Signalna peptidaza I
Signalna peptidaza I (EC, vodeća peptidaza I, signalna proteinaza, Escherichia coli vodeća peptidaza, eukariotska signalna peptidaza, eukariotska signalna proteinaza, vodeća peptidaza, vodeća peptidna hidrolaza, vodeća proteinaza, signalna peptidaza, pilinska vodeća peptidaza, SPC, prokariotska signalna peptidaza, prokariotska vodeća peptidaza, HOSP, prokariotska signalna proteinaza, propeptidaza, PuIO prepilinska peptidaza, signalna peptidna hidrolaza, signalna peptidna peptidaza, signalaza, bakterijska vodeća peptidaza 1, pilinska vodeća peptidaza) je enzim.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
Signalna peptidaza I | |||||||||
Identifikatori | |||||||||
EC broj | | ||||||||
CAS broj | 65979-36-4 | ||||||||
Baze podataka | |||||||||
IntEnz | IntEnz pregled | ||||||||
BRENDA | BRENDA pristup | ||||||||
ExPASy | NiceZyme pregled | ||||||||
KEGG | KEGG pristup | ||||||||
MetaCyc | metabolički put | ||||||||
PRIAM | profil | ||||||||
Strukture PBP | RCSB PDB PDBe PDBj PDBsum | ||||||||
- Odvajanje hidrofobnih, N-terminalnih signalnih ili vodećih sequenci
Ovaj enzim je nađen u bakterijskim membranama i u hloroplastnim tilakoidnim membranama.
уреди- ^ Black, M.T. (1993). „Evidence that the catalytic activity of prokaryote leader peptidase depends upon the operation of a serine-lysine catalytic dyad”. J. Bacteriol. 175: 4957—4961. PMID 8394311.
- ^ Nunnari, J., Fox, T.D. and Walter, P. (1993). „A mitochondrial protease with two catalytic subunits of nonoverlapping specificities”. Science. 262: 1997—2004. PMID 8266095.
- ^ Tschantz, W.R., Sung, M., Delgado-Partin, V.M. and Dalbey, R.E. (1993). „A serine and a lysine residue implicated in the catalytic mechanism of the Escherichia coli leader peptidase”. J. Biol. Chem. 268: 27349—27354. PMID 8262975.
- ^ Lively, M.O., Newsome, A.L. and Nusier, M. (1994). „Eukaryote microsomal signal peptidases”. Methods Enzymol. 244: 301—314. PMID 7845216.
- ^ Tschantz, W.R. & Dalbey, R.E. (1994). „Bacterial leader peptidase I”. Methods Enzymol. 244: 285—301. PMID 7845215.
- ^ Chaal, B.K., Mould, R.M., Barbrook, A.C., Gray, J.C. and Howe, C.J. (1998). „Characterization of a cDNA encoding the thylakoidal processing peptidase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Implications for the origin and catalytic mechanism of the enzyme”. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 689—692. PMID 9422718.
- ^ Inoue, K., Baldwin, A.J., Shipman, R.L., Matsui, K., Theg, S.M. and Ohme-Takagi, M. (2005). „Complete maturation of the plastid protein translocation channel requires a type I signal peptidase”. J. Cell Biol. 171: 425—430. PMID 16275749.
уреди- Nicholas C. Price; Lewis Stevens (1999). Fundamentals of Enzymology: The Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins (Third изд.). USA: Oxford University Press. ISBN 019850229X.
- Eric J. Toone (2006). Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Protein Evolution (Volume 75 изд.). Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 0471205036.
- Branden C; Tooze J. Introduction to Protein Structure. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. ISBN 0-8153-2305-0.
- Irwin H. Segel. Enzyme Kinetics: Behavior and Analysis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady-State Enzyme Systems (Book 44 изд.). Wiley Classics Library. ISBN 0471303097.
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уреди- Signal+peptidase+I на US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)