AutoWikiBrowser's slogan: The semi-automated Wikipedia editor
Programer(i) AutoWikiBrowser tim
(pogledaj ispod za AWB developere)
Operativni sistemMicrosoft Windows
TipWikipedia editor
AWB razvijači

AWB je kreirao:

Pošto je prevod trenutno u toku, možete pogledati Gugl prevod stranice sa engleske vikipedije.

AutoWikiBrowser, ponekad skraćeno i AWB, je polu-automatski MedijaViki editor za Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista dizajniran kako bi rešavanje zamornih zadataka bilo brže i lakše. Pretraživač automaski otvara stranicu onakvu kakva je poslednji put sačuvana.

When set to do so, it suggests some changes (typically formatting) that are generally meant to be incidental to the main change.

At present, AutoWikiBrowser can create a list of pages from single or multiple categories, "what links here", the wiki links on a page, a text file, a Google search, a user's watchlist, or a user's contributions.

AWB also comes with a program to scan the database, and a development version of IRCMonitor, a program that monitors the IRC recent changes channel.

The sources are available under the GPL (see Getting the sources below). It is written in C# using Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition/Visual Studio, available at Microsoft downloads. There is an AWB IRC channel at — #AutoWikiBrowser.

Examples of AWB-assisted work are noted on the projects page, which also lists projects that currently need AWB help.

Vikipedija:AutoWikiBrowser/User count

Pravila korišćenja

  • Proverite svaku izmenu pre nego što je sačuvate. Make sure you understand the text and have NOT changed the meaning.
  • Ne pravite izmene previše brzo; ukoliko za to imate potrebu, pokušajte da otvorite novi nalog za bota.
  • Izbegavajte pravljenje neporebnih izmena kao što su samo dodavanje ili uklanjanje praznih karaktera, premeštanje šablona za klice, konvertovanje HTML-a, uklanjanje poveznica bez potrebe, ili nešto slično a nepotrebno. Ovo je zbog toga što time trošite resurse i zagušavate nečiji spisak nadgledanja.
  • Držite se svih drugih pravila Vikipedije.
Krešenje ovih pravila može dovesti do zabrane upotrebe programa, ili u nekim slučajevima i do blokiranja naloga korisnika koji upotrebljava program.

Upotreba programa


(1) Preuzimanje


Preuzmite AVB sa sajta SourceForge. Zvanična stranica programa

AVB je zapakovan u .zip formatu i preporučujemo da ga otpakujete u nov direktorijum, bolje nego recimo da ga koristite sa vašeg desktopa. Za AVB nije potrebna nikakva instalacija, samo pokrenite jedan fajl: AutoWikiBrowser.exe.

Za pokretanje AutoWikiBrowser potreban vam je Microsoft Windows 2000/XP ili noviji. (Unicode ne radi baš najbolje na verzijama Windows 98/Me). Takođe zahteva verziju 2 .NET framework (korisnici operativnih sistema Windows 2000 i Windows XP moraju preuzeti .NET framework; dok je u Windows Vista on već uključen.)

Ukoliko program ne radi, verovatno niste instalirali dobar .NET framework.

(2) Počnite sa radom

  1. Odaberite „Make from Category“ i unesite ime kategorije.
  2. Kliknite na „Make list“ i sačekajte da se spisak učita.
  3. Podesite opcije, kao što su „pronađi i zameni“, opis izmena itd.
  4. Kliknite na „Start!“, čime ćete učitati stranicu, automatski napraviti izmene i onda vam prikazati razliku izmena.
  5. Promenite šta god želite na stranici u polju za izmene dole desno, ali ne vikijevom običnom polju za menjanje nego progrmskom, nakon toga kliknite na „Save“ ili „Ignore“, i sledeća stranica će se pojaviti automatski.

Imate problema?

  • Occasionally it stalls when loading. This might well be because you have navigated to a different window: AWB needs to remain in the foreground while loading up a new page. Just click "start" again to give it a nudge.
  • It uses the Internet Explorer core, so if you have problems, make sure your IE is working. Make sure you have logged into Wikipedia using IE. If you have altered any settings regarding scripts, first use Tools > Internet Options > 'Advanced' tab > Click on 'Restore Defaults' and then try AWB again.
    • If you have made changes to monobook.css (or whatever your theme is) that require CSS 2 or 3, they may not appear properly in IE and thus in AWB.
  • If you are having problems creating a list from "what links here" try clearing your Internet Explorer cache.
  • A buggy monobook.js can often cause IE to display blank pages or crash AWB. This javascript problem can be avoided by disabling Active Scripting in IE INTERNET OPTIONS — SECURITY — CUSTOM LEVEL.
  • "The application failed to initialize properly..." -> get .NET 2.0 (linked above).

Refer to the FAQ for more information, including problems with other software and Wikipedia skins.

Korisničko uputstvo


Database scanner


AWB includes a database scanner which can be used to create lists of pages to be checked, without causing extra unnecessary load on the WikiMedia Servers.

Database dumps are created from time to time (more info here) and are available for free download. As the page states, the best/most useful dump is the pages-articles.xml.bz2. Visiting the database dump progress site, allows you to view the status of the current dump, and be able to easily browse to the downloads in it.

Upon downloading, the archives need to be uncompressed, this will turn it from a ~4.9GB bz2 archive, into an xml database dump around 21GB.

  • AWB ships with WikiFunctions.dll, which can be referenced by other standalone projects. The DLL includes a wiki-ready web browser control, a simple page editor, a listmaker, and other tools and components.
  • Korisnik:Kingboyk has made available WikiFunctions2.dll which currently offers wiki-logging features for bots.



AWB is able to load and use fully customised plugins. These plugins can process page text and extend the user interface, and are in the form of libraries (.dll files) which can be made in any .NET language such as C# or Visual Basic .NET. When AWB loads, it automatically checks to see if there are any plugins in the folder it was executed from. Any plugins found are loaded and initialised without further intervention by the user.

Tips and tricks

  • To find and replace a word of upper and lower case, do a regular expression find and replace; for example, find: "\b([Tt])hier\b" and replace with: "$1heir". The "[Tt]" matches upper or lower case "t", the "$1" references whatever "[Tt]" matches. The "\b" indicates a word boundary; this prevents words like "clothier" from matching. The "(..)" marks the section or 'clause' that the "$1" is to replace.
  • To speed up a task, if you are correcting the above typo, set it to "Skip if doesn't contain" the typo(s) that is being corrected.
  • See Regular Expressions in .NET for a breakdown of .NET regular expression syntax.
  • Turning off "Show pictures" in Internet Explorer options can speed up page loading times especially when the Wikipedia servers are responding slowly. Also, editors who do not normally use Internet Explorer yet use a custom monobook.js javascript (godmode-light, popups, etc...) for other browsers may see better page load performance by disabling "Active Scripting" in Internet Explorer security settings. NOTE: Those who manually update Windows will need to enable Active Scripting when manually checking for updates. The Windows update page will mention this if it is disabled. You can create a custom security level such that Active Scripting is disabled for Wikipedia, but not for other websites.
  • See Vikipedija:AutoWikiBrowser/Settings for a list of useful settings you can use with AWB.
  • AWB may have keywords that can be used in the textboxes/find-and-replace dialog. Currently, there is %%title%%, which represents the title of the current page (e.g. "John Smith"), and %%key%%, which will give you the human name category key for the current page (e.g. "Smith, John"). Other keywords can be implemented on request.

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