
  • Harris, Michael (4. 11. 1993). Rare Ambition: The Crosbies of Newfoundland. Penguin Canada. ISBN 0-14-023220-6. 
  • Wayne Johnston. 1999. The Colony Of Unrequited Dreams, Vintage Canada, Toronto, Ontario. ISBN 978-0-676-97215-3 (0-676-97215-2)
  • Kevin Major, As Near To Heaven by Sea, (Toronto, 2001)
  • Neary, Peter, and Patrick O'Flaherty. Part of the main : an illustrated history of Newfoundland and Labrador (1983) online free to borrow
  • Rowe, Frederick William (1980). A history of Newfoundland and Labrador.  online free to borrow
  • Barnes, Capt. William Morris. When Ships Were Ships (And Not Tin Pots), 1931. Available in digital format at Memorial University site here.
  • Birkenhead, Lord. The Story of Newfoundland (2nd ed., 1920) 192pp
  • Hatton, Joseph and Moses Harvey, Newfoundland: Its History and Present Condition, (London, 1883) complete text online* MacKay, R. A. Newfoundland: Economic, Diplomatic, and Strategic Studies, (1946) online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (27. mart 2009)
  • Millais, John Guille (1911). The Newfoundland Guide Book, 1911: Including Labrador and St. Pierre. ? online edition; also reprinted 2009
  • Moyles, Robert Gordon, ed (1975). "Complaints is Many and Various, But the Odd Divil Likes It": Nineteenth Century Views of Newfoundland. .
  • Pedley, Charles.History of Newfoundland, (London, 1863) complete text online
  • Prowse, D. W., A History of Newfoundland (1895), current edition 2002, Portugal Cove, Newfoundland: Boulder Publications. complete text online
  • Tocque, Philip. Newfoundland as It Was and Is. , (London, 1878) complete text online
  • „Atlas of Canada – Rivers”. Natural Resources Canada. 26. 10. 2004. Arhivirano iz originala 29. 03. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 19. 4. 2007. 
  • Joseph Smallwood ed. The Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, (1961) (rev ed. 1984), 2 vol.; also cd-rom edition
  • Bannister, Jerry. The Rule of the Admirals: Law, Custom, and Naval Government in Newfoundland, 1699–1832. U. of Toronto Press for Osgoode Society, 2003.
  • Blake, Raymond B. Canadians at Last: Canada Integrates Newfoundland as a Province. U. of Toronto Press, 1994. 252 pp.
  • Cadigan, Sean T. Newfoundland and Labrador: A History U. of Toronto Press, 2009. Standard scholarly history
  • Cadigan, Sean T. Hope and Deception in Conception Bay: Merchant-Settler Relations in Newfoundland, 1785–1855. U. of Toronto Press, (1995). 242 pp.
  • Casey, G.J., and Elizabeth Miller, eds., Tempered Days: A Century of Newfoundland Fiction St. John's: Killick Press, 1996.
  • Dickinson, Anthony B. and Sanger, Chesley W. Twentieth-Century Shore-Station Whaling in Newfoundland and Labrador. McGill-Queen's U. Press, (2005).
  • Earle; Karl Mcneil. "Cousins of a Kind: The Newfoundland and Labrador Relationship with the United States" American Review of Canadian Studies Vol: 28. Issue: 4. 1998. pp : 387–411.
  • English, Christopher, ed. Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Vol. 9. Two Islands: Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island. U. of Toronto Press, (2005).
  • FitzGerald, John Edward (1997). Conflict and culture in Irish-Newfoundland Roman Catholicism, 1829-1850. U of Ottawa. . online Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (11. novembar 2021)
  • Fay, C. R.; Life and Labour in Newfoundland University of Toronto Press, 1956
  • Greene, John P. Between Damnation and Starvation: Priests and Merchants in Newfoundland Politics, 1745–1855.McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2000. 340 pp.
  • Guy, Raymond W. Memory is a Fickle Jade: A Collection of Historical Essays about Newfoundland and Her People. St. John's, : Creative Book Publ., 1996. 202 pp.
  • Hale, David. "The Newfoundland Lesson," The International Economy. v17#3 (Summer 2003). pp. 52+. online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (4. јун 2011)
  • Handcock, W. Gordon. Newfoundland Origins and Patterns of Migration: A Statistical and Cartographic Summary. (St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1977).
  • Handcock, W. Gordon (2003). Soe Longe as There Comes Noe Women: Origins of English Settlement in Newfoundland. Milton Ontario: Global Heritage Press. .
  • Harris, Leslie (1968). Newfoundland and Labrador: A Brief History. 
  • Hollett, Calvin (2010). Shouting, Embracing, and Dancing with Ecstasy: The Growth of Methodism in Newfoundland, 1774–1874. 
  • Jackson, Lawrence. Newfoundland & Labrador Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd. Jackson, Lawrence (1999). Newfoundland & Labrador. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Limited. ISBN 1-55041-261-2. ;
  • Kealey, Linda, ed. Pursuing Equality: Historical Perspectives on Women in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1993. 310 pp.
  • Gene Long, Suspended State: Newfoundland Before Canada Breakwater Books Ltd. ISBN 1-55081-144-4; (1999)
  • R. A. MacKay; Newfoundland; Economic, Diplomatic, and Strategic Studies Oxford University Press, (1946)
  • McCann, Phillip. Schooling in a Fishing Society: Education and Economic Conditions in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1836–1986. St. John's: Inst. of Social and Econ. Res., 1994. 277 pp.
  • Neary, Peter. Newfoundland in the North Atlantic world, 1929–1949. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996
  • O'Flaherty, Patrick. Old Newfoundland: A History to 1843. St John's: Long Beach, 1999. 284 pp.
  • Pope, Peter E. Fish into Wine: The Newfoundland Plantation in the Seventeenth Century. U. of North Carolina Press, 2004. 464 pp.
  • Prowse, David W. (1896). A History of Newfoundland from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. ISBN 9780665514869. Pristupljeno 2009-08-15. 
  • Whitcomb, Dr. Ed. A Short History of Newfoundland and Labrador. Ottawa. From Sea To Sea Enterprises. Whitcomb, Edward A. (2011). A Short History of Newfoundland and Labrador. From Sea To Sea Enterprises. ISBN 978-0-9865967-3-5. . 64 pp.
  • Wright, Miriam. A Fishery for Modern Times: The State and the Industrialization of the Newfoundland Fishery, 1934–1968. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 176 pp.
  • Halpert, Herbert; Widdowson, J. D. A.; Lovelace, Martin J.; and Collins, Eileen, ed. Folktales of Newfoundland: The Resilience of the Oral Tradition. New York: Garland, 1996. 1175 pp.
  • Harvey, M (1900). Newfoundland in 1900. A treatise of the geography, natural resources and history of the Island, embracing an account of recent and present large material movements, finely illustrated with maps and half-tone engravings.  187 pp.
  • Neary, Peter, and Patrick O'Flaherty, eds. By Great Waters: A Newfoundland and Labrador Anthology (1974)
  • O'Flaherty, Patrick ed. The Rock Observed: Literary Responses to Newfoundland and Its People (1979)
  • Rompkey, Ronald, ed. Terre-Neuve: Anthologie des Voyageurs Français, 1814–1914 [Newfoundland: anthology of French travelers, 1814–1914]. Presse University de Rennes, 2004. 304 pp.
  • Smallwood, Joseph R (1973). I Chose Canada: The Memoirs of the Honourable Joseph R. "Joey" Smallwood. . 600 pp.
  • Kennedy, Arnold. Sport and Adventure in Newfoundland and West Indies. , (London, 1885) complete text online
  • Moses Harvey, Newfoundland, England's Oldest Colony, (London, 1897) complete text online
  • J. P. Howley, Mineral Resources of Newfoundland, (St. John's, 1909)
  • P. T. McGrath, Newfound in 1911, (London, 1911)
  • Year Book and Almanac of Newfoundland edited by J.W. Withers

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