Deizam[1][2] je stanovište u filozofiji religije, oblik prirodne teologije[3] racionalističke teologije[4] koje podrazumeva verovanje u Boga zasnovano na razumu, a ne na navodnim Božijim „otkrovenjima“ ili tvrdnjama pojedinaca ili grupa koje nisu univerzalno proverljive.[3][4][5][6][7][8] Deisti smatraju da se Bog nikada nije ukazao ljudima, niti postojao u ljudskoj formi, kao i da nisu postojali Božiji proroci ili poslanici i da ne postoji Božiji „izabrani narod“. Bog je za deiste inteligentni „Tvorac“ univerzuma, odnosno „Prvi uzrok“ celokupne stvarnosti, koji, međutim, ne upravlja svetom (lat. Deus Creator, sed non Gubernator). Bog je, kao „Tvorac“ svega postojećeg, ustanovio zakone prirode na kojima počivaju univerzum i sve pojave u njemu, „pustio u pogon“ univerzum i na dalje se nije mešao u tok događaja u njemu. Deisti odbacuju mogućnost Božije intervencije u svetu i narušavanja kauzalnog uzročno-posledičnog niza u prirodnim procesima Božijom intervencijom. Deizam se takođe definiše kao vera u postojanje Boga isključivo zasnovana na racionalnoj misli, bez ikakvog oslanjanja na otkrivene religije ili verski autoritet.[3][4][5][6][7] Deizam naglašava koncept prirodne teologije, odnosno postojanje Boga se otkriva kroz prirodu.[3][4][5][6][8]
Deizam, dakle, nije religija, već pogled na celokupan univerzum i uverenje da on nije nastao slučajnošću. To se naročito ispoljava u činjenici da deisti, iako veruju u Boga, nemaju nikakve religijske obrede i rituale, najčešće ni simbole, da nemaju „svete“ relikvije i spise, sveštenike, poglavare i svetitelje, hramove (iako neki deisti vole da kažu da su škole, univerziteti i, uopšte, sva mesta gde se stiču znanja „hramovi“ deizma) ili organizovane verske institucije. Deisti sva svoja shvatanja formiraju u spektru poznatih granica nauke. Deisti tvrde da je najbolji način „služenja“ Bogu trud da se u potpunosti rasvetle načini na koje je On stvorio svemir i zakoni prirode po kojima svemir funkcioniše, a koje je Bog ustanovio. Oni ne veruju u Božija čuda i natprirodne pojave, iako priznaju da neke pojave u prirodi nauka još uvek nije uspela da objasni.
Deizam je vrlo fleksibilno stanovište. Dvojica deista mogu imati potpuno različita verovanja po raznim bitnim pitanjima, ali to ni jednog od njih ne čini manjim deistom, sve dok su obojica saglasni oko gorenavedenih osnovnih principa deizma. Na primer, postoje deisti koji veruju u „zagrobni život“, tj. da se „životna energija“ čoveka, kao i bilo koja druga energija, ne može uništiti i da čovekov duh (duša) nastavlja svoje svesno postojanje u drugoj, duhovnoj, dimenziji postojanja. S druge strane, postoje deisti koji veruju da je smrt definitivni kraj čoveka i da se u trenutku smrti svest čoveka nepovratno gasi, te da je jedini oblik u kome on „nastavlja život“ njegov DNK, koji se prenosi na generacije njegovih potomaka. Sve u svemu, većina deista tvrdi da se „nada“ životu posle smrti. Neki od njih smatraju da je besmrtnost ljudske duše, baš kao i postojanje čovekove slobodne volje i postojanje Boga kao utemeljivača opštih i nužnih moralnih zakona i objektivnog „sudije“ o našem moralnom postupanju, neophodna kao pretpostavka moralnosti.
Od 17. veka i tokom doba prosvetiteljstva, posebno u Engleskoj i Francuskoj 18. veka, razni zapadni filozofi i teolozi formulisali su kritičko odbacivanje religioznih tekstova koji pripadaju mnogim institucionalizovanim religijama i počeli da se pozivaju samo na istine za koje su smatrali da mogu biti ustanovljen samo razumom kao isključivi izvor božanskog znanja.[4][5][6][7] Takvi filozofi i teolozi su nazvani „deisti“, a filozofsko/teološka pozicija koju su zastupali naziva se „deizam“.[4][5][6][7] Deizam kao poseban filozofski i intelektualni pokret je opao krajem 18. veka,[4] ali je doživeo sopstveni preporod početkom 19. veka.[9] Neki od njegovih principa su nastavili da žive kao deo drugih intelektualnih pokreta, poput unitarizma, i nastavlja da ima zagovornike i danas.[3]
uredi- ^ R. E. Allen, ur. (1990). The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
- ^ „Deist – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary”. 2012. Pristupljeno 2012-10-10.
- ^ a b v g d Harper, Leland Royce (2020). „Attributes of a Deistic God”. Multiverse Deism: Shifting Perspectives of God and the World. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. str. 47—68. ISBN 978-1-7936-1475-9. LCCN 2020935396.
- ^ a b v g d đ e Smith, Merril D., ur. (2015). „Deism”. The World of the American Revolution: A Daily Life Encyclopedia. 1. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood Publishing Group, imprint of ABC-Clio. str. 661—664. ISBN 978-1-4408-3027-3. LCCN 2015009496.
- ^ a b v g d Bristow, William (jesen 2017). „Religion and the Enlightenment: Deism”. Ur.: Zalta, Edward N. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. ISSN 1095-5054. OCLC 643092515. Arhivirano iz originala 11. 12. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 3. 8. 2021.
- ^ a b v g d Manuel, Frank Edward; Pailin, David A.; Mapson, K.; Stefon, Matt (13. 3. 2020) [26 July 1999]. „Deism”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Edinburgh: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Arhivirano iz originala 9. 6. 2021. g. Pristupljeno 3. 8. 2021. „Deism, an unorthodox religious attitude that found expression among a group of English writers beginning with Edward Herbert (later 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury) in the first half of the 17th century and ending with Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, in the middle of the 18th century. These writers subsequently inspired a similar religious attitude in Europe during the second half of the 18th century and in the colonial United States of America in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In general, Deism refers to what can be called natural religion, the acceptance of a certain body of religious knowledge that is inborn in every person or that can be acquired by the use of reason and the rejection of religious knowledge when it is acquired through either revelation or the teaching of any church.”
- ^ a b v g Kohler, Kaufmann; Hirsch, Emil G. (1906). „Deism”. Jewish Encyclopedia. Kopelman Foundation. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 1. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 3. 8. 2021. „A system of belief which posits God's existence as the cause of all things, and admits His perfection, but rejects Divine revelation and government, proclaiming the all-sufficiency of natural laws. The Socinians, as opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity, were designated as deists [...]. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries deism became synonymous with "natural religion," and deist with "freethinker." England and France have been successively the strongholds of deism. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, the "father of deism" in England, assumes certain "innate ideas," which establish five religious truths: (1) that God is; (2) that it is man's duty to worship Him; (3) that worship consists in virtue and piety; (4) that man must repent of sin and abandon his evil ways; (5) that divine retribution either in this or in the next life is certain. He holds that all positive religions are either allegorical and poetic interpretations of nature or deliberately organized impositions of priests.”
- ^ a b Gomes, Alan W. (2012) [2011]. „Deism”. The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405157629. doi:10.1002/9780470670606.wbecc0408. „Deism is a rationalistic, critical approach to theism with an emphasis on natural theology. The deists attempted to reduce religion to what they regarded as its most foundational, rationally justifiable elements. Deism is not, strictly speaking, the teaching that God wound up the world like a watch and let it run on its own, though that teaching was embraced by some within the movement.”
- ^ Claeys, Gregory (1989). „Revolution in heaven: The Age of Reason (1794-95)”. Thomas Paine: Social and Political Thought (1st izd.). New York and London: Routledge. str. 177—195. ISBN 9780044450900.
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- Craig, William Lane. The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus During the Deist Controversy (Edwin Mellen, 1985)
- Hazard, Paul (1954). European thought in the eighteenth century from Montesquieu to Lessing. str. 393—434..
- Herrick, James A. (1997). The Radical Rhetoric of the English Deists: The Discourse of Skepticism, 1680–1750. U of South Carolina Press.
- Hudson, Wayne (2015). Enlightenment and modernity: The English deists and reform. Routledge..
- Israel, Jonathan I (2006). Enlightenment contested: philosophy, modernity, and the emancipation of man 1670-1752. Oxford UP..
- Lemay, J. A. Leo, ed.Deism, Masonry, and the Enlightenment. Essays Honoring Alfred Owen Aldridge. (U of Delaware Press, 1987).
- Lucci, Diego (2008). Scripture and deism: The biblical criticism of the eighteenth-century British deists. Peter Lang..
- McKee, David Rice. Simon Tyssot de Patot and the Seventeenth-Century Background of Critical Deism (Johns Hopkins Press, 1941)
- Orr, John (1934). English Deism: Its Roots and Its Fruits.
- Schlereth, Eric R (2013). An Age of Infidels: The Politics of Religious Controversy in the Early United States. U of Pennsylvania Press. 295 pages; on conflicts between deists and their opponents.
- Willey, Basil (1940). The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period.
- Yoder, Timothy S (2008). Hume on God: Irony, deism and genuine theism. Bloomsbury..
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- Palmer, Elihu. The Principles of Nature. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-08-05. g. Pristupljeno 2009-04-13.
- Deism: An Anthology by Peter Gay (Van Nostrand, 1968)
- Deism and Natural Religion: A Source Book by E. Graham Waring (Frederick Ungar, 1967)
- The American Deists: Voices of Reason & Dissent in the Early Republic by Kerry S. Walters (University of Kansas Press, 1992), which includes an extensive bibliographic essay
- Deism: A Revolution in Religion, A Revolution in You. Arhivirano iz originala 2009-04-19. g. Pristupljeno 2009-04-13. by Bob Johnson, founder of the World Union of Deists
- God Gave Us Reason, Not Religion. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-07-29. g. Pristupljeno 2015-11-19. by Bob Johnson
- An Answer to C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. Arhivirano iz originala 2019-09-09. g. Pristupljeno 2015-11-19. by Bob Johnson
- Addante, Luca (2019). „Part II: Europe and The Iberian Connection – Unbelief, Deism, and Libertinism in Sixteenth-Century Italy”. Ur.: García-Arenal, Mercedes; Pastore, Stefania. From Doubt to Unbelief: Forms of Scepticism in the Iberian World. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures. 42. Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association. str. 107—122. ISBN 978-1-781888-69-8. doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0hq.11.
- Aldridge, A. Owen (oktobar 1997). „Natural Religion and Deism in America before Ethan Allen and Thomas Paine”. The William and Mary Quarterly. Williamsburg, Virginia: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. 54 (4: Religion in Early America): 835—848. ISSN 1933-7698. doi:10.2307/2953885.
- Bonoan, Raoul J. (1992). „The Enlightenment, Deism, and Rizal”. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University. 40 (1): 53—67. ISSN 2244-1638. JSTOR 42633293.
- Champion, Justin A. I. (1999). „DEISM”. Ur.: Popkin, Richard H. The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press. str. 437—445. ISBN 9780231500340. doi:10.7312/popk10128.70.
- Hussaini, Sayed Hassan (2016). „Islamic Philosophy between Theism and Deism”. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. Braga: Aletheia - Associação Científica e Cultural. 72 (1: Teísmos: Aportações Filosóficas do Leste e Oeste / Theisms: Philosophical Contributions from the East to the West): 65—83. ISSN 0870-5283. JSTOR 43816275. doi:10.17990/RPF/2016_72_1_0065.
- Lynch, John (2012). „Religion in the Age of Enlightenment”. New Worlds: A Religious History of Latin America. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. str. 64-105. ISBN 9780300166804. JSTOR j.ctt1npmbn.8. LCCN 2011041757.
- Perry, Seth (april 2021). „Paine Detected in Mississippi: Slavery, Print Culture, and the Threat of Deism in the Early Republic”. The William and Mary Quarterly. Williamsburg, Virginia: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. 78 (2): 313—338. ISSN 1933-7698. doi:10.5309/willmaryquar.78.2.0313.
- Prince, Michael B. (2020). „Defoe’s Deist Masterpiece: The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 1719”. The Shortest Way with Defoe: Robinson Crusoe, Deism, and the Novel. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia Press. str. 134—207. ISBN 9780813943664. doi:10.2307/j.ctvzgb6pp.7.
- Taussig, Harold E. (jul 1970). „Deism in Philadelphia During the Age of Franklin”. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. 37 (3): 217—236. ISSN 2153-2109. JSTOR 27771874.
Spoljašnje veze
uredi- Deizam na Srpskom
- Deizam i razlog
- Pozitivni deizam Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (5. februar 2006)
- Svetska unija deista
- Američka/unitarijanska konferencija
- Hram razloga
- Staloff, Darren (januar 2008). „Deism and the Founding of the United States”. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: National Humanities Center. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 10. 2008. g. Pristupljeno 28. 8. 2021.
- „World Union of Deists”. 1997—2021. Arhivirano iz originala 19. 8. 2021. g. Pristupljeno 28. 8. 2021.
- „Church of The Modern Deist”. 2012—2021. Arhivirano iz originala 14. 4. 2021. g. Pristupljeno 28. 8. 2021.