Dašijel[1] (ili Dašil)[2]Hamet (engl. Dashiell Hammett, IPA:/dəˈʃil, ˈdæʃil/ /ˈhæmɪt/[3], rođen kao Samjuel Dašijel Hamet 27. maja 1894. u okrugu Sent Meri u Merilendu, SAD, umro 10. januara 1961. u Njujorku, SAD) je američki književnik, poznat kao autor tvrdokuvanih (engl. hard-boiled) detektivskih romana i pripovedaka. Stvorio je likove privatnih detektiva Sema Spejda u romanu Malteški soko, Nika i Nore Čarls u romanu Mršavko te Kontinental Opa u romanima Krvava žetva i Kletva Dejnovih.

Dašijel Hamet
Lični podaci
Puno imeSamjuel Dašijel Hamet
Datum rođenja(1894-05-27)27. maj 1894.
Mesto rođenjaSent Meri, SAD
Datum smrti10. januar 1961.(1961-01-10) (66 god.)
Mesto smrtiNjujork, SAD

Hamet „sada se smatra jednim od najboljih pisaca misterija svih vremena“.[4] U svojoj posmrtnici u Njujork tajmsu, on je opisan kao „dekan... 'tvrdokuvane' škole detektivske fantastike.[5] Tajm je uvrstio Hametov roman Crvena žetva iz 1929. na svoju listu 100 najboljih romana na engleskom jeziku objavljenih između 1923. i 2005. godine.[6] Godine 1990, Udruženje kriminalističkih pisaca odabralo je tri od pet njegovih romana u svoju listu 100 najboljih kriminalističkih romana svih vremena.[7] Pet godina kasnije, četiri od pet njegovih romana ušla su u Top 100 misteriozni romana svih vremena po izboru Američkih pisaca misterija.[8] Njegovi romani i priče takođe su imali značajan uticaj na filmove, uključujući žanrove privatno detektivske/detektivske fikcije, misteriozne trilere i film noar.


Zgrada u ulici 891 Post St, San Francisko, gde je Hamet živeo dok je pisao Malteškog sokola: lik Sem Spejd je možda takođe živeo u zgradi.[9][10]

Hamet je rođen u blizini Grejt Milsa na farmi „Hopewell and Aim“ u okrugu Sent Meri, u državi Merilend,,[11] od oca Ričarda Tomasa Hemeta i njegove supruge En Bond Dešijel. Njegova majka pripadala je staroj porodici u Merilendu, čije je ime na francuskom bilo De Šel. Imao je stariju sestru Aroniju i mlađeg brata Ričarda mlađeg.[12] Poznat kao Sem, Hamet je kršten kao katolik,[13] i odrastao je u Filadelfiji i Baltimoru.

Napustio je školu kada je imao 13 godina i radio je nekoliko poslova pre nego što je radio za Nacionalnu detektivsku agenciju Pinkerton. Služio je kao operativac za Pinkertone od 1915. do februara 1922. godine, izuzev perioda tokom koje je služio u Prvom svetskom ratu. Rekao je da je sa Pinkertonima poslat u Bjut, Montana, tokom sindikalnih štrajkova, iako neki istraživači sumnjaju da se to zaista dogodilo.[14] Uloga agencije u razbijanju štrajka na kraju ga je razočarala.[15]

Hamet se prijavio u Armiju Sjedinjenih Država 1918. godine i služio je u Motornoj ambulanti. U to vreme je bio oboleo od španskog gripa, a kasnije je oboleo od tuberkuloze. Većinu svog vremena proveo je u vojsci kao pacijent u bolnici Kušman u Takomi u Vašingtonu, gde je upoznao medicinsku sestru Džozefinu Dolan, sa kojom se oženio 7. jula 1921. u San Francisku.[16]

Brak i porodica


Hamet i Dolan su imali dve ćerke, Meri Džejn (rođena 1921) i Džozefina (rođena 1926).[17] Ubrzo nakon rođenja njihovog drugog deteta, medicinske sestre su obavestile Dolan da, zbog Hametove tuberkuloze, ona i deca ne bi trebalo da žive sa njim. Dolan je iznajmila kuću u San Francisku, gde bi Hamet posećivao vikendom. Brak se ubrzo raspao; međutim, nastavio je da finansijski izdržava svoju ženu i ćerke prihodima koje je ostvario svojim pisanjem.[18]



Hamet je prvi put objavljen 1922. godine u časopisu The Smart Set.[19] Poznat po autentičnosti i realizmu svog pisanja, oslanjao se na svoja iskustva kao Pinkertonov operativac.[20] Hamet je većinu svoje detektivske fantastike napisao dok je živeo u San Francisku tokom 1920-ih; ulice i druge lokacije u San Francisku se često pominju u njegovim pričama. Rekao je da „većinu svojih likova uzimam iz stvarnog života.“[21] Njegovi romani su bili među prvima koji su koristili dijalog koji je zvučao autentično za to doba. „Ne verujem čoveku koji kaže kada. Ako mora da pazi da ne pije previše, to je zato što mu se ne može verovati kada to učini.“[22]



Postoji skoro kompletna bibliografija Ričarda Lejmana.[23] Ovo je ažurirana lista radova opisanih u Dašijel Hamet: Deskriptivna bibliografija.[24] Hametov unos u American Hard Boiled Crime Writers takođe sadrži bibliografiju.[25]



Kratke priče sa serijalizovanim likovima


Sam Spejd

  1. The Maltese Falcon (initially a 5 part serial from September 1929 to January 1930 in Black Mask)
  2. "A Man Called Spade" (July, 1932, The American Magazine; also collected in A Man Called Spade and Other Stories)
  3. "Too Many Have Lived" (October, 1932, The American Magazine; also collected in A Man Called Spade and Other Stories)
  4. "They Can Only Hang You Once" (November 19, 1932, Collier's; also in A Man Called Spade and Other Stories)
  5. "A Knife Will Cut for Anybody" (Unpublished fragment – posthumously published in The Hunter and Other Stories)

Nik i Nora Čarls

  1. The First Thin Man (November 4, 1975, City Magazine)
  2. After the Thin Man (Screen story submitted to MGM September 17, 1935; first published in Return of the Thin Man)
  3. Another Thin Man (Screen story submitted to MGM May 13, 1938; first published in Return of the Thin Man)
  4. Sequel to the Thin Man (Screen story submitted to MGM December 7, 1938; first published in Return of the Thin Man)

Druge kratke priče

  • "The Parthian Shot", The Smart Set, October 1922
  • "Immortality", 10 Story Book, November 1922
  • "The Barber and His Wife", Brief Stories, December 1922
  • "The Road Home", Black Mask December 1922
  • "The Master Mind", The Smart Set, January 1923
  • "The Sardonic Star of Tom Doody", Brief Stories, February 1923
  • "The Vicious Circle", Black Mask June 1923
  • "The Joke on Eoloise Morey", Brief Stories, June 1923
  • "Holiday", New Pearsons, July 1923
  • "The Crusader", The Smart Set, August 1923
  • "The Green Elephant", The Smart Set, October 1923
  • "The Dimple", Saucy Stories, October 1923
  • "The Second-Story Angel", Black Mask, November 1923
  • "Laughing Masks", Action Stories, November 1923
  • "The Man Who Killed Dan Odams", Black Mask, January 1924
  • "Itchy", Brief Stories, January 1924
  • "Night Shots", Black Mask, February 1924
  • "The New Racket", Black Mask, February 1924
  • "Esther Entertains", Brief Stories, February 1924
  • "Afraid of a Gun", Black Mask, March 1924
  • "Who Killed Bob Teal?", True Detective Mysteries, November 1924
  • "Nightmare Town", Argosy All-Story Weekly, December 1924
  • "Another Perfect Crime", Experience, January 1925
  • "Ber-Bulu", Sunset, March 1925
  • "Ruffian's Wife", Sunset, October 1925
  • "The Glass That Laughed", True Police Stories, November 1925
  • "The Assistant Murderer", Black Mask, February 1926
  • "The Advertising Man Writes a Love Letter", Judge, February 1927
  • "The Diamond Wager", Detective Fiction Weekly, October 1929
  • "On the Way", Harper's Bazaar, March 1932
  • "Woman in the Dark", Liberty April, 8, 15 and 22, 1933
  • "Night Shade", Mystery League Magazine, October 1933
  • "Albert Pastor at Home", Esquire, Autumn 1933
  • "Two Sharp Knives", Collier's, January 1934
  • "His Brother's Keeper", Collier's, February 1934
  • "This Little Pig", Collier's, March 1934
  • "A Man Named Thin", Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 1961
  • "An Inch and a Half of Glory", posthumously published in The New Yorker, June 2013



Originalna priča



  • "The Great Lovers", The Smart Set, November 1922
  • "From the Memoirs of a Private Detective", The Smart Set, March 1923
  • "In Defence of the Sex Story", The Writer's Digest, June 1924
  • "Three Favorites", Black Mask, November 1924, Short autobiographies of Francis James, Dashiell Hammett and C. J. Daly.
  • "Vamping Sampson", The Editor, May 1925

O oglašavanju

  • „The Advertisement IS Literature”. Western Advertising. 9 (3): 35—36. oktobar 1926. 
  • „Advertising Art isn't Art”. Western Advertising. 11 (5): 47—48. decembar 1927. 
  • „Have You Tried Meosis?”. Western Advertising. 11 (6): 60—61. januar 1928. 
  • „The Literature of Advertising in 1927”. Western Advertising. 12 (1): 154—156. februar 1928. 
  • „The Editor Knows His Audience”. Western Advertising. 12 (2): 45—46. mart 1928. 

Examples of Hammett's advertising copy for the Albert S. Samuels Company, a San Francisco jewelers, are given in:

  • Carne, Hugh (oktobar 1927). „Making Retail Advertising Stand Out”. Western Advertising. 11 (3): 58—61, 82. 


  • Layman, Richard; Rivett, Julie M., ur. (2001). Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett: 1921–1960. Counterpoint Press. ISBN 978-1-582432-10-6. 

Dnevni stripovi


Druge publikacije


Neobjavljene priče


Godine 2011, urednik časopisa Endru Guli pronašao je petnaest do tada nepoznatih kratkih priča Dašila Hameta u arhivi Hari Ransom centra na Univerzitetu Teksas u Ostinu.[28]






  1. ^ Tvrtko Prćić: Novi transkripcioni rečnik engleskih ličnih imena
  2. ^ U pogledu pravilnog izgovora i transkripcije imena Dashiell, čak i u anglosaksonskom svetu postoje izvesne nedoumice. Činjenica je da je Dashiell Hametovo srednje ime koje je dobio na krštenju i koje je, u stvari anglicizovana verzije devojačkog prezimena njegove majke, poreklom Francuskinje, koje je glasilo De Chiell, (koje se transkribuje kao De Šijel ili De Šjel), pri čemu je Hametova majka insistirala na „francuskom“ izgovoru, dakle, sa akcentom na drugom slogu.[1] Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (20. jun 2016)
  3. ^ Hammett | Define Hammett at Dictionary.com, Pristupljeno 31. 3. 2013.
  4. ^ Layman, Richard (1981). Shadow Man: The Life of Dashiell Hammett . Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. str. 239. ISBN 0-15-181459-7. 
  5. ^ Layman, Richard; Bruccoli, Matthew J. (2002). Hardboiled Mystery Writers: A Literary Reference. Carroll & Graf. str. 225. ISBN 0-7867-1029-2. 
  6. ^ Grossman, Lev; Lacayo, Richard (6. 1. 2010). „TIME'S List of the 100 Best Novels”. Time. Pristupljeno 9. 8. 2020. 
  7. ^ The Hatchards Crime Companion. 100 Top Crime Novels Selected by the Crime Writers' Association, ed. Susan Moody (London, 1990) ISBN 0-904030-02-4.
  8. ^ Mystery Writers Of America (1995). The Crown Crime Companion: The Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time. Crown Publisher Inc. ISBN 978-0-517881-15-6. Šablon:Page?
  9. ^ Coggins, Mark. „891 Post Street”. Pristupljeno 21. 1. 2018. 
  10. ^ Athitakis, Mark (11. 4. 2001). „The Ghosts in 401”. San Francisco Weekly. Pristupljeno 21. 1. 2018. 
  11. ^ Shoemaker, Sandy. „Tobacco to Tomcats: St. Mary's County since the Revolution”. StreamLine Enterprises, Leonardtown, Maryland: 160. Arhivirano iz originala 2008-12-10. g. Pristupljeno 2008-01-01. 
  12. ^ 1910 United States Federal Census
  13. ^ Hammett, Dashiell and Vince Emery. Lost Stories. San Francisco: Vince Emery Productions, 2005, p. 197. [nedostaje ISBN]
  14. ^ Ward, Nathan. The Lost Detective, Bloomsbury US, 2015.
  15. ^ Heise, Thomas, "'Going Blood-Simple Like the Natives': Contagious Urban Spaces and Modern Power in Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest" (paid access only), Modern Fiction Studies 51, no. 3 (Fall 2005), p. 506. The Project MUSE access provides a no-charge excerpt but the excerpt does not cover the cited information.
  16. ^ "California, San Francisco County Records, 1824–1997," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-95D7-WQ6?cc=1402856&wc=319K-BZ7%3A20726701%2C22490901 : 20 May 2014), Marriages > image 84 of 233; San Francisco Public Library.
  17. ^ Layman, Richard with Rivett, Julie M. (2001). "Review" of Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett 1921–1960; retrieved June 2, 2009.
  18. ^ Gores in Emery, editor, pp. 240 and 336.
  19. ^ „Dashiell Hammett – About Dashiell Hammett”. PBS. 30. 12. 2003. Pristupljeno 11. 6. 2013. 
  20. ^ Gores in Emery, ed., pp. 18–24.
  21. ^ Harrington, Joseph (28. 1. 1934). „Hammett Solves Big Crime; Finds Ferris Wheel”. New York Evening Journal. 
  22. ^ Hammett, Dashiell (1930). The Maltese Falcon. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. str. 126. 
  23. ^ Layman, Richard (2005). Discovering the Maltese Falcon and Sam Spade. Vince Emery Productions. str. 3–5. ISBN 0-9725898-6-4. 
  24. ^ Layman, Richard (1979). Dashiell Hammett: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography, University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 978-0-822933-94-6. 
  25. ^ American Hard Boiled Crime Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography. 226. Gale Research Inc. 2000. ISBN 978-0-787631-35-2. 
  26. ^ Hammett, Dashiell (1945). „Chapter 5: Watch on the Rhine”. Ur.: Gassner, John; Nichols, Dudley. Best film plays of 1943–1944. Crown Books. 
  27. ^ Bleiler, Everett (1948). The Checklist of Fantastic Literature. Chicago: Shasta Publishers. str. 140. 
  28. ^ Harris, Paul (4. 2. 2011). „Dashiell Hammett's lost works found in Texas”. The Guardian. London. 


  • Mundell, E. H. (1968). A List of the Original Appearances of Dashiell Hammett's Magazine Work. Kent State University.
  • Layman, Richard. (1979). Dashiell Hammett: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography, University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Lovisi, Gary (1994). Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler: A Checklist and Bibliography of Their Paperback Appearances. Gryphon Books.
  • Beunat, Natalie (1997). Dashiell Hammett: Parcours d'une oeuvre. Amiens: Encrage Edition.
  • Braun, Martin (1977). Prototypen der amerikanischen Kriminalerzählung: Die Romane und Kurzgeschichten Carroll John Daly und Dashiell Hammett. Frankfurt: Lang.
  • Duggan, Eddie (2000) Sfhea, Eddie Duggan (januar 2000). „Dashiell Hammett: Detective, Writer”. Crimetime. 3 (2): 101—114 — preko Academia.edu. 
  • Fechheimer, David, ed. (1975). City of San Francisco: Dashiell Hammett Issue. 4 November 4, 1975. San Francisco: City Publishing.
  • Gale, Robert L. (2000). A Dashiell Hammett Companion. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
  • Gregory, Sinda (1985). Private Investigations: The Novels of Dashiell Hammett. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Hammett, Jo (2001). Dashiell Hammett: A Daughter Remembers. Carroll and Graf.
  • Hellman, Lillian. An Unfinished Woman. Pentimento. Scoundrel Time. Memoirs containing much material about Hammett.
  • Herron, Don (2009). The Dashiell Hammett Tour: Thirtieth Anniversary Guidebook. San Francisco: Vince Emery Productions.
  • Jaemmrich, Armin (2016). The American Noir – A Rehabilitation, ISBN 978-1523664405
  • Johnson, Diane (1983). Dashiell Hammett: A Life. New York: Random House.
  • Joshi, S. T. (2019). "Dashiell Hammett: Sam Spade and Others" in Varieties of Crime Fiction (Wildside Press) ISBN 978-1-4794-4546-2.
  • Layman, Richard (1981). Shadow Man: The Life of Dashiell Hammett. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Layman, Richard (2000). Literary Masters. Vol. 3, Dashiell Hammett. Detroit: Gale Group.
  • Layman, Richard, ed. (2005). Clues: A Journal of Detection. Theme issue, Dashiell Hammett. Winter 2005. Washington D.C.: Heldref Publications.
  • Locke, John (December 21, 2019). "Hammett Takes on the Writing Racket." Up and Down these Mean Streets.
  • Lopez, Jesus Angel Gonzalez (2004). La Narrativa Popular de Dashiell Hammett: Pulps, Cine, y Comics. Biblioteca Javier Coy d'Estudis Nord-Americans, Universitat de Valencia.
  • Marling, William (1983). Dashiell Hammett. New York: Twayne.
  • Maurin, Maria Jose Alvarez (1994). Claves Para un Enigma: La Poetica del Misterio en la Narrativa de Dashiell Hammett. Universidad de Leon.
  • Mellon, Joan (1996). Hellman and Hammett. New York: Harper Collins.
  • Metress, Christopher, ed. (1994). The Critical Response to Dashiell Hammett. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
  • Nolan, William F. (1969). Dashiell Hammett: A Casebook. Santa Barbara: McNally & Lofin.
  • Nolan, William F. (1983). Hammett: A Life at the Edge. New York: Congdon & Weed.
  • Panek, Leroy Lad (2004). Reading Early Hammett: A Critical Study of the Fiction Prior to The Maltese Falcon. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.
  • Symons, Julian (1985). Dashiell Hammett. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Thompson, George J. "Rhino" (2007). Hammett's Moral Vision. San Francisco: Vince Emery Productions.
  • Ward, Nathan (2015). The Lost Detective: Becoming Dashiell Hammett. New York: Bloomsbury USA.

Spoljašnje veze
