Stranglers in the Night

Stranglers in the Night je jedanaesti album britanskog sastava Strenglers objavljen septembra 1992. godine. Album je često znan i kao Davitelji u noći (Stranglers In The Night), što je ceo naziv albuma kao aluzija na čuvenu baladu Stranci u noći (Strangers in the Night).

In The Night
Izdatseptembar 1992.
Trajanje?? min ?? sek
IzdavačUnited Artists
ProducentMajk Kemp
In The Night
About Time

In The Night (1992)

  • Time to Die
  • Sugar Bullets
  • Heaven or Hell
  • Laughing at the Rain
  • This Town
  • Brainbox
  • Southern Mountains
  • Gain Entry to Your Soul
  • Grand Canyon
  • Wet Afternoon
  • Never See
  • Leave it to the Dogs