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Верзија на датум 25. јул 2014. у 01:53

Мундог, рођен као Луј Томас Хардин (26. мај, 1916. – 8. септембар, 1999.), био је слепи амерички композитор, музичар, песник и проналазач неколико музичких инструмената. Још као младић се преселио у Њујорк. Тада је одлучио да ће свој живот провести на улицама града. Процењује се да је од тридесет година, колико је боравио у Њујорку, двадесет провео на улицама. Носио је специфични костим, који је заснован на његовом тумачењу изгледа нордијског бога Одина. Захваљујући том необичном изледу и начину живота, прозвали су га „Викинг са Шесте авеније“. [1]

Лични подаци
Име по рођењуЛуј Томас Хардин
Датум рођења26. мај1916.
Место рођењаМерисвил, Канзас
Датум смрти8. септембар 1999.
Место смртиМинстер, Немачка
Музички рад
Активни период1932. - 1999.
Инструментклавијатуре, вокали, удараљке

Детињство и рани живот

Рођен је у породици епископалаца у граду Мерисвилу у америчкој савезној држави Канзас. Са својих пет година,направио је сет бубњева од картонских кутија на којима је свирао. Пошто му се породица селила, школу је похађао у неколико градова. Једном приликом га је отац одвео на традиционални плес племена Арпахо, где је свирао там-там бубњеве направљене од бизонове коже.

Хардин је свирао бубњеве у средњошколском бенду у Харлију, држави Мисури пре но што је изгубио вид у својој 16. години у експлозији динамита на фарми.[2] Након што је научио основе музичке уметности у школама за слепе широм средњег дела САД-а, вежбао је сам развитак слуха и композицију.

Мундог се преселио у Батесвил, где је живео до 1942. године, када је добио стипендију да студира у Мемфису. Иако је већину својих вештина сам стекао, музичку теорију је научио у школи за слепе у истоименом граду помоћу брајове азбуке.

У Њујорк се преселио 1943. године, када је упознао великане музичке сцене попут Леонарда Бернштајна и Артура Тосканинија, као и легендарне џез музичаре Чарлија Паркера и Бенија Гудмана, чије су оптимистична дела и хумористичке композиције утицале на Хардинов познији опус.


Почев од позних 40-их, па све до 1974. године, Мундог је живео као улични свирач и песник на углу 53. улице и 6. Авеније на Менхетну. Занимљиво је то што, иако је највећи део времена провео на улици, имао је стан на горњем Менхетну..[3] Поред музике и поезије, био је познат и по викиншком изгледу, који је укључивао и шлем са роговима. Делом се издржавао од продаје копија своје поезије и музичке филозофије. Био је познат многим џез музичарима тог доба.

Године 1947. Хардин узима псеудоним Мундог у част пса „који је завијао на Месец више него остали пси које сам знао.“ In 1949 he traveled to a Blackfoot Sun Dance in Idaho[4] where he performed on percussion and flute, returning to the Native American music he first came in contact with as a child. It was this Native music, along with contemporary jazz and classical, mixed with the ambient sounds from his environment (city traffic, ocean waves, babies crying, etc.) that created the foundation of Moondog's music.

In 1954, he won a case in the New York State Supreme Court against disc jockey Alan Freed, who had branded his radio show, "The Moondog Rock and Roll Matinee", around the name "Moondog", using "Moondog's Symphony" (the first record that Moondog ever cut) as his "calling card". Moondog believed he would not have won the case had it not been for the help of musicians such as Benny Goodman and Arturo Toscanini, who testified that he was a serious composer. Freed had to apologize and stop using the nickname "Moondog" on air, on the basis that Hardin was known by the name long before Freed began using it.[5][6]


Moondog had an idealised view of Germany ("The Holy Land with the Holy River"—the Rhine), where he settled in 1974.

Eventually, a young German student[7] named Ilona Sommer (birth name: Goebel) helped Moondog set up the primary holding company for his artistic endeavors[8] and hosted him, first in Oer-Erkenschwick, and later on in Münster in Westphalia, Germany. Moondog lived with the family of Ilona Sommer and they spent time together in Münster. During that period Moondog created hundreds of compositions which were transferred from Braille to sheet music by Ilona Sommer. Moondog spent the remainder of his life in Germany where he died in 1999.

Moondog visited America briefly in 1989, for a tribute in which Philip Glass asked him to conduct the Brooklyn Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, at the New Music America Festival in Brooklyn, stimulating a renewed interest in his music.

He recorded many albums, and toured both in the U.S. and in Europe—France, Germany and Sweden.


Moondog's music took its inspiration from street sounds, such as the subway or a foghorn. It tended to be relatively simple but characterized by what he called "snaketime" and described as "a slithery rhythm, in times that are not ordinary [...] I'm not gonna die in 4/4 time".[6]

Moondog's work was early championed by Artur Rodziński, the conductor of New York Philharmonic in the 1940s. He released a number of 78"s, 45"s and EPs of his music in the 1950s, as well as several LPs on a number of notable jazz labels, including an unusual record of stories and songs for children with Julie Andrews and Martyn Green, in 1957, called Songs of Sense and Nonsense - Tell it Again. For ten years no new recordings were heard from Moondog until producer James William Guercio took him into the studio to record an album for Columbia Records in 1969.

A second album produced with Guercio featured one of Moondog's daughters as a vocalist and contained song compositions in canons and rounds. The album did not make as large an impression in popular music as the first had. The two CBS albums were re-released as a single CD in 1989.

Most of Moondog's works are published by Managarm Musikverlag in Germany. By his last will the heritage of Moondog was administered and owned by Ilona Sommer, who died in September 2011. In her will she appointed the German lawyer Alexander Duve (Berlin, Germany) as the executor of her estate including the copyrights in Moondog's works, so he now administers Moondog's heritage.


Мундог је изумео неколико музичких инструмената, међу којима су и мала троугласта харфа позната као "оо". Moondog also invented several musical instruments, including a small triangular-shaped harp known as the "oo", another which he named the "ooo-ya-tsu", and a triangular stringed instrument played with a bow that he called the "hüs" (after the Norwegian, "hus", meaning "house"). Perhaps his best known creation is the "trimba", a triangular percussion instrument that the composer invented in the late 40s. The original Trimba is still played today by Moondog's friend Stefan Lakatos, a Swedish percussionist, to whom Moondog also explained the methods for building such an instrument.


The music of Moondog of the 1940s and 50s is said to have been a strong influence on many early minimalist composers. Philip Glass has written that he and Steve Reich took Moondog's work "very seriously and understood and appreciated it much more than what we were exposed to at Juilliard."' [9]

Moondog inspired other musicians with several songs dedicated to him. These include "Moondog" on Pentangle's 1968 album Sweet Child and "Spear for Moondog" (parts I and II) by jazz organist Jimmy McGriff on his 1968 Electric Funk album. Glam rock icon Marc Bolan and T.Rex made reference to him in the song "Rabbit Fighter" with the line, "Moondog's just a prophet to the end.....". The English pop group Prefab Sprout included the song "Moondog" on their album Jordan: The Comeback released in 1990. Big Brother and the Holding Company featuring Janis Joplin covered the song "All Is Loneliness" on their 1967 self-titled album. The song was also covered by Antony and the Johnsons during their 2005 tour. Mr. Scruff's single "Get a Move On," from his album Keep It Unreal, is structured around samples from "Bird's Lament." New York band The Insect Trust play a cover of Moondog's song "Be a Hobo" on their album Hoboken Saturday Night. The track "Stamping Ground", with its odd preamble of Moondog reciting one of his epigrams,[10] was featured on the sampler double album Fill Your Head with Rock (CBS, 1970). Canadian composer and producer Daniel Lanois included a track called "Moondog" on his album/video-documentary Here Is What Is.

A documentary about his life, "The Viking of 6th Avenue", is in production for release in 2015.[11]



  • "Snaketimes Rhythm" (1949–1950), SMC
  • "Moondog's Symphony" (1949–1950), SMC
  • "Organ Rounds" (1949–1950), SMC
  • "Oboe Rounds" (1949–1950), SMC
  • "Surf Session" (c. 1953), SMC
  • "Caribea Sextet"/"Oo Debut" (1956), Moondog Records
  • "Stamping Ground Theme" (from the Holland Pop Festival) (1970), CBS.



као Мундог

са Џули Ендрјуз и Мартином Грином

  • 1957 Songs of Sense and Nonsense - Tell it Again, Angel/Capitol


  • 1991 More Moondog/The Story of Moondog, Original Jazz Classics
  • 2001 Moondog/Moondog 2, Beat Goes On
  • 2005 The German Years 1977–1999, ROOF Music
  • 2005 Un hommage à Moondog tribute album, trAce label
  • 2005 The Viking Of 6th Avenue (disc inside biographical book), Honest Jons (ISBN 0-976082-284)
  • 2006 Rare Material, ROOF Music

Компилације разних аутора

Извођења других музичара


  1. ^ John Strausbaugh (28. 10. 2007). Sidewalk Hero, on the Horns of a Revival. The New York Times. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  2. ^ Thomas Heinrich (1916-05-26). „Moondog (Louis Hardin) Biography”. Moondogscorner.de. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  3. ^ Scotto, Robert. Moondog, The Viking of 6th Avenue: The Authorized Biography. Process Music edition (22 November 2007) ISBN 978-0-9760822-8-6
  4. ^ Scotto, R. M., Hardin, L., Reich, S., Glass, P., Gibson, J., Jordan, P., & Lakatos, S. (2007). Moondog, the Viking of 6th Avenue: The authorized biography. Los Angeles, Calif: Process. p. 45. ISBN 9780976082286.
  5. ^ „This Day in History — History.com — What Happened Today in History”. History.com. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  6. ^ а б „Interview with Robert Scotto at To the Best of Our Knowledge : The interview begins at 38:15, the Freed case is discussed from 49:00”. Broadcast.uwex.edu. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  7. ^ Webb, Corey (2007-11-10). „Webbspun Ideas: Moondog in New York”. Webbspunideas.blogspot.com. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  8. ^ Dalachinsky, Steve (2008-02-06). „Outtakes”. The Brooklyn Rail. Приступљено 2013-08-09. 
  9. ^ Glass, P. (2008) Preface. In: Scotto, R. (2008). Moondog: The Viking of 6th Avenue. New York: Process
  10. ^ Moondog is heard saying, "Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time. But now that it's the opposite it's twice upon a time."
  11. ^ „Moondog: The Viking of 6th Avenue | The First and Only Movie About MoondogMoondog: The Viking of 6th Avenue | The First and Only Movie About Moondog”. The Viking of 6th Avenue. Приступљено 2014-06-28. 
  12. ^ Rain Forests Oceans & Other Themes. Allmusic. Приступљено 2008-06-10. 


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