Зракоперке (Actinopterygii) су група риба са коштаним скелетом чија су пераја зракасто разапета коштаним скелетним елементима. Очи су им крупне, а немају унутрашње носне отворе (хоане).
Зракоперке | |
Зракоперке | |
Научна класификација | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Chordata |
Наткласа: | Osteichthyes |
Класа: | Actinopterygii Klein, 1885 |
Поткласе | |
Ове рибе се тако називају зато што су им пераје од коже подупрте коштаним или рожнатим бодљицама („зраке”), за разлику од меснатих пераја које карактеришу класу Sarcopterygii. Ова пераја се причвршћују директно на проксималне или базалне скелетне елементе, који представљају везу између ових пераја и унутрашњег костура (на примјер, карличног и грудног појаса).
Нумерички гледано, ове јединке су доминантна класа кичмењака, који чине готово 99% од преко 30.000 врста риба. Распрострањене су у слатководним и морским срединама од дубоког мора до највиших планинских потока. Постојеће врсте се крећу од величине од 8 милиметара, до оних огромних који теже 2.300 килограма.
уредиЗракоперке се јављају у више облика. Главне карактеристике типичне зракоперке приказане су на слици лијево.
Ове рибе имају разне врсте крљушти, али најчешће су лаптоидне крљушти. Спољашњи дио веже се коштаним, док је унутрашњи дио повезан влакнастим везивним ткивом. Лаптоидне крљушти су тање и прозирније од осталих типова крљушти, а недостају им очврсли слојеви цаклине или дентина који се налазе у крљуштима многих других риба. Нове крљушти се додају у концентричним слојевима у току раста једне јединке.
Најранији познати фосили ових риба јесте Andreolepis hedei, који потиче из времена прије 420 милиона година. Остаци су пронађени у Русији, Шведској и Естонији.
Обухватају највећи број данашњих риба и према традиционалној класификацији најгрубље се могу поделити на:
- инфракласа штитоноше — Chondrostei
- инфракласа многоперке — Polypteri
- инфракласа холостеи — Holostei
- инфракласа праве кошљорибе — Teleostei.
Према новој класификацији се деле на:
- поткласа Cladistia
- ред Polypteriformes — многоперке
- кладус Actinopteri
- поткласа Chondrostei — штитоноше
- поткласа Neopterygii — новоперке
- инфракласа Holostei — холостеи
- инфракласа Teleostei — праве кошљорибе
уреди- Abyssocottidae
- Acanthuridae
- Acestrorhynchidae Eigenmann, 1912
- Achiridae
- Achiropsettidae
- Acipenseridae
- Acropomatidae
- Adrianichthyidae
- Agonidae
- Akysidae Gill, 1861
- Albulidae
- Alepisauridae
- Alepocephalidae
- Alestiidae
- Amarsipidae
- Amblycipitidae Day, 1873
- Amblyopsidae Bonaparte, 1846
- Amiidae
- Ammodytidae
- Amphiliidae Regan, 1911
- Anabantidae
- Anablepidae Garman, 1895
- Anarhichadidae Bonaparte, 1846
- Anguillidae
- Anomalopidae
- Anoplogastridae Gill, 1893
- Anoplopomatidae
- Anostomidae
- Antennariidae
- Aphredoderidae Bonaparte, 1846
- Aphyonidae
- Aploactinidae
- Aplocheilidae Bleeker, 1860
- Aplodactylidae
- Apogonidae
- Apteronotidae
- Aracanidae
- Argentinidae
- Ariidae Bleeker, 1862
- Ariommatidae
- Arripidae
- Aspredinidae
- Astroblepidae Bleeker, 1862
- Ateleopodidae
- Atherinidae
- Atherinopsidae
- Atherionidae
- Auchenipteridae Bleeker, 1862
- Aulopidae
- Aulorhynchidae
- Aulostomidae
- Bagridae Bleeker, 1858
- Balistidae
- Balitoridae
- Banjosidae
- Barbourisiidae
- Bathyclupeidae
- Bathydraconidae
- Bathylaconidae
- Bathylagidae
- Bathylutichthyidae
- Bathymasteridae Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Bathysauridae
- Batrachoididae
- Belonidae
- Bembridae
- Berycidae
- Blenniidae
- Bothidae
- Bovichthyidae
- Brachionichthyidae
- Bramidae
- Bregmacerotidae Gill, 1872
- Bythitidae
- Caesionidae
- Callanthiidae
- Callichthyidae Bonaparte, 1838
- Callionymidae
- Caproidae
- Caracanthidae
- Carangidae
- Carapidae
- Caristiidae
- Catostomidae
- Caulophrynidae
- Centracanthidae
- Centrarchidae
- Centriscidae
- Centrogeniidae
- Centrolophidae
- Centrophrynidae
- Centropomidae
- Cepolidae
- Ceratiidae
- Cetomimidae
- Cetopsidae Bleeker, 1858
- Chacidae Bleeker, 1858
- Chaenopsidae
- Chaetodontidae
- Champsodontidae
- Chandidae
- Chanidae
- Channichthyidae
- Channidae
- Characidae
- Chaudhuriidae
- Chaunacidae
- Cheilodactylidae
- Cheimarrhichthyidae
- Chiasmodontidae
- Chirocentridae
- Chironemidae
- Chlopsidae
- Chlorophthalmidae
- Cichlidae
- Cirrhitidae
- Citharidae
- Citharinidae
- Clariidae Bonaparte, 1846
- Clinidae
- Clupeidae
- Cobitidae
- Colocongridae
- Comephoridae
- Congiopodidae
- Congridae
- Coryphaenidae
- Cottidae
- Cranoglanididae Myers, 1931
- Creediidae
- Cryptacanthodidae Gill, 1861
- Ctenoluciidae
- Curimatidae
- Cyclopteridae
- Cyematidae
- Cynodontidae Eigenmann, 1907
- Cynoglossidae
- Cyprinidae
- Cyprinodontidae Gill, 1865
- Cyttidae Günther, 1860
- Dactylopteridae
- Dactyloscopidae
- Datnioididae
- Denticipitidae Clausen, 1959
- Derichthyidae
- Diceratiidae
- Dichistiidae
- Dinolestidae
- Dinopercidae
- Diodontidae
- Diplomystidae Eigenmann, 1890
- Diretmidae
- Doradidae Bleeker, 1858
- Draconettidae
- Drepaneidae Gill, 1972
- Echeneidae
- Elassomatidae
- Electrophoridae
- Eleotridae
- Elopidae
- Embiotocidae
- Emmelichthyidae
- Engraulidae
- Enoplosidae
- Ephippidae
- Epigonidae
- Erethistidae Bleeker, 1862
- Ereuniidae
- Erythrinidae
- Eschmeyeridae Mandrytsa, 2001
- Esocidae
- Euclichthyidae Cohen, 1984
- Eurypharyngidae
- Evermannellidae
- Exocoetidae
- Fistulariidae
- Fundulidae Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Gadidae Rafinesque, 1810
- Galaxiidae
- Gasteropelecidae
- Gasterosteidae
- Gempylidae
- Gerreidae
- Gibberichthyidae Parr, 1933
- Gigantactinidae
- Giganturidae
- Glaucosomatidae
- Gnathanacanthidae
- Gobiesocidae
- Gobiidae
- Gonorynchidae
- Gonostomatidae
- Goodeidae Jordan, 1923
- Grammatidae
- Grammicolepididae Poey, 1873
- Gymnarchidae
- Gymnotidae
- Gyrinocheilidae
- Haemulidae
- Halosauridae
- Harpagiferidae
- Helostomatidae
- Hemiodontidae
- Hemiramphidae
- Hemitripteridae
- Hepsetidae
- Heptapteridae Gill, 1861
- Heterenchelyidae
- Heteropneustidae Hora, 1936
- Hexagrammidae
- Himantolophidae
- Hiodontidae
- Hispidoberycidae
- Holocentridae
- Hoplichthyidae
- Howellidae
- Hypophthalmidae
- Hypopomidae
- Hypoptychidae
- Icosteidae
- Ictaluridae Gill, 1861
- Indostomidae
- Inermiidae
- Ipnopidae
- Istiophoridae
- Kneriidae
- Kraemeriidae
- Kuhliidae
- Kurtidae
- Kyphosidae
- Labridae Cuvier, 1816
- Labrisomidae
- Lacantuniidae Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson and Lundberg, 2005
- Lactariidae
- Lamprididae
- Lateolabracidae Springer and Raasch, 1995
- Latridae
- Lebiasinidae
- Leiognathidae
- Lepidogalaxiidae
- Lepisosteidae
- Leptobramidae
- Leptochilichthyidae
- Leptoscopidae
- Lethrinidae
- Linophrynidae
- Liparidae
- Lobotidae
- Lophiidae
- Lophotidae
- Loricariidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Lutjanidae
- Luvaridae
- Macroramphosidae
- Macrouridae Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916
- Malacanthidae
- Malapteruridae Bleeker, 1858
- Mastacembelidae
- Megalomycteridae
- Megalopidae
- Melamphaidae
- Melanocetidae
- Melanonidae
- Melanotaeniidae
- Menidae
- Merlucciidae Gill, 1884
- Microdesmidae
- Microstomatidae
- Mirapinnidae
- Mochokidae Jordan, 1923
- Molidae
- Monacanthidae
- Monocentridae
- Monodactylidae
- Monognathidae
- Moridae Moreau, 1881
- Moringuidae
- Mormyridae
- Moronidae
- Mugilidae
- Mullidae
- Muraenesocidae
- Muraenidae
- Muraenolepididae
- Myctophidae
- Myrocongridae
- Nandidae
- Nematistiidae
- Nematogenyidae Eigenmann, 1927
- Nemichthyidae
- Nemipteridae
- Neoceratiidae
- Neoscopelidae
- Nettastomatidae
- Nomeidae
- Normanichthyidae
- Notacanthidae
- Notocheiridae
- Notograptidae
- Notopteridae
- Notosudidae
- Nototheniidae
- Odacidae
- Odontobutidae
- Ogcocephalidae Jordan, 1895
- Olyridae
- Oneirodidae
- Ophichthidae
- Ophidiidae
- Opisthoproctidae
- Opistognathidae
- Oplegnathidae
- Oreosomatidae Bleeker, 1859
- Osmeridae
- Osphronemidae Bleeker, 1859
- Osteoglossidae
- Ostraciidae
- Ostracoberycidae
- Pangasiidae Bleeker, 1858
- Pantodontidae
- Parabrotulidae
- Parakysidae Roberts, 1989
- Paralepididae
- Paralichthodidae
- Paralichthyidae
- Paraulopidae
- Parazenidae Greenwood et al., 1966
- Pataecidae
- Pegasidae
- Pempheridae
- Pentacerotidae
- Percichthyidae
- Percidae
- Percophidae
- Percopsidae Agassiz, 1850
- Phallostethidae
- Pholidae Gill, 1893
- Pholidichthyidae
- Phosichthyidae
- Phractolaemidae
- Pimelodidae
- Pinguipedidae
- Platycephalidae
- Platytroctidae
- Plesiopidae
- Pleuronectidae
- Plotosidae Bleeker, 1858
- Poeciliidae Garman, 1895
- Poecilopsettidae
- Polycentridae
- Polymixiidae
- Polynemidae
- Polyodontidae
- Polyprionidae
- Polypteridae
- Pomacanthidae
- Pomacentridae
- Pomatomidae
- Priacanthidae
- Pristigasteridae
- Profundulidae Hoedeman and Bronner, 1951
- Psettodidae Regan, 1910
- Pseudochromidae
- Pseudopimelodidae Fernández-Yépez and Martín, 1953
- Pseudotrichonotidae
- Psilorhynchidae
- Psychrolutidae
- Ptilichthyidae Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Rachycentridae
- Radiicephalidae
- Regalecidae
- Retropinnidae
- Rhamphichthyidae
- Rhamphocottidae
- Rhombosoleidae
- Rhyacichthyidae
- Rondeletiidae
- Saccopharyngidae
- Salangidae
- Salmonidae
- Samaridae
- Scaridae Rafinesque, 1810
- Scatophagidae
- Schilbeidae
- Schindleriidae
- Sciaenidae
- Scoloplacidae Bailey and Baskin, 1976
- Scomberesocidae
- Scombridae
- Scombrolabracidae
- Scombropidae
- Scopelarchidae
- Scophthalmidae
- Scorpaenidae
- Scytalinidae Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Serranidae
- Serrivomeridae
- Siganidae
- Sillaginidae
- Siluridae Cuvier, 1816
- Sisoridae Bleeker, 1858
- Soleidae
- Solenostomidae
- Sparidae
- Sphyraenidae
- Stephanoberycidae
- Sternoptychidae
- Sternopygidae
- Stichaeidae Gill, 1864
- Stomiidae
- Stromateidae
- Stylephoridae
- Sundasalangidae Roberts, 1981
- Symphysanodontidae Lee, 1989
- Synaphobranchidae
- Synbranchidae
- Syngnathidae
- Synodontidae
- Terapontidae
- Tetragonuridae
- Tetraodontidae
- Thaumatichthyidae
- Toxotidae
- Trachichthyidae
- Trachinidae
- Trachipteridae
- Triacanthidae
- Triacanthodidae
- Trichiuridae
- Trichodontidae
- Trichomycteridae Bleeker, 1858
- Trichonotidae
- Triglidae
- Triodontidae
- Tripterygiidae
- Umbridae
- Uranoscopidae
- Valenciidae Parenti, 1981
- Veliferidae
- Xenisthmidae
- Xiphiidae
- Zanclidae
- Zaproridae Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Zeidae Latreille, 1825
- Zeniontidae Myers, 1960
- Zoarcidae Swainson, 1839
уреди- Acipenserinae
- Adrianichthyinae
- Afromastacembelinae
- Albulinae
- Alosinae
- Amphiliinae Regan, 1911
- Anablepinae Garman, 1895
- Anisochrominae
- Anostominae
- Antennariinae
- Anthiinae
- Antigoniinae
- Aphanopodinae
- Aplocheilichthyinae Myers, 1928
- Aplocheilinae
- Aplochitoninae
- Apogoninae
- Apsilinae
- Aptocyclinae
- Artedidraconinae
- Astronesthinae
- Atherininae
- Atherinomorinae
- Atherinopsinae
- Auchenipterinae
- Balitorinae
- Bathygadinae
- Bathymyrinae
- Batrachoidinae
- Belontiinae Liem, 1963
- Bembropinae
- Botiinae
- Brosmophycinae
- Brotulinae
- Brotulotaeniinae
- Bythitinae
- Callichthyinae
- Canthigastrinae
- Caproinae
- Carapinae
- Catostominae
- Centromochlinae
- Centropominae
- Cepolinae
- Cetopsinae
- Chauliodontinae
- Chilodontinae
- Citharininae
- Clupeinae
- Cobitinae
- Coilinae
- Congrinae
- Congrogadinae
- Copionodontinae de Pinna, 1992
- Coregoninae
- Corydoradinae Hoedeman, 1952
- Craterocephalinae
- Cubanichthyinae Parenti, 1981
- Curimatinae
- Cycleptinae
- Cyclopterinae
- Cynodontinae Eigenmann, 1907
- Cynoglossinae
- Cyprinodontinae Gill, 1865
- Cyttopsinae Greenwood et al., 1966
- Dentatherininae
- Distichodontinae
- Dorosomatinae
- Doumeinae Regan, 1911
- Dussumieriinae
- Empetrichthyinae Jordan, Evermann and Clark, 1930
- Engraulinae
- Eopsettinae Cooper & Chapleau, 1998
- Epinephelinae
- Etelinae
- Eutaeniophorinae
- Gadinae
- Galaxiinae
- Gasterochismatinae Lahille, 1903
- Girellinae
- Glanapteryginae Myers, 1944
- Goodeinae Jordan, 1923
- Grammicolepidinae Poey, 1873
- Harpagiferinae
- Helogeninae
- Hemerocoetinae
- Hemiodontinae
- Hemiramphinae
- Heterocongrinae
- Heterotidinae
- Hippocampinae
- Hippoglossinae
- Hippoglossoidinae
- Holocentrinae
- Horaichthyinae
- Hypoptopomatinae Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890
- Hypostominae
- Ictiobinae
- Idiacanthinae
- Ilyophinae
- Kyphosinae
- Lampanyctinae
- Latilinae
- Latinae
- Lebiasininae
- Lepidopodinae
- Leptoglaninae Roberts, 2003
- Lethrininae
- Lithogeneinae Gosline, 1947
- Lophichthyinae
- Loricariinae
- Lotinae
- Lovettiinae
- Luciocephalinae Bleeker, 1860
- Lutjaninae
- Lyopsettinae
- Macropodinae Liem, 1963
- Macrourinae
- Macrouroidinae Smith and Radcliffe, 1912
- Macrurocyttinae Myers, 1960
- Malacanthinae
- Malacosteinae
- Mastacembelinae
- Maurolicinae
- Melanostomiinae
- Menidiinae
- Merlucciinae
- Microcanthinae Johnson, 1984
- Microdesminae
- Mirapinninae
- Monotaxinae
- Muraeninae
- Myctophinae
- Myripristinae
- Myrophinae
- Nemacheilinae
- Neobythitinae
- Neoplecostominae Regan, 1904
- Ophichthinae
- Ophidiinae
- Oreosomatinae Bleeker, 1859
- Oryziinae
- Osphroneminae Bleeker, 1859
- Osteoglossinae
- Owstoniinae
- Oxyzygonectinae Parenti, 1981
- Paradichthyinae
- Parascorpidinae Johnson, 1984
- Parazeninae Greenwood et al., 1966
- Parodontinae
- Pelloninae
- Pellonulinae
- Percophinae
- Phallostethinae
- Phycinae
- Pleuronectinae
- Poeciliinae Garman, 1895
- Porichthyinae
- Pristigasterinae
- Procatopodinae Fowler, 1916
- Prochilodontinae
- Prototroctinae
- Pseudaminae
- Pseudochrominae
- Pseudocyttinae
- Pseudoplesiopinae
- Ptereleotrinae
- Pterothrissinae
- Pyramodontinae
- Pyrrhulininae
- Retropinninae
- Rivulinae
- Roestinae Lucena and Menezes, 1998
- Salmoninae
- Sarcoglanidinae Myers and Weitzman, 1966
- Scaphirhynchinae
- Scarinae
- Scombrinae Bonaparte, 1831
- Scorpidinae
- Serraninae
- Simenchelyinae
- Sparisomatinae
- Stegophilinae
- Steindachneriinae
- Sternoptychinae
- Stomiinae
- Symphurinae
- Synaphobranchinae
- Syngnathinae
- Tetrabrachiinae
- Tetraodontinae
- Thalassophryninae
- Thymallinae
- Trachyrincinae
- Trichiurinae
- Trichogeninae Isbrücker, 1986
- Trichomycterinae
- Tridentinae Eigenmann, 1918
- Uropterygiinae
- Vandelliinae
- Zenarchopterinae Fowler, 1934
уреди- Aaptosyax Rainboth, 1991
- Abalistes Jordan & Seale, 1906
- Abbottina Jordan and Fowler, 1903
- Ablabys Kaup, 1873
- Ablennes Jordan and Fordice, 1887
- Aboma Jordan and Starks in Jordan, 1895
- Aborichthys Chaudhuri, 1913
- Abramis Cuvier, 1816
- Abramites Fowler, 1906
- Abudefduf Forsskål, 1775
- Abyssobrotula Nielsen, 1977
- Abyssocottus Berg, 1906
- Acanthalburnus Berg, 1916
- Acanthaluteres Bleeker, 1865
- Acanthanectes Holleman and Buxton, 1993
- Acanthaphritis Günther, 1880
- Acantharchus Gill, 1864
- Acanthemblemaria Metzelaar, 1919
- Acanthicus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Acanthistius Gill, 1862
- Acanthobrama Heckel, 1843
- Acanthobunocephalus Friel, 1995
- Acanthocepola Bleeker, 1874
- Acanthochaenus Gill, 1884
- Acanthocharax Eigenmann, 1912
- Acanthochromis Gill, 1863
- Acanthocleithron Nichols and Griscom, 1917
- Acanthoclinus Jenyns, 1841
- Acanthocobitis Peters, 1861
- Acanthocybium Gill, 1862
- Acanthodoras Bleeker, 1862
- Acanthodraco Skóra, 1995
- Acanthogobio Herzenstein, 1892
- Acanthogobius Gill, 1859
- Acantholabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Acantholiparis Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Acantholumpenus Makushok, 1958
- Acanthonus Günther, 1878
- Acanthopagrus Peters, 1855
- Acanthoplesiops Regan, 1912
- Acanthopoma Lütken, 1892
- Acanthopsetta Schmidt, 1904
- Acanthopsoides Fowler, 1934
- Acanthorhodeus Bleeker, 1871
- Acanthosphex Fowler, 1938
- Acanthostracion Bleeker, 1865
- Acanthurus Forsskål, 1775
- Acantopsis van Hasselt, 1823
- Acapoeta Cockerell, 1910
- Acarichthys Eigenmann, 1912
- Acarobythites Machida, 2000
- Acaronia Myers, 1940
- Acentrogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Acentronichthys Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Acentronura Kaup, 1853
- Acentrophryne Regan, 1926
- Acestridium Haseman, 1911
- Acestrocephalus Eigenmann, 1910
- Acestrorhynchus Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Acheilognathus Bleeker, 1860
- Achiroides Bleeker, 1851
- Achiropsetta Norman, 1930
- Achiropsis Steindachner, 1876
- Achirus Lacepède, 1802
- Achoerodus Gill, 1863
- Achondrostoma Robalo, Almada, Levy and Doadrio, 2007
- Acinocheirodon Malabarba and Weitzman, 1999
- Acipenser Linnaeus, 1758
- Acnodon Eigenmann, 1903
- Acreichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1941
- Acrobrycon Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Acrocheilus Agassiz, 1855
- Acrochordonichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Acromycter Smith and Kanazawa, 1977
- Acropoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Acrossocheilus Oshima, 1919
- Acyrtops Schultz, 1951
- Acyrtus Schultz, 1944
- Adamas Huber, 1979
- Adelosebastes Eschmeyer, Abe and Nakano, 1979
- Adinia Girard, 1859
- Adontosternarchus Ellis in Eigenmann, 1912
- Adrianichthys Weber, 1913
- Adventor Whitley, 1952
- Aeoliscus Jordan and Starks, 1902
- Aequidens Eigenmann and Bray, 1894
- Aesopia Kaup, 1858
- Aetapcus Scott, 1936
- Aethaloperca Fowler, 1904
- Aethiomastacembelus Travers, 1988
- Aethotaxis DeWitt, 1962
- Afronandus Meinken, 1955
- Afurcagobius Gill, 1993
- Agamyxis Cope, 1878
- Ageneiosus Lacepède, 1803
- Agoniates Müller and Troschel, 1845
- Agonomalus Guichenot, 1866
- Agonopsis Gill, 1861
- Agonostomus Bennett, 1832
- Agonus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Agosia Girard, 1856
- Agrostichthys Phillipps, 1924
- Aguarunichthys Stewart, 1986
- Ahlia Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Ahliesaurus Bertelsen, Krefft and Marshall, 1976
- Aiakas Gosztonyi, 1977
- Aidablennius Whitley, 1947
- Ailia Gray, 1830
- Aioliops Rennis and Hoese, 1987
- Akarotaxis DeWitt and Hureau, 1979
- Akko Birdsong and Robins, 1995
- Akysis Bleeker, 1858
- Alabes Cloquet, 1816
- Albatrossia Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Albula Scopoli, 1777
- Albulichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Alburnoides Jeitteles, 1861
- Alburnus Rafinesque, 1820
- Alcichthys Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Alcockia Goode and Bean, 1896
- Aldrichetta Whitley, 1945
- Aldrovandia Goode and Bean, 1896
- Alectis Rafinesque, 1815
- Alectrias Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Alectridium Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Alepes Swainson, 1839
- Alepidomus Hubbs, 1944
- Alepisaurus Lowe, 1833
- Alepocephalus Risso, 1820
- Alertichthys Moreland, 1960
- Alestes Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Alestopetersius Hoedeman, 1951
- Alfaro Meek, 1912
- Algansea Girard, 1856
- Allenbatrachus Greenfield, 1997
- Allenichthys Pietsch, 1984
- Allips McCosker, 1972
- Alloblennius Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Allocareproctus Pitruk and Fedorov, 1993
- Allochromis Greenwood, 1980
- Alloclinus Hubbs, 1927
- Allocyttus McCulloch, 1914
- Allodontichthys Hubbs and Turner, 1939
- Allomicrodesmus Schultz in Schultz et al., 1966
- Allomycterus McCulloch, 1921
- Alloophorus Hubbs and Turner, 1939
- Allosmerus Hubbs, 1925
- Allotaius Whitley, 1937
- Allothunnus Serventy, 1948
- Allotoca Hubbs and Turner, 1939
- Alosa Linck, 1790
- Alphestes Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Alticorpus Stauffer and McKaye, 1988
- Alticus Lacepède, 1800
- Altolamprologus Poll, 1986
- Altrichthys Allen, 1999
- Aluterus Cloquet, 1816
- Amanses Gray, 1835
- Amaralia Fowler, 1954
- Amarginops Nichols and Griscom, 1917
- Amarsipus Haedrich, 1969
- Amazonsprattus Roberts, 1984
- Ambassis Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Ambiserrula Imamura, 1996
- Ambloplites Rafinesque, 1820
- Amblyceps Blyth, 1858
- Amblychaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Amblycirrhitus Gill, 1862
- Amblydoras Bleeker, 1862
- Amblyeleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Amblygaster Bleeker, 1849
- Amblyglyphidodon Bleeker, 1877
- Amblygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Amblyopsis DeKay, 1842
- Amblyotrypauchen Hora, 1924
- Amblypharyngodon Bleeker, 1860
- Amblypomacentrus Bleeker, 1877
- Amblyrhynchichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Ambophthalmos Jackson and Nelson, 1998
- Ameca Miller and Fitzsimmons, 1971
- Ameiurus Rafinesque, 1820
- Amia Linnaeus, 1766
- Amissidens Kailola, 2004
- Ammocrypta Jordan, 1877
- Ammocryptocharax Weitzman and Kanazawa, 1976
- Ammodytes Linnaeus, 1758
- Ammodytoides Duncker and Mohr, 1939
- Ammoglanis Costa, 1994
- Ammolabrus Randall and Carlson, 1997
- Ammotretis Günther, 1862
- Amniataba Whitley, 1943
- Amoya Herre, 1927
- Amphichaetodon Burgess, 1978
- Amphichthys Swainson, 1839
- Amphilius Günther, 1864
- Amphilophus Agassiz, 1859
- Amphiprion Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Amphistichus Agassiz, 1854
- Amsichthys Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Anabarilius Cockerell, 1923
- Anabas Cloquet, 1816
- Anableps Scopoli, 1777
- Anacanthus Gray, 1830
- Anadoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Anaecypris Collares-Pereira, 1983
- Anampses Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Anaora Gray, 1835
- Anarchias Jordan and Starks in Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Anarchopterus Hubbs, 1935
- Anarhichas Linnaeus, 1758
- Anarrhichthys Ayres, 1855
- Anaspidoglanis Teugels, Risch, de Vos and Thys van den Audenaerde, 1991
- Anatirostrum Iljin, 1930
- Anatolanthias Anderson, Parin and Randall, 1990
- Ancharius Steindachner, 1880
- Ancherythroculter Yih and Wu, 1964
- Anchichoerops Barnard, 1927
- Anchoa Jordan and Evermann, 1927
- Anchovia Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1895
- Anchoviella Fowler, 1911
- Ancistrus Kner, 1854
- Ancylopsetta Gill, 1864
- Andamia Blyth, 1858
- Andersonia Boulenger, 1900
- Andriashevia Fedorov and Neyelov, 1978
- Andriashevicottus Fedorov, 1990
- Anduzedoras Fernández-Yépez, 1968
- Anguilla Schrank, 1798
- Anisarchus Gill, 1864
- Anisochromis Smith, 1954
- Anisotremus Gill, 1861
- Annamia Hora, 1932
- Anodontiglanis Rendahl, 1922
- Anodontostoma Bleeker, 1849
- Anodus Cuvier, 1829
- Anomalochromis Greenwood, 1985
- Anomalops Kner, 1868
- Anoplagonus Gill, 1861
- Anoplarchus Gill, 1861
- Anoplocapros Kaup, 1855
- Anoplogaster Günther, 1859
- Anoplopoma Ayres, 1859
- Anostomoides Pellegrin, 1909
- Anostomus Scopoli, 1777
- Anotopterus Zugmayer, 1911
- Antennablennius Fowler, 1931
- Antennarius Daudin, 1816
- Antennatus Schultz, 1957
- Anthias Bloch, 1792
- Antigonia Lowe, 1843
- Antimora Günther, 1878
- Antipodocottus Bolin, 1952
- Anyperodon Günther, 1859
- Apagesoma Carter, 1983
- Apareiodon Eigenmann, 1916
- Apeltes DeKay, 1842
- Aphanius Nardo, 1827
- Aphanopus Lowe, 1839
- Aphareus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Aphia Risso, 1827
- Aphos Hubbs and Schultz, 1939
- Aphredoderus Lesueur in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Aphyocharacidium Géry, 1960
- Aphyocharax Günther, 1868
- Aphyocheirodon Eigenmann, 1915
- Aphyocypris Günther, 1868
- Aphyodite Eigenmann, 1912
- Aphyolebias Costa, 1998
- Aphyonus Günther, 1878
- Aphyoplatys Clausen, 1967
- Aphyosemion Myers, 1924
- Apionichthys Kaup, 1858
- Apistogramma Regan, 1913
- Apistogrammoides Meinken, 1965
- Apistoloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1986
- Apistops Ogilby, 1911
- Apistus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Aplatophis Böhlke, 1956
- Apletodon Briggs, 1955
- Aploactis Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Aploactisoma Castelnau, 1872
- Aplocheilichthys Bleeker, 1863
- Aplocheilus McClelland, 1839
- Aplochiton Jenyns, 1842
- Aplodactylus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Aplodinotus Rafinesque, 1819
- Apocryptes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Apocryptichthys Day, 1876
- Apocryptodon Bleeker, 1874
- Apodichthys Girard, 1854
- Apodocreedia de Beaufort, 1948
- Apogon Lacepède, 1801
- Apogonichthys Bleeker, 1854
- Apogonops Ogilby, 1896
- Apolemichthys Burton, 1934
- Apomatoceros Eigenmann, 1922
- Apopterygion Kuiter, 1986
- Aporops Schultz, 1943
- Aposturisoma Isbrücker, Britski, Nijssen and Ortega, 1983
- Aprion Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Aprognathodon Böhlke, 1967
- Apsilus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Apterichtus Duméril, 1806
- Apteronotus Lacepède, 1800
- Apterygocampus Weber, 1913
- Aptocyclus De la Pylaie, 1835
- Aracana Gray, 1838
- Araiophos Grey, 1961
- Arapaima Müller, 1843
- Archamia Gill, 1863
- Archistes Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Archocentrus Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877
- Archolaemus Korringa, 1970
- Archoplites Gill, 1861
- Archosargus Gill, 1865
- Arcos Schultz, 1944
- Arctogadus Dryagin, 1932
- Arctoscopus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Arctozenus Gill, 1864
- Arcygobius Larson and Wright, 2003
- Arenigobius Whitley, 1930
- Argentina Linnaeus, 1758
- Argonectes Böhlke and Myers, 1956
- Argopleura Eigenmann, 1913
- Argyripnus Gilbert and Cramer, 1897
- Argyrocottus Herzenstein, 1892
- Argyropelecus Cocco, 1829
- Argyrops Swainson, 1839
- Argyrosomus De la Pylaie, 1835
- Argyrozona Smith, 1938
- Ariomma Jordan and Snyder, 1904
- Ariopsis Gill, 1861
- Ariosoma Swainson, 1838
- Aristochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Aristostomias Zugmayer, 1913
- Arius Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Arnoglossus Bleeker, 1862
- Arnoldichthys Myers, 1926
- Arothron Müller, 1841
- Arotrolepis Fraser-Brunner, 1941
- Arrhamphus Günther, 1866
- Arripis Jenyns, 1840
- Artedidraco Lönnberg, 1905
- Artediellichthys Taranetz, 1941
- Artediellina Taranetz, 1937
- Artedielloides Soldatov, 1922
- Artediellus Jordan, 1885
- Artedius Girard, 1856
- Aruma Ginsburg, 1933
- Asarcenchelys McCosker, 1985
- Ascelichthys Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Asemichthys Gilbert, 1912
- Aseraggodes Kaup, 1858
- Askoldia Pavlenko, 1910
- Aspasma Jordan and Fowler, 1902
- Aspasmichthys Briggs, 1955
- Aspasmodes Smith, 1957
- Aspasmogaster Waite, 1907
- Aspericorvina Fowler, 1934
- Aspidontus Cuvier in Quoy and Gaimard, 1834
- Aspidoparia Heckel, 1847
- Aspidophoroides Lacepède, 1801
- Aspidoras Ihering, 1907
- Aspiolucius Berg, 1907
- Aspiorhynchus Kessler, 1879
- Aspistor Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Aspius Agassiz, 1832
- Aspredinichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Aspredo Scopoli, 1777
- Asprocottus Berg, 1906
- Asquamiceps Zugmayer, 1911
- Asra Iljin, 1941
- Assessor Whitley, 1935
- Assiculoides Gill and Hutchins, 1997
- Assiculus Richardson, 1846
- Assurger Whitley, 1933
- Astatoreochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Astatotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Asterophysus Kner, 1858
- Asterorhombus Tanaka, 1915
- Asterropteryx Rüppell, 1830
- Asthenomacrurus Sazonov and Shcherbachev, 1982
- Astrabe Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Astrapogon Fowler, 1907
- Astroblepus Humboldt, 1805
- Astrocottus Bolin, 1936
- Astrodoras Bleeker, 1862
- Astronesthes Richardson, 1845
- Astronotus Swainson, 1839
- Astroscopus Brevoort in Gill, 1860
- Astyanacinus Eigenmann, 1907
- Astyanax Baird and Girard, 1854
- Ataeniobius Hubbs and Turner, 1939
- Ataxolepis Myers and Freihofer, 1966
- Ateleopus Temminck and Schlegel, 1846
- Atheresthes Jordan & Gilbert, 1880
- Atherina Linnaeus, 1758
- Atherinason Whitley, 1934
- Atherinella Steindachner, 1875
- Atherinomorus Fowler, 1903
- Atherinops Steindachner, 1876
- Atherinopsis Girard, 1854
- Atherinosoma Castelnau, 1872
- Atherion Jordan and Starks, 1901
- Atopochilus Sauvage, 1879
- Atopocottus Bolin, 1936
- Atopomesus Myers, 1927
- Atractodenchelys Robins and Robins, 1970
- Atractoscion Gill, 1862
- Atractosteus Rafinesque, 1820
- Atrilinea Chu, 1935
- Atrobucca Chu, Lo and Wu, 1963
- Atrophacanthus Fraser-Brunner, 1950
- Atropus Oken, 1817
- Atrosalarias Whitley, 1933
- Attonitus Vari and Ortega, 2000
- Atule Jordan and Jordan, 1922
- Atypichthys Günther, 1862
- Auchenionchus Gill, 1860
- Auchenipterichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Auchenipterus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Auchenoceros Günther, 1889
- Auchenoglanis Günther, 1865
- Aulacocephalus Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Aulastomatomorpha Alcock, 1890
- Aulichthys Brevoort in Gill, 1862
- Aulixidens Böhlke, 1952
- Aulonocara Regan, 1922
- Aulonocranus Regan, 1920
- Aulopareia Smith, 1945
- Aulopus Cloquet, 1816
- Aulopyge Heckel, 1841
- Aulorhynchus Gill, 1861
- Aulostomus Lacepède, 1803
- Aulotrachichthys Fowler, 1938
- Auriglobus Kottelat, 1999
- Austrobatrachus Smith, 1949
- Austrofundulus Myers, 1932
- Austroglanis Skelton, Risch and de Vos, 1984
- Austroglossus Regan, 1920
- Austrolabrus Steindachner, 1884
- Austrolebias Costa, 1998
- Austrolethops Whitley, 1935
- Austrolycus Regan, 1913
- Austronibea Trewavas, 1977
- Auxis Cuvier, 1829
- Avocettina Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Awaous Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Axelrodia Géry, 1965
- Axoclinus Fowler, 1944
- Ayarnangra Roberts, 2001
- Aztecula Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Azurina Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Azygopterus Andriashev and Makushok, 1955
- Azygopus Norman, 1926
- Badis Bleeker, 1854
- Bagarius Bleeker, 1854
- Bagre Cloquet, 1816
- Bagrichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Bagroides Bleeker, 1851
- Bagropsis Lütken, 1874
- Bagrus Bosc, 1816
- Bahaba Herre, 1935
- Baileychromis Poll, 1986
- Bairdiella Gill, 1861
- Bajacalifornia Townsend and Nichols, 1925
- Balantiocheilos Bleeker, 1860
- Balistapus Tilesius, 1820
- Balistes Linnaeus, 1758
- Balistoides Fraser-Brunner, 1935
- Balitora Gray, 1830
- Balitoropsis Smith, 1945
- Bambradon Jordan and Richardson, 1908
- Bangana Hamilton, 1822
- Banjos Bleeker, 1876
- Barathrites Zugmayer, 1911
- Barathrodemus Goode and Bean, 1883
- Barathronus Goode and Bean, 1886
- Barbantus Parr, 1951
- Barbatula Linck, 1790
- Barbichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Barbodes Bleeker, 1859
- Barboides Brüning, 1929
- Barbonymus Kottelat, 1999
- Barbopsis Di Caporiacco, 1926
- Barbourichthys Chabanaud, 1934
- Barbourisia Parr, 1945
- Barbucca Roberts, 1989
- Barbulifer Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Barbuligobius Lachner and McKinney, 1974
- Barbus Cuvier and Cloquet, 1816
- Barilius Hamilton, 1822
- Bario Myers, 1940
- Barnardichthys Chabanaud, 1927
- Baryancistrus Rapp Py-Daniel, 1989
- Bascanichthys Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Basilichthys Girard, 1855
- Bassanago Whitley, 1948
- Bassogigas Goode and Bean, 1896
- Bassozetus Gill, 1883
- Batanga Herre, 1946
- Batasio Blyth, 1860
- Bathophilus Giglioli, 1882
- Bathyaethiops Fowler, 1949
- Bathyagonus Gilbert, 1890
- Bathyanthias Günther, 1880
- Bathyaploactis Whitley, 1933
- Bathybagrus Bailey and Stewart, 1984
- Bathybates Boulenger, 1898
- Bathyblennius Bath, 1977
- Bathycallionymus Nakabo, 1982
- Bathycetopsis Lundberg and Rapp-Py-Daniel, 1994
- Bathychaunax Caruso, 1989
- Bathyclarias Jackson, 1959
- Bathyclupea Alcock, 1891
- Bathycongrus Ogilby, 1898
- Bathydraco Günther, 1878
- Bathygadus Günther, 1878
- Bathygobius Bleeker, 1878
- Bathylaco Goode and Bean, 1896
- Bathylagichthys Kobyliansky, 1986
- Bathylagoides Whitley, 1951
- Bathylagus Günther, 1878
- Bathylutichthys Balushkin and Voskoboinikova, 1990
- Bathylychnops Cohen, 1958
- Bathymaster Cope, 1873
- Bathymicrops Hjort and Koefoed in Murray and Hjort, 1912
- Bathymyrus Alcock, 1889
- Bathyonus Goode and Bean, 1885
- Bathyphylax Myers, 1934
- Bathyprion Marshall, 1966
- Bathypterois Günther, 1878
- Bathysauroides Baldwin and Johnson in Stiassny et al., 1996
- Bathysauropsis Regan, 1911
- Bathysaurus Günther, 1878
- Bathysolea Roule, 1916
- Bathysphaera Beebe, 1932
- Bathysphyraenops Parr, 1933
- Bathystethus Gill, 1893
- Bathytroctes Günther, 1878
- Bathytyphlops Nybelin, 1957
- Bathyuroconger Fowler, 1934
- Batrachocephalus Bleeker, 1846
- Batrachocottus Berg, 1903
- Batrachoides Lacepède, 1800
- Batrachomoeus Ogilby, 1908
- Batrichthys Smith, 1934
- Batrochoglanis Gill in Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Beaglichthys Machida, 1993
- Beaufortia Hora, 1932
- Bedotia Regan, 1903
- Beliops Hardy, 1985
- Bellapiscis Hardy, 1987
- Bellator Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Belligobio Jordan and Hubbs, 1925
- Bellottia Giglioli, 1883
- Belobranchus Bleeker, 1857
- Belodontichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Belone Cuvier, 1816
- Belonepterygion McCulloch, 1915
- Belonesox Kner, 1860
- Belonion Collette, 1966
- Belonoglanis Boulenger, 1902
- Belonoperca Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Belonophago Giltay, 1929
- Belontia Myers, 1923
- Bembradium Gilbert, 1905
- Bembras Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Bembrops Steindachner, 1876
- Bengala Gray, 1833
- Benitochromis Lamboj, 2001
- Benthalbella Zugmayer, 1911
- Benthenchelys Fowler, 1934
- Benthochromis Poll, 1986
- Benthocometes Goode and Bean, 1896
- Benthodesmus Goode and Bean, 1882
- Benthophiloides Beling and Iljin, 1927
- Benthophilus Eichwald, 1831
- Benthosema Goode and Bean, 1896
- Bergiaria Eigenmann and Norris, 1901
- Bero Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Bertella Pietsch, 1973
- Beryx Cuvier, 1829
- Betta Bleeker, 1850
- Bhanotia Hora, 1926
- Bhavania Hora, 1920
- Bidenichthys Barnard, 1934
- Bidyanus Whitley, 1943
- Bifax Greenfield, Mee and Randall, 1994
- Bihunichthys Kottelat and Lim, 1994
- Bilabria Schmidt, 1936
- Biotodoma Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Biotoecus Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Bivibranchia Eigenmann, 1912
- Biwia Jordan and Fowler, 1903
- Blachea Karrer and Smith, 1980
- Bleekeria Günther, 1862
- Blenniella Reid, 1943
- Blennioclinus Gill, 1860
- Blennius Linnaeus, 1758
- Blennodesmus Günther, 1872
- Blennodon Hardy, 1987
- Blennophis Swainson, 1839
- Blepsias Cuvier, 1829
- Blicca Heckel, 1843
- Bodianus Bloch, 1790
- Boehlkea Géry, 1966
- Boehlkenchelys Tighe, 1992
- Boesemania Trewavas, 1977
- Bolbometopon Smith, 1956
- Boleophthalmus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Bolinia Yabe, 1991
- Bolinichthys Paxton, 1972
- Bollmannia Jordan in Jordan and Bollman, 1890
- Bonapartia Goode and Bean, 1896
- Boops Cuvier, 1814
- Boopsoidea Castelnau, 1861
- Boraras Kottelat and Vidthayanon, 1993
- Boreogadus Günther, 1862
- Boridia Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Borophryne Regan, 1925
- Borostomias Regan, 1908
- Bostockia Castelnau, 1873
- Bostrychus Lacepède, 1801
- Bothragonus Gill in Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Bothrocara Bean, 1890
- Bothrocarina Suvorov, 1935
- Bothus Rafinesque, 1810
- Botia Gray, 1831
- Boulengerella Eigenmann, 1903
- Boulengerochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Boulengeromyrus Taverne and Géry, 1968
- Bovichtus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Bovitrigla Fowler, 1938
- Brachaluteres Bleeker, 1865
- Brachionichthys Bleeker, 1855
- Brachirus Swainson, 1839
- Brachyamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Brachybembras Fowler, 1938
- Brachychalcinus Boulenger, 1892
- Brachydeuterus Gill, 1862
- Brachygalaxias Eigenmann, 1928
- Brachyglanis Eigenmann, 1912
- Brachygobius Bleeker, 1874
- Brachyhypopomus Mago-Leccia, 1994
- Brachyistius Gill, 1862
- Brachymystax Günther, 1866
- Brachynectes Scott, 1957
- Brachyopsis Gill, 1861
- Brachypetersius Hoedeman, 1956
- Brachyplatystoma Bleeker, 1862
- Brachypleura Günther, 1862
- Brachypterois Fowler, 1938
- Brachyrhamdia Myers, 1927
- Brachyrhaphis Regan, 1913
- Brachysomophis Kaup, 1856
- Brama Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Bramocharax Gill in Gill and Bransford, 1877
- Branchiostegus Rafinesque, 1815
- Bregmaceros Thompson, 1840
- Breitensteinia Steindachner, 1881
- Brephostoma Alcock, 1889
- Brevoortia Gill, 1861
- Brienomyrus Taverne, 1971
- Brinkmannella Parr, 1933
- Brittanichthys Géry, 1965
- Brochiloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Brochis Cope, 1871
- Brosme Oken, 1817
- Brosmodorsalis Paulin and Roberts, 1989
- Brosmolus Machida, 1993
- Brosmophyciops Schultz in Schultz, Chapman, Lachner and Woods, 1960
- Brosmophycis Gill, 1861
- Brotula Cuvier, 1829
- Brotulina Fowler, 1946
- Brotulotaenia Parr, 1933
- Brustiarius Herre, 1935
- Bryaninops Smith, 1959
- Brycinus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Brycon Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Bryconacidnus Myers in Eigenmann and Myers, 1929
- Bryconaethiops Günther, 1873
- Bryconamericus Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Bryconella Géry, 1965
- Bryconexodon Géry, 1980
- Bryconops Kner, 1858
- Bryozoichthys Whitley, 1931
- Bryx Herald, 1940
- Buccochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Buenia Iljin, 1930
- Bufoceratias Whitley, 1931
- Buglossidium Chabanaud, 1930
- Bujurquina Kullander, 1986
- Bulbonaricus Herald in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
- Bullisichthys Rivas, 1971
- Bullockia Arratia, Chang, Menu-Marque and Rojas, 1978
- Bunaka Herre, 1927
- Bunocephalus Kner, 1855
- Butis Bleeker, 1856
- Bythites Reinhardt, 1835
- Cabillus Smith, 1959
- Caecobarbus Boulenger, 1921
- Caecocypris Banister and Bunni, 1980
- Caecogobius Berti and Ercolini, 1991
- Caecomastacembelus Poll, 1958
- Caecula Vahl, 1794
- Caelorinchus Giorna, 1809
- Caenotropus Günther, 1864
- Caesio Lacepède, 1801
- Caesioperca Castelnau, 1872
- Caesioscorpis Whitley, 1945
- Caffrogobius Smitt, 1900
- Caiapobrycon Malabarba and Vari, 2000
- Cairnsichthys Allen, 1980
- Calamiana Herre, 1945
- Calamopteryx Böhlke and Cohen, 1966
- Calamus Swainson, 1839
- Callanthias Lowe, 1839
- Callechelys Kaup, 1856
- Callichthys Scopoli, 1777
- Calliclinus Gill, 1860
- Callionymus Linnaeus, 1758
- Callochromis Regan, 1920
- Callogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Callopanchax Myers, 1933
- Calloplesiops Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Calophysus Müller and Troschel in Müller, 1843
- Calotomus Gilbert, 1890
- Calumia Smith, 1958
- Campellolebias Vaz-Ferreira and Sierra de Soriano, 1974
- Campichthys Whitley, 1931
- Campogramma Regan, 1903
- Campostoma Agassiz, 1855
- Campylomormyrus Bleeker, 1874
- Cancelloxus Smith, 1961
- Candidia Jordan and Richardson, 1909
- Cantherhines Swainson, 1839
- Cantheschenia Hutchins, 1977
- Canthidermis Swainson, 1839
- Canthigaster Swainson, 1839
- Capoeta Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1842
- Capoetobrama Berg, 1916
- Caprichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Caprichthys McCulloch & Waite, 1915
- Caprodon Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Capromimus Gill, 1893
- Capropygia Kaup, 1855
- Capros Lacepède, 1802
- Caquetaia Fowler, 1945
- Caracanthus Krøyer, 1845
- Caragobius Smith and Seale, 1906
- Caralophia Böhlke, 1955
- Carangoides Bleeker, 1851
- Caranx Lacepède, 1801
- Carapus Rafinesque, 1810
- Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971
- Carassioides Oshima, 1926
- Carassius Nilsson, 1832
- Cardiopharynx Poll, 1942
- Careproctus Krøyer, 1862
- Carinotetraodon Benl, 1957
- Caristius Gill and Smith, 1905
- Carlana Strand, 1928
- Carlastyanax Géry, 1972
- Carlhubbsia Whitley, 1951
- Carnegiella Eigenmann, 1909
- Carpiodes Rafinesque, 1820
- Caspiosoma Iljin, 1927
- Cataetyx Günther, 1887
- Catathyridium Chabanaud, 1928
- Catesbya Böhlke and Smith, 1968
- Cathorops Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Catlocarpio Boulenger, 1898
- Catoprion Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Catostomus Lesueur, 1817
- Caulolatilus Gill, 1862
- Caulophryne Goode and Bean, 1896
- Cebidichthys Ayres, 1855
- Centracanthus Rafinesque, 1810
- Centrarchops Fowler, 1923
- Centrarchus Cuvier, 1829
- Centriscops Gill, 1862
- Centriscus Linnaeus, 1758
- Centroberyx Gill, 1862
- Centrobranchus Fowler, 1904
- Centrochir Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Centrodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Centrodraco Regan, 1913
- Centrogenys Richardson, 1842
- Centrolabrus Günther, 1861
- Centrolophus Lacepède, 1802
- Centromochlus Kner, 1858
- Centrophryne Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Centropogon Günther, 1860
- Centropomus Lacepède, 1802
- Centropristis Cuvier, 1829
- Centropyge Kaup, 1860
- Cephalocassis Bleeker, 1857
- Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cephalopsetta Dutt & Rao, 1965
- Cephalosilurus Haseman, 1911
- Cepola Linnaeus, 1764
- Ceratias Krøyer, 1845
- Ceratobranchia Eigenmann in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Ceratobregma Holleman, 1987
- Ceratoglanis Myers, 1938
- Ceratoscopelus Günther, 1864
- Cercamia Randall and Smith, 1988
- Cerdale Jordan and Gilbert, 1882
- Cestraeus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Cetengraulis Günther, 1868
- Cetichthys Paxton, 1989
- Cetomimoides Koefoed, 1955
- Cetomimus Goode and Bean, 1895
- Cetonurichthys Sazonov and Shcherbachev, 1982
- Cetonurus Günther, 1887
- Cetopsis Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Cetopsorhamdia Eigenmann and Fisher in Eigenmann, 1916
- Cetoscarus Smith, 1956
- Cetostoma Zugmayer, 1914
- Chaca Gray, 1831
- Chaenocephalus Regan, 1913
- Chaenodraco Regan, 1914
- Chaenogobius Gill, 1859
- Chaenomugil Gill, 1863
- Chaenophryne Regan, 1925
- Chaenopsis Gill, 1865
- Chaetobranchopsis Steindachner, 1875
- Chaetobranchus Heckel, 1840
- Chaetodermis Swainson, 1839
- Chaetodipterus Lacepède, 1802
- Chaetodon Linnaeus, 1758
- Chaetodontoplus Bleeker, 1876
- Chaetostoma Tschudi, 1846
- Chaeturichthys Richardson, 1844
- Chagunius Smith, 1938
- Chalaroderma Norman, 1943
- Chalcalburnus Berg, 1933
- Chalceus Cuvier, 1818
- Chalinochromis Poll, 1974
- Chalixodytes Schultz, 1943
- Champsocephalus Gill, 1862
- Champsochromis Boulenger, 1915
- Champsodon Günther, 1867
- Chanda Hamilton, 1822
- Channa Scopoli, 1777
- Channallabes Günther, 1873
- Channichthys Richardson, 1844
- Channomuraena Richardson, 1848
- Chanodichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Chanos Lacepède, 1803
- Chapalichthys Meek, 1902
- Characidium Reinhardt, 1867
- Characodon Günther, 1866
- Charax Scopoli, 1777
- Chascanopsetta Alcock, 1894
- Chasmistes Jordan, 1878
- Chasmocranus Eigenmann, 1912
- Chasmodes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Chatrabus Smith, 1949
- Chaudhuria Annandale, 1918
- Chauliodus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Chaunax Lowe, 1846
- Cheilinus Lacépède, 1801
- Cheilio Lacépède, 1802
- Cheilochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Cheilodactylus Lacepède, 1803
- Cheilodipterus Lacepède, 1801
- Cheilopogon Lowe, 1841
- Cheiloprion Weber, 1913
- Cheilotrema Tschudi, 1846
- Cheimarrichthys Haast, 1874
- Cheimerius Smith, 1938
- Cheirocerus Eigenmann, 1917
- Cheirodon Girard, 1855
- Cheirodontops Schultz, 1944
- Chela Hamilton, 1822
- Chelaethiops Boulenger, 1899
- Chelidonichthys Kaup, 1873
- Chelidoperca Boulenger, 1895
- Chelmon Cloquet, 1817
- Chelmonops Bleeker, 1876
- Chelon Artedi in Röse, 1793
- Chelonodontops Smith, 1958
- Chendol Kottelat and Lim, 1994
- Cheroscorpaena Mees, 1964
- Cherublemma Trotter, 1926
- Chesnonia Iredale and Whitley, 1969
- Chetia Trewavas, 1961
- Chiasmodon Johnson, 1864
- Chilara Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Chilatherina Regan, 1914
- Chilobrycon Géry and de Rham, 1981
- Chilochromis Boulenger, 1902
- Chiloconger Myers and Wade, 1941
- Chilodus Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Chiloglanis Peters, 1868
- Chilomycterus Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Chilorhinus Lütken, 1852
- Chilotilapia Boulenger, 1908
- Chionobathyscus Andriashev and Neyelov, 1978
- Chionodraco Lönnberg, 1906
- Chirocentrodon Günther, 1868
- Chirocentrus Cuvier, 1816
- Chirodactylus Gill, 1862
- Chirolophis Swainson, 1839
- Chironemus Cuvier, 1829
- Chirophryne Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Chirostoma Swainson, 1839
- Chirostomias Regan and Trewavas, 1930
- Chitala Fowler, 1934
- Chitonotus Lockington, 1879
- Chlamydogobius Whitley, 1930
- Chlidichthys Smith, 1953
- Chlopsis Rafinesque, 1810
- Chlorophthalmus Bonaparte, 1840
- Chloroscombrus Girard, 1858
- Chlorurus Swainson, 1839
- Choerodon Bleeker, 1849
- Choeroichthys Kaup, 1856
- Chologaster Agassiz, 1853
- Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1832
- Chonerhinos Bleeker, 1854
- Choridactylus Richardson, 1848
- Chorisochismus Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Chriodorus Goode and Bean, 1882
- Chriolepis Gilbert, 1892
- Chrionema Gilbert, 1905
- Chromidotilapia Boulenger, 1898
- Chromileptes Swainson, 1839
- Chromis Cuvier, 1814
- Chromobotia Kottelat, 2004
- Chromogobius de Buen, 1930
- Chrosomus Rafinesque, 1820
- Chrysichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Chrysiptera Swainson, 1839
- Chrysoblephus Swainson, 1839
- Chrysobrycon Weitzman and Menezes, 1998
- Chrysochir Trewavas and Yazdani, 1966
- Chrysophrys Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Chuanchia Herzenstein, 1891
- Cichla Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839
- Ciliata Couch, 1832
- Cilus Delfin, 1900
- Cinetodus Ogilby, 1898
- Cirrhibarbis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Cirrhilabrus Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Cirrhimuraena Kaup, 1856
- Cirrhinus Oken, 1817
- Cirrhitichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Cirrhitops Smith, 1951
- Cirrhitus Lacepède, 1803
- Cirricaecula Schultz in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
- Cirriemblemaria Hastings, 1997
- Cirrimaxilla Chen and Shao, 1995
- Cirripectes Swainson, 1839
- Cirrisalarias Springer, 1976
- Citharichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Citharidium Boulenger, 1902
- Citharinops Daget, 1962
- Citharinus Cuvier, 1816
- Citharoides Hubbs, 1915
- Citharus Artedi in Röse, 1793
- Clariallabes Boulenger, 1900
- Clarias Scopoli, 1777
- Clariger Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Clarkichthys Smith, 1958
- Clarotes Kner, 1855
- Cleidopus De Vis, 1882
- Cleisthenes Jordan & Starks, 1904
- Cleithracara Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Clepticus Cuvier, 1829
- Clevelandia Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Clidoderma Bleeker, 1862
- Climacoporus Barnard, 1935
- Clinitrachus Swainson, 1839
- Clinocottus Gill, 1861
- Clinoporus Barnard, 1927
- Clinostomus Girard, 1856
- Clinus Cuvier, 1816
- Clupanodon Lacepède, 1803
- Clupea Linnaeus, 1758
- Clupeacharax Pearson, 1924
- Clupeichthys Bleeker, 1855
- Clupeocharax Pellegrin, 1926
- Clupeoides Bleeker, 1851
- Clupeonella Kessler, 1877
- Clupisoma Swainson, 1838
- Cnesterodon Garman, 1895
- Cnidoglanis Günther, 1864
- Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758
- Coccorella Roule, 1929
- Coccotropsis Barnard, 1927
- Cochlefelis Whitley, 1941
- Cochleoceps Whitley, 1943
- Cociella Whitley, 1940
- Cocotropus Kaup, 1858
- Coelophrys Brauer, 1902
- Coilia Gray, 1830
- Colisa Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Colistium Norman, 1926
- Collichthys Günther, 1860
- Collybus Snyder, 1904
- Coloconger Alcock, 1889
- Cologrammus Gill, 1893
- Cololabis Gill, 1896
- Colomesus Gill, 1884
- Colossoma Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Colpichthys Hubbs, 1918
- Colurodontis Hutchins, 1977
- Comephorus Lacepède, 1800
- Compsaraia Albert, 2001
- Compsura Eigenmann, 1915
- Conger Bosc, 1817
- Congiopodus Perry, 1811
- Congocharax Matthes, 1964
- Congothrissa Poll, 1964
- Congresox Gill, 1890
- Congrhynchus Fowler, 1934
- Congriscus Jordan and Hubbs, 1925
- Congrogadus Günther, 1862
- Congrosoma Garman, 1899
- Conidens Briggs, 1955
- Conniella Allen, 1983
- Conocara Goode and Bean, 1896
- Conodon Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Conorhynchos Bleeker, 1858
- Conta Hora, 1950
- Contusus Whitley, 1947
- Cookeolus Fowler, 1928
- Copadichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Copeina Fowler, 1906
- Copella Myers, 1956
- Copionodon de Pinna, 1992
- Copora Fernández-Yépez, 1969
- Coptobrycon Géry, 1966
- Coptostomabarbus David and Poll, 1937
- Coradion Kaup, 1860
- Coralliozetus Evermann and Marsh, 1899
- Coranthus Smith, 1961
- Corcyrogobius Miller, 1972
- Cordylancistrus Isbrücker, 1980
- Coregonus Linnaeus, 1758
- Coreius Jordan and Starks, 1905
- Corematodus Boulenger, 1897
- Coreoleuciscus Mori, 1935
- Coreoperca Herzenstein, 1896
- Corica Hamilton, 1822
- Coris Lacépède, 1801
- Corniger Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831
- Corumbataia Britski, 1997
- Corvula Jordan and Eigenmann, 1889
- Corydoras Lacepède, 1803
- Corymbophanes Eigenmann, 1909
- Corynopoma Gill, 1858
- Coryogalops Smith, 1958
- Coryphaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Coryphaenoides Gunner, 1765
- Coryphoblennius Norman, 1943
- Coryphopterus Gill, 1863
- Corythoichthys Kaup, 1853
- Cosmocampus Dawson, 1979
- Cosmochilus Sauvage, 1878
- Cottapistus Bleeker, 1876
- Cottinella Berg, 1907
- Cottiusculus Schmidt in Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Cottoclinus McCosker, Stephens and Rosenblatt, 2003
- Cottocomephorus Pellegrin, 1900
- Cottoperca Steindachner, 1876
- Cottunculus Collett, 1875
- Cottus Linnaeus, 1758
- Cotylopus Guichenot, 1863
- Couesius Jordan, 1878
- Cranoglanis Peters, 1881
- Crapatalus Günther, 1861
- Craterocephalus McCulloch, 1912
- Cratinus Steindachner, 1878
- Creagrutus Günther, 1864
- Creedia Ogilby, 1898
- Cremnochorites Holleman, 1982
- Crenicara Steindachner, 1875
- Crenichthys Hubbs, 1932
- Crenicichla Heckel, 1840
- Crenidens Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Crenimugil Schultz, 1946
- Crenuchus Günther, 1863
- Creocele Briggs, 1955
- Crinodus Gill, 1862
- Cristacirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Cristatogobius Herre, 1927
- Cristiceps Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Crocodilichthys Allen and Robertson, 1991
- Croilia Smith, 1955
- Cromeria Boulenger, 1901
- Crossocheilus Kuhl and van Hasselt in van Hasselt, 1823
- Crossoloricaria Isbrücker, 1979
- Crossorhombus Regan, 1920
- Crossosalarias Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Crossostoma Sauvage, 1878
- Crossostomus Lahille, 1908
- Cryodraco Dollo, 1900
- Cryothenia Daniels, 1981
- Cryptacanthodes Storer, 1839
- Cryptarius Kailola, 2004
- Cryptichthys Hardy, 1987
- Cryptocentroides Popta, 1922
- Cryptocentrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Cryptopsaras Gill, 1883
- Cryptotomus Cope, 1871
- Cryptotora Kottelat, 1998
- Cryptotrema Gilbert, 1890
- Crystallaria Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan, 1885
- Crystallias Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Crystallichthys Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Crystallodytes Fowler, 1923
- Crystallogobius Gill, 1863
- Cteniloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Ctenobrycon Eigenmann, 1908
- Ctenochaetus Gill, 1884
- Ctenochirichthys Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Ctenochromis Pfeffer, 1893
- Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
- Ctenogobius Gill, 1858
- Ctenolabrus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Ctenolucius Gill, 1861
- Ctenopharyngodon Steindachner, 1866
- Ctenopharynx Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Ctenopoma Peters, 1844
- Ctenops McClelland, 1845
- Ctenosciaena Fowler and Bean, 1923
- Ctenotrypauchen Steindachner, 1867
- Cualac Miller, 1956
- Cubanichthys Hubbs, 1926
- Cubiceps Lowe, 1843
- Culaea Whitley, 1950
- Culter Basilewsky, 1855
- Cultrichthys Smith, 1938
- Cunningtonia Boulenger, 1906
- Curimata Bosc, 1817
- Curimatella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Curimatopsis Steindachner, 1876
- Cyanocharax Malabarba and Weitzman, 2003
- Cyathochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Cyathopharynx Regan, 1920
- Cybiosarda Whitley, 1935
- Cycleptus Rafinesque, 1819
- Cyclichthys Kaup, 1855
- Cyclocheilichthys Bleeker, 1859
- Cyclopharynx Poll, 1948
- Cyclopsetta Gill, 1889
- Cyclopsis Popov, 1930
- Cyclopteropsis Soldatov and Popov, 1929
- Cyclopterus Linnaeus, 1758
- Cyclothone Goode and Bean, 1883
- Cyema Günther, 1878
- Cygnodraco Waite, 1916
- Cymatoceps Smith, 1938
- Cymatogaster Gibbons, 1854
- Cymbacephalus Fowler, 1938
- Cymolutes Günther, 1861
- Cynodon Agassiz, 1829
- Cynoglossus Hamilton, 1822
- Cynolebias Steindachner, 1876
- Cynomacrurus Dollo, 1909
- Cynopanchax Ahl, 1928
- Cynopoecilus Regan, 1912
- Cynoponticus Costa, 1845
- Cynopotamus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Cynoscion Gill, 1861
- Cynothrissa Regan, 1917
- Cynotilapia Regan, 1922
- Cypho Myers, 1940
- Cyphocharax Fowler, 1906
- Cyphocottus Sideleva, 2003
- Cyphotilapia Regan, 1920
- Cyprichromis Scheuermann, 1977
- Cyprinella Girard, 1856
- Cyprinion Heckel, 1843
- Cyprinocirrhites Tanaka, 1917
- Cyprinodon Lacepède, 1803
- Cyprinus Linnaeus, 1758
- Cypselurus Swainson, 1838
- Cyrtocara Boulenger, 1902
- Cyttomimus Gilbert, 1905
- Cyttopsis Gill, 1862
- Cyttus Günther, 1860
- Dacodraco Waite, 1916
- Dactylagnus Gill, 1863
- Dactylanthias Bleeker, 1871
- Dactylophora De Vis, 1883
- Dactylopsaron Parin, 1990
- Dactyloptena Jordan and Richardson, 1908
- Dactylopterus Lacepède, 1801
- Dactylopus Gill, 1859
- Dactyloscopus Gill, 1859
- Dadyanos Whitley, 1951
- Daector Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Dagetichthys Stauch & Blanc, 1964
- Dallia Bean, 1880
- Dalophis Rafinesque, 1810
- Dampierosa Whitley, 1932
- Danacetichthys Paxton, 1989
- Danakilia Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969
- Danaphos Bruun, 1931
- Danaphryne Bertelsen, 1951
- Danichthys Bruun, 1934
- Danio Hamilton, 1822
- Danionella Roberts, 1986
- Dannevigia Whitley, 1941
- Dario Kullander and Britz, 2002
- Daruma Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Dascyllus Cuvier, 1829
- Dasycottus Bean, 1890
- Dasyloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Datnioides Bleeker, 1853
- Davidijordania Popov, 1931
- Dayella Talwar and Whitehead, 1971
- Daysciaena Talwar, 1970
- Decapterus Bleeker, 1851
- Decodon Günther, 1861
- Dekeyseria Rapp Py-Daniel, 1985
- Dellichthys Briggs, 1955
- Deltentosteus Gill, 1863
- Deltistes Seale, 1896
- Delturus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Demissolinea Burhanuddin and Iwatsuki, 2003
- Denariusa Whitley, 1948
- Dendrochirus Swainson, 1839
- Dendrophysa Trewavas, 1964
- Dentatherina Patten and Ivantsoff, 1983
- Dentectus Martín Salazar, Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1982
- Dentex Cuvier, 1814
- Denticeps Clausen, 1959
- Denticetopsis Ferraris, 1996
- Derepodichthys Gilbert, 1896
- Derhamia Géry and Zarske, 2002
- Derichthys Gill, 1884
- Derilissus Briggs, 1969
- Dermatias Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Dermatolepis Gill, 1861
- Dermatopsis Ogilby, 1896
- Dermatopsoides Smith, 1948
- Dermogenys Kuhl and van Hasselt in van Hasselt, 1823
- Desmodema Walters and Fitch, 1960
- Deuterodon Eigenmann in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Devario Heckel, 1843
- Dexillus Chabanaud, 1930
- Dexistes Jordan & Starks, 1904
- Diademichthys Pfaff, 1942
- Diagramma Oken, 1817
- Dialommus Gilbert, 1891
- Diancistrus Ogilby, 1899
- Dianema Cope, 1871
- Diaphus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890
- Diapoma Cope, 1894
- Diapterus Ranzani, 1842
- Dibranchus Peters, 1876
- Dicentrarchus Gill, 1860
- Diceratias Günther, 1887
- Dichistius Gill, 1888
- Dichotomyctere Duméril, 1855
- Dicologlossa Chabanaud, 1927
- Dicotylichthys Kaup, 1855
- Dicrolene Goode and Bean, 1883
- Dicrossus Steindachner, 1875
- Dictyosoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Didogobius Miller, 1966
- Dieidolycus Anderson, 1988
- Dienbienia Nguyen and Nguyen, 2002
- Dimidiochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Dinematichthys Bleeker, 1855
- Dinolestes Klunzinger, 1872
- Dinoperca Boulenger, 1895
- Dinotopterus Boulenger, 1906
- Diodon Linnaeus, 1758
- Diogenichthys Bolin, 1939
- Dionda Girard, 1856
- Diplacanthopoma Günther, 1887
- Diplecogaster Fraser-Brunner, 1938
- Diplectrum Holbrook, 1855
- Diploconger Kotthaus, 1968
- Diplocrepis Günther, 1861
- Diplodus Rafinesque, 1810
- Diplogrammus Gill, 1865
- Diplomystes Bleeker, 1858
- Diplophos Günther, 1873
- Diploprion Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Diplospinus Maul, 1948
- Diplostomias Kotthaus, 1967
- Diplotaxodon Trewavas, 1935
- Diproctacanthus Bleeker, 1862
- Dipterygonotus Bleeker, 1849
- Diptychus Steindachner, 1866
- Dipulus Waite, 1905
- Diretmichthys Kotlyar, 1990
- Diretmoides Post and Quero, 1981
- Diretmus Johnson, 1864
- Discherodontus Rainboth, 1989
- Dischistodus Gill, 1863
- Discocheilus Zhang, 1997
- Discogobio Lin, 1931
- Discolabeo Fowler, 1937
- Discordipinna Hoese and Fourmanoir, 1978
- Discotrema Briggs, 1976
- Discoverichthys Merrett and Nielsen, 1987
- Dissostichus Smitt, 1898
- Distichodus Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Distocyclus Mago-Leccia, 1978
- Distoechodon Peters, 1881
- Ditrema Temminck and Schlegel, 1844
- Ditropichthys Parr, 1934
- Divandu Lamboj and Snoeks, 2000
- Docimodus Boulenger, 1897
- Dodekablennos Springer and Spreitzer, 1978
- Doederleinia Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Dolichallabes Poll, 1942
- Dolichamphilius Roberts, 2003
- Dolichancistrus Isbrücker, 1980
- Dolicholagus Kobyliansky, 1986
- Dolichopteryx Brauer, 1901
- Dolichosudis Post, 1969
- Dolloidraco Roule, 1913
- Dolopichthys Garman, 1899
- Doraops Schultz, 1944
- Doras Lacepède, 1803
- Doratonotus Günther, 1861
- Dormitator Gill, 1861
- Dorosoma Rafinesque, 1820
- Doryichthys Kaup, 1853
- Doryrhamphus Kaup, 1856
- Dotalabrus Whitley, 1930
- Doumea Sauvage, 1879
- Draconetta Jordan and Fowler, 1903
- Draculo Snyder, 1911
- Drepane Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Drombus Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Duboisialestes Poll, 1967
- Dules Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Dunckerocampus Whitley, 1933
- Dundocharax Poll, 1967
- Duopalatinus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Dupouyichthys Schultz, 1944
- Dussumieria Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1847
- Dysalotus MacGilchrist, 1905
- Dysomma Alcock, 1889
- Dysommina Ginsburg, 1951
- Dzihunia Prokofiev, 2001
- Ebinania Sakamoto, 1932
- Ebomegobius Herre, 1946
- Ebosia Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Echelus Rafinesque, 1810
- Echeneis Linnaeus, 1758
- Echidna Forster, 1777
- Echiichthys Bleeker, 1861
- Echinogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Niimura, 1998
- Echinomacrurus Roule, 1916
- Echinophryne McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Echiodon Thompson, 1837
- Echiophis Kaup, 1856
- Echiostoma Lowe, 1843
- Eckloniaichthys Smith, 1943
- Eclectochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Economidichthys Bianco, Bullock, Miller and Roubal, 1987
- Ecsenius McCulloch, 1923
- Ectodus Boulenger, 1898
- Ectreposebastes Garman, 1899
- Edentoliparis Andriashev, 1990
- Eeyorius Paulin, 1986
- Egglestonichthys Miller and Wongrat, 1979
- Ego Randall, 1994
- Ehirava Deraniyagala, 1929
- Eigenmannia Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Einara Parr, 1951
- Eirmotus Schultz, 1959
- Ekemblemaria Stephens, 1963
- Eknomoliparis Stein, Meléndez C. and Kong U., 1991
- Elacatinus Jordan, 1904
- Elachocharax Myers, 1927
- Elagatis Bennett, 1840
- Elapsopis Kaup, 1856
- Elassodiscus Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Elassoma Jordan, 1877
- Elates Jordan and Seale, 1907
- Elattarchus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Electrona Goode and Bean, 1896
- Electrophorus Gill, 1864
- Eleginops Gill, 1862
- Eleginus Fischer, 1813
- Eleotrica Ginsburg, 1933
- Eleotris Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Eleutherochir Bleeker, 1879
- Eleutheronema Bleeker, 1862
- Ellopostoma Vaillant, 1902
- Elopichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Elops Linnaeus, 1766
- Embassichthys Jordan & Evermann, 1896
- Embiotoca Agassiz, 1853
- Emblemaria Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Emblemariopsis Longley, 1927
- Emmelichthyops Schultz, 1945
- Emmelichthys Richardson, 1845
- Empetrichthys Gilbert, 1893
- Encheliophis Müller, 1842
- Encheloclarias Myers in Herre and Myers, 1937
- Enchelybrotula Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Enchelycore Kaup, 1856
- Enchelynassa Kaup, 1855
- Enchelyopus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Enchelyurus Peters, 1868
- Encrasicholina Fowler, 1938
- Engraulicypris Günther, 1894
- Engraulis Cuvier, 1816
- Engraulisoma Castro, 1981
- Engyophrys Jordan & Bollman, 1890
- Engyprosopon Günther, 1862
- Enigmacanthus Hutchins, 2002
- Enigmapercis Whitley, 1936
- Enneacampus Dawson, 1981
- Enneacanthus Gill, 1864
- Enneanectes Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1895
- Enneapterygius Rüppell, 1835
- Enobarbichthys Whitley, 1931
- Enophrys Swainson, 1839
- Enoplosus Lacepède, 1802
- Entelurus Duméril, 1870
- Entomacrodus Gill, 1859
- Entomocorus Eigenmann, 1917
- Enypnias Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Eocallionymus Nakabo, 1982
- Eopsetta Jordan & Goss in Jordan, 1885
- Epactionotus Reis and Schaefer, 1998
- Epalzeorhynchos Bleeker, 1855
- Epapterus Cope, 1878
- Epetriodus Cohen and Nielsen, 1978
- Ephippion Bibron in Duméril, 1855
- Ephippus Cuvier, 1816
- Epibulus Cuvier, 1815
- Epigonus Rafinesque, 1810
- Epinephelides Ogilby, 1899
- Epinephelus Bloch, 1793
- Epinnula Poey, 1854
- Epiplatys Gill, 1862
- Episemion Radda and Pürzl, 1987
- Equetus Rafinesque, 1815
- Eremichthys Hubbs and Miller, 1948
- Eremophilus Humboldt, 1805
- Erethistes Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Erethistoides Hora, 1950
- Eretmichthys Garman, 1899
- Eretmodus Boulenger, 1898
- Eretmophorus Giglioli, 1889
- Ereunias Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Ericentrus Gill, 1893
- Erilepis Gill, 1894
- Erimonax Jordan, 1924
- Erimystax Jordan, 1882
- Erimyzon Jordan, 1876
- Erisphex Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Ernogrammus Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Ernstichthys Fernández-Yépez, 1953
- Erosa Swainson, 1839
- Erotelis Poey, 1860
- Erpetoichthys Smith, 1865
- Erromyzon Kottelat, 2004
- Erythrinus Scopoli, 1777
- Erythrocles Jordan, 1919
- Eschmeyer Poss and Springer, 1983
- Escualosa Whitley, 1940
- Esomus Swainson, 1839
- Esox Linnaeus, 1758
- Esselenichthys Anderson, 2003
- Etelis Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Ethadophis Rosenblatt and McCosker, 1970
- Etheostoma Rafinesque, 1819
- Ethmalosa Regan, 1917
- Ethmidium Thompson, 1916
- Etia Schliewen and Stiassny, 2003
- Etroplus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Etropus Jordan & Gilbert, 1882
- Etrumeus Bleeker, 1853
- Eubalichthys Whitley, 1930
- Euchilichthys Boulenger, 1900
- Euchiloglanis Regan, 1907
- Eucinostomus Baird and Girard in Baird, 1855
- Euclichthys McCulloch, 1926
- Eucryphycus Anderson, 1988
- Eucyclogobius Gill, 1862
- Eugerres Jordan and Evermann, 1927
- Eugnathichthys Boulenger, 1898
- Eugnathogobius Smith, 1931
- Euleptorhamphus Gill, 1859
- Eulophias Smith, 1902
- Eumecichthys Regan, 1907
- Eumegistus Jordan and Jordan, 1922
- Eumesogrammus Gill, 1864
- Eumicrotremus Gill, 1862
- Eupetrichthys Ramsay and Ogilby, 1888
- Eupleurogrammus Gill, 1862
- Eupogonesthes Parin and Borodulina, 1993
- Euristhmus Ogilby, 1899
- Eurycheilichthys Reis and Schaefer, 1993
- Eurymen Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Eurypegasus Bleeker, 1863
- Eurypharynx Vaillant, 1882
- Eurypleuron Markle and Olney, 1990
- Eustomias Vaillant in Filhol, 1884
- Eutaeniichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Eutaeniophorus Bertelsen and Marshall, 1958
- Eutelichthys Tortonese, 1959
- Euthynnus Lütken in Jordan and Gilbert, 1883
- Eutrigla Fraser-Brunner, 1938
- Eutropiichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Evarra Woolman, 1894
- Evermannella Fowler, 1901
- Evermannia Jordan, 1895
- Evermannichthys Metzelaar, 1919
- Eviota Jenkins, 1903
- Evips McCosker, 1972
- Evistias Jordan, 1907
- Evorthodus Gill, 1859
- Evoxymetopon Gill, 1863
- Evynnis Jordan and Thompson, 1912
- Exallias Jordan and Evermann, 1905
- Exallodontus Lundberg, Mago-Leccia and Nass, 1991
- Exastilithoxus Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Exechodontes DeWitt, 1977
- Exerpes Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Exochochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Exocoetus Linnaeus, 1758
- Exodon Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Exoglossum Rafinesque, 1818
- Exostoma Blyth, 1860
- Exyrias Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Facciolella Whitley, 1938
- Fagasa Schultz, 1943
- Farlowella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Favonigobius Whitley, 1930
- Feia Smith, 1959
- Feroxodon Su, Hardy & Tyler, 1986
- Festucalex Whitley, 1931
- Filicampus Whitley, 1948
- Filimanus Myers, 1936
- Fiordichthys Paulin, 1995
- Fistularia Linnaeus, 1758
- Flabelligobius Smith, 1956
- Flagellostomias Parr, 1927
- Florenciella Mead and De Falla, 1965
- Floridichthys Hubbs, 1926
- Fluviphylax Whitley, 1965
- Foa Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Seale, 1905
- Fodiator Jordan and Meek, 1885
- Foerschichthys Scheel and Romand, 1981
- Foetorepus Whitley, 1931
- Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929
- Forcipiger Jordan and McGregor in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Forsterygion Whitley and Phillipps, 1939
- Fossorochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Fowleria Jordan and Evermann, 1903
- Franciscodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Fraudella Whitley, 1935
- Freemanichthys Kanayama, 1991
- Frontilabrus Randall and Condé, 1989
- Fucomimus Smith, 1946
- Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
- Fundulus Lacepède, 1803
- Furcina Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Furcodontichthys Rapp Py-Daniel, 1981
- Fusigobius Whitley, 1930
- Gadella Lowe, 1843
- Gadiculus Guichenot, 1850
- Gadomus Regan, 1903
- Gadopsis Richardson, 1848
- Gadus Linnaeus, 1758
- Gagata Bleeker, 1858
- Gaidropsarus Rafinesque, 1810
- Galaxias Cuvier, 1816
- Galaxiella McDowall, 1978
- Galeichthys Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Galeocharax Fowler, 1910
- Galeoides Günther, 1860
- Gambusia Poey, 1854
- Gammogobius Bath, 1971
- Gargariscus Smith, 1917
- Garmanella Hubbs, 1936
- Garo Yazdani and Talwar, 1981
- Garra Hamilton, 1822
- Gasterochisma Richardson, 1845
- Gasteropelecus Scopoli, 1777
- Gasterosteus Linnaeus, 1758
- Gastrocyathus Briggs, 1955
- Gastrocymba Briggs, 1955
- Gastromyzon Günther, 1874
- Gastropsetta Bean, 1895
- Gastroscyphus Briggs, 1955
- Gaurochromis Greenwood, 1980
- Gavialiceps Alcock, 1889
- Gazza Rüppell, 1835
- Gelanoglanis Böhlke, 1980
- Gempylus Cuvier, 1829
- Geneion Bibron in Duméril, 1855
- Genicanthus Swainson, 1839
- Genidens Castelnau, 1855
- Genioliparis Andriashev and Neyelov, 1976
- Genyagnus Gill, 1861
- Genyatremus Gill, 1862
- Genycharax Eigenmann, 1912
- Genyochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Genyomyrus Boulenger, 1898
- Genyonemus Gill, 1861
- Genypterus Philippi, 1857
- Geophagus Heckel, 1840
- Gephyroberyx Boulenger, 1902
- Gephyrocharax Eigenmann, 1912
- Gephyrochromis Boulenger, 1901
- Gephyroglanis Boulenger, 1899
- Gerhardia Nielsen and Cohen, 2002
- Gerlachea Dollo, 1900
- Gerres Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Geryichthys Zarske, 1997
- Gibberichthys Parr, 1933
- Gibbonsia Cooper, 1864
- Gibelion Heckel, 1843
- Gigantactis Brauer, 1902
- Giganthias Katayama, 1954
- Gigantura Brauer, 1901
- Gila Baird and Girard, 1853
- Gilbertidia Berg, 1898
- Gilbertolus Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ogle, 1907
- Gilchristella Fowler, 1935
- Gillellus Gilbert, 1890
- Gillichthys Cooper, 1864
- Gilloblennius Whitley and Phillipps, 1939
- Ginsburgellus Böhlke and Robins, 1968
- Girardinichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Girardinus Poey, 1854
- Girella Gray, 1835
- Giuris Sauvage, 1880
- Gladioglanis Ferraris and Mago-Leccia, 1989
- Gladiogobius Herre, 1933
- Glanapteryx Myers, 1927
- Glandulocauda Eigenmann, 1911
- Glanidium Lütken, 1874
- Glaniopsis Boulenger, 1899
- Glaphyropoma de Pinna, 1992
- Glaridoglanis Norman, 1925
- Glaucosoma Temminck and Schlegel, 1843
- Glenoglossa McCosker, 1982
- Glossamia Gill, 1863
- Glossanodon Guichenot, 1867
- Glossogobius Gill, 1859
- Glossolepis Weber, 1907
- Glyptauchen Günther, 1860
- Glyptocephalus Gottsche, 1835
- Glyptoparus Smith, 1959
- Glyptoperichthys Weber, 1991
- Glyptophidium Alcock, 1889
- Glyptosternon McClelland, 1842
- Glyptothorax Blyth, 1860
- Gnathanacanthus Bleeker, 1855
- Gnathanodon Bleeker, 1851
- Gnathobagrus Nichols and Griscom, 1917
- Gnathocharax Fowler, 1913
- Gnathochromis Poll, 1981
- Gnathodentex Bleeker, 1873
- Gnathodolus Myers, 1927
- Gnatholebias Costa, 1998
- Gnatholepis Bleeker, 1874
- Gnathonemus Gill, 1863
- Gnathophis Kaup, 1860
- Gnathopogon Bleeker, 1860
- Gobiesox Lacepède, 1800
- Gobio Cuvier, 1816
- Gobiobotia Kreyenberg, 1911
- Gobiocichla Kanazawa, 1951
- Gobiocypris Ye and Fu, 1983
- Gobiodon Bleeker, 1856
- Gobioides Lacepède, 1800
- Gobiomorphus Gill, 1863
- Gobiomorus Lacepède, 1800
- Gobionellus Girard, 1858
- Gobionotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Gobiopsis Steindachner, 1861
- Gobiopterus Bleeker, 1874
- Gobiosoma Girard, 1858
- Gobitrichinotus Fowler, 1943
- Gobius Linnaeus, 1758
- Gobiusculus Duncker, 1928
- Gobulus Ginsburg, 1933
- Goeldiella Eigenmann and Norris, 1900
- Gogangra Roberts, 2001
- Gomphosus Lacépède, 1801
- Gonialosa Regan, 1917
- Gonichthys Gistel, 1850
- Goniistius Gill, 1862
- Gonioplectrus Gill, 1862
- Gonorynchus Scopoli, 1777
- Gonostoma Rafinesque, 1810
- Goodea Jordan, 1880
- Gordiichthys Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Gorgasia Meek and Hildebrand, 1923
- Gorogobius Miller, 1978
- Goslinia Myers, 1941
- Gouania Nardo, 1833
- Gracila Randall, 1964
- Grahamichthys Whitley, 1956
- Grahamina Fricke and Roberts, 1993
- Gramma Poey, 1868
- Grammatobothus Norman, 1926
- Grammatonotus Gilbert, 1905
- Grammatorcynus Gill, 1862
- Grammatostomias Goode and Bean, 1896
- Grammatotria Boulenger, 1899
- Grammicolepis Poey, 1873
- Grammistes Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Grammistops Schultz in Schultz et al., 1953
- Grammonus Gill in Goode and Bean, 1896
- Grammoplites Fowler, 1904
- Grasseichthys Géry, 1964
- Graus Philippi, 1887
- Greenwoodochromis Poll, 1983
- Grundulus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846
- Guavina Bleeker, 1874
- Gudusia Fowler, 1911
- Guentheridia Gilbert & Starks, 1904
- Guentherus Osório, 1917
- Guianacara Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Guiritinga Bleeker, 1858
- Gulaphallus Herre, 1925
- Gunnellichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Gunterichthys Dawson, 1966
- Guttigadus Taki, 1953
- Guyu Pusey and Kennard, 2001
- Gvozdarus Balushkin, 1989
- Gymnachirus Kaup, 1858
- Gymnallabes Günther, 1867
- Gymnammodytes Duncker and Mohr, 1935
- Gymnapistes Swainson, 1839
- Gymnapogon Regan, 1905
- Gymnarchus Cuvier, 1829
- Gymneleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Gymnelopsis Soldatov, 1922
- Gymnelus Reinhardt, 1834
- Gymnoamblyopus Murdy and Ferraris, 2003
- Gymnocaesio Bleeker, 1876
- Gymnocanthus Swainson, 1839
- Gymnocephalus Bloch, 1793
- Gymnochanda Fraser-Brunner, 1955
- Gymnocharacinus Steindachner, 1903
- Gymnoclinus Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Gymnocorymbus Eigenmann, 1908
- Gymnocranius Klunzinger, 1870
- Gymnocrotaphus Günther, 1859
- Gymnocypris Günther, 1868
- Gymnodanio Chen and He, 1992
- Gymnodiptychus Herzenstein, 1892
- Gymnodraco Boulenger, 1902
- Gymnogeophagus Miranda Ribeiro, 1918
- Gymnogobius Gill, 1863
- Gymnomuraena Lacepède, 1803
- Gymnorhamphichthys Ellis in Eigenmann, 1912
- Gymnosarda Gill, 1862
- Gymnoscopelus Günther, 1873
- Gymnoscyphus Böhlke and Robins, 1970
- Gymnostomus Heckel, 1843
- Gymnothorax Bloch, 1795
- Gymnotichthys Fernández-Yépez, 1950
- Gymnotus Linnaeus, 1758
- Gyrinichthys Gilbert, 1896
- Gyrinocheilus Vaillant, 1902
- Gyrinomimus Parr, 1934
- Hadropareia Schmidt, 1904
- Hadropogonichthys Fedorov, 1982
- Haemomaster Myers, 1927
- Haemulon Cuvier, 1829
- Haemulopsis Steindachner, 1869
- Hainania Koller, 1927
- Halaphritis Last, Balushkin and Hutchins, 2002
- Halargyreus Günther, 1862
- Haletta Whitley, 1947
- Halicampus Kaup, 1856
- Halichoeres Rüppell, 1835
- Halicmetus Alcock, 1891
- Halidesmus Günther, 1872
- Halieutaea Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Halieutichthys Poey in Gill, 1863
- Halieutopsis Garman, 1899
- Haliichthys Gray, 1859
- Halimochirurgus Alcock, 1899
- Halimuraena Smith, 1952
- Halimuraenoides Maugé and Bardach, 1985
- Haliophis Rüppell, 1829
- Halobatrachus Ogilby, 1908
- Halophryne Gill, 1863
- Halosauropsis Collett, 1896
- Halosaurus Johnson, 1864
- Hampala Kuhl and van Hasselt in van Hasselt, 1823
- Hannia Vari, 1978
- Hapalogenys Richardson, 1844
- Haplochromis Hilgendorf, 1888
- Haplocylix Briggs, 1955
- Haplomacrourus Trunov, 1980
- Haplophryne Regan, 1912
- Haplotaxodon Boulenger, 1906
- Haptenchelys Robins and Martin in Robins and Robins, 1976
- Haptoclinus Böhlke and Robins, 1974
- Haptogenys Springer, 1972
- Hara Blyth, 1860
- Harengula Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1847
- Harpadon Lesueur, 1825
- Harpagifer Richardson, 1844
- Harttia Steindachner, 1877
- Harttiella Boeseman, 1971
- Hasemania Ellis, 1911
- Hassar Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Hastatobythites Machida, 1997
- Hatcheria Eigenmann, 1909
- Hazeus Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Helcogramma McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Helcogrammoides Rosenblatt in Gon in Gon and Heemstra, 1990
- Helicolenus Goode and Bean, 1896
- Helicophagus Bleeker, 1858
- Helogenes Günther, 1863
- Helostoma Cuvier, 1829
- Hemanthias Steindachner, 1875
- Hemerocoetes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Hemerorhinus Weber and de Beaufort, 1916
- Hemiancistrus Bleeker, 1862
- Hemiarius Bleeker, 1862
- Hemibagrus Bleeker, 1862
- Hemibarbus Bleeker, 1860
- Hemibates Regan, 1920
- Hemibrycon Günther, 1864
- Hemicaranx Bleeker, 1862
- Hemicetopsis Bleeker, 1862
- Hemichromis Peters, 1857
- Hemiculter Bleeker, 1860
- Hemiculterella Warpachowski, 1887
- Hemidoras Bleeker, 1858
- Hemieleotris Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Hemiemblemaria Longley and Hildebrand, 1940
- Hemiglyphidodon Bleeker, 1877
- Hemigobius Bleeker, 1874
- Hemigrammocapoeta Pellegrin, 1927
- Hemigrammocharax Pellegrin, 1923
- Hemigrammocypris Fowler, 1910
- Hemigrammopetersius Pellegrin, 1926
- Hemigrammus Gill, 1858
- Hemigymnus Günther, 1861
- Hemileiocassis Ng and Lim, 2000
- Hemilepidotus Cuvier, 1829
- Hemiloricaria Bleeker, 1862
- Hemilutjanus Bleeker, 1876
- Hemimyzon Regan, 1911
- Heminodus Smith, 1917
- Heminoemacheilus Zhu and Cao, 1987
- Hemiodontichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Hemiodus Müller, 1842
- Hemipimelodus Bleeker, 1857
- Hemipsilichthys Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Hemiramphus Cuvier, 1816
- Hemirhamphodon Bleeker, 1866
- Hemisalanx Regan, 1908
- Hemisilurus Bleeker, 1857
- Hemisorubim Bleeker, 1862
- Hemistichodus Pellegrin, 1900
- Hemitaeniochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Hemitaurichthys Bleeker, 1876
- Hemitilapia Boulenger, 1902
- Hemitremia Cope, 1870
- Hemitripterus Cuvier, 1829
- Henicorhynchus Smith, 1945
- Heniochus Cuvier, 1816
- Henochilus Garman, 1890
- Henonemus Eigenmann and Ward in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Hephaestus De Vis, 1884
- Hephthocara Alcock, 1892
- Hepsetus Swainson, 1838
- Heptapterus Bleeker, 1858
- Heraldia Paxton, 1975
- Herichthys Baird and Girard, 1854
- Herklotsichthys Whitley, 1951
- Hermosilla Jenkins and Evermann, 1889
- Heroina Kullander, 1996
- Heros Heckel, 1840
- Herotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Herpetoichthys Kaup, 1856
- Herwigia Nielsen, 1972
- Herzensteinia Chu, 1935
- Hesperoleucus Snyder, 1913
- Heterandria Agassiz, 1853
- Hetereleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Heteristius Myers and Wade, 1946
- Heterobranchus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1808
- Heterocharax Eigenmann, 1912
- Heterocheirodon Malabarba, 1998
- Heterochromis Regan, 1922
- Heteroclinus Castelnau, 1872
- Heteroconger Bleeker, 1868
- Heterogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Heteromormyrus Steindachner, 1866
- Heteromycteris Kaup, 1858
- Heterophotus Regan and Trewavas, 1929
- Heteroplopomus Tomiyama, 1936
- Heteropneustes Müller, 1840
- Heteropriacanthus Fitch and Crooke, 1984
- Heterostichus Girard, 1854
- Heterotis Rüppell, 1828
- Hexagrammos Tilesius, 1810
- Hexanematichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Hilsa Regan, 1917
- Himantolophus Reinhardt, 1837
- Hintonia Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Hiodon Lesueur, 1818
- Hippichthys Bleeker, 1849
- Hippocampus Rafinesque, 1810
- Hippoglossina Steindachner, 1876
- Hippoglossoides Gottsche, 1835
- Hippoglossus Cuvier, 1816
- Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, 1906
- Hipposcarus Smith, 1956
- Hipposcorpaena Fowler, 1938
- Hirculops Smith, 1959
- Hirundichthys Breder, 1928
- Hisonotus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Hispidoberyx Kotlyar, 1981
- Histiobranchus Gill, 1883
- Histiodraco Regan, 1914
- Histiogamphelus McCulloch, 1914
- Histiophryne Gill, 1863
- Histiopterus Temminck and Schlegel, 1844
- Histrio Fischer, 1813
- Hito Herre, 1924
- Holacanthus Lacepède, 1802
- Holanthias Günther, 1868
- Holapogon Fraser, 1973
- Holcomycteronus Garman, 1899
- Hollandichthys Eigenmann, 1910
- Hollardia Poey, 1861
- Holocentrus Scopoli, 1777
- Hologymnosus Lacépède, 1801
- Holtbyrnia Parr, 1937
- Homaloptera van Hasselt, 1823
- Homalosoma Boulenger, 1901
- Homodiaetus Eigenmann and Ward in Eigenmann, McAtee and Ward, 1907
- Homostolus Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Hoplarchus Kaup, 1860
- Hoplerythrinus Gill, 1896
- Hopliancistrus Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1989
- Hoplias Gill, 1903
- Hoplichthys Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Hoplobrotula Gill, 1863
- Hoplocharax Géry, 1966
- Hoplolatilus Günther, 1887
- Hoplomyzon Myers, 1942
- Hoplopagrus Gill, 1861
- Hoplosebastes Schmidt, 1929
- Hoplosternum Gill, 1858
- Hoplostethus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Hoplotilapia Hilgendorf, 1888
- Hoplunnis Kaup, 1860
- Horabagrus Jayaram, 1955
- Horadandia Deraniyagala, 1943
- Horaglanis Menon, 1950
- Horaichthys Kulkarni, 1940
- Horalabiosa Silas, 1954
- Horiomyzon Stewart, 1986
- Howella Ogilby, 1899
- Hozukius Matsubara, 1934
- Hucho Günther, 1866
- Huigobio Fang, 1938
- Huso Brandt and Ratzeburg, 1833
- Hyalobagrus Ng and Kottelat, 1998
- Hybognathus Agassiz, 1855
- Hybopsis Agassiz, 1854
- Hydrocynus Cuvier, 1816
- Hydrolycus Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Hygophum Bolin, 1939
- Hylopanchax Poll and Lambert, 1965
- Hymenocephalus Giglioli in Giglioli and Issel, 1884
- Hypancistrus Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1991
- Hypentelium Rafinesque, 1818
- Hypergastromyzon Roberts, 1989
- Hyperlophus Ogilby, 1892
- Hyperoglyphe Günther, 1859
- Hyperopisus Gill, 1862
- Hyperoplus Günther, 1862
- Hyperprosopon Gibbons, 1854
- Hyphalophis McCosker and Böhlke, 1982
- Hyphessobrycon Durbin in Eigenmann, 1908
- Hypleurochilus Gill, 1861
- Hypoatherina Schultz, 1948
- Hypobrycon Malabarba and Malabarba, 1994
- Hypoclinemus Chabanaud, 1928
- Hypodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Hypomesus Gill, 1862
- Hypophthalmichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Hypophthalmus Cuvier, 1829
- Hypoplectrodes Gill, 1862
- Hypoplectrus Gill, 1861
- Hypopleuron Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Hypopomus Gill, 1864
- Hypopterus Gill, 1861
- Hypoptopoma Günther, 1868
- Hypoptychus Steindachner, 1880
- Hypopygus Hoedeman, 1962
- Hyporhamphus Gill, 1859
- Hypostomus Lacepède, 1803
- Hypsagonus Gill, 1861
- Hypselecara Kullander, 1986
- Hypseleotris Gill, 1863
- Hypselobarbus Bleeker, 1860
- Hypselognathus Whitley, 1948
- Hypsibarbus Rainboth, 1996
- Hypsoblennius Gill, 1861
- Hypsopanchax Myers, 1924
- Hypsophrys Agassiz, 1859
- Hypsopsetta Gill, 1862
- Hypsurus Agassiz, 1861
- Hypsypops Gill, 1861
- Hyrcanogobius Iljin, 1928
- Hysterocarpus Gibbons, 1854
- Hysteronotus Eigenmann, 1911
- Iberocypris Doadrio, 1980
- Icelinus Jordan, 1885
- Icelus Krøyer, 1845
- Ichthyapus Brisout de Barneville, 1847
- Ichthyborus Günther, 1864
- Ichthyocampus Kaup, 1853
- Ichthyococcus Bonaparte, 1840
- Ichthyoelephas Posada, 1909
- Ichthyscopus Swainson, 1839
- Icichthys Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Icosteus Lockington, 1880
- Ictalurus Rafinesque, 1820
- Ictiobus Rafinesque, 1820
- Idiacanthus Peters, 1877
- Idiastion Eschmeyer, 1965
- Idiolophorhynchus Sazonov, 1981
- Idiolychnus Nafpaktitis and Paxton, 1978
- Iguanodectes Cope, 1872
- Iheringichthys Eigenmann and Norris, 1900
- Ijimaia Sauter, 1905
- Iksookimia Nalbant, 1993
- Ilisha Richardson, 1846
- Iluocoetes Jenyns, 1842
- Ilyodon Eigenmann, 1907
- Ilyophis Gilbert, 1891
- Ilypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Imparfinis Eigenmann and Norris, 1900
- Incara Rao, 1971
- Indostomus Prashad and Mukerji, 1929
- Inegocia Jordan and Thompson, 1913
- Inermia Poey, 1860
- Iniistius Gill, 1862
- Inimicus Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Inlecypris Howes, 1980
- Inpaichthys Géry and Junk, 1977
- Interochromis Yamaoka, Hori and Kuwamura, 1988
- Iodotropheus Oliver and Loiselle, 1972
- Iotabrycon Roberts, 1973
- Iotichthys Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Ipnops Günther, 1878
- Iracema Triques, 1996
- Iracundus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
- Iranocichla Coad, 1982
- Iranocypris Bruun and Kaiser, 1944
- Iriatherina Meinken, 1974
- Irvineia Trewavas, 1943
- Isacia Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Isbrueckerichthys Derijst, 1996
- Ischikauia Jordan and Snyder, 1900
- Isichthys Gill, 1863
- Iso Jordan and Starks, 1901
- Isocirrhitus Randall, 1963
- Isopisthus Gill, 1862
- Isopsetta Lockington in Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
- Istiblennius Whitley, 1943
- Istigobius Whitley, 1932
- Istiompax Whitley, 1931
- Istiophorus Lacepède, 1801
- Ituglanis Costa and Bockmann, 1993
- Itycirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Ivindomyrus Taverne and Géry, 1975
- Ixinandria Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Japonoconger Asano, 1958
- Japonolaeops Amaoka, 1969
- Japonolycodes Shinohara, Sakurai and Machida, 2002
- Javichthys Hardy, 1985
- Jeboehlkia Robins, 1967
- Jenkinsia Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Jenynsia Günther, 1866
- Jinshaia Kottelat and Chu, 1988
- Johnius Bloch, 1793
- Johnrandallia Nalbant, 1974
- Johnsonina Myers, 1934
- Jordanella Goode and Bean in Goode, 1879
- Jordania Starks, 1895
- Joturus Poey, 1860
- Julidochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Jupiaba Zanata, 1997
- Jurengraulis Whitehead in Whitehead, Nelson and Wongratana, 1988
- Kajikia Hirasaka and Nakamura, 1947
- Kali Lloyd, 1909
- Kalimantania Banarescu, 1980
- Kalyptatherina Saeed and Ivantsoff, 1991
- Kalyptodoras Higuchi, Britski and Garavello, 1990
- Kamoharaia Kuronuma, 1940
- Kanekonia Tanaka, 1915
- Karalepis Hardy, 1984
- Kareius Jordan & Snyder, 1900
- Karsten Murdy, 2002
- Kasatkia Soldatov and Pavlenko, 1916
- Kathala Mohan, 1969
- Kathetostoma Günther, 1860
- Katibasia Kottelat, 2004
- Katsuwonus Kishinouye, 1915
- Kaupichthys Schultz, 1943
- Kaupus Whitley, 1951
- Kelloggella Jordan and Seale in Jordan and Evermann, 1905
- Kentrocapros Kaup, 1855
- Kenyaconger Smith and Karmovskaya, 2003
- Kertomichthys McCosker and Böhlke, 1982
- Kestratherina Pavlov, Ivantsoff, Last and Crowley, 1988
- Ketengus Bleeker, 1847
- Kichulchoia Kim, Park and Nalbant, 1999
- Kimberleyeleotris Hoese and Allen, 1987
- Kimblaeus Dawson, 1980
- Kiunga Allen, 1983
- Klausewitzia Géry, 1965
- Kneria Steindachner, 1866
- Knipowitschia Iljin, 1927
- Knodus Eigenmann, 1911
- Kochichthys Kamohara, 1961
- Kolpotocheirodon Malabarba and Weitzman, 2000
- Konia Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Konosirus Jordan and Snyder, 1900
- Kopua Hardy, 1984
- Koreocobitis Kim, Park and Nalbant, 1997
- Kosswigobarbus Karaman, 1971
- Kottelatlimia Nalbant, 1994
- Kraemeria Steindachner, 1906
- Krefftichthys Hulley, 1981
- Kribia Herre, 1946
- Krobia Kullander and Nijssen, 1989
- Kronichthys Miranda Ribeiro, 1908
- Krusensterniella Schmidt, 1904
- Kryptophanaron Silvester and Fowler, 1926
- Kryptopterus Bleeker, 1857
- Kuhlia Gill, 1861
- Kuiterichthys Pietsch, 1984
- Kumba Marshall, 1973
- Kumococius Matsubara and Ochiai, 1955
- Kuronezumia Iwamoto, 1974
- Kurtus Bloch, 1786
- Kyphosus Lacepède, 1801
- Labeo Cuvier, 1816
- Labeobarbus Rüppell, 1835
- Labeotropheus Ahl, 1926
- Labichthys Gill and Ryder, 1883
- Labidesthes Cope, 1870
- Labidochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Labiobarbus van Hasselt, 1823
- Labracinus Schlegel, 1858
- Labracoglossa Peters, 1866
- Labrichthys Bleeker, 1854
- Labrisomus Swainson, 1839
- Labrodascyllus Di Caporiacco, 1948
- Labroides Bleeker, 1851
- Labropsis Schmidt, 1931
- Labrus Linnaeus, 1758
- Lacantunia Rodiles-Hernández, Hendrickson and Lundberg, 2005
- Lachneratus Fraser and Struhsaker, 1991
- Lachnolaimus Cuvier, 1829
- Laciris Huber, 1982
- Lactarius Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Lactophrys Swainson, 1839
- Lactoria Jordan & Fowler, 1902
- Lacustricola Myers, 1924
- Ladigesia Géry, 1968
- Ladigesocypris Karaman, 1972
- Ladislavia Dybowski, 1869
- Laemolyta Cope, 1872
- Laemonema Günther in Johnson, 1862
- Laeops Günther, 1880
- Laetacara Kullander, 1986
- Laeviscutella Poll, Whitehead and Hopson, 1965
- Lagocephalus Swainson, 1839
- Lagodon Holbrook, 1855
- Lagowskiella Dybowski, 1916
- Lagusia Vari, 1978
- Laguvia Hora, 1921
- Laides Jordan, 1919
- Laiphognathus Smith, 1955
- Lalmohania Hutchins, 1994
- Lamnostoma Kaup, 1856
- Lamontichthys Miranda Ribeiro, 1939
- Lampadena Goode and Bean in Gill, 1893
- Lampanyctodes Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Lampanyctus Bonaparte, 1840
- Lampichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Lamprichthys Regan, 1911
- Lampris Retzius, 1799
- Lamprogrammus Alcock, 1891
- Lamprologus Schilthuis, 1891
- Landonia Eigenmann and Henn in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Laocypris Kottelat, 2000
- Lappanella Jordan, 1890
- Larabicus Randall and Springer, 1973
- Larimichthys Jordan and Starks, 1905
- Larimus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Larsonella Randall and Senou, 2001
- Lasiancistrus Regan, 1904
- Lasiognathus Regan, 1925
- Lateolabrax Bleeker, 1854
- Lates Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Latridopsis Gill, 1862
- Latris Richardson, 1839
- Lavinia Girard, 1854
- Lebetus Winther, 1877
- Lebiasina Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1847
- Lecanogaster Briggs, 1957
- Lefua Herzenstein, 1888
- Leiarius Bleeker, 1862
- Leiocassis Bleeker, 1857
- Leiocottus Girard, 1856
- Leiodon Swainson, 1839
- Leiognathus Lacepède, 1802
- Leiopotherapon Fowler, 1931
- Leiostomus Lacepède, 1802
- Leiuranus Bleeker, 1853
- Lentipes Günther, 1861
- Leocottus Taliev, 1955
- Lepadichthys Waite, 1904
- Lepadogaster Goüan, 1770
- Lepidammodytes Ida, Sirimontaporn and Monkolprasit, 1994
- Lepidarchus Roberts, 1966
- Lepidiolamprologus Pellegrin, 1904
- Lepidion Swainson, 1838
- Lepidobero Qin and Jin, 1992
- Lepidoblennius Steindachner, 1867
- Lepidoblepharon Weber, 1913
- Lepidocephalichthys Bleeker, 1863
- Lepidocephalus Bleeker, 1859
- Lepidocybium Gill, 1862
- Lepidogalaxias Mees, 1961
- Lepidogobius Gill, 1859
- Lepidomeda Cope, 1874
- Lepidonectes Bussing, 1991
- Lepidonotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Lepidoperca Regan, 1914
- Lepidophanes Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Lepidopsetta Gill, 1862
- Lepidopus Goüan, 1770
- Lepidopygopsis Raj, 1941
- Lepidorhombus Günther, 1862
- Lepidorhynchus Richardson, 1846
- Lepidotrigla Günther, 1860
- Lepidozygus Günther, 1862
- Lepisosteus Lacepède, 1803
- Lepomis Rafinesque, 1819
- Lepophidium Gill, 1895
- Leporacanthicus Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1989
- Leporellus Lütken, 1875
- Leporinus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Leptacanthichthys Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Leptachirus Randall, 2007
- Leptagoniates Boulenger, 1887
- Leptagonus Gill, 1861
- Leptatherina Pavlov, Ivantsoff, Last and Crowley, 1988
- Leptenchelys Myers and Wade, 1941
- Lepthoplosternum Reis, 1997
- Leptoancistrus Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Leptobarbus Bleeker, 1860
- Leptobotia Bleeker, 1870
- Leptobrama Steindachner, 1878
- Leptobrotula Nielsen, 1986
- Leptobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Leptocharacidium Buckup, 1993
- Leptochilichthys Garman, 1899
- Leptoclinus Gill, 1861
- Leptocottus Girard, 1854
- Leptocypris Boulenger, 1900
- Leptoderma Vaillant, 1886
- Leptodoras Boulenger, 1898
- Leptoglanis Boulenger, 1902
- Leptoichthys Kaup, 1853
- Leptojulis Bleeker, 1862
- Leptolebias Myers, 1952
- Leptolucania Myers, 1924
- Leptomelanosoma Motomura and Iwatsuki, 2001
- Leptonotus Kaup, 1853
- Leptophilypnus Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Leptorhamdia Eigenmann, 1918
- Leptoscarus Swainson, 1839
- Leptoscopus Gill, 1859
- Leptostichaeus Miki, 1985
- Leptostomias Gilbert, 1905
- Leptosynanceia Bleeker, 1874
- Lepturacanthus Fowler, 1905
- Lepturichthys Regan, 1911
- Lestidiops Hubbs, 1916
- Lestidium Gilbert, 1905
- Lestradea Poll, 1943
- Lestrolepis Harry, 1953
- Lesueurigobius Whitley, 1950
- Lesueurina Fowler, 1908
- Letharchus Goode and Bean, 1882
- Lethogoleos McCosker and Böhlke, 1982
- Letholycus Anderson, 1988
- Lethops Hubbs, 1926
- Lethotremus Gilbert, 1896
- Lethrinops Regan, 1922
- Lethrinus Cuvier, 1829
- Leucalburnus Berg, 1916
- Leucaspius Heckel and Kner, 1858
- Leucicorus Garman, 1899
- Leuciscus Cuvier, 1816
- Leucobrotula Koefoed, 1952
- Leucopsarion Hilgendorf, 1880
- Leucosoma Gray, 1831
- Leuresthes Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Leurochilus Böhlke, 1968
- Leuroglossus Gilbert, 1890
- Leuropharus Rosenblatt and McCosker, 1970
- Leviprora Whitley, 1931
- Liachirus Günther, 1862
- Liauchenoglanis Boulenger, 1916
- Lichia Cuvier, 1816
- Lichnochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Lignobrycon Eigenmann and Myers, 1929
- Lile Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Limanda Gottsche, 1835
- Limatulichthys Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Limbochromis Greenwood, 1987
- Limia Poey, 1854
- Limnichthys Waite, 1904
- Limnochromis Regan, 1920
- Limnocottus Berg, 1906
- Limnothrissa Regan, 1917
- Limnotilapia Regan, 1920
- Linichthys Zhang and Fang, 2005
- Liniparhomaloptera Fang, 1935
- Linkenchelys Smith, 1989
- Linophryne Collett, 1886
- Liobagrus Hilgendorf, 1878
- Liobranchia Briggs, 1955
- Liocranium Ogilby, 1903
- Liopropoma Gill, 1861
- Liopsetta Gill, 1864
- Lioscorpius Günther, 1880
- Liosomadoras Fowler, 1940
- Liparis Scopoli, 1777
- Lipariscus Gilbert, 1915
- Lipocheilus Anderson, Talwar and Johnson, 1977
- Lipogenys Goode and Bean, 1895
- Lipogramma Böhlke, 1960
- Lipolagus Kobyliansky, 1986
- Lipophrys Gill, 1896
- Lissocampus Waite and Hale, 1921
- Lissochilus Weber and de Beaufort, 1916
- Lissonanchus Smith, 1966
- Listrura de Pinna, 1988
- Lithochromis Lippitsch and Seehausen in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Lithodoras Bleeker, 1862
- Lithogenes Eigenmann, 1909
- Lithognathus Swainson, 1839
- Lithoxus Eigenmann, 1910
- Litobranchus Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Liza Jordan and Swain, 1884
- Lobianchia Gatti, 1904
- Lobocheilos Bleeker, 1853
- Lobochilotes Boulenger, 1915
- Lobotes Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Lobulogobius Koumans in Blegvad and Løppenthin, 1944
- Lonchogenys Myers, 1927
- Lonchopisthus Gill, 1862
- Lonchurus Bloch, 1793
- Longiculter Fowler, 1937
- Longischistura Banarescu and Nalbant, 1995
- Lophichthys Boeseman, 1964
- Lophiobagrus Poll, 1942
- Lophiobrycon Castro, Ribeira, Benine and Melo, 2003
- Lophiocharon Whitley, 1933
- Lophiodes Goode and Bean, 1896
- Lophiogobius Günther, 1873
- Lophiomus Gill, 1883
- Lophiosilurus Steindachner, 1876
- Lophius Linnaeus, 1758
- Lophodiodon Fraser-Brunner, 1943
- Lophodolos Lloyd, 1909
- Lophogobius Gill, 1862
- Lopholatilus Goode and Bean, 1879
- Lopholiparis Orr, 2004
- Lophonectes Günther, 1880
- Lophotus Giorna, 1809
- Loricaria Linnaeus, 1758
- Loricariichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Lota Oken, 1817
- Lotella Kaup, 1858
- Lotilia Klausewitz, 1960
- Lovettia McCulloch, 1915
- Loweina Fowler, 1925
- Lubbockichthys Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Lubricogobius Tanaka, 1915
- Lucania Girard, 1859
- Lucayablennius Böhlke, 1958
- Lucifuga Poey, 1858
- Lucigadus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920
- Luciobrama Bleeker, 1870
- Luciobrotula Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Luciocephalus Bleeker, 1851
- Luciocyprinus Vaillant, 1904
- Luciogobius Gill, 1859
- Luciopimelodus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Luciosoma Bleeker, 1855
- Luciosudis Fraser-Brunner, 1931
- Lumiconger Castle and Paxton, 1984
- Lumpenella Hubbs, 1927
- Lumpenopsis Soldatov, 1916
- Lumpenus Reinhardt, 1836
- Lupinoblennius Herre, 1942
- Luposicya Smith, 1959
- Lutjanus Bloch, 1790
- Luvarus Rafinesque, 1810
- Luxilus Rafinesque, 1820
- Luzonichthys Herre, 1936
- Lycenchelys Gill, 1884
- Lycengraulis Günther, 1868
- Lycodapus Gilbert, 1890
- Lycodes Reinhardt, 1831
- Lycodichthys Pappenheim, 1911
- Lycodonus Goode and Bean, 1883
- Lycogrammoides Soldatov and Lindberg, 1929
- Lyconema Gilbert, 1896
- Lyconodes Gilchrist, 1922
- Lyconus Günther, 1887
- Lycothrissa Günther, 1868
- Lycozoarces Popov, 1935
- Lyopsetta Jordan & Goss in Jordan, 1885
- Lythrurus Jordan, 1876
- Lythrypnus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Maccullochella Whitley, 1929
- Macolor Bleeker, 1860
- Macquaria Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Macrhybopsis Cockerell and Allison, 1909
- Macrocephenchelys Fowler, 1934
- Macrochirichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Macrodon Schinz, 1822
- Macrodontogobius Herre, 1936
- Macrognathus Lacepède, 1800
- Macroparalepis Ege, 1933
- Macropharyngodon Bleeker, 1862
- Macropinna Chapman, 1939
- Macropleurodus Regan, 1922
- Macropodus Lacepède, 1801
- Macropsobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Macroramphosus Lacepède, 1803
- Macrorhamphosodes Fowler, 1934
- Macrosmia Merrett, Sazonov and Shcherbachev, 1983
- Macrospinosa Mohan, 1969
- Macrotrema Regan, 1912
- Macrouroides Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Macrourus Bloch, 1786
- Macrurocyttus Fowler, 1934
- Macruronus Günther, 1873
- Magnisudis Harry, 1953
- Magosternarchus Lundberg, Cox Fernandes and Albert in Lundberg et al., 1996
- Mahidolia Smith, 1932
- Makaira Lacepède, 1802
- Malacanthus Cuvier, 1829
- Malacocephalus Günther, 1862
- Malacocottus Bean, 1890
- Malacoctenus Gill, 1860
- Malacoglanis Myers and Weitzman, 1966
- Malacosarcus Günther, 1887
- Malacosteus Ayres, 1848
- Malakichthys Döderlein in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Malapterurus Lacepède, 1803
- Malapterus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1839
- Mallotus Cuvier, 1829
- Malpulutta Deraniyagala, 1937
- Malthopsis Alcock, 1891
- Malvoliophis Whitley, 1934
- Mancopsetta Gill, 1881
- Manducus Goode and Bean, 1896
- Mangarinus Herre, 1943
- Maratecoara Costa, 1995
- Marcusenius Gill, 1862
- Margariscus Cockerell, 1909
- Margrethia Jespersen and Tåning, 1919
- Marilyna Hardy, 1982
- Markiana Eigenmann, 1903
- Marleyella Fowler, 1925
- Marosatherina Aarn, Ivantsoff and Kottelat, 1998
- Maroubra Whitley, 1948
- Marukawichthys Sakamoto, 1931
- Mastacembelus Scopoli, 1777
- Mastiglanis Bockmann, 1994
- Mastigopterus Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Masturus Gill, 1884
- Mataeocephalus Berg, 1898
- Matsubaraea Taki, 1953
- Matsubarichthys Poss and Johnson, 1991
- Matsuichthys Sazonov, 1992
- Mauligobius Miller, 1984
- Maulisia Parr, 1960
- Maurolicus Cocco, 1838
- Maxillicosta Whitley, 1935
- Maylandia Meyer and Foerster, 1984
- Maynea Cunningham, 1871
- Mazarunia Kullander, 1990
- Mbipia Lippitsch and Seehausen in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Mccoskerichthys Rosenblatt and Stephens, 1978
- Meadia Böhlke, 1951
- Mecaenichthys Whitley, 1929
- Meda Girard, 1856
- Medialuna Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Medusablennius Springer, 1966
- Megadontognathus Mago-Leccia, 1994
- Megalancistrus Isbrücker, 1980
- Megalaspis Bleeker, 1851
- Megalebias Costa, 1998
- Megalechis Reis, 1997
- Megalobrama Dybowski, 1872
- Megalocentor de Pinna and Britski, 1991
- Megalocottus Gill, 1861
- Megalodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Megalomycter Myers and Freihofer, 1966
- Megalonema Eigenmann, 1912
- Megalonibea Chu, Lo and Wu, 1963
- Megalops Lacepède, 1803
- Megupsilon Miller and Walters, 1972
- Meiacanthus Norman, 1943
- Mekongina Fowler, 1937
- Melamphaes Günther, 1864
- Melanocetus Günther, 1864
- Melanocharacidium Buckup, 1993
- Melanochromis Trewavas, 1935
- Melanogrammus Gill, 1862
- Melanolagus Kobyliansky, 1986
- Melanonus Günther, 1878
- Melanorhinus Metzelaar, 1919
- Melanostigma Günther, 1881
- Melanostomias Brauer, 1902
- Melanotaenia Gill, 1862
- Melapedalion Fowler, 1934
- Melichthys Swainson, 1839
- Melletes Bean, 1880
- Melodichthys Nielsen and Cohen, 1986
- Membras Bonaparte, 1836
- Mendosoma Guichenot, 1848
- Mene Lacepède, 1803
- Menidia Bonaparte, 1836
- Menticirrhus Gill, 1861
- Mentodus Parr, 1951
- Menziesichthys Nalbant and Mayer, 1971
- Mephisto Tyler, 1966
- Merlangius Geoffroy, 1767
- Merluccius Rafinesque, 1810
- Merodontotus Britski, 1981
- Merogymnoides Whitley, 1966
- Mesobius Hubbs and Iwamoto, 1977
- Mesobola Howes, 1984
- Mesoborus Pellegrin, 1900
- Mesocottus Gratzianov, 1907
- Mesogobio Banarescu and Nalbant, 1973
- Mesogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Mesonauta Günther, 1862
- Mesonoemacheilus Banarescu and Nalbant in Singh, Sen, Banarescu and Nalbant, 1982
- Mesopotamichthys Karaman, 1971
- Mesopristes Bleeker, 1873
- Metahomaloptera Chang, 1944
- Metaloricaria Isbrücker, 1975
- Metavelifer Walters, 1960
- Metelectrona Wisner, 1963
- Meteoria Nielsen, 1969
- Metynnis Cope, 1878
- Metzia Jordan and Thompson, 1914
- Meuschenia Whitley, 1929
- Micralestes Boulenger, 1899
- Micrenophrys Andriashev, 1954
- Microbrotula Gosline, 1953
- Microcambeva Costa and Bockmann, 1994
- Microcanthus Swainson, 1839
- Microcharacidium Buckup, 1993
- Microchirus Bonaparte, 1833
- Microchromis Johnson, 1975
- Microcottus Schmidt, 1940
- Microctenopoma Norris, 1995
- Microdesmus Günther, 1864
- Microgadus Gill, 1865
- Microgenys Eigenmann, 1913
- Microglanis Eigenmann, 1912
- Micrognathus Duncker, 1912
- Microgobius Poey, 1876
- Microichthys Rüppell, 1852
- Microlepidogaster Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Microlepidotus Gill, 1862
- Microlophichthys Burton, 1932
- Micromesistius Gill, 1863
- Micrometrus Gibbons, 1854
- Micromischodus Roberts, 1971
- Micromoema Costa, 1998
- Micromyzon Friel and Lundberg, 1996
- Micronemacheilus Rendahl, 1944
- Micropanchax Myers, 1924
- Micropercops Fowler and Bean, 1920
- Microphilypnus Myers, 1927
- Microphis Kaup, 1853
- Microphotolepis Sazonov and Parin, 1977
- Microphysogobio Mori, 1934
- Micropoecilia Hubbs, 1926
- Micropogonias Bonaparte, 1831
- Micropterus Lacepède, 1802
- Microrasbora Annandale, 1918
- Microschemobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Microspathodon Günther, 1862
- Microsternarchus Fernández-Yépez, 1968
- Microstoma Cuvier, 1816
- Microstomatichthyoborus Nichols and Griscom, 1917
- Microstomus Gottsche, 1835
- Microsynodontis Boulenger, 1903
- Microthrissa Boulenger, 1902
- Miichthys Lin, 1938
- Mikrogeophagus Meulengracht-Madson in Schiötz and Christensen, 1968
- Millerichthys Costa, 1995
- Millerigobius Bath, 1973
- Milyeringa Whitley, 1945
- Mimagoniates Regan, 1907
- Mimoblennius Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Minilabrus Randall and Dor, 1980
- Minous Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Minyichthys Herald and Randall, 1972
- Minysicya Larson, 2002
- Minysynchiropus Nakabo, 1982
- Minytrema Jordan, 1878
- Miracorvina Trewavas, 1962
- Mirapinna Bertelsen and Marshall, 1956
- Mirognathus Parr, 1951
- Mirorictus Parr, 1947
- Misgurnus Lacepède, 1803
- Mistichthys Smith, 1902
- Mitotichthys Whitley, 1948
- Miuroglanis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Mixobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Mixomyrophis McCosker, 1985
- Moapa Hubbs and Miller, 1948
- Mochokiella Howes, 1980
- Mochokus Joannis, 1835
- Modicus Hardy, 1983
- Moema Costa, 1989
- Moenkhausia Eigenmann, 1903
- Mogurnda Gill, 1863
- Mola Koelreuter, 1766
- Molva Lesueur, 1819
- Monacanthus Oken, 1817
- Monocentris Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Monochirus Rafinesque, 1814
- Monocirrhus Heckel, 1840
- Monodactylus Lacepède, 1801
- Monognathus Bertin, 1936
- Monolene Goode, 1880
- Monomitopus Alcock, 1890
- Monopenchelys Böhlke and McCosker, 1982
- Monopterus Lacepède, 1800
- Monotaxis Bennett, 1830
- Monothrix Ogilby, 1897
- Monotocheirodon Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Mora Risso, 1827
- Moringua Gray, 1831
- Mormyrops Müller, 1843
- Mormyrus Linnaeus, 1758
- Morone Mitchill, 1814
- Moxostoma Rafinesque, 1820
- Mugil Linnaeus, 1758
- Mugilogobius Smitt, 1900
- Mulloidichthys Whitley, 1929
- Mullus Linnaeus, 1758
- Muraena Linnaeus, 1758
- Muraenesox McClelland, 1844
- Muraenichthys Bleeker, 1853
- Muraenoclinus Smith, 1946
- Muraenolepis Günther, 1880
- Myaka Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Mycteroperca Gill, 1862
- Myctophum Rafinesque, 1810
- Myersglanis Hora and Silas, 1952
- Myersina Herre, 1934
- Mylesinus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Myleus Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Mylocheilus Agassiz, 1855
- Mylochromis Regan, 1920
- Mylopharodon Ayres, 1855
- Mylopharyngodon Peters, 1881
- Myloplus Gill, 1896
- Mylossoma Eigenmann and Kennedy, 1903
- Myoglanis Eigenmann, 1912
- Myomyrus Boulenger, 1898
- Myoxocephalus Tilesius, 1811
- Myrichthys Girard, 1859
- Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
- Myroconger Günther, 1870
- Myrophis Lütken, 1852
- Mystacoleucus Günther, 1868
- Mystriophis Kaup, 1856
- Mystus Scopoli, 1777
- Myxocyprinus Gill, 1878
- Myxodagnus Gill, 1861
- Myxodes Cuvier, 1829
- Myxus Günther, 1861
- Naevochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Nagaichthys Kottelat and Lim in Kottelat, 1991
- Nalbantichthys Schultz, 1967
- Nandopsis Gill, 1862
- Nandus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Nangra Day, 1877
- Nannacara Regan, 1905
- Nannaethiops Günther, 1872
- Nannatherina Regan, 1906
- Nannobrachium Günther, 1887
- Nannocampus Günther, 1870
- Nannocharax Günther, 1867
- Nannoglanis Boulenger, 1887
- Nannoperca Günther, 1861
- Nannopetersius Hoedeman, 1956
- Nannoptopoma Schaefer, 1996
- Nannosalarias Smith-Vaniz and Springer, 1971
- Nannostomus Günther, 1872
- Nannothrissa Poll, 1965
- Nanobagrus Mo, 1991
- Nanocheirodon Malabarba, 1998
- Nanochromis Pellegrin, 1904
- Nansenia Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Narcetes Alcock, 1890
- Naso Lacepède, 1801
- Natalichthys Winterbottom, 1980
- Naucrates Rafinesque, 1810
- Nautichthys Girard, 1858
- Naziritor Mirza and Javed, 1985
- Nealotus Johnson, 1865
- Neamia Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Neatypus Waite, 1905
- Neblinichthys Ferraris, Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1986
- Nebris Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Nectoliparis Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Nedystoma Ogilby, 1898
- Neenchelys Bamber, 1915
- Neetroplus Günther, 1867
- Nelabrichthys Russell, 1983
- Nelusetta Whitley, 1939
- Nemacheilus Bleeker, 1863
- Nemachilichthys Day, 1878
- Nemaclinus Böhlke and Springer, 1975
- Nemadactylus Richardson, 1839
- Nemadoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Nemanthias Smith, 1954
- Nemapteryx Ogilby, 1908
- Nematabramis Boulenger, 1894
- Nematalosa Regan, 1917
- Nemateleotris Fowler, 1938
- Nematistius Gill, 1862
- Nematobrycon Eigenmann, 1911
- Nematocharax Weitzman, Menezes and Britski, 1986
- Nematogenys Girard, 1855
- Nematogobius Boulenger, 1910
- Nematolebias Costa, 1998
- Nematops Günther, 1880
- Nemichthys Richardson, 1848
- Nemipterus Swainson, 1839
- Nemuroglanis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Neoachiropsetta Kotlyar, 1978
- Neoaploactis Eschmeyer and Allen, 1978
- Neobarynotus Banarescu, 1980
- Neobola Vinciguerra, 1895
- Neobythites Goode and Bean, 1885
- Neocentropogon Matsubara, 1943
- Neoceratias Pappenheim, 1914
- Neochanna Günther, 1867
- Neochromis Regan, 1920
- Neocirrhites Castelnau, 1873
- Neoclinus Girard, 1858
- Neoconger Girard, 1858
- Neocottus Sideleva, 1982
- Neocyema Castle, 1978
- Neocyttus Gilchrist, 1906
- Neoditrema Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Neodontobutis Chen, Kottelat and Wu, 2002
- Neoepinnula Matsubara and Iwai, 1952
- Neoeucirrhichthys Banarescu and Nalbant, 1968
- Neofundulus Myers, 1924
- Neogastromyzon Popta, 1905
- Neoglyphidodon Allen, 1991
- Neogobius Iljin, 1927
- Neoheterandria Henn, 1916
- Neohomaloptera Herre, 1944
- Neolaeops Amaoka, 1969
- Neolamprologus Colombe and Allgayer, 1985
- Neolebias Steindachner, 1894
- Neolissochilus Rainboth, 1985
- Neolumpenus Miki, Kanamaru and Amaoka, 1987
- Neomerinthe Fowler, 1935
- Neomyxus Steindachner, 1878
- Neonesthes Regan and Trewavas, 1929
- Neoniphon Castelnau, 1875
- Neonoemacheilus Zhu and Guo, 1985
- Neoodax Castelnau, 1875
- Neoophorus Hubbs and Turner, 1939
- Neoopisthopterus Hildebrand, 1948
- Neopagetopsis Nybelin, 1947
- Neopataecus Steindachner, 1884
- Neophrynichthys Günther, 1876
- Neoplatycephalus Castelnau, 1872
- Neoplecostomus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Neopomacentrus Allen, 1975
- Neosalanx Wakiya and Takahasi, 1937
- Neoscombrops Gilchrist, 1922
- Neoscopelus Johnson, 1863
- Neoscorpaena Mandrytsa, 2001
- Neoscorpis Smith, 1931
- Neosebastes Guichenot, 1867
- Neosiluroides Allen and Feinberg, 1998
- Neosilurus Steindachner, 1867
- Neostethus Regan, 1916
- Neotropius Kulkarni, 1952
- Neovespicula Mandrytsa, 2001
- Neozoarces Steindachner, 1880
- Nerophis Rafinesque, 1810
- Nes Ginsburg, 1933
- Nesiarchus Johnson, 1862
- Nesogobius Whitley, 1929
- Nessorhamphus Schmidt, 1931
- Nettastoma Rafinesque, 1810
- Nettenchelys Alcock, 1898
- Netuma Bleeker, 1858
- Nexilosus Heller and Snodgrass, 1903
- Nezumia Jordan in Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Nibea Jordan and Thompson, 1911
- Nicholsicypris Chu, 1935
- Nicholsina Fowler, 1915
- Nimbochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Niobichthys Schaefer and Provenzano R., 1998
- Niphon Cuvier In Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828
- Niwaella Nalbant, 1963
- Nocomis Girard, 1856
- Nomeus Cuvier, 1816
- Nomorhamphus Weber and de Beaufort, 1922
- Norfolkia Fowler, 1953
- Normanichthys Clark, 1937
- Normichthys Parr, 1951
- Notacanthus Bloch, 1788
- Notemigonus Rafinesque, 1819
- Notesthes Ogilby, 1903
- Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
- Notiocampus Dawson, 1979
- Notocetichthys Balushkin, Fedorov and Paxton, 1989
- Notocheirus Clark, 1937
- Notocirrhitus Randall, 2001
- Notoclinops Whitley, 1930
- Notoclinus Gill, 1893
- Notoglanidium Günther, 1903
- Notograptus Günther, 1867
- Notolabrus Russell, 1988
- Notolepis Dollo, 1908
- Notoliparis Andriashev, 1975
- Notolychnus Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Notolycodes Gosztonyi, 1977
- Notophycis Sazonov, 2001
- Notopogon Regan, 1914
- Notopterus Lacepède, 1800
- Notoscopelus Günther, 1864
- Notothenia Richardson, 1844
- Nototheniops Balushkin, 1976
- Notropis Rafinesque, 1818
- Noturus Rafinesque, 1818
- Novaculichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Novaculoides Randall and Earle, 2004
- Novumbra Schultz, 1929
- Nudiantennarius Schultz, 1957
- Nun Banarescu and Nalbant in Banarescu, Nalbant and Goren, 1982
- Nyassachromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Nybelinella Nielsen, 1972
- Oblada Cuvier, 1829
- Obliquichthys Hardy, 1987
- Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941
- Occella Jordan and Hubbs, 1925
- Ochetobius Günther, 1868
- Ochmacanthus Eigenmann, 1912
- Ocosia Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Ocynectes Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Ocyurus Gill, 1862
- Odax Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Odaxothrissa Boulenger, 1899
- Odondebuenia de Buen, 1930
- Odontamblyopus Bleeker, 1874
- Odontanthias Bleeker, 1873
- Odonteleotris Gill, 1863
- Odontesthes Evermann and Kendall, 1906
- Odontobutis Bleeker, 1874
- Odontocharacidium Buckup, 1993
- Odontognathus Lacepède, 1800
- Odontoliparis Stein, 1978
- Odontomacrurus Norman, 1939
- Odontopyxis Lockington, 1880
- Odontoscion Gill, 1862
- Odontostilbe Cope, 1870
- Odontostoechus Gomes, 1947
- Odontostomias Norman, 1930
- Odontostomops Fowler, 1934
- Odonus Gistel, 1848
- Oedalechilus Fowler, 1903
- Ogcocephalus Fischer, 1813
- Ogilbia Jordan and Evermann in Evermann and Kendell, 1898
- Ogilbichthys Møller, Schwarzhans and Nielsen, 2004
- Ogilbyina Fowler, 1931
- Oidiphorus McAllister and Rees, 1964
- Oligobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Oligocottus Girard, 1856
- Oligolepis Bleeker, 1874
- Oligoplites Gill, 1863
- Oligosarcus Günther, 1864
- Oloplotosus Weber, 1913
- Olyra McClelland, 1842
- Oman Springer, 1985
- Omegophora Whitley, 1934
- Omobranchus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1836
- Omosudis Günther, 1887
- Omox Springer, 1972
- Ompok Lacepède, 1803
- Oncopterus Steindachner, 1874
- Oncorhynchus Suckley, 1861
- Oneirodes Lütken, 1871
- Onigocia Jordan and Thompson, 1913
- Onuxodon Smith, 1955
- Onychostoma Günther, 1896
- Opaeophacus Bond and Stein, 1984
- Opeatogenys Briggs, 1955
- Ophichthus Ahl, 1789
- Ophiclinops Whitley, 1932
- Ophiclinus Castelnau, 1872
- Ophidion Linnaeus, 1758
- Ophieleotris Aurich, 1938
- Ophioblennius Gill, 1860
- Ophiocara Gill, 1863
- Ophiodon Girard, 1854
- Ophiogobius Gill, 1863
- Ophioscion Gill, 1863
- Ophisternon McClelland, 1844
- Ophisurus Lacepède, 1800
- Ophthalmolepis Bleeker, 1862
- Ophthalmolycus Regan, 1913
- Ophthalmotilapia Pellegrin, 1904
- Opisthocentrus Kner, 1868
- Opisthonema Gill, 1861
- Opisthoproctus Vaillant, 1888
- Opisthopterus Gill, 1861
- Opistognathus Cuvier, 1816
- Oplegnathus Richardson, 1840
- Oplopomops Smith, 1959
- Oplopomus Valenciennes, 1837
- Opostomias Günther, 1887
- Opsanus Rafinesque, 1818
- Opsaridium Peters, 1854
- Opsariichthys Bleeker, 1863
- Opsarius McClelland, 1839
- Opsodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Opsopoeodus Hay, 1881
- Optivus Whitley, 1947
- Opua Jordan, 1925
- Orbonymus Whitley, 1947
- Orcynopsis Gill, 1862
- Oregonichthys Hubbs in Schultz, 1929
- Oreichthys Smith, 1933
- Oreochromis Günther, 1889
- Oreoglanis Smith, 1933
- Oreoleuciscus Warpachowski, 1889
- Oreonectes Günther, 1868
- Oreosoma Cuvier, 1829
- Orestias Valenciennes, 1839
- Orinocodoras Myers, 1927
- Orthodon Girard, 1856
- Orthonopias Starks and Mann, 1911
- Orthopristis Girard, 1858
- Orthospinus Reis, 1989
- Orthosternarchus Ellis, 1913
- Orthrias Jordan and Fowler, 1903
- Oryzias Jordan and Snyder, 1906
- Osmerus Linnaeus, 1758
- Osopsaron Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Osphronemus Lacepède, 1801
- Ossubtus Jégu, 1992
- Osteobrama Heckel, 1843
- Osteochilichthys Hora, 1942
- Osteochilus Günther, 1868
- Osteodiscus Stein, 1978
- Osteogeneiosus Bleeker, 1846
- Osteoglossum Cuvier, 1829
- Ostichthys Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Ostracion Linnaeus, 1758
- Ostracoberyx Fowler, 1934
- Othonocheirodus Myers, 1927
- Othos Castelnau, 1875
- Otocinclus Cope, 1871
- Otolithes Oken, 1817
- Otolithoides Fowler, 1933
- Otopharynx Regan, 1920
- Otophidium Gill in Jordan, 1885
- Otothyris Myers, 1927
- Owstonia Tanaka, 1908
- Oxuderces Eydoux and Souleyet, 1850
- Oxybrycon Géry, 1964
- Oxycheilinus Gill, 1862
- Oxycirrhites Bleeker, 1857
- Oxyconger Bleeker, 1864
- Oxydoras Kner, 1855
- Oxyeleotris Bleeker, 1874
- Oxygaster van Hasselt, 1823
- Oxygymnocypris Tsao, 1964
- Oxyjulis Gill, 1863
- Oxylapia Kiener and Maugé, 1966
- Oxylebius Gill, 1862
- Oxymetopon Bleeker, 1861
- Oxymonacanthus Bleeker, 1865
- Oxymormyrus Bleeker, 1874
- Oxyporhamphus Gill, 1864
- Oxyropsis Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Oxyurichthys Bleeker, 1857
- Oxyzygonectes Fowler, 1916
- Pachycara Zugmayer, 1911
- Pachychilon Steindachner, 1882
- Pachymetopon Günther, 1859
- Pachypanchax Myers, 1933
- Pachypops Gill, 1861
- Pachystomias Günther, 1887
- Pachyurus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1831
- Padogobius Berg, 1932
- Paedogobius Iwata, Hosoya and Larson, 2001
- Pagellus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830
- Pagetopsis Regan, 1913
- Pagothenia Nichols and La Monte, 1936
- Pagrus Cuvier, 1816
- Palatogobius Gilbert, 1971
- Pallasina Cramer in Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Pallidochromis Turner, 1994
- Palmoliparis Balushkin, 1996
- Palutrus Smith, 1959
- Pamphorichthys Regan, 1913
- Pampus Bonaparte, 1834
- Panaque Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Pandaka Herre, 1927
- Pangasius Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Pangio Blyth, 1860
- Panna Mohan, 1969
- Pantanodon Myers, 1955
- Pantodon Peters, 1877
- Pantolabus Whitley, 1931
- Panturichthys Pellegrin, 1913
- Pao Kottelat, 2013
- Papiliolebias Costa, 1998
- Papilloculiceps Fowler and Steinitz, 1956
- Papillogobius Gill and Miller, 1990
- Papuengraulis Munro, 1964
- Papuligobius Chen and Kottelat, 2003
- Papyrocranus Greenwood, 1963
- Parabathophilus Matallanas, 1984
- Parabathymyrus Kamohara, 1938
- Parabembras Bleeker, 1874
- Parablennius Miranda Ribeiro, 1915
- Parabothus Norman, 1931
- Parabotia Dabry de Thiersant, 1872
- Parabramis Bleeker, 1865
- Parabrosmolus Machida, 1996
- Parabrotula Zugmayer, 1911
- Paracaesio Bleeker, 1875
- Paracallionymus Barnard, 1927
- Paracanthobrama Bleeker, 1865
- Paracanthopoma Giltay, 1935
- Paracanthurus Bleeker, 1863
- Paracentropogon Bleeker, 1876
- Paracetopsis Bleeker, 1862
- Parachaenichthys Boulenger, 1902
- Parachaetodon Bleeker, 1874
- Parachaeturichthys Bleeker, 1874
- Parachanna Teugels and Daget, 1984
- Paracheilinus Fourmanoir in Roux-Estéve and Fourmanoir, 1955
- Paracheirodon Géry, 1960
- Parachela Steindachner, 1881
- Parachiloglanis Wu, He and Chu, 1981
- Parachromis Agassiz, 1859
- Paracirrhites Bleeker, 1874
- Paraclinus Mocquard, 1888
- Paracobitis Bleeker, 1863
- Paraconger Kanazawa, 1961
- Paracottus Taliev in Berg, 1949
- Paracrossochilus Popta, 1904
- Paracyprichromis Poll, 1986
- Paradicula Whitley, 1931
- Paradiplogrammus Nakabo, 1982
- Paradiplospinus Andriashev, 1960
- Paradistichodus Pellegrin, 1922
- Paradoxodacna Roberts, 1989
- Paradoxoglanis Norris, 2002
- Paragalaxias Scott, 1935
- Paragobiodon Bleeker, 1873
- Paragobiopsis Koumans, 1941
- Paragoniates Steindachner, 1876
- Paragunnellichthys Dawson, 1967
- Paraheminodus Kamohara, 1957
- Parahollardia Fraser-Brunner, 1941
- Parahucho Vladykov, 1963
- Parahypsos Bath, 1982
- Parailia Boulenger, 1899
- Parajulis Bleeker, 1865
- Parakneria Poll, 1965
- Parakuhlia Pellegrin, 1913
- Parakysis Herre, 1940
- Paralabidochromis Greenwood, 1956
- Paralabrax Girard, 1856
- Paralaubuca Bleeker, 1865
- Paralepidocephalus Tchang, 1935
- Paralepis Cuvier, 1816
- Paraletharchus McCosker, 1974
- Paraleucogobio Berg, 1907
- Paralichthodes Gilchrist, 1902
- Paralichthys Girard, 1858
- Paraliparis Collett, 1879
- Paralipophrys Bath, 1977
- Paralonchurus Bocourt, 1869
- Paraloricaria Isbrücker, 1979
- Paralticus Springer and Williams, 1994
- Paraluteres Bleeker, 1865
- Parambassis Bleeker, 1874
- Paramisgurnus Dabry de Thiersant, 1872
- Paramonacanthus Bleeker, 1865
- Paramormyrops Taverne, Thys van den Audenaerde and Heymer, 1977
- Paramphilius Pellegrin, 1907
- Paramugil Ghasemzadeh, Ivantsoff and Aarn, 2004
- Parananochromis Greenwood, 1987
- Parancistrus Bleeker, 1862
- Paranebris Chao, Béarez and Robertson, 2001
- Paraneetroplus Regan, 1905
- Paranemachilus Zhu, 1983
- Paranibea Trewavas, 1977
- Paranotothenia Balushkin, 1976
- Paranthias Guichenot, 1868
- Parapercis Bleeker, 1863
- Paraphago Boulenger, 1899
- Parapimelodus La Monte, 1933
- Paraplagusia Bleeker, 1865
- Paraplesiops Bleeker, 1875
- Paraploactis Bleeker, 1864
- Paraplotosus Bleeker, 1862
- Parapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Parapolynemus Feltes, 1993
- Parapriacanthus Steindachner, 1870
- Parapristella Géry, 1964
- Parapristipoma Bleeker, 1873
- Parapristipomoides Kami, 1973
- Paraprotomyzon Pellegrin and Fang, 1935
- Parapsenes Smith, 1949
- Parapsettus Steindachner, 1876
- Parapsilorhynchus Hora, 1921
- Parapterois Bleeker, 1876
- Parapteronotus Albert, 2001
- Parapterygotrigla Matsubara, 1937
- Parargyrops Tanaka, 1916
- Pararhinichthys Stauffer, Hocutt and Mayden, 1997
- Parasciadonus Nielsen, 1984
- Parascolopsis Boulenger, 1901
- Parascorpaena Bleeker, 1876
- Parascorpis Bleeker, 1875
- Parasikukia Doi, 2000
- Parasilurus Bleeker, 1862
- Parasinilabeo Wu, 1939
- Parasphaerichthys Prashad and Mukerji, 1929
- Parasphyraenops Bean, 1912
- Paraspinibarbus Chu and Kottelat, 1989
- Parasqualidus Doi, 2000
- Parastegophilus Miranda Ribeiro, 1946
- Parastremma Eigenmann, 1912
- Parastromateus Bleeker, 1865
- Parasudis Regan, 1911
- Parataeniophorus Bertelsen and Marshall, 1956
- Parateleopus Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1912
- Paratherina Kottelat, 1990
- Paratilapia Bleeker, 1868
- Paratrachichthys Waite, 1899
- Paratriacanthodes Fowler, 1934
- Paratrimma Hoese and Brothers, 1976
- Parauchenoglanis Boulenger, 1911
- Paraulopus Sato and Nakabo, 2002
- Paravandellia Miranda Ribeiro, 1912
- Parawaous Watson, 1993
- Paraxenisthmus Gill and Hoese, 1993
- Parazacco Chen, 1982
- Parazanclistius Hardy, 1983
- Parazen Kamohara, 1935
- Pardachirus Günther, 1862
- Pardiglanis Poll, Lanza and Romoli Sassi, 1972
- Parecbasis Eigenmann, 1914
- Pareiodon Kner, 1855
- Pareiorhina Gosline, 1947
- Parenchelyurus Springer, 1972
- Pareques Gill in Goode, 1876
- Parequula Steindachner, 1879
- Paretroplus Bleeker, 1868
- Pareuchiloglanis Pellegrin, 1936
- Pareutropius Regan, 1920
- Parexocoetus Bleeker, 1866
- Parhomaloptera Vaillant, 1902
- Pariah Böhlke, 1969
- Paricelinus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Parinoberyx Kotlyar, 1984
- Parioglossus Regan, 1912
- Pariolius Cope, 1872
- Paristiopterus Bleeker, 1876
- Parkraemeria Whitley, 1951
- Parma Günther, 1862
- Parmops Rosenblatt and Johnson, 1991
- Parodon Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Parona Berg, 1895
- Parophidion Tortonese, 1954
- Parophrys Girard, 1854
- Parosphromenus Bleeker, 1877
- Parotocinclus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Parrella Ginsburg, 1938
- Parupeneus Bleeker, 1863
- Paruroconger Blache and Bauchot, 1976
- Parvicrepis Whitley, 1931
- Parvilux Hubbs and Wisner, 1964
- Parviparma Herre, 1927
- Pataecus Richardson, 1844
- Patagonotothen Balushkin, 1976
- Pavoclinus Smith, 1946
- Paxton Baldwin and Johnson, 1999
- Peckoltia Miranda Ribeiro, 1912
- Pectenocypris Kottelat, 1982
- Pectinantus Sazonov, 1986
- Pectinochromis Gill and Edwards, 1999
- Pegasus Linnaeus, 1758
- Pegusa Günther, 1862
- Pelagocephalus Tyler & Paxton, 1979
- Pelangia Allen, 1998
- Pelates Cuvier, 1829
- Pelecus Agassiz, 1835
- Pellona Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1847
- Pellonula Günther, 1868
- Pelmatochromis Steindachner, 1894
- Pelotretis Waite, 1911
- Pelsartia Whitley, 1943
- Pelteobagrus Bleeker, 1864
- Peltorhamphus Günther, 1862
- Pelvicachromis Thys van den Audenaerde, 1968
- Pempheris Cuvier, 1829
- Penetopteryx Lunel, 1881
- Pennahia Fowler, 1926
- Penopus Goode and Bean, 1896
- Pentaceropsis Steindachner in Steindachner and Döderlein, 1883
- Pentaceros Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Pentanemus Günther, 1860
- Pentapodus Quoy and Gaimard, 1824
- Pentaprion Bleeker, 1850
- Pentherichthys Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Pentheroscion Trewavas, 1962
- Peprilus Cuvier, 1829
- Perca Linnaeus, 1758
- Percarina Nordmann, 1840
- Perccottus Dybowski, 1877
- Percichthys Girard, 1855
- Percilia Girard, 1855
- Percina Haldeman, 1842
- Percis Scopoli, 1777
- Percocypris Chu, 1935
- Percophis Quoy and Gaimard, 1825
- Percopsis Agassiz, 1849
- Pereulixia Smith, 1959
- Periophthalmodon Bleeker, 1874
- Periophthalmus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Perissias Jordan & Evermann, 1898
- Perissodus Boulenger, 1898
- Peristedion Lacepède, 1801
- Peristrominous Whitley, 1952
- Peronedys Steindachner, 1884
- Perrunichthys Schultz, 1944
- Perryena Whitley, 1940
- Persparsia Parr, 1951
- Perulibatrachus Roux and Whitley, 1972
- Pervagor Whitley, 1930
- Petalichthys Regan, 1904
- Petenia Günther, 1862
- Petersius Hilgendorf, 1894
- Petilipinnis Casatti, 2002
- Petitella Géry and Boutière, 1964
- Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854
- Petrochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Petroleuciscus Bogutskaya, 2002
- Petroscirtes Rüppell, 1830
- Petrotilapia Trewavas, 1935
- Petrotyx Heller and Snodgrass, 1903
- Petrus Smith, 1938
- Phaenomonas Myers and Wade, 1941
- Phaeoptyx Fraser and Robins, 1970
- Phago Günther, 1865
- Phallichthys Hubbs, 1924
- Phalloceros Eigenmann, 1907
- Phallocottus Schultz, 1938
- Phalloptychus Eigenmann, 1907
- Phallostethus Regan, 1913
- Phallotorynus Henn, 1916
- Phanerodon Girard, 1854
- Pharyngochromis Greenwood, 1979
- Phasmatocottus Bolin, 1936
- Phenablennius Springer and Smith-Vaniz, 1972
- Phenacobius Cope, 1867
- Phenacobrycon Eigenmann, 1922
- Phenacogaster Eigenmann, 1907
- Phenacogrammus Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ogle, 1907
- Phenacorhamdia Dahl, 1961
- Phenacoscorpius Fowler, 1938
- Phenacostethus Myers, 1928
- Phenagoniates Eigenmann and Wilson in Eigenmann, Henn and Wilson, 1914
- Pherallodichthys Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1983
- Pherallodiscus Briggs, 1955
- Pherallodus Briggs, 1955
- Philypnodon Bleeker, 1874
- Pholidapus Bean and Bean, 1897
- Pholidichthys Bleeker, 1856
- Pholis Scopoli, 1777
- Phosichthys Hutton, 1872
- Photoblepharon Weber, 1902
- Photocorynus Regan, 1925
- Photonectes Günther, 1887
- Photostomias Collett, 1889
- Photostylus Beebe, 1933
- Phoxinellus Heckel, 1843
- Phoxinus Rafinesque, 1820
- Phoxocampus Dawson, 1977
- Phractocephalus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Phractolaemus Boulenger, 1901
- Phractura Boulenger, 1900
- Phreatichthys Vinciguerra, 1924
- Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905
- Phrynorhombus Günther, 1862
- Phthanophaneron Johnson and Rosenblatt, 1988
- Phtheirichthys Gill, 1862
- Phucocoetes Jenyns, 1842
- Phycis Artedi in Walbaum, 1792
- Phycodurus Gill, 1896
- Phyllichthys McCulloch, 1916
- Phyllogobius Larson, 1986
- Phyllonemus Boulenger, 1906
- Phyllophichthus Gosline, 1951
- Phyllophryne Pietsch, 1984
- Phyllopteryx Swainson, 1839
- Phyllorhinichthys Pietsch, 1969
- Physiculus Kaup, 1858
- Physopyxis Cope, 1871
- Physoschistura Banarescu and Nalbant in Singh, Sen, Banarescu and Nalbant, 1982
- Phytichthys Hubbs in Jordan, 1923
- Piabarchus Myers, 1928
- Piabina Reinhardt, 1867
- Piabucina Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Piabucus Oken, 1817
- Piaractus Eigenmann, 1903
- Pictilabrus Gill, 1891
- Piedrabuenia Gosztonyi, 1977
- Pillaia Yazdani, 1972
- Pimelodella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Pimelodina Steindachner, 1876
- Pimelodus Lacepède, 1803
- Pimephales Rafinesque, 1820
- Pingalla Whitley, 1955
- Pinguipes Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
- Pinirampus Bleeker, 1858
- Pinjalo Bleeker, 1873
- Pisodonophis Kaup, 1856
- Pituna Costa, 1989
- Placidochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Placocheilus Wu in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977
- Plagiogeneion Forbes, 1890
- Plagiognathops Berg, 1907
- Plagiogrammus Bean, 1894
- Plagiopsetta Franz, 1910
- Plagioscion Gill, 1861
- Plagiotremus Gill, 1865
- Plagopterus Cope, 1874
- Planaltina Böhlke, 1954
- Planiloricaria Isbrücker, 1971
- Platanichthys Whitehead, 1968
- Plataplochilus Ahl, 1928
- Platax Cuvier, 1816
- Platichthys Girard, 1854
- Platyallabes Poll, 1977
- Platybelone Fowler, 1919
- Platyberyx Zugmayer, 1911
- Platycephalus Bloch, 1795
- Platyclarias Poll, 1977
- Platydoras Bleeker, 1862
- Platygillellus Dawson, 1974
- Platyglanis Daget, 1979
- Platygobio Gill, 1863
- Platygobiopsis Springer and Randall, 1992
- Platynematichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Platypharodon Herzenstein, 1891
- Platysilurus Haseman, 1911
- Platysmacheilus Lu, Luo and Chen, 1977
- Platystacus Bloch, 1794
- Platystomatichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Platytaeniodus Boulenger, 1906
- Platytroctes Günther, 1878
- Platytropius Hora, 1937
- Platyurosternarchus Mago-Leccia, 1994
- Plecodus Boulenger, 1898
- Plecoglossus Temminck and Schlegel, 1846
- Plectobranchus Gilbert, 1890
- Plectorhinchus Lacepède, 1801
- Plectranthias Bleeker, 1873
- Plectrochilus Miranda Ribeiro, 1917
- Plectrogenium Gilbert, 1905
- Plectroglyphidodon Fowler and Ball, 1924
- Plectropomus Oken, 1817
- Plectrypops Gill, 1862
- Plesienchelys Anderson, 1988
- Plesiolebias Costa, 1989
- Plesiomyzon Zheng and Chen, 1980
- Plesiops Oken, 1817
- Pleuragramma Boulenger, 1902
- Pleurogrammus Gill, 1861
- Pleuronectes Linnaeus, 1758
- Pleuronichthys Girard, 1854
- Pleuroscopus Barnard, 1927
- Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
- Plicofollis Kailola, 2004
- Pliosteostoma Norman, 1923
- Plotosus Lacepède, 1803
- Pnictes Jordan, 1919
- Poblana de Buen, 1945
- Podothecus Gill, 1861
- Poecilia Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Poeciliopsis Regan, 1913
- Poecilocharax Eigenmann, 1909
- Poeciloconger Günther, 1872
- Poecilopsetta Günther, 1880
- Poecilothrissa Regan, 1917
- Pogobrama Luo, 1995
- Pogoneleotris Bleeker, 1875
- Pogonias Lacepède, 1801
- Pogonichthys Girard, 1854
- Pogonolycus Norman, 1937
- Pogonoperca Günther, 1859
- Pogonophryne Regan, 1914
- Pogonopoma Regan, 1904
- Pogonoscorpius Regan, 1908
- Pollachius Nilsson, 1832
- Pollichthys Grey, 1959
- Pollimyrus Taverne, 1971
- Polyacanthonotus Bleeker, 1874
- Polyamblyodon Norman, 1935
- Polycentropsis Boulenger, 1901
- Polycentrus Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Polydactylus Lacepède, 1803
- Polyipnus Günther, 1887
- Polylepion Gomon, 1977
- Polymetme McCulloch, 1926
- Polymixia Lowe, 1838
- Polynemus Linnaeus, 1758
- Polyodon Lacepède, 1797
- Polypera Burke, 1912
- Polyplacapros Fujii & Uyeno, 1979
- Polyprion Oken, 1817
- Polypterus Lacepède, 1803
- Polyspina Hardy, 1983
- Polyspondylogobius Kimura and Wu, 1994
- Polysteganus Klunzinger, 1870
- Pomacanthus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomacentrus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomachromis Allen and Randall, 1974
- Pomadasys Lacepède, 1802
- Pomatomus Lacepède, 1802
- Pomatoschistus Gill, 1863
- Pomoxis Rafinesque, 1818
- Pontinus Poey, 1860
- Popondichthys Allen, 1987
- Poptella Eigenmann, 1908
- Porcostoma Smith, 1938
- Porichthys Girard, 1854
- Porochilus Weber, 1913
- Poroclinus Bean, 1890
- Porocottus Gill, 1859
- Porogadus Goode and Bean, 1885
- Porogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Poromitra Goode and Bean, 1883
- Poropanchax Clausen, 1967
- Poropuntius Smith, 1931
- Porotergus Ellis in Eigenmann, 1912
- Posidonichthys Briggs, 1993
- Potamalosa Ogilby, 1897
- Potamarius Hubbs and Miller, 1960
- Potamobatrachus Collette, 1995
- Potamorhina Cope, 1878
- Potamorrhaphis Günther, 1866
- Potamothrissa Regan, 1917
- Powellichthys Smith, 1966
- Praealticus Schultz and Chapman in Schultz et al., 1960
- Praematoliparis Andriashev, 2003
- Premnas Cuvier, 1816
- Priacanthus Oken, 1817
- Priapella Regan, 1913
- Priapichthys Regan, 1913
- Prietella Carranza, 1954
- Priocharax Weitzman and Vari, 1987
- Priolepis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Prionobrama Fowler, 1913
- Prionobutis Bleeker, 1874
- Prionodraco Regan, 1914
- Prionotus Lacepède, 1801
- Prionurus Lacepède, 1804
- Pristella Eigenmann, 1908
- Pristigaster Cuvier, 1816
- Pristigenys Agassiz, 1835
- Pristilepis Randall, Shimizu and Yamakawa, 1982
- Pristipomoides Bleeker, 1852
- Pristobrycon Eigenmann, 1915
- Pristolepis Jerdon, 1849
- Pristotis Rüppell, 1838
- Probarbus Sauvage, 1880
- Probolodus Eigenmann, 1911
- Procatopus Boulenger, 1904
- Procetichthys Paxton, 1989
- Prochilodus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Procottus Gratcianov, 1902
- Procypris Lin, 1933
- Prodontocharax Eigenmann and Pearson in Pearson, 1924
- Proeutropiichthys Hora, 1937
- Profundulus Hubbs, 1924
- Prognathodes Gill, 1862
- Prognatholiparis Orr and Busby, 2001
- Prognichthys Breder, 1928
- Prolabeo Norman, 1932
- Prolabeops Schultz, 1941
- Prolatilus Gill, 1865
- Promethichthys Gill, 1893
- Promyllantor Alcock, 1890
- Pronotogrammus Gill, 1863
- Propherallodus Shiogaki and Dotsu, 1983
- Propimelodus Lundberg and Parisi, 2002
- Prosopium Jordan, 1878
- Prosoproctus Poss and Eschmeyer, 1979
- Protammodytes Ida, Sirimontaporn and Monkolprasit, 1994
- Protemblemaria Stephens, 1963
- Proteracanthus Günther, 1859
- Proterorhinus Smitt, 1900
- Protoblepharon Baldwin, Johnson and Paxton, 1997
- Protocobitis Yang and Chen, 1993
- Protogobius Watson and Pöllabauer, 1998
- Protogrammus Fricke, 1985
- Protomelas Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Protomyctophum Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Protomyzon Hora, 1932
- Protonemacheilus Yang and Chu, 1990
- Protonibea Trewavas, 1971
- Protosalanx Regan, 1908
- Protosciaena Sasaki, 1989
- Prototroctes Günther, 1864
- Psalidodon Eigenmann, 1911
- Psammodiscus Günther, 1862
- Psammogobius Smith, 1935
- Psammoperca Richardson, 1848
- Psammphiletria Roberts, 2003
- Psectrogaster Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Psednos Barnard, 1927
- Psellogrammus Eigenmann, 1908
- Psenes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1833
- Psenopsis Gill, 1862
- Psephurus Günther, 1873
- Psettichthys Girard, 1854
- Psettina Hubbs, 1915
- Psettodes Bennett, 1831
- Pseudacanthicus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudaesopia Chabanaud, 1934
- Pseudalectrias Lindberg, 1938
- Pseudalutarius Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudambassis Bleeker, 1874
- Pseudamia Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudamiops Smith, 1954
- Pseudancistrus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudanos Winterbottom, 1980
- Pseudanthias Bleeker, 1871
- Pseudaphritis Castelnau, 1872
- Pseudaphya Iljin, 1930
- Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874
- Pseudaspius Dybowski, 1869
- Pseudauchenipterus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudecheneis Blyth, 1860
- Pseudechidna Bleeker, 1863
- Pseudepapterus Steindachner, 1915
- Pseudeutropius Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudexostoma Chu, 1979
- Pseudobagrus Bleeker, 1859
- Pseudobalistes Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudobarbus Smith, 1841
- Pseudobathylagus Kobyliansky, 1986
- Pseudoblennius Temminck and Schlegel, 1850
- Pseudobrama Bleeker, 1870
- Pseudocalliurichthys Nakabo, 1982
- Pseudocaranx Bleeker, 1863
- Pseudocepola Kamohara, 1935
- Pseudocetonurus Sazonov and Shcherbachev, 1982
- Pseudocetopsis Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudochaenichthys Norman, 1937
- Pseudochalceus Kner, 1863
- Pseudocheilinops Schultz in Schultz, Chapman, Lachner and Wood, 1960
- Pseudocheilinus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudocheirodon Meek and Hildebrand, 1916
- Pseudochromis Rüppell, 1835
- Pseudocoris Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudocorynopoma Perugia, 1891
- Pseudocrenilabrus Fowler, 1934
- Pseudocurimata Fernández-Yépez, 1948
- Pseudocyttus Gilchrist, 1906
- Pseudodax Bleeker, 1861
- Pseudogastromyzon Nichols, 1925
- Pseudogilbia Møller, Schwarzhans and Nielsen, 2004
- Pseudogobio Bleeker, 1860
- Pseudogobius Popta, 1922
- Pseudogramma Bleeker, 1875
- Pseudohemiculter Nichols and Pope, 1927
- Pseudohemiodon Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudohomaloptera Silas, 1953
- Pseudohowella Fedoryako, 1976
- Pseudojuloides Fowler, 1949
- Pseudolabrus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudolaguvia Misra, 1976
- Pseudolaubuca Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudoliparis Andriashev, 1955
- Pseudolithoxus Isbrücker and Werner in Isbrücker, Seidel, Michels, Schraml and Werner, 2001
- Pseudoloricaria Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudomancopsetta Evseenko, 1984
- Pseudomonacanthus Bleeker, 1865
- Pseudomugil Kner, 1866
- Pseudomyrophis Wade, 1946
- Pseudomystus Jayaram, 1968
- Pseudonezumia Okamura, 1970
- Pseudonotoliparis Pitruk, 1991
- Pseudonus Garman, 1899
- Pseudopataecus Johnson, 2004
- Pseudopentaceros Bleeker, 1876
- Pseudopercis Miranda Ribeiro, 1903
- Pseudophallus Herald, 1940
- Pseudophichthys Roule, 1915
- Pseudophoxinus Bleeker, 1860
- Pseudophycis Günther, 1862
- Pseudopimelodus Bleeker, 1858
- Pseudoplatystoma Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudoplesiops Bleeker, 1858
- Pseudopleuronectes Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudopoecilia Regan, 1913
- Pseudopungtungia Mori, 1935
- Pseudorasbora Bleeker, 1860
- Pseudorhinogobius Zhong and Wu, 1998
- Pseudorhombus Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudorinelepis Bleeker, 1862
- Pseudoscaphirhynchus Nikolskii, 1900
- Pseudoscopelus Lütken, 1892
- Pseudosetipinna Peng and Zhao, 1988
- Pseudosimochromis Nelissen, 1977
- Pseudosphromenus Bleeker, 1879
- Pseudostegophilus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Pseudosynanceia Day, 1875
- Pseudotatia Mees, 1974
- Pseudotocinclus Nichols, 1919
- Pseudotolithus Bleeker, 1863
- Pseudotothyris Britski and Garavello, 1984
- Pseudotriacanthus Fraser-Brunner, 1941
- Pseudotrichonotus Yoshino and Araga in Masuda, Araga and Yoshino, 1975
- Pseudotropheus Regan, 1922
- Pseudotrypauchen Hardenberg, 1931
- Pseudotylosurus Fernández-Yépez, 1948
- Pseudovespicula Mandrytsa, 2001
- Pseudupeneus Bleeker, 1862
- Psilodraco Norman, 1937
- Psilogobius Baldwin, 1972
- Psilorhynchus McClelland, 1839
- Psilotris Ginsburg, 1953
- Psychrolutes Günther, 1861
- Ptarmus Smith, 1947
- Pteraclis Gronow, 1772
- Pteragogus Peters, 1855
- Pterapogon Koumans, 1933
- Ptereleotris Gill, 1863
- Pterengraulis Günther, 1868
- Pterobrycon Eigenmann, 1913
- Pterobunocephalus Fowler, 1943
- Pterocaesio Bleeker, 1876
- Pterochromis Trewavas, 1973
- Pterocryptis Peters, 1861
- Pterodoras Bleeker, 1862
- Pterogobius Gill, 1863
- Pterogymnus Smith, 1938
- Pteroidichthys Bleeker, 1856
- Pterois Oken, 1817
- Pterolebias Garman, 1895
- Pteronotropis Fowler, 1935
- Pteropelor Fowler, 1938
- Pterophyllum Heckel, 1840
- Pteropsaron Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Pteroscion Fowler, 1925
- Pterosturisoma Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1978
- Pterosynchiropus Nakabo, 1982
- Pterothrissus Hilgendorf, 1877
- Pterotolithus Fowler, 1933
- Pterycombus Fries, 1837
- Pterygoplichthys Gill, 1858
- Pterygotrigla Waite, 1899
- Ptilichthys Bean, 1881
- Ptychidio Myers, 1930
- Ptychobarbus Steindachner, 1866
- Ptychocharax Weitzman, Fink, Machado-Allison and Royero L., 1994
- Ptychocheilus Agassiz, 1855
- Ptychochromis Steindachner, 1880
- Ptychochromoides Kiener and Maugé, 1966
- Puck Pietsch, 1978
- Pugnaso Whitley, 1948
- Pundamilia Seehausen and Lippitsch in Seehausen et al., 1998
- Pungitius Coste, 1848
- Pungtungia Herzenstein, 1892
- Pungu Trewavas in Trewavas, Green and Corbet, 1972
- Puntioplites Smith, 1929
- Puntius Hamilton, 1822
- Puzanovia Fedorov, 1975
- Pycnocraspedum Alcock, 1889
- Pycnomma Rutter, 1904
- Pygidianops Myers, 1944
- Pygocentrus Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Pygoplites Fraser-Brunner, 1933
- Pygopristis Müller and Troschel, 1844
- Pylodictis Rafinesque, 1819
- Pyramodon Smith and Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913
- Pyrolycus Machida and Hashimoto, 2002
- Pyrrhulina Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846
- Pythonichthys Poey, 1868
- Pyxichromis Greenwood, 1980
- Pyxiloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1984
- Qianlabeo Zhang and Chen, 2004
- Quassiremus Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Quietula Jordan and Evermann in Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Quinca Mees, 1966
- Quintana Hubbs, 1934
- Rabaulichthys Allen, 1984
- Racenisia Mago-Leccia, 1994
- Rachovia Myers, 1927
- Rachoviscus Myers, 1926
- Rachycentron Kaup, 1826
- Raconda Gray, 1831
- Racovitzia Dollo, 1900
- Radiicephalus Osório, 1917
- Radulinopsis Soldatov and Lindberg, 1930
- Radulinus Gilbert, 1890
- Raiamas Jordan, 1919
- Rainfordia McCulloch, 1923
- Rama Bleeker, 1858
- Ramnogaster Whitehead, 1965
- Randallichthys Anderson, Kami and Johnson, 1977
- Raneya Robins, 1961
- Raniceps Oken, 1817
- Ranzania Nardo, 1840
- Rasbora Bleeker, 1859
- Rasborichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Rasborinus Oshima, 1920
- Rastrelliger Jordan and Starks in Jordan and Dickerson, 1908
- Rastrineobola Fowler, 1936
- Rastrinus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Ratabulus Jordan and Hubbs, 1925
- Rathbunella Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Ratsirakia Maugé, 1984
- Rectoris Lin, 1935
- Redigobius Herre, 1927
- Regalecus Ascanius, 1772
- Reganella Eigenmann, 1905
- Reganochromis Whitley, 1929
- Reicheltia Hardy, 1982
- Reinhardtius Gill, 1861
- Relictus Hubbs and Miller, 1972
- Remora Gill, 1862
- Remorina Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Rendahlia Chabanaud, 1930
- Renova Thomerson and Taphorn, 1995
- Repomucenus Whitley, 1931
- Retroculus Eigenmann and Bray, 1894
- Retropinna Gill, 1862
- Rexea Waite, 1911
- Rexichthys Parin and Astakhov, 1987
- Rhabdalestes Hoedeman, 1951
- Rhabdamia Weber, 1909
- Rhabdoblennius Whitley, 1930
- Rhabdolichops Eigenmann and Allen, 1942
- Rhabdosargus Fowler, 1933
- Rhacochilus Agassiz, 1854
- Rhadinesthes Regan and Trewavas, 1929
- Rhadinocentrus Regan, 1914
- Rhadinoloricaria Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1974
- Rhamdella Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1888
- Rhamdia Bleeker, 1858
- Rhamdioglanis Ihering, 1907
- Rhamdiopsis Haseman, 1911
- Rhamphichthys Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Rhamphocetichthys Paxton, 1989
- Rhamphochromis Regan, 1922
- Rhamphocottus Günther, 1874
- Rhaphiodon Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Rheocles Jordan and Hubbs in Jordan, 1919
- Rheoglanis Poll, 1966
- Rhinecanthus Swainson, 1839
- Rhinelepis Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Rhinichthys Agassiz, 1849
- Rhinobrycon Myers, 1944
- Rhinodoras Bleeker, 1862
- Rhinogobio Bleeker, 1870
- Rhinogobiops Hubbs, 1926
- Rhinogobius Gill, 1859
- Rhinoliparis Gilbert, 1896
- Rhinomugil Gill, 1863
- Rhinomuraena Garman, 1888
- Rhinopetitia Géry, 1964
- Rhinophichthus McCosker, 1999
- Rhinopias Gill, 1905
- Rhinoprenes Munro, 1964
- Rhinosardinia Eigenmann, 1912
- Rhinosolea Fowler, 1946
- Rhizosomichthys Miles, 1943
- Rhoadsia Fowler, 1911
- Rhodeus Agassiz, 1832
- Rhodichthys Collett, 1879
- Rhodymenichthys Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Rhomboplites Gill, 1862
- Rhombosolea Günther, 1862
- Rhyacichthys Boulenger, 1901
- Rhycherus Ogilby, 1907
- Rhynchactis Regan, 1925
- Rhynchoconger Jordan and Hubbs, 1925
- Rhynchodoras Klausewitz and Rössel, 1961
- Rhynchogadus Tortonese, 1948
- Rhynchohyalus Barnard, 1925
- Rhynchopelates Fowler, 1931
- Rhynchorhamphus Fowler, 1928
- Rhytiodus Kner, 1858
- Ribeiroclinus Pinto, 1965
- Richardsonichthys Smith, 1958
- Richardsonius Girard, 1856
- Ricola Isbrücker and Nijssen, 1978
- Ricuzenius Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Riekertia Smith, 1952
- Rimicola Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Rineloricaria Bleeker, 1862
- Rinoctes Parr, 1952
- Risor Ginsburg, 1933
- Rita Bleeker, 1854
- Rivulus Poey, 1860
- Roa Jordan, 1923
- Robia Pietsch, 1979
- Robinsia Böhlke and Smith, 1967
- Robinsichthys Birdsong, 1988
- Roeboexodon Géry, 1959
- Roeboides Günther, 1864
- Roestes Günther, 1864
- Rogadius Jordan and Richardson, 1908
- Rohtee Sykes, 1839
- Rohteichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Romanichthys Dumitrescu, Banarescu and Stoica, 1957
- Romanogobio Banarescu, 1961
- Roncador Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Rondeletia Goode and Bean, 1895
- Ronquilus Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Rosenblattia Mead and De Falla, 1965
- Rosenblattichthys Johnson, 1974
- Rostrogobio Taranetz, 1937
- Rotuma Springer, 1988
- Rouleina Jordan, 1923
- Ruanoho Hardy, 1986
- Rudarius Jordan & Fowler, 1902
- Ruscarius Jordan and Starks, 1895
- Rusichthys Winterbottom, 1979
- Rutilus Rafinesque, 1820
- Ruvettus Cocco, 1833
- Rypticus Cuvier, 1829
- Sabanejewia Vladykov, 1929
- Saccoderma Schultz, 1944
- Saccodon Kner, 1863
- Saccogaster Alcock, 1889
- Saccopharynx Mitchill, 1824
- Sacura Jordan and Richardson, 1910
- Sagamia Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Sagamichthys Parr, 1953
- Salangichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Salanx Cuvier, 1816
- Salaria Forsskål, 1775
- Salarias Cuvier, 1816
- Salilota Günther, 1887
- Salminus Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Salmo Linnaeus, 1758
- Salmostoma Swainson, 1839
- Saloptia Smith, 1964
- Salvelinus Richardson, 1836
- Salvethymus Chereshnev and Skopets, 1990
- Samaris Gray, 1831
- Samariscus Gilbert, 1905
- Sanagia Holly, 1926
- Sandelia Castelnau, 1861
- Sander Oken, 1817
- Sanopus Smith, 1952
- Sarcocheilichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Sarcoglanis Myers and Weitzman, 1966
- Sarda Cuvier, 1829
- Sardina Antipa, 1904
- Sardinella Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1847
- Sardinops Hubbs, 1929
- Sargocentron Fowler, 1904
- Sargochromis Regan, 1920
- Sarotherodon Rüppell, 1852
- Sarpa Bonaparte, 1831
- Sarritor Cramer in Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Sartor Myers and Carvalho, 1959
- Satan Hubbs and Bailey, 1947
- Satanoperca Günther, 1862
- Satyrichthys Kaup, 1873
- Saurenchelys Peters, 1864
- Saurida Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Saurogobio Bleeker, 1870
- Sauromuraenesox Alcock, 1889
- Sauvagella Bertin, 1940
- Sawbwa Annandale, 1918
- Scaevius Whitley, 1947
- Scalanago Whitley, 1935
- Scaphiodonichthys Vinciguerra, 1890
- Scaphirhynchus Heckel, 1836
- Scaphognathops Smith, 1945
- Scardinius Bonaparte, 1837
- Scartelaos Swainson, 1839
- Scartella Jordan, 1886
- Scartichthys Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Scarus Forsskål, 1775
- Scatophagus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
- Scaturiginichthys Ivantsoff, Unmack, Saeed and Crowley, 1991
- Schedophilus Cocco, 1839
- Schilbe Oken, 1817
- Schindleria Giltay, 1934
- Schismatogobius de Beaufort, 1912
- Schismatorhynchos Bleeker, 1855
- Schismorhynchus McCosker, 1970
- Schistura McClelland, 1838
- Schizochirus Waite, 1904
- Schizocypris Regan, 1914
- Schizodon Agassiz in Spix and Agassiz, 1829
- Schizolecis Britski and Garavello, 1984
- Schizopyge Heckel, 1847
- Schizopygopsis Steindachner, 1866
- Schizothorax Heckel, 1838
- Schuettea Steindachner, 1866
- Schultzea Woods, 1958
- Schultzichthys Dahl, 1960
- Schultzidia Gosline, 1951
- Schultzites Géry, 1964
- Schwetzochromis Poll, 1948
- Sciades Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Sciadonus Garman, 1899
- Sciaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Sciaenochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Sciaenops Gill, 1863
- Scissor Günther, 1864
- Scleronema Eigenmann, 1917
- Scleropages Günther, 1864
- Scobinichthys Whitley, 1931
- Scolecenchelys Ogilby, 1897
- Scolichthys Rosen, 1967
- Scoloplax Bailey and Baskin, 1976
- Scolopsis Cuvier, 1814
- Scomber Linnaeus, 1758
- Scomberesox Lacepède, 1803
- Scomberoides Lacepède, 1801
- Scomberomorus Lacepède, 1801
- Scombrolabrax Roule, 1921
- Scombrops Temminck and Schlegel, 1845
- Scopaeocharax Weitzman and Fink, 1985
- Scopelarchoides Parr, 1929
- Scopelarchus Alcock, 1896
- Scopelengys Alcock, 1890
- Scopeloberyx Zugmayer, 1911
- Scopelogadus Vaillant, 1888
- Scopelopsis Brauer, 1906
- Scopelosaurus Bleeker, 1860
- Scophthalmus Rafinesque, 1810
- Scorpaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Scorpaenichthys Girard, 1854
- Scorpaenodes Bleeker, 1857
- Scorpaenopsis Heckel, 1837
- Scorpiodoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Scorpis Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1832
- Scortum Whitley, 1943
- Scriptaphyosemion Radda and Pürzl, 1987
- Scuticaria Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Scytalichthys Jordan and Davis, 1891
- Scytalina Jordan and Gilbert, 1880
- Searsia Parr, 1937
- Searsioides Sazonov, 1977
- Sebastapistes Gill in Streets, 1877
- Sebastes Cuvier, 1829
- Sebastiscus Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Sebastolobus Gill, 1881
- Sectator Jordan and Fesler, 1893
- Sectoria Kottelat, 1990
- Securicula Günther, 1868
- Secutor Gistel, 1848
- Selachophidium Gilchrist, 1903
- Selar Bleeker, 1851
- Selaroides Bleeker, 1851
- Selenanthias Tanaka, 1918
- Selene Lacepède, 1802
- Seleniolycus Anderson, 1988
- Selenoscopus Okamura and Kishimoto, 1993
- Selenotoca Myers, 1936
- Semaprochilodus Fowler, 1941
- Semicossyphus Günther, 1861
- Semilabeo Peters, 1881
- Seminemacheilus Banarescu and Nalbant, 1995
- Semiplotus Bleeker, 1860
- Semotilus Rafinesque, 1820
- Seriola Cuvier, 1816
- Seriolella Guichenot, 1848
- Seriolina Wakiya, 1924
- Seriphus Ayres, 1860
- Serpenticobitis Roberts, 1997
- Serrabrycon Vari, 1986
- Serraniculus Ginsburg, 1952
- Serranochromis Regan, 1920
- Serranocirrhitus Watanabe, 1949
- Serranus Cuvier, 1816
- Serrapinnus Malabarba, 1998
- Serrasalmus Lacepède, 1803
- Serrivomer Gill and Ryder, 1883
- Setarches Johnson, 1862
- Setipinna Swainson, 1839
- Sewellia Hora, 1932
- Sicamugil Fowler, 1939
- Sicyases Müller and Troschel in Müller, 1843
- Sicydium Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Sicyopterus Gill, 1860
- Sicyopus Gill, 1863
- Sierrathrissa Thys van den Audenaerde, 1969
- Siganus Forsskål, 1775
- Sigmistes Rutter in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Sigmops Gill, 1883
- Signigobius Hoese and Allen, 1977
- Sikukia Smith, 1931
- Silhouettea Smith, 1959
- Sillaginodes Gill, 1861
- Sillaginopsis Gill, 1861
- Sillago Cuvier, 1816
- Silonia Swainson, 1838
- Siluranodon Bleeker, 1858
- Silurichthys Bleeker, 1856
- Silurus Linnaeus, 1758
- Silvinichthys Arratia, 1998
- Simenchelys Gill in Goode and Bean, 1879
- Simochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Simpsonichthys Carvalho, 1959
- Sindoscopus Dawson, 1977
- Sineleotris Herre, 1940
- Sinibotia Fang, 1936
- Sinibrama Wu, 1939
- Sinilabeo Rendahl, 1932
- Siniperca Gill, 1862
- Sinobdella Kottelat and Lim, 1994
- Sinocrossocheilus Wu in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977
- Sinocyclocheilus Fang, 1936
- Sinogastromyzon Fang, 1930
- Sinohomaloptera Fang, 1930
- Sinopangasius Chang and Wu, 1965
- Sio Moss, 1962
- Siokunichthys Herald in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
- Siphamia Weber, 1909
- Siphateles Cope, 1883
- Siphonognathus Richardson, 1858
- Siphonogobius Shibukawa and Iwata, 1998
- Sirembo Bleeker, 1858
- Sisor Hamilton, 1822
- Skiffia Meek, 1902
- Skiotocharax Presswell, Weitzman and Bergquist, 2000
- Skythrenchelys Castle and McCosker, 1999
- Sladenia Regan, 1908
- Smithichthys Hubbs, 1952
- Snyderidia Gilbert, 1905
- Snyderina Jordan and Starks, 1901
- Soldatovia Taranetz, 1937
- Solea Quensel, 1806
- Solegnathus Swainson, 1839
- Soleichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Solenostomus Lacepède, 1803
- Soleonasus Eigenmann, 1912
- Solitas Imamura, 1996
- Solivomer Miller, 1947
- Solocisquama Bradbury, 1999
- Somileptus Swainson, 1839
- Sonoda Grey, 1959
- Sonorolux Trewavas, 1977
- Sorosichthys Whitley, 1945
- Sorsogona Herre, 1934
- Sorubim Cuvier, 1829
- Sorubimichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Spaniblennius Bath and Wirtz, 1989
- Sparisoma Swainson, 1839
- Sparodon Smith, 1938
- Sparus Linnaeus, 1758
- Spathodus Boulenger, 1900
- Spatuloricaria Schultz, 1944
- Spectracanthicus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1987
- Spectrolebias Costa and Nielsen, 1997
- Spectrunculus Jordan and Thompson, 1914
- Speleogobius Zander and Jelinek, 1976
- Speoplatyrhinus Cooper and Kuehne, 1974
- Sperata Holly, 1939
- Sphaeramia Fowler and Bean, 1930
- Sphaerichthys Canestrini, 1860
- Sphaerophysa Cao and Zhu, 1988
- Sphagemacrurus Fowler, 1925
- Sphoeroides Anonymous [Lacepède], 1798
- Sphyraena Artedi in Röse, 1793
- Sphyraenops Gill in Poey, 1860
- Spicara Rafinesque, 1810
- Spinachia Cuvier, 1816
- Spinibarbus Oshima, 1919
- Spiniphryne Bertelsen, 1951
- Spintherobolus Eigenmann, 1911
- Spirinchus Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Spondyliosoma Cantor, 1849
- Spottobrotula Cohen and Nielsen, 1978
- Spratelloides Bleeker, 1851
- Spratellomorpha Bertin in Angel, Bertin and Guibé, 1946
- Sprattus Girgensohn, 1846
- Springeratus Shen, 1971
- Springerichthys Shen, 1994
- Squalidus Dybowski, 1872
- Squaliobarbus Günther, 1868
- Squalogadus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1916
- Squaloliparis Pitruk and Fedorov, 1993
- Squamicreedia Rendahl, 1921
- Stalix Jordan and Snyder, 1902
- Stanulus Smith, 1959
- Starksia Jordan and Evermann in Jordan, 1896
- Stathmonotus Bean, 1885
- Stauroglanis de Pinna, 1989
- Steatocranus Boulenger, 1899
- Steatogenys Boulenger, 1898
- Steeneichthys Allen and Randall, 1985
- Stegastes Jenyns, 1840
- Stegophilus Reinhardt, 1859
- Stegostenopos Triques, 1997
- Steindachneria Goode and Bean in Agassiz, 1888
- Steindachneridion Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1919
- Steindachnerina Fowler, 1906
- Stelgistrum Jordan and Gilbert in Jordan and Evermann, 1898
- Stellerina Cramer in Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Stellifer Oken, 1817
- Stemonidium Gilbert, 1905
- Stemonosudis Harry, 1951
- Stenatherina Schultz, 1948
- Stenobrachius Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890
- Stenodus Richardson, 1836
- Stenogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stenolebias Costa, 1995
- Stenolicmus de Pinna and Starnes, 1990
- Stenotomus Gill, 1865
- Stephanoberyx Gill, 1883
- Stephanolepis Gill, 1861
- Stereolepis Ayres, 1859
- Sternarchella Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ward, 1905
- Sternarchogiton Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ward, 1905
- Sternarchorhamphus Eigenmann in Eigenmann and Ward, 1905
- Sternarchorhynchus Castelnau, 1855
- Sternoptyx Hermann, 1781
- Sternopygus Müller and Troschel, 1849
- Stethaprion Cope, 1870
- Stethojulis Günther, 1861
- Stethopristes Gilbert, 1905
- Sthenopus Richardson, 1848
- Stichaeopsis Kner in Steindachner and Kner, 1870
- Stichaeus Reinhardt, 1836
- Sticharium Günther, 1867
- Stichonodon Eigenmann, 1903
- Stictorhinus Böhlke and McCosker, 1975
- Stigmatochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874
- Stigmatopora Kaup, 1853
- Stipecampus Whitley, 1948
- Stiphodon Weber, 1895
- Stlegicottus Bolin, 1936
- Stlengis Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Stokellia Whitley, 1955
- Stolephorus Lacepède, 1803
- Stolothrissa Regan, 1917
- Stomatepia Trewavas, 1962
- Stomatorhinus Boulenger, 1898
- Stomias Cuvier, 1816
- Stonogobiops Polunin and Lubbock, 1977
- Storrsia Dawson, 1982
- Stromateus Linnaeus, 1758
- Strongylura van Hasselt, 1824
- Strophidon McClelland, 1844
- Sturisoma Swainson, 1838
- Sturisomatichthys Isbrücker and Nijssen in Isbrücker, 1979
- Stygichthys Brittan and Böhlke, 1965
- Stygnobrotula Böhlke, 1957
- Stylephorus Shaw, 1791
- Stypodon Garman, 1881
- Sudis Rafinesque, 1810
- Sueviota Winterbottom and Hoese, 1988
- Suezichthys Smith, 1958
- Sufflamen Jordan, 1916
- Sufflogobius Smith, 1956
- Suggrundus Whitley, 1930
- Sunagocia Imamura, 2003
- Sundadanio Kottelat and Witte, 1999
- Sundasalanx Roberts, 1981
- Sundoreonectes Kottelat, 1990
- Suruga Jordan and Snyder, 1901
- Suttonia Smith, 1953
- Svetovidovia Cohen, 1973
- Syacium Ranzani, 1842
- Symbolophorus Bolin and Wisner in Bolin, 1959
- Symphodus Rafinesque, 1810
- Symphorichthys Munro, 1967
- Symphorus Günther, 1872
- Symphurus Rafinesque, 1810
- Symphysanodon Bleeker, 1878
- Symphysodon Heckel, 1840
- Sympterichthys Gill, 1878
- Synagrops Günther, 1887
- Synanceia Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Synaphobranchus Johnson, 1862
- Synaptolaemus Myers and Fernández-Yépes in Myers, 1950
- Synapturichthys Chabanaud, 1927
- Synbranchus Bloch, 1795
- Synchiropus Gill, 1859
- Synchirus Bean, 1890
- Synclidopus Chabanaud, 1943
- Syncomistes Vari, 1978
- Syncrossus Blyth, 1860
- Synechogobius Gill, 1863
- Syngnathoides Bleeker, 1851
- Syngnathus Linnaeus, 1758
- Synodontis Cuvier, 1816
- Synodus Scopoli, 1777
- Taaningichthys Bolin, 1959
- Tactostoma Bolin, 1939
- Taeniacara Myers, 1935
- Taenianotus Lacepède, 1802
- Taeniochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Taenioides Lacepède, 1800
- Taeniolethrinops Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Taeniopsetta Gilbert, 1905
- Tahuantinsuyoa Kullander, 1986
- Takifugu Abe, 1949
- Talismania Goode and Bean, 1896
- Tamanka Herre, 1927
- Tanakia Jordan and Thompson, 1914
- Tanakius Hubbs, 1918
- Tandanus Mitchell, 1838
- Tangachromis Poll, 1981
- Tanganicodus Poll, 1950
- Tanganikallabes Poll, 1943
- Tanichthys Lin, 1932
- Tanyemblemaria Hastings, 1992
- Taractes Lowe, 1843
- Taractichthys Mead and Maul, 1958
- Taranetzella Andriashev, 1952
- Taratretis Last, 1978
- Tarletonbeania Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1890
- Tarphops Jordan & Thompson, 1914
- Tasmanogobius Scott, 1935
- Tateurndina Nichols, 1955
- Tathicarpus Ogilby, 1907
- Tatia Miranda Ribeiro, 1911
- Taunayia Miranda Ribeiro, 1918
- Tauredophidium Alcock, 1890
- Taurocottus Soldatov and Pavlenko, 1915
- Taurulus Gratzianov, 1907
- Tautoga Mitchill, 1814
- Tautogolabrus Günther, 1862
- Teixeirichthys Smith, 1953
- Teleocichla Kullander, 1988
- Teleogramma Boulenger, 1899
- Telestes Bonaparte, 1837
- Telmatherina Boulenger, 1897
- Telmatochromis Boulenger, 1898
- Tentoriceps Whitley, 1948
- Tenualosa Fowler, 1934
- Tephrinectes Günther, 1862
- Teramulus Smith, 1965
- Terapon Cuvier, 1816
- Terateleotris Shibukawa, Iwata and Viravong, 2001
- Terelabrus Randall and Fourmanoir, 1998
- Terranatos Taphorn and Thomerson, 1978
- Tetrabrachium Günther, 1880
- Tetracamphilius Roberts, 2003
- Tetracentrum Macleay, 1883
- Tetractenos Hardy, 1983
- Tetragonopterus Cuvier, 1816
- Tetragonurus Risso, 1810
- Tetranematichthys Bleeker, 1858
- Tetraodon Linnaeus, 1758
- Tetrapturus Rafinesque, 1810
- Tetraroge Günther, 1860
- Tetrosomus Swainson, 1839
- Tewara Griffin, 1933
- Thalasseleotris Hoese and Larson, 1987
- Thalassenchelys Castle and Raju, 1975
- Thalassobathia Cohen, 1963
- Thalassoma Swainson, 1839
- Thalassophryne Günther, 1861
- Thaleichthys Girard, 1858
- Thamnaconus Smith, 1949
- Thaumatichthys Smith and Radcliffe, 1912
- Thayeria Eigenmann, 1908
- Theraps Günther, 1862
- Thermarces Rosenblatt and Cohen, 1986
- Thermobiotes Geistdoerfer, 1991
- Thoburnia Jordan and Snyder in Jordan, 1917
- Thoracocharax Fowler, 1907
- Thoracochromis Greenwood, 1979
- Thorichthys Meek, 1904
- Thorogobius Miller, 1969
- Thorophos Bruun, 1931
- Thrattidion Roberts, 1972
- Threpterius Richardson, 1850
- Thrissobrycon Böhlke, 1953
- Thryssa Cuvier, 1829
- Thryssocypris Roberts and Kottelat, 1984
- Thunnus South, 1845
- Thymallus Linck, 1790
- Thynnichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Thyriscus Gilbert and Burke, 1912
- Thyrsites Lesson, 1831
- Thyrsitoides Fowler, 1929
- Thyrsitops Gill, 1862
- Thysanactis Regan and Trewavas, 1930
- Thysanichthys Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Thysanophrys Ogilby, 1898
- Thysanopsetta Günther, 1880
- Thysochromis Daget, 1988
- Tilapia Smith, 1840
- Tilesina Schmidt in Jordan and Starks, 1904
- Tilodon Thominot, 1881
- Tilurus Kölliker, 1853
- Tinca Cuvier, 1816
- Tocantinsia Mees, 1974
- Tometes Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1850
- Tomeurus Eigenmann, 1909
- Tomicodon Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Tominanga Kottelat, 1990
- Tomiyamichthys Smith, 1956
- Tomocichla Regan, 1908
- Tondanichthys Collette, 1995
- Tongaichthys Nakamura and Fujii, 1983
- Tor Gray, 1834
- Torquigener Whitley, 1930
- Tosana Smith and Pope, 1906
- Tosanoides Kamohara, 1953
- Tosarhombus Amaoka, 1969
- Totoaba Villamar, 1980
- Toxabramis Günther, 1873
- Toxotes Cuvier, 1816
- Trachelochismus Brisout de Barneville, 1846
- Trachelyichthys Mees, 1974
- Trachelyopterichthys Bleeker, 1862
- Trachelyopterus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
- Trachicephalus Swainson, 1839
- Trachichthys Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1799
- Trachidermus Heckel, 1837
- Trachinocephalus Gill, 1861
- Trachinops Günther, 1861
- Trachinotus Lacepède, 1801
- Trachinus Linnaeus, 1758
- Trachipterus Goüan, 1770
- Trachonurus Günther, 1887
- Trachurus Rafinesque, 1810
- Trachycorystes Bleeker, 1858
- Trachydoras Eigenmann, 1925
- Trachyglanis Boulenger, 1902
- Trachypoma Günther, 1859
- Trachyrhamphus Kaup, 1853
- Trachyrincus Giorna, 1809
- Trachyscorpia Ginsburg, 1953
- Tragulichthys Whitley, 1931
- Tramitichromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Travancoria Hora, 1941
- Trematocara Boulenger, 1899
- Trematochromis Poll, 1987
- Trematocranus Trewavas, 1935
- Trematomus Boulenger, 1902
- Triacanthodes Bleeker, 1857
- Triacanthus Oken, 1817
- Trianectes McCulloch and Waite, 1918
- Triathalassothia Fowler, 1943
- Tribolodon Sauvage, 1883
- Trichiurus Linnaeus, 1758
- Trichocottus Soldatov and Pavlenko, 1915
- Trichodon Tilesius, 1813
- Trichogaster Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Trichogenes Britski and Ortega, 1983
- Trichomycterus Valenciennes, 1832
- Trichonotus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
- Trichopsetta Gill, 1889
- Trichopsis Canestrini, 1860
- Tricuspidalestes Poll, 1967
- Tridens Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889
- Tridensimilis Schultz, 1944
- Tridentiger Gill, 1859
- Tridentopsis Myers, 1925
- Trigla Linnaeus, 1758
- Triglachromis Poll and Thys van den Audenaerde, 1974
- Trigloporus Smith, 1934
- Triglops Reinhardt, 1830
- Trigonectes Myers, 1925
- Trigonolampa Regan and Trewavas, 1930
- Trigonostigma Kottelat and Witte, 1999
- Trimma Jordan and Seale, 1906
- Trimmatom Winterbottom and Emery, 1981
- Trinectes Rafinesque, 1832
- Trinorfolkia Fricke, 1994
- Triodon Cuvier, 1829
- Triphoturus Fraser-Brunner, 1949
- Triplophos Brauer, 1902
- Triplophysa Rendahl, 1933
- Tripodichthys Tyler, 1968
- Triportheus Cope, 1872
- Tripterodon Playfair in Playfair and Günther, 1867
- Tripterophycis Boulenger, 1902
- Tripterygion Risso, 1827
- Triso Randall, Johnson and Lowe, 1989
- Trisopterus Rafinesque, 1814
- Tristramella Trewavas, 1942
- Trixiphichthys Fraser-Brunner, 1941
- Troglocyclocheilus Kottelat and Bréhier, 1999
- Trogloglanis Eigenmann, 1919
- Tropheus Boulenger, 1898
- Tropidophoxinellus Stephanidis, 1974
- Trypauchen Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1837
- Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860
- Trypauchenopsis Volz, 1903
- Tryssogobius Larson and Hoese, 2001
- Tubbia Whitley, 1943
- Tuberoschistura Kottelat, 1990
- Tucanoichthys Géry and Römer, 1997
- Turcinoemacheilus Banarescu and Nalbant, 1964
- Tydemania Weber, 1913
- Tylerius Hardy, 1984
- Tylochromis Regan, 1920
- Tylosurus Cocco, 1833
- Typhlachirus Hardenberg, 1931
- Typhleotris Petit, 1933
- Typhliasina Whitley, 1951
- Typhlichthys Girard, 1859
- Typhlobarbus Chu and Chen, 1982
- Typhlobelus Myers, 1944
- Typhlogarra Trewavas, 1955
- Typhlogobius Steindachner, 1879
- Typhlonus Günther, 1878
- Tyrannochromis Eccles and Trewavas, 1989
- Tyrannophryne Regan and Trewavas, 1932
- Tyson Springer, 1983
- Tyttobrycon Géry, 1973
- Tyttocharax Fowler, 1913
- Uaru Heckel, 1840
- Ucla Holleman, 1993
- Uegitglanis Gianferrari, 1923
- Ulcina Cramer in Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Ulua Jordan and Snyder, 1908
- Ulvaria Jordan and Evermann, 1896
- Umbra Kramer in Scopoli, 1777
- Umbrina Cuvier, 1816
- Uncisudis Maul, 1956
- Upeneichthys Bleeker, 1855
- Upeneus Cuvier, 1829
- Uranoscopus Linnaeus, 1758
- Uraspis Bleeker, 1855
- Urocampus Günther, 1870
- Uroconger Kaup, 1856
- Urophycis Gill, 1863
- Uropterygius Rüppell, 1838
- Ursinoscorpaenopsis Nakabo and Yamada, 1996
- Utiaritichthys Miranda Ribeiro, 1937
- Vaillantella Fowler, 1905
- Valamugil Smith, 1948
- Valencia Myers, 1928
- Valenciennea Bleeker, 1856
- Valenciennellus Jordan and Evermann in Goode and Bean, 1896
- Vanacampus Whitley, 1951
- Vandellia Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846
- Vanderhorstia Smith, 1949
- Vanneaugobius Brownell, 1978