Prof. dr Valentina Arsić Arsenijević (Vranje, 2. februar 1964.) doktor je medicinskih nauka, redovni profesor Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu na katedri za Mikrobiologiju.

profesor doktor
Valentina Arsić Arsenijević
Лични подаци
Датум рођења2.februar 1964.
Место рођењаVranje, SFR Jugoslavija
ПребивалиштеBeograd, Srbija
Научни рад
ИнституцијаMedicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Društvo mikologa Srbije

Nacionalna referentna laboratorija za uzročnike mikoza
Позната поNaučna dostignuća, Lekari i roditelji za nauku i etiku (LRNE)



Rođena je i odrasla u centru Vranja, a potiče i stare vranjanske porodice Arsića i Mišića. Kao dete je odrasla sa majkom koja joj je bila ogromna podrška u životu. Nakon završene osnovne škole Jovan Jovanović Zmaj i vranjanske gimnazije „Bora Stanković”, upisuje Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu 1982. Posle završenih osnovnih studija na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu , upisuje magistarske studije i specijalizaciju iz mikrobiologije i parazitologije koje završava 1992. godine, a 1996. godine postaje doktor medicinskih nauka, a u međuvremenu 1989. godine izabrana je u zvanje asistenta pripravnika na katedri mikrobiologija i imunologija.

Profesorka Arsić Arsenijević, osnivač je Društva medicinskih mikologa Srbije[1] i član je udruženja građana "Lekari i roditelji za nauku i etiku"[2] čiji se principi rada zasnivaju na osnovnim medicinskim postulatima "Primarno je ne naškoditi", "Medicina zasnovana na dokazima" i "Pravo na izbor i informisanost pri svakoj medicinskoj intervenciji".

2007. godine profesorka Arsić Arsenijević zajedno sa timom eksperata iz oblasti medicinske mikologije, osniva Nacionalnu referentnu laboratoriju za uzročnike mikoza.

2015. godine prema podacima Citation index journals[3] na osnovu publikovanih radova i korišćenja istih u citatima naučnika širom sveta, bila je najcitiraniji naučnik iz Srbije.

2022. Predlog njenog projekta Fungal Case Finder, u iznosu od 450.000 evra je izabran za finansiranje od Fonada za nauku Republike Srbije.

2023. godine na poziv akademika i predsednika Srpskog lekarskog društva (SLD) prof. dr Radoja Čolovića, osniva prvu Sekciju za personalizovanu mikologiju pri Srpskom lekarskom društvu.[4]

Udata je i majka jednog deteta.

Polje izučavanja i oblast


Prof. dr Valentina Arsić Arsenijević bavi se oblašću kliničke i dijagnostičke mikrobiologije koja obuhvata raznovrstan niz istraživačkih oblasti koje su ključne za razumevanje i rešavanje respiratornih infekcija, mikrobne genetike, rezistencije na lekove i složenih interakcija između gljivičnih patogena i njihovih domaćina. Istraživači u ovoj oblasti istražuju genetski sastav i evolucione odnose mikroorganizama, poznate kao filogenetska analiza, kako bi bolje razumeli mehanizme koji leže u osnovi patogenosti i antimikrobne rezistencije. Pored toga, oni istražuju zamršenu dinamiku između gljivičnih patogena i njihovih ljudskih ili životinjskih domaćina, sa ciljem da razviju efikasnije dijagnostičke alate i terapijske strategije. Obrada i modeliranje laboratorijskih podataka igraju vitalnu ulogu u ovoj oblasti, jer istraživači nastoje da svoje nalaze prevedu u praktične primene koje mogu poboljšati ishode pacijenata i javno zdravlje.



1978-82 Srednja škola („Bora Stanković“, Vranje, Srbija)

1982-88 Doktor medicine (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd)

1992      Magistar nauka - imunologija i mikologija (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd)

1994      Specijalista - mikrobiolog i parazitolog (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd)

1996     Doktor nauka - imunologija i mikologija (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd)

2005-06 Postdoktorske studije - imunologija i mikologija (Univerzitet u Ljubljani, Slovenija)

2007    Studijski boravak - mikologija (Univerzitet Stokholm, Кarolinska, Švedska)

2008   Subspecijalista - mikologija i parazitologija (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd)

Projekti i publikacije[6]


Učešće na nacionalnim projektima


1991-95. Arsić Arsenijević V - Istraživač na projektu: Imunološka istraživanja u medicini. (Rukovodilac - Prof. Dr. M. L. Lukić)

1991-95. Arsić Arsenijević V - Istraživač na projektu: Istraživanje rasprostranjenosti bioloških svojstava i mehanizama patogenog delovanja oralnih protozoa. (Rukovodilac - Prof. dr. Ljiljana Šćepan)

1996-2000. Arsić Arsenijević V - Istraživač na projektu: Humane parazitske i gljivične infekcije. (Rukovodilac - Prof. Dr. Ivana Кranjčić)

1996-2000. Arsić Arsenijević V - Istraživač na projektu:  Imunoregulatorni i efektorski mehanizmi u  imunopatološkim poremećajima i infekcija.  (Rukovodilac - Prof. Dr M. Mostarica Stojković)

2002-05. Arsić Arsenijević V – Istraživač na projektu: Primenjena i eksperimentalna istraživanja parazitskih i  gljivičnih oboljenja ljudi (Rukovodilac - Prof. Dr S Mitrović)

2006-10. Arsić Arsenijević V – Istraživač na projektu: Biološke posledice genetske varijabilnosti virusa, Ministarstvo za nauku i životnu sredinu Republike Srbije (Rukovodilac - Prof.T Jovanović) (145047B)

2011-14. Arsić Arsenijević V – Istraživač na projektu: Neuroendokrina kontrola sekrecije hormona rasta kod ljudi – novi izazovi. Кontola energetske homeostaze u različitim patološkim uslovima. Кliničko-patološka korelacija i genetička osnova pituitarnih i neuroendokrinih tumora. MNTR of Serbia         (Rukovodilac – Prof. dr V. Popović Brkić) (OI 175 033)

2013-14. Arsić Arsenijević V – Viši konsultant: “Unapređenje rada Nacionalnih referentnih laboratorija” Projekat Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, Pružanje unapređenih usluga na lokalnom nivou (RS–DILS-7510YF-CS-IC-13-A.1.4.1c-1/MoH)

Učešće na međunarodnim projektima


2015 ESCMID: "Razvoj biopolimernih formulacija antifungalnog poliena koristeći polihidroksialkanolate srednje dužine lanaca: validacija  dejstva na površne mikoza" (rukovodilac Dr Jasmia Runić)



2008-07. Arsić Arsenijević V – rukovodilac: Evropska agencija za rekonstrukciju "Rukovodilac Nacionalne     referentne laboratorije za uzročnike mikoza“

2008-10. Arsić Arsenijević V - rukovodilac: Primena novih metoda za poboljšanje efikasnosti terapije gljivičnih oboljenja ljudi, MNTR Srbija (TR 23009)

2013-15. Arsić Arsenijevic V – rukovodilac: “Invazivna kandidijaza u jedinicama intenzivne nege u Srbiji: identifikacija i osetljivost Candida izolata iz krvi" (Društvo medicinskih mikologa)

2011-2023. Arsić Arsenijević V – rukovodilac: Značaj dokazivanja ranih laboratorijskih biomarkera za ishod invazivnih gljivičnih infekcija kod nas, MNTR Srbija (OI 175034)

2021-23 Fond za nauku Dijaspora

2022-(u toku) Fond za nauku IDEJE



2004/05. Arsić Arsenijević V – rukovodilac: Stimulacija CD8+ limfocita antigenima gljive Cryptococcus neoformans kao model ispitivanja efikasnosti vakcine protiv kriptokokoze kod HIV+ osoba. Međuvladin projekat naučno-tehnološke saradnje Republike Srbije i Republike Slovenije

2007 EPTISA Srbija, Jačanje usluga laboratorija javnog zdravlja



BMC Infectious Disesases

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries

Industrial Crops and products

World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

African Journal of Microbiology Research

Journal of Food Biochemistry

Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo

International Journal of Clinical Dermatology & Research (IJCDR) editorial board member

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo



2023. 9th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2022. 8th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2021. 7th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2019. Nagrada za životno delo Društva medicinskih mikologa Srbije

2019  9th Trends in Medical Mycology Nica,Francuska  (Naučni komiteta)

2018. 6th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2018. Fellow of European Confederation for Medical Mycology

2017. 5th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2017.    8th Trends in Medical Mycology, Beograd, Srbija (Predsednik Izvršnog komiteta)

2015. 4th Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2015.    25th ECCMID, Кopenhagen, Danska (predsedavajući)

2015.    7th Trends in Medical Mycology, Lisabon, Portugalija (predsedavajući, član međunarodnog naučnog komiteta)

2012.    3rd Symposium Diagnosis and therapy of fungal diseases, Beograd, Srbija (organizator)

2008.    Beograd, Srbija - VI Кongres Medicinske mikrobiologije (Naučni komitet)

1998.    Beograd, Srbija - Tkivne helmintoze ljudi i životinja SANU (član Naučnog odbora)

Publikacije: 102 originalni radovi i revijalni u časopisima

Google Scholar: ukupna citiranost 28.590, H-index 30, i10-index 55

Scopus: ukupna citiranost 16.050, H index 26

Research Gate: ukupna citiranost 29.019



102 RADA (31.05.2024)  IF 806.66 CITATION 29.002

2024 (1) IF 4.8

Perić M, Miličić B, Kuzmanović Pfićer J, Živković R, Arsić Arsenijević V. A Systematic Review of Denture Stomatitis: Predisposing Factors, Clinical Features, Etiology, and Global Candida spp. Distribution. J Fungi (Basel). 2024 Apr 30;10(5):328. doi: 10.3390/jof10050328. PMID: 38786683; PMCID: PMC11122031. (Review) (IF 4,8) M21

2023 (7) IF 114.621

Hoenigl M, …, Arsic-Arsenijevic V, …, Cornely OA. Guideline adherence and survival of patients with candidaemia in Europe: results from the ECMM Candida III multinational European observational cohort study. (2023) The Lancet Infectious Diseases DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00872-6 vol. 23, br. 6, str. 751-761 (Article) (IF 71.421) M21

Arendrup Maiken Cavling,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 47)| (2023) European candidaemia is characterised by notable differential epidemiology and susceptibility pattern: Results from the ECMM<i> Candida</i> III study, JOURNAL OF INFECTION, vol. 87, br. 5, str. 428-437 (Article) (IF 28.2) M21

Egger Matthias, ...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...|,(broj koautora 33)| (2023) Predictors for Prolonged Hospital Stay Solely to Complete Intravenous Antifungal Treatment in Patients with Candidemia: Results from the ECMM <i>Candida</i> III Multinational European Observational Cohort Study, MYCOPATHOLOGIA, vol. , br. , str. - (Article; Early Access) (IF 5.5) M21

Bojanovic Mila R, Stalevic Marko, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Randjelovic Marina, Golubovic Milan B, Zivkovic-Marinkov Emilija M, Koracevic Goran P, Stamenkovic Bojana N, Otasevic Suzana A (2023) Etiology, Predisposing Factors, Clinical Features and Diagnostic Procedure of Otomycosis: A Literature Review, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, vol. 9, br. 6, str. - (Review) (IF 4.8) M21

Ranđelović, M., Dimitrijević, M., Otašević, S., Stanojević, L., Išljamović, M., Ignjatović, A., Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (2023). Antifungal Activity and Type of Interaction of Melissa officinalis Essential Oil with Antimycotics against Biofilms of Multidrug-Resistant Candida Isolates from Vulvovaginal Mucosa. Journal of Fungi, 9(11), 1080. (IF 4.7) M21

Lukić, A. R., & Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S. (2023). Logic and the scientific method: Virus and tobacco mosaic disease: What we know about infectious agents. Sociološki pregled, 57(1), 297-321. (IF 0)

Skvarč, M., & Arsić, A. V. (2020). The significance of fast diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2, good health care organization and reasonable use of knowledge and resources in the fight against Covid-19. Zdravstvena zaštita, 49(3), 75-88. (IF 0)

2022 (4) IF 15,996

Petrović M, Randjelović M, Igić M, Randjelović M, Arsić Arsenijević V, Mionić Ebersold M, Otašević S, Milošević I. Poly(methyl methacrylate) with Oleic Acid as an Efficient Candida albicans Biofilm Repellent. Materials (Basel). 2022 May 24;15(11):3750. doi: 10.3390/ma15113750. PMID: 35683049; PMCID: PMC9181749. (Article)  (IF 3.623)

Petrovic M, Bonvin D, Todic J, Zivkovic R, Randjelovic M, Arsenijevic VA, Ebersold MM, Otasevic S. Surface modification of poly(methyl-methacrylate) with farnesol to prevent Candida biofilm formation. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2022 Oct;75(4):982-990. doi: 10.1111/lam.13772. Epub 2022 Jun 29. PMID: 35716164. (Article) (IF 2.858)

Bojanovic M, Ignjatovic A, Stalevic M, Arsic-Arsenijevic V, Randelovic M, Gerginic V, Stojanovic-Radic Z, Stojkovic O, Živkovic-Marinkov E, Otaševic S. Clinical Presentations, Cluster Analysis and Laboratory-Based Investigation of Aspergillus Otomycosis - A Single Center Experience. J. Fungi 2022, 8, 315. (Article) (IF 5.815) M21

Driemeyer Candida, Falci Diego R, Hoenigl Martin, Cornely Oliver A, Chakrabarti Arunaloke, Gangneux Jean Pierre, Segal Esther, Jurna-Ellam Marika, Matos Tadeja, Meis Jacques F, Perfect John R, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,Mares MihaI, Serban Daniela Elena, Pasqualotto Alessandro C (2022) The current state of Clinical Mycology in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, MEDICAL MYCOLOGY, vol. 60, br. 4, str. - (Article) (IF 3.7)

2021 (1) IF 71.4

Hoenigl Martin,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 45)| (2021) Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mould infections: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology and the American Society for Microbiology, LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol. 21, br. 8, str. E246-E257 (Article) (IF 71.4) M21a

2020 (4) IF 17.9

Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,Golubovic Milan B,Denic Sasa N, Momcilovic Stefan D,Trajkovic Aleksandra, Randjelovic Marina, Ciric Vojislav M, Otasevic Suzana A (2020) Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidosis and Cluster Analysis of Clinical Signs and Symptoms: A Laboratory-Based Investigation, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, vol. 6, br. 3, str. - (Article) (IF 4.7) M21

Tasic-Otasevic Suzana A,Golubovic Masa,Denic Sasa N,Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Stalevic Marko,Momcilovic Stefan D,Bojanovic Mihajlo, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2020) Species distribution patterns and epidemiological characteristics of otomycosis in Southeastern Serbia, JOURNAL DE MYCOLOGIE MEDICALE, vol. 30, br. 3, str. - (Article) (IF 3.6) M21

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,Vyzantiadis Timoleon-Achilleas, Mares Mihai, Otasevic Suzana A,Tragiannidis Athanasios, Janic Dragana M (2020) Diagnosis of Pneumocystis jiroveciiPneumonia in Pediatric Patients in Serbia, Greece, and Romania. Current Status and Challenges for Collaboration, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, vol. 6, br. 2, str. - (Article) (IF 4.7) M21

Lanternier Fanny,...,Arsic Valentina S,Barac Aleksandra M,...,(broj koautora 25)| (2020) Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis treatment duration in haematology patients in Europe: An EFISG, IDWP-EBMT, EORTC-IDG and SEIFEM survey, MYCOSES, vol. 63, br. 5, str. 420-429 (Article) (IF 4.9) M21

2019 (10) IF 47.6

Koehler P… Arsic-Arsenijevic (…), Oliver A. Cornely. ECMM CandiReg – A ready to use Platform for Outbreaks and Epidemiological Studies. Mycosis 2019 (Article) (IF 4.377) M21

Martin Hoenigl (…), Valentina Arsic-Arsenijevic (…), Oliver A. Cornely. Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mold infections: An initiative of the ECMM in cooperation with ISHAM and ASM* THE LANCETID-D-20-05200R1 (IF 24.446) M21a

Koehler Philipp, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(coauthors 36) (2019) ECMM CandiReg-A ready to use platform for outbreaks and epidemiological studies, MYCOSES, vol. , br. , str. - (Article) (IF 3.065) M21

Peric Mirjana, Radunovic Milena, Pekmezovic Marina G, Marinkovic Jelena, Zivkovic Rade, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2019) Laboratory-Based Investigation of Denture Sonication Method in Patients with Candida-Associated Denture Stomatitis, JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY, vol. 28, br. 5, str. 580-586 (Article) (IF 2.187) M22

Otasevic Suzana A, Momcilovic Stefan D, Golubovic Milan, Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Rancic Natasa K, Djordjevic Marina, Randjelovic Marina, Hay Roderick, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2019) Species distribution and epidemiological characteristics of superficial fungal infections in Southeastern Serbia, MYCOSES, vol. 62, br. 5, str. 458-465 (Article) (IF 3.065) M21

Momcilovic Stefan D, Cantacessi C, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Otranto Domenico, Tasic-Otasevic Suzana A (2019) Rapid diagnosis of parasitic diseases: current scenario and future needs, CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION, vol. 25, br. 3, str. 290-309 (Review) (IF 7.117) M21a

Peric Mirjana, Rajkovic Katarina M, Milic-Lemic Aleksandra M, Zivkovic Rade, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2019) Development and validation of mathematical models for testing antifungal activity of different essential oils against Candida species, ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY, vol. 98, br. , str. 258-264 (Article) (IF 1.790) M22

Rajkovic Katarina M, Milosevic Nebojsa T, Otasevic Suzana A|,Jeremic Sanja,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S| (2019) Aspergillus fumigatus branching complexity in vitro: 2D images and dynamic modeling, COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, vol. 104, br. , str. 215-219 (Article) (IF 3.434) M21

Matic-Petrovic Sanja|,Radunovic Milena|,Barac Milena|,Kuzmanovic-Pficer Jovana |,Pavlica Dusan|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Pucar Ana| (2019) Subgingival areas as potential reservoirs of different Candida spp in type 2 diabetes patients and healthy subjects, PLOS ONE, vol. 14, br. 1, str. - (Article) (IF 2.740) M21

Zoran T, Sartori B, Sappl L, Aigner M, Sánchez-Reus F, Rezusta A, Chowdhary A, Taj-Aldeen SJ, Arendrup MC, Oliveri S, Kontoyiannis DP, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Lagrou K, Cascio GL, Meis JF, Buzina W, Farina C, Drogari-Apiranthitou M, Grancini A, Tortorano AM, Willinger B, Hamprecht A, Johnson E, Klingspor L, Arsic-Arsenijevic V, Cornely OA, Meletiadis J, Prammer W, Tullio V, Vehreschild JJ, Trovato L, Lewis RE, Segal E, Rath PM, Hamal P, Rodriguez-Iglesias M, Roilides E, Arikan-Akdagli S, Chakrabarti A, Colombo AL, Fernández MS, Martin-Gomez MT, Badali H, Petrikkos G, Klimko N, Heimann SM, Uzun O, Roudbary M, de la Fuente S, Houbraken J, Risslegger B, Lass-Flörl C, Lackner M. Azole-Resistance in Aspergillus terreus and Related Species: An Emerging Problem or a Rare Phenomenon? Front Microbiol. 2018 Mar 28;9:516. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00516. Erratum in: Front Microbiol. 2019 Jan 14;9:3245. PMID: 29643840; PMCID: PMC5882871.(Article) (IF 4.076) M21

2018 (9) IF 19.835

Otasevic Suzana A, Momcilovic Stefan D, Petrovic M, Radulovic Olivera, Stojanovic Nikola M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2018) The dietary modification and treatment of intestinal Candida overgrowth - a pilot study, JOURNAL DE MYCOLOGIE MEDICALE, vol. 28, br. 4, str. 623-627 (Article)  (IF 1.560) M23

Otasevic Suzana A, Momcilovic Stefan D, Stojanovic Nikola M, Skvarc Miha, Rajkovic Katarina M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2018) Non-culture based assays for the detection of fungal pathogens, JOURNAL DE MYCOLOGIE MEDICALE, vol. 28, br. 2, str. 236-248 (Review) (IF 1.560) M23

Peric Mirjana, Zivkovic Rade, Milic-Lemic Aleksandra M, Radunovic Milena, Milicic Biljana, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2018) The severity of denture stomatitis as related to risk factors and different Candida spp., ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY, vol. 126, br. 1, str. 41-47 (Article) (IF 1.690) M22

Mirkovic Snjezana, Rajkovic Katarina M, Jeremic Sanja, Gavrilovic Marijana, Tomic Ljiljana, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,Krstic Boro (2018) Kinetic Profile of the Antioxidant Activity of Propolis Extract: 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl Radical Bleaching Assay, JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL SCIENCE, vol. 62, br. 1, str. 39-46 (Article) (IF 0.362) M22

Milic Petar S, Rajkovic Katarina M, Stamenkovic Olivera S, Bekric Danijela M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Jovanovic Petar D, Veljkovic Vlada B (2018) Statistical modeling and optimization of classical and ultrasound-assisted extraction of the minerals from Galium mollugo L. by response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, vol. 42, br. 3, str. - (Article) (IF 1.288) M23

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Otasevic Suzana A, Janic Dragana M, Minic Predrag B, Matijasevic Jovan, Medic Deana, Savic Ivanka, Delic Snezana M, Nestorovic-Laban Suzana, Vasiljevic Zorica V, Hadnadjev Mirjana (2018) Candida bloodstream infections in Serbia: First multicentre report of a national prospective observational survey in intensive care units, MYCOSES, vol. 61, br. 2, str. 70-78 (Article) (IF 3.575) M21

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina, Denning David W (2018) Estimated Burden of Serious Fungal Diseases in Serbia, JOURNAL OF FUNGI, vol. 4, br. 3, str. - (Article) (IF 1.02) M23

Momčilović S, Cantacessi C, Arsić-Arsenijević V, Otranto D, Tasić-Otašević S. Rapid diagnosis of parasitic diseases: current scenario and future needs. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2019 Mar; 25(3):290-309. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2018.04.028. Epub 2018 May 3.  (IF 7,117) M21a

Perić, M., Rajković, K., Milić Lemić, A., Živković, R., & Arsić Arsenijević, V. (2019). Development and validation of mathematical models for testing antifungal activity of different essential oils against Candida species. Archives of oral biology, 98, 258–264. (IF: 1.663)

2017 (5) IF 15,747

Risslegger B,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 51)| (2017) A prospective international Aspergillus terreus survey: an EFISG, ISHAM and ECMM joint study, CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION, vol. 23, br. 10, str. 776E1-776E5 (Article) (IF 5.394) M21a

Rajkovic Katarina M, Jeremic Sanja, Milic Petar S, Kostic Marina Z, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Gavrilovic Marijana, Krstic Boro (2017) Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Total Extractive Substances from Galium verum L, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 61, br. 3, str. 200-205 (Article) (IF 0.877) M23

Dubljanin Eleonora S, Dzamic Aleksandar M, Vujcic Isidora S, Grujicic Sandra B, Arsenijevic Valentina A, Mitrovic Sanja M, Colovic-Calovski Ivana V (2017) Epidemiology of onychomycosis in Serbia: a laboratory-based survey and risk factor identification, MYCOSES, vol. 60, br. 1, str. 25-32 (Article) (IF 2.793) M21

Hagen Ferry,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 60)| (2017) Importance of Resolving Fungal Nomenclature: the Case of Multiple Pathogenic Species in the Cryptococcus Genus, m SPHERE, vol. 2, br. 4, str. - (Article) (IF 3.89) M22

Cornely Oliver A, Lass-Floerl Cornelia, Lagrou Katrien, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Hoenigl Martin (2017) Improving outcome of fungal diseases - Guiding experts and patients towards excellence, MYCOSES, vol. 60, br. 7, str. 420-425 (Article) (IF 2.793) M21

2016 (10) IF 149,355

Pekmezovic Marina G, Aleksic Ivana, Barac Aleksandra M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Vasiljevic Branka Z, Nikodinovic-Runic Jasmina, Senerovic Lidija B (2016) Prevention of polymicrobial biofilms composed of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pathogenic fungi by essential oils from selected Citrus species, PATHOGENS AND DISEASE, vol. 74, br. 8, str. - (Article) (IF 1.54) M22

Colovic Natasa R, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Barac Aleksandra M, Suvajdzic Nada D, Lekovic Danijela R, Tomin Dragica S (2016) Mucormycosis of the paranasal sinuses in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 144, br. 11-12, str. 657-660 (Article) (IF 0.331) M23

Kassebaum Nicholas J,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 408)| (2016) Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, LANCET, vol. 388, br. 10053, str. 1775-1812 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Kassebaum Nicholas J,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, ,Giref Ababi Zergaw (broj koautora 615)| (2016) Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, LANCET, vol. 388, br. 10053, str. 1603-1658 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Wang Haidong,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, … (broj koautora 768)| (2016) Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, LANCET, vol. 388, br. 10053, str. 1459-1544 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Vekic Berislav P, Zivic Rastko V, Kalezic Marko, Otasevic Suzana A, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2016) Anorectal melanoma and seborrheic dermatitis - A case report, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 144, br. 5-6, str. 334-338 (Article) (IF 0.272) M23

Stojanovic Predrag, Stojanovic Nikola M, Stojanovic-Radic Zorica Z, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Otasevic Suzana A, Randjelovic Pavle, Radulovic Niko S (2016) Surveillance and characterization of Candida bloodstream infections in a Serbian tertiary care hospital, JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, vol. 10, br. 6, str. 643-656 (Article) (IF 1.413) M23

Otasevic Suzana A, Barac Aleksandra M, Pekmezovic Marina G, Tasic Sinisa B, Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Momcilovic Stefan D, Stojanovic Predrag, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Hay Roderick (2016) The prevalence of Candida onychomycosis in Southeastern Serbia from 2011 to 2015, MYCOSES, vol. 59, br. 3, str. 167-172 (Article) (IF 2.252) M22

Ajdacic Vladimir, Senerovic Lidija B, Vranic Marija, Pekmezovic Marina G, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Veselinovic Aleksandar M, Veselinovic Jovana B, Solaja Bogdan A, Nikodinovic-Runic Jasmina, Opsenica Igor M (2016) Synthesis and evaluation of thiophene-based guanylhydrazones (iminoguanidines) efficient against panel of voriconazole-resistant fungal isolates, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 24, br. 6, str. 1277-1291 (Article) (IF 2.930) M22

Rajkovic Katarina M, Maric Dusica L, Milosevic Nebojsa T, Jeremic Sanja, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Rajkovic Nemanja (2016) Mathematical modeling of the neuron morphology using two dimensional images, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, vol. 390, br. , str. 80-85 (Article) (IF 2.260) M22

2015 (12) IF 201.389

Forouzanfar Mohammad H,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 721)| (2015) Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, LANCET, vol. 386, br. 10010, str. 2287-2323 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Murray Christopher JL,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 610)| (2015) Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition, LANCET, vol. 386, br. 10009, str. 2145-2191 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Barac Aleksandra M, Pekmezovic Marina G, Tomic-Spiric Vesna, Trivic Aleksandar, Marinkovic Jelena M, Pekic Sandra R, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2015) Chronic rhinosinusitis: association of recalcitrant nasal polyposis and fungal finding in polyp's single-cell suspension, EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY, vol. 272, br. 12, str. 3727-3734 (Article) (IF 1.630) M22

Gabrielli Simona V, Otasevic Suzana A, Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Savic Sara S, Fraulo Maurizio, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Momcilovic Stefan D, Cancrini Gabriella (2015) Canine Babesioses in Noninvestigated Areas of Serbia, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, vol. 15, br. 9, str. 535-538 (Article)  (IF 2.253) M22

Vos Theo,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 679) (2015) Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, LANCET, vol. 386, br. 9995, str. 743-800 (Article) (IF 46.119) M21a

Pesic Zoran U, Otasevic Suzana A, Mihailovic Dragan S, Petrovic Sladjana, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Stojanov Dragan A, Petrovic Milica S (2015) Alternaria-Associated Fungus Ball of Orbit Nose and Paranasal Sinuses: Case Report of a Rare Clinical Entity, MYCOPATHOLOGIA, vol. 180, br. 1-2, str. 99-103 (Article) (IF 1.671) M22

Colovic Natasa R, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Suvajdzic Nada D, Djunic Irena S, Tomin Dragica S (2015) Favorable Outcome of Hepatosplenic Candidiasis in a Patient with Acute Leukemia, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 143, br. 5-6, str. 341-345 (Article) (IF 0.294) M23

Pekmezovic Marina G, Rajkovic Katarina M, Barac Aleksandra M, Senerovic Lidija B, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2015) Development of kinetic model for testing antifungal effect of Thymus vulgaris L. and Cinnamomum cassia L. essential oils on Aspergillus flavus spores and application for optimization of synergistic effect, BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, vol. 99, br. , str. 131-137 (Article) (IF 2.859) M21

Rajkovic Katarina M, Pekmezovic Marina G, Barac Aleksandra M, Nikodinovic-Runic Jasmina, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2015) Inhibitory effect of thyme and cinnamon essential oils on Aspergillus flavus: Optimization and activity prediction model development, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, vol. 65, br. , str. 7-13 (Article) (IF 3.554) M21a

Barac Aleksandra M, Pekmezovic Marina G, Milobratovic Danica J, Tasic-Otasevic Suzana A, Radunovic Milena, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2015) Presence, species distribution, and density of Malassezia yeast in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis - a community-based case-control study and review of literature, MYCOSES, vol. 58, br. 2, str. 69-75 (Review) (IF 2.332) M21

Naghavi Mohsen,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 713) (2015) Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, LANCET, vol. 385, br. 9963, str. 117-171 (Article) (IF 46.199) M21a

Otašević, S., Barac, A., Pekmezovic, M., Tasic, S., Ignjatović, A., Momčilović, S., Stojanović, P., Arsic Arsenijevic, V., & Hay, R. (2016). The prevalence of Candida onychomycosis in Southeastern Serbia from 2011 to 2015. Mycoses, 59(3), 167–172. (IF 2.24)

2014 (9) IF 103.911

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,Pekmezovic Marina G,Rajkovic Katarina M,Vekic Berislav P, Barac Aleksandra M, Tasic-Otasevic Suzana A, Petkovic Ljubica Dj (2014) In vitro Protease Inhibition and Cytotoxicity of Aspergillus fumigatus Biomolecules Secreted under Long-Term Aerated Conditions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, vol. 11, br. 11, str. 1133-1139 (Article) (IF 2.064) M22

Dubljanin Eleonora S|,Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Mitrovic Sanja M|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Colovic-Calovski Ivana V| (2014) Onychomycosis: Clinical Findings, Etiological Agents and Evaluation of Laboratory Methods, ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 66, br. 2, str. 587-594 (Article) (IF 0.718) M23

Murray Christopher JL,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 366)| (2014) Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, LANCET, vol. 384, br. 9947, str. 1005-1070 (Article) (IF 45.217) M21a

Kassebaum Nicholas J,...,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S,...,(broj koautora 349)| (2014) Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, LANCET, vol. 384, br. 9947, str. 980-1004 (Article)  (IF 45.217) M21a

Tortorano AM,..., Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Kolarovic Jovanka L, Ivanovic D, Paripovic Lejla M,...,(broj koautora 19)  (2014) European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) epidemiological survey on invasive infections due to Fusarium species in Europe, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol. 33, br. 9, str. 1623-1630 (Article) (IF 2.668) M22

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Pekmezovic Marina G, Meis Jacques F, Hagen Ferry (2014) Molecular epidemiology and antifungal susceptibility of Serbian Cryptococcus neoformans isolates, MYCOSES, vol. 57, br. 6, str. 380-387 (Article)  (IF 2.239) M22

Tasic-Otasevic Suzana A, Gabrielli Simona V, Tasic Aleksandar V, Miladinovic-Tasic Natasa L, Kostic Jovana T, Ignjatovic Aleksandra M, Popovic-Dragonjic Lidija D, Milosevic Zoran G, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Cancrini Gabriella (2014) Seroreactivity to Dirofilaria antigens in people from different areas of Serbia, BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol. 14, br. , str. - (Article) (IF 2.915) M22

Stojnic Natasa, Vasiljevic Zorica V, Djuricic Slavisa M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina, Minic Predrag B (2014) Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis in an immunocompetent, obese 10-year-old boy, TURKISH JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, vol. 56, br. 6, str. 654-657 (Article) (IF 0.429) M23

Arsic Arsenijevic, V. S., Milobratovic, D., Barac, A. M., Vekic, B., Marinkovic, J., & Kostic, V. S. (2014). A laboratory-based study on patients with Parkinson’s disease and seborrheic dermatitis: the presence and density of Malassezia yeasts, their different species and enzymes production. BMC dermatology, 14, 1-9. (IF 2.444)

2013 (5) IF 0.783

Zivkovic Rade, Peric Mirjana, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Martinovic Zeljko R, Pekmezovic Marina G, Stojic Z, Raickovic Vanja, Djurisic Slobodan P (2013) Susceptibility Profile of Candida Spp. Isolated from Humans and Dogs with Stomatitis to the Essential Oil of Thimus Vulgaris, ACTA VETERINARIA-BEOGRAD, vol. 63, br. 5-6, str. 707-715 (Article) (IF 0.195) M23

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Barac Aleksandra M, Pekmezovic Marina G, Stosovic Rajica S, Pendjer Ivica P (2013) Allergic Fungal Sinusitis - New Aspects of Clinical Features, Laboratory Diagnosis and Therapy, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 141, br. 9-10, str. 698-704 (Article) (IF 0.208) M23

Vidovic, A., Arsic-Arsenijevic, V., Tomin, D., Djunic, I., Jakovic, R., Loncar, Z., & Barac, A. (2013). Proven invasive pulmonary mucormycosis successfully treated with amphotericin B and surgery in patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 7, 1-5. IF 0

ŽIVKOVIĆ, R., MIRJANA, P., VALENTINA, A. A., MARTINOVIĆ, Ž., MARINA, P., STOJIĆ, Ž., ... & ĐURIŠIĆ, S. (2013). Sampling in patients with stomatitis was done by swabbing the denture or oral mucosa swab while sampling in dogs was done by swabbing the oral cavity mucosa after stomatitis has been diagnosed. In order to investigate the antifungal activity of thyme oil in vitro, microdilution method was used. acta veterinaria (Beograd), 63(5-6), 707-715, (IF 0.133)

Backovic, D., Zivojinovic, J. I., Maksimovic, M., & Arsenijevic, V. A. (2012). Academic stress among medical students. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, 5(60), S142, (IF 0.274)

2012 (3) IF 1.759

Marjanovic Goran T, Miladinovic-Tasic Natasa L, Gabrielli Simona V, Otasevic Suzana A, Popovic-Dragonjic Lidija D, Kocic Branislava D, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Tadic Ljiljana, Cancrini Gabriella (2012) First Case of Visceral Leishmaniosis/Hiv Coinfection in Nis - Southeastern Serbia, ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 64, br. 4, str. 1271-1276 (Article) (IF 0.791) M23

Trpkovic Andreja, Pekmezovic Marina G, Barac Aleksandra M, Crncevic-Radovic Ljiljana M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S  (2012) In vitro antifungal activities of amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole and itraconazole against Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from cerebrospinal fluid and blood from patients in Serbia, JOURNAL DE MYCOLOGIE MEDICALE, vol. 22, br. 3, str. 243-248 (Article) (IF 0.740) M23

Ratkov Eleonora S, Vidovic Ana D, Minic Predrag B, Janic Dragana M, Sipetic-Grujicic Sandra B, Dzamic Aleksandar M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S (2012) Detection of Laboratory Biomarkes in Haematological and Pulmonology Patients at High Risk for Aspergillosis, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 140, br. 5-6, str. 290-298 (Article) (IF 0.228) M23

2011 (2) IF O.245

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Petkovic Ljubica Dj|,Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Colovic Ivana V|,Barac Aleksandra M|,Ihan Alojz| (2011) A Murine Model for Study of Anticryptococcal Activity Mediated by Cytotoxic Immune Cells - Role in Immunization and Human Vaccine Strategies, ACTA VETERINARIA-BEOGRAD, vol. 61, br. 2-3, str. 109-118 (Article) (IF 0.245) M23

Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Petković, L., Džamić, A., Čolović, I., Barać, A., & Ihan, A. (2011). Eksperimentalni model za ispitivanje antikriptokokne aktivnosti posredovane mišjim citotoksičnim ćelijama-uloga imunizacije i strategija za humanu vakcinu. Acta veterinaria, 61(2-3), 109-118, IF 0

2010 (3) IF 36.633

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Brankovic Milena M|,Colovic Ivana V|,Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Mitrovic Sanja M|,Ratkov Eleonora S| (2010) Antimycotics Susceptibility Testing of Dermatophytes, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, vol. 138, br. 7-8, str. 518-525 (Review) (IF 0.194) M23

Petkovic Ljubica Dj|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Skvarc Miha|,Kopitar Andreja|,Kotnik Vladimir|,Simcic Sasa|,Wraber Branka|,Matos Tadeja|,Ihan Alojz| (2010) Anticryptococcal cytotoxicity of murine nonadherent cells is perform and nonperforin mediated, MYCOLOGIA, vol. 102, br. 3, str. 552-559 (Article) (IF 2.316) M22

Pekic Sandra R|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Skender-Gazibara Milica K|,Milojevic Toplica|,Pendjer Ivica P|,Stojanovic Marko|,Popovic Vera P| (2010) What lurks in the sellar?, LANCET, vol. 375, br. 9712, str. 432-432 (Editorial Material) (IF 33.633) M21a

2009 (2) IF 0.889

Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Colovic Ivana V|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Stepanovic Srdjan|,Boricic Ivan V|,Dzamic Zoran M|,Mitrovic Sanja M|,Rasic Dejan M|,Stefanovic I|,Latkovic Zoran|,Kranjcic-Zec Ivana F| (2009) Human Dirofilaria repens infection in Serbia, JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY, vol. 83, br. 2, str. 129-137 (Proceedings Paper) IF 0.889 M23

Pendjer I, Boricić I, Arsić V, Dudvarski Z, Dotlić J, Jovicević O, Janosević L. [Fungal sinusitis diagnostic management and classification]. Acta Chir Iugosl. 2009;56(3):145-8. Serbian. doi: 10.2298/aci0903145p. PMID: 20218120. (Article) IF 0

2007 (2) IF 0.114

Mitrović, S. M., Dzamić, A. M., Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S., Radonjić, I. V., & Kranjcić-Zec, I. F. (2007). Antifungal drug resistance: mechanisms of resistance, freqeuncy, prevention and control of resistance. Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 135(7-8), 486-494. (IF 0.057)

Radonjić, I. V., Džamić, A. M., Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S., Đukić, S. V., & Mitrović, S. M. (2007). IgG serum antibody responses in suspected liver cystic echinococcosis patients. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 135(5-6), 306-309. (IF 0.057)

2006 (1) IF 1.41

Radonjic Ivana V|,Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Mitrovic Sanja M|,Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Popadic Dusan M, Kranjcic-Zec Ivana F (2006) Diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis infection: The sensitivities and specificities of microscopy, culture and PCR assay, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY, vol. 126, br. 1, str. 116-120 (Article) (IF 1.41) M23

2005 (1) IF 1.40

Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S|,Dzamic Aleksandar M|,Dzamic Zoran M|,Milobratovic Danica J|,Tomic D| (2005) Fatal Strongyloides stercoralis infection in a young woman with lupus glomerulonephritis, JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY, vol. 18, br. 6, str. 787-790 (Editorial Material) (IF 1.40) M23

2004 (6) IF 0.873

Dzamic Aleksandar M, Arsic-Arsenijevic Valentina S, Radonjic Ivana V, Mitrovic Sanja M, Marty P, Kranjcic-Zec Ivana F (2004) Subcutaneous Dirofilaria repens infection of the eyelid in Serbia and Montenegro, PARASITE-JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PARASITOLOGIE, vol. 11, br. 2, str. 239-240 (Letter) (IF 0.873) M23

Kranjčić, Z. I. F., Džamić, A. M., Mitrović, S. M., Arsić, A. V., & Radonjić, I. V. (2004). The role of parasites and fungi in secondary infertility. Medicinski pregled, 57(1-2), 30-32. IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S., Radonjić, I. V., Mijač, V., & Ćirković, I. (2004). The importance of microbiological tests of vaginal secretion during reproductive period. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 132(1-2), 44-49. IF 0

Mitrović, S. M., Kranjčić-Zec, I. F., Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S., Džamić, A. M., & Radonjić, I. V. (2004). Human babesiosis: Recent discoveries. Medicinski pregled, 57(7-8), 349-353. IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Arsović, N., Džamić, A., Trpković, A., Zec-Kranjčić, I., & Đukić, V. (2004). Proteazna aktivnost Candida spp. izolovanih kod imunokompetentnih osoba sa otomikozom. Jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija, 23(2), 171-174. IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Radonjić, I., Mijac, V., & Cirković, I. (2004). Znacaj mikrobioloskog ispitivanja vaginalnog sekreta u reproductivnom periodu [Importance of microbiologic examination of vaginal secretions in the reproductive period]. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 132(1-2), 44–49. IF 0

2003 (5) IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Milobratović, D., Dzamić, A., Mitrović, S., Radonjić, I., Petković, L., & Kranjcić-Zec, I. (2003). First case of Malassezia globosa isolation in Serbia. Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 131(11-12), 454-457. IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V. S., Milobratović, D., Džamić, A. M., Mitrović, S. M., Radonjić, I. V., Petković, L., & Kranjčić-Zec, I. F. (2003). The first case of isolation of malassezia globosa in our country. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 131(11-12), 454-457. IF 0

Radonjić, I. V., Mitrović, S. M., Džamić, A. M., Arsić, A. V. S., & Kranjčić, Z. I. F. (2003). Correlation between clinical symptoms and diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women. Medicinski pregled, 56(5-6), 227-231. IF 0

Milobratović, D., & Arsić-Arsenijević, V. (2003). Importance of the fungus, Malassezia, in human pathology. Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 131(3-4), 186-188. IF 0

Arsić-Arsenijević, V., Dzamić, A., Mitrović, S., Radonjić, I., & Kranjcić-Zec, I. (2003). Karakteristike imunskog odgovora u toku infekcije protozoama [Characteristics of the immune response in protozoan infections]. Medicinski pregled, 56(11-12), 557–563. IF 0

102 RADA IF 806.66 (1 6 24)


  1. ^ „Rukovodioc i saradnici | Društvo Medicinskih Mikologa Srbije” (на језику: српски). Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  2. ^ „Почетна • Лекари и Родитељи за Науку и Етику - ЛРНЕ” (на језику: енглески). 2022-05-13. Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  3. ^ „Web of Science Master Journal List - WoS MJL by Clarivate”. Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  4. ^ faust665. „Секција за микологију и изборна Скупштина секције – СРПСКО ЛЕКАРСКО ДРУШТВО” (на језику: српски). Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  5. ^ „Fungal Case Finder | IDEA Project”. (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  6. ^ „Fungal Case Finder | IDEA Project”. (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2024-06-20. 
  7. ^ „Fungal Case Finder | IDEA Project”. (на језику: енглески). Приступљено 2024-06-20.