Риличари, полукрилци, или рилаши (лат. Hemiptera) су један од редова класе Insecta, који обухвата нешто око 50 до 80 хиљада врста[3] група као што су цврчци, стенице, биљне и штитасте ваши. Дужина им је у распону од 1 mm до око 15 cm, а деле заједнички усни апарат за сисање.[4] Назив праве ваши, понекад је ограничен на подред Heteroptera.[5] Многи инсекти који су обично познати као „ваши” припадају другим редовима, на пример Plecia nearctica је Diptera[6] и мајским вашима и породици Coccinellidaa, које спадају у Coleoptera.[7]
Риличари Временски распон:
| |
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale | |
Биљне ваши | |
Научна класификација | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Класа: | Insecta |
(нерангирано): | Paraneoptera |
Надред: | Condylognatha |
Ред: | Hemiptera Linnaeus, 1758 |
Подредови[2] | |
Већина хемитера храни се биљкама, користећи усисавање и пробијање усним деловима како би екстрахирали биљни сок. Неки су спољни паразити, док су други предатори који се хране другим инсектима или малим бескичмењацима. Живе у разним стаништима, углавном копненим, мада су неке врсте прилагођене животу у слаткој води или на њеној површини. Хемиптере су хемиметаболне, с младим нимфама које помало личе на одрасле. Многе лисне уши способне су за партеногенезу, стварање младих из неоплођених јајашаца; то им помаже да се, у повољним условима, размножавају изузетно брзо.
Људи већ миленијима комуницирају с хемиптерама. Неке су врсте, укључујући многе лисне ваши, значајне штеточине у пољопривреди; штете усевима непосредним исисавања сока, али штетно делују и индиректно, као вектори озбиљних вирусних болести. Друге врсте су коришћене за биолошку контролу популација штетних инсеката. Хемиптере су узгајане и за екстракцију боја кохинеала (познат и као кармин) и за лак шелак. Стеница је трајни паразит људи, а неке љубеће ваши могу пренети шагасову болест. Cicadae су коришћени као храна, а и у литератури су се појавили у спеву Илијада у Античкој Грчкој.
уредиHemiptera је највећи ред хемиметаболних инсеката (који не пролазе потпуну метаморфозу); иако неки примери попут мужјака неких врста пролазе кроз облик потпуне метаморфозе.[8]. Обухватају преко 75.000 именованих врста.[9] Група је врло разнолика. Већина врста су копнене, укључујући низ важних пољопривредних штеточина, али неке се налазе у слатководним стаништима. Ту спадају Corixidae, Gerridae и Belostomatidae.
уредиУсни апарат
уредиДефинирајуће обележје хемиптера је њихов „кљун” у којем су модификоване мандибле и лабијум. Стилет (бодља, рило) може пробити ткива и усисати течности, док лабијум то подржава. Рило садржи канал за помицање према ван и други за кретање течне хране према унутра. Пумпа за пљувачку уноси пљувачку у плен; цибаријска пумпа из плена извлачи течност. Обе пумпе покрећу снажни дилатацијски мишићи у глави. Кљун је обично склопљен испод тела када се не користи. Ишрана је типски биљни сок, али неки, попут ваши убице сисају крв, а неки су грабљивице.[10]
И биљоједи и грабежљивци убризгавају ензиме како би започели пробаву екстраорално (пре него што је храна унесена у тело). Ови ензими укључују амилазу за хидролизу скроба, полигалактуроназу за омекшавање жилавих ћелијских зидова биљака и протеиназу за разградњу протеина.[11]
Иако се у целокупном облику увелико разликују, удови хемиптера формирају карактеристични „рострум”. Остали редови инсеката с устима измењеним у било шта попут рострума и бодљи Hemiptera укључују неке Phthiraptera, али их је, по другим ознакама, обично лако препознати као нехемиптере. Слично томе, усни делови Siphonaptera, неких Diptera и Thysanoptera површно подсећају на рострум Hemiptere, али при ближем испитивању уочава се да су разлике велике. Осим удова, разни други инсекти могу се побркати с хемиптерама, али сви они имају мандибуле за грицкање и максиле уместо рострума. Примери укључују бубашвабе и псоциде, оба имају дуже, много сегментираније антене, као неке ваши, али оне имају потпуно отврднута покрилца, која се не преклапају.[12]
уредиНазив Hemiptera потиче од грч. ἡμι-, hemi = пола, поповина + πτερόν, pteron = крило, односећи се на поткрилца многих хетероптера близу базе, али на крајевима су мембранска. Крила која су модификована на овај начин називају се хемелитре, по аналогији с потпуно очврснутим елитрама код тврдокрилаца, а јављају се само у подреду Heteroptera. У свим подпоредима, леђни зглобови су – ако су уопште присутни – потпуно мембранозни и обично краћи од покрилаца.[13] Покрилца се могу држати „кровно“ над телом (типски за Sternorrhyncha и Auchenorrhyncha),[14] или на стражњој страни се држе равно, с крајевима који се преклапају (типски за Heteroptera).[13] Антене код Hemiptera типично се састоје од четири сегмента, мада они још увек могу бити веома дуге, и тарси ногу имају три сегмента.[15]
Животни циклус
уредиХемиптера су хемиметаболне, што значи да не пролазе метаморфозу, потпуну промену облика између фазе ларве и одрасле јединке. Уместо тога, њихови млади се називају [[нимфа (биологија) |нимфе])] и у већој или мањој мери личе на одрасле. Нимфе се пресвлаче неколико пута, а сваки инстар више наликује одраслој јединки него претходни. Крилни пупољци расту у нимфама каснијег стадијума; коначна трансформација укључује мало више од развоја функционалних крила (ако су уопће присутна) и функционисања полних органа, без појаве стадијума лутке као код холометаболних инсеката.[16]
Партеногенеза и живородност
уредиМноге лисне ваши размножавају се партеногенетски током једног животног циклуса, тако да се женке могу развијати из неоплођених јајашаца, која су клонови своје мајке. Сви су ти млади женке (телитокија), тако да 100% популације тада може произвести више потомака. Многе врсте лисних уши су такође вивипарне: млади се рађају живи, а не полажу се јаја. Ова прилагођења омогућују да се лисне ваши, у добрим условима, изузетно брзо размножавају.[17]
Филогенија и подела
уредиФосилни записи хемиптера сежу до карбонског московијума.[18] Најстарији фосили су Archescytinidae из доњег перма и сматра се да су базни за Auchenorrhyncha. Fulguromorpha и Cicadomorpha се појављују у горњем перму, као и Sternorrhyncha из Psylloidea и Aleurodoidea. Aphidae и Coccoidae се појављују у тријасу. Koleorhinha се протежу до доње јуре.[19] Heteroptera се први пут јављају у тријасу.[20]
Садашњи чланови реда Hemiptera (који се понекад назива Rhynchota) били су раније сврставани у два реда, Heteroptera/Hemiptera. Ред је сада подељен у четири или више потпоредова, након што су Homoptera успостављене као парафилетске (сада Auchenorrhyncha и Sternorrhyncha).[21][22][23] Кладограм се темељи на једној филогенетској анализи Paraneoptera Хуа Лија и његових колега из 2015. године, користећи митохондријске секвенце генома и хомогене моделе. Sternorrhyncha смештају као сестрински кладус Thysanoptera и вашију, што чини Hemiptera као уобичајено шваћене немонофилетне.[24] Међутим, када су коришћени хетерогени модели, откривено је да је Hemiptera монофилетна.[24] Резултат којим је утврђено да Hemiptera да није монофолетна вероватно је последица филогенетских артефаката, попут повишених стопа супституције у Sternorrhyncha у поређењу с осталим подређеним групама Hemiptera. Српски називи су дати у заградама где је то могуће.
Paraneoptera |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Подред | Број врста | Прва појава | Примери | Обележја |
Auchenorrhyncha | Преко 42.000[25] | Доњи перм | Cicadoidea, лисне ваши, биљне ваши, жабље ваши | Ваши које сисају биљке; многе могу скакати; многе се оглашавају, неке гласно |
Coleorrhyncha | Мање од 30 | Доња јура | маховинске ваши (Peloridiidae) | Еволуирале у јужном делу палеоконтинента Гондвана |
Heteroptera | 25.000 | Тријас | штитасте ваши, семене ваши, ваши убице, цветне ваши, слаткокромпирске ваши, водене ваши | Веће ваши, често предаторске |
Sternorrhyncha | 12.500 | Горњи перм | Aphidoidea, беле ваши, крљуштасти инсекти | Биљне ваши исисавају сок, неке су велике штеточине у хортикултури; већином седентарне или потпуно сесилне[26] |
уреди- Adelgoidea
- Aleyrodoidea
- Aphidoidea
- Aradoidea
- Cercopoidea Leach, 1815
- Cicadoidea Batsch, 1789
- Cimicoidea
- Coccoidea Handlirsch, 1903
- Coreoidea Leach, 1815
- Corixoidea Leach, 1815
- Dipsocoroidea Dohrn, 1859
- Enicocephaloidea Stål, 1860
- Fulgoroidea
- Gerroidea Leach, 1815
- Hebroidea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hydrometroidea Billberg, 1820
- Idiostoloidea
- Joppeicoidea Reuter, 1910
- Leptopodoidea Brullé, 1836
- Lygaeoidea
- Membracoidea
- Mesovelioidea Douglas and Scott, 1867
- Microphysoidea
- Miroidea
- Naucoroidea Leach, 1815
- Nepoidea Latreille, 1802
- Notonectoidea Latreille, 1802
- Ochteroidea Kirkaldy, 1906
- Pentatomoidea
- Psylloidea
- Pyrrhocoroidea
- Reduvoidea
- Saldoidea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Velocipedoidea
уреди- Acanaloniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthosomatidae Signoret, 1864
- Achilidae Stål, 1866
- Achilixiidae Muir, 1923
- Aclerdidae Cockerell, 1905
- Adelgidae
- Aenictopecheidae Usinger, 1932
- Aepophilidae Lethierry and Severin, 1896
- Aleyrodidae Westwood, 1840
- Alydidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Anthocoridae Fieber, 1837
- Aphelocheiridae Fieber, 1851
- Aphididae
- Aphrophoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Aradidae Spinola, 1837
- Artheneidae Stål, 1872
- Asterolecaniidae Cockerell, 1896
- Beesoniidae Ferris, 1950
- Belostomatidae Leach, 1815
- Berytidae Fieber, 1851
- Blissidae Stål, 1862
- Caliscelidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Callipappidae
- Carayonemidae
- Ceratocombidae Fieber, 1860
- Cercopidae Leach, 1815
- Cicadellidae
- Cicadidae Batsch, 1789
- Cimicidae Latreille, 1802
- Cixiidae Spinola, 1839
- Clastopteridae Dohrn, 1859
- Coccidae Stephens, 1829
- Coelostomidiidae Morrison, 1927
- Colobathristidae
- Conchaspididae Green, 1896
- Coreidae Leach, 1815
- Corixidae Leach, 1815
- Cryptococcidae
- Cryptorhamphidae
- Curaliidae Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Cydnidae Billberg, 1820
- Cymidae Baerensprung, 1860
- Dactylopiidae Signoret, 1875
- Delphacidae Leach, 1815
- Derbidae Spinola, 1839
- Diaspididae Maskell, 1878
- Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839
- Dinidoridae Stål, 1867
- Dipsocoridae Dohrn, 1859
- Ebboidae Perrichot et al., 2006
- Enicocephalidae Stål, 1860
- Epipygidae Hamilton, 2001
- Eriococcidae
- Eriosomatidae
- Eurybrachidae Stål, 1862
- Flatidae Spinola, 1839
- Fulgoridae
- Gelastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gengidae Fennah, 1949
- Geocoridae Baerensprung, 1860
- Gerridae Leach, 1815
- Halimococcidae Brown and McKenzie, 1962
- Hebridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helotrephidae Esaki and China, 1927
- Henicocoridae Woodward, 1968
- Hermatobatidae Coutière and Martin, 1901
- Heterogastridae Stål, 1872
- Hispanocaderidae Golub and Popov, 2012
- Hydrometridae Billberg, 1820
- Hyocephalidae Stål, 1874
- Hypochthonellidae China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypsipterygidae Drake, 1961
- Idiostolidae Scudder, 1962
- Ignotingidae Zhang et al., 2005
- Issidae Spinola, 1839
- Joppeicidae Reuter, 1910
- Kermesidae Signoret, 1875
- Kermidae
- Kinnaridae Muir, 1925
- Kuwaniidae MacGillivray, 1921
- Lacciferidae
- Largidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lecanodiaspididae Targioni Tozzetti, 1869
- Leptopodidae Brullé, 1836
- Lophopidae Stål, 1866
- Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829
- Machaerotidae Stål, 1866
- Macroveliidae McKinstry, 1942
- Malcidae Stål, 1865
- Margarodidae Newstead, 1901
- Meenoplidae Fieber, 1872
- Membracidae
- Mesoveliidae Douglas and Scott, 1867
- Micronectidae Jaczewski, 1924
- Microphysidae Dohrn, 1859
- Miridae
- Nabidae Costa, 1853
- Naucoridae Leach, 1815
- Nepidae Latreille, 1802
- Ninidae Barber, 1956
- Nogodinidae Melichar, 1898
- Notonectidae Latreille, 1802
- Ochteridae Kirkaldy, 1906
- Omaniidae Cobben, 1970
- Ortheziidae Green, 1896
- Oxycarenidae Stål, 1862
- Pachygronthidae Stål, 1865
- Palaeoleptidae Poinar and Buckley, 2009
- Paraphrynoveliidae Andersen, 1978
- Peloridiidae
- Pentatomidae Leach, 1815
- Phylloxeridae
- Piesmatidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Plataspidae
- Pleidae Fieber, 1851
- Polyctenidae Westwood, 1874
- Potamocoridae Usinger, 1941
- Pseudococcidae Heymons, 1915
- Psyllidae
- Pyrrhocoridae Fieber, 1860
- Reduviidae Latreille, 1807
- Rhopalidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhyparochromidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ricaniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saldidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Schizopteridae Reuter, 1891
- Scutelleridae Leach, 1815
- Stemmocryptidae Stys, 1983
- Stenocephalidae Dallas, 1852
- Termitaphididae
- Tessaratomidae Stål, 1864
- Tettigarctidae Distant, 1905
- Tettigometridae Germar, 1821
- Thaumastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1908
- Thyreocoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Tingidae
- Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866
- Veliidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Velocipedidae Bergroth, 1891
уреди- Acanthosomatinae Signoret, 1864
- Aclerdinae Cockerell, 1905
- Afrocimicinae Usinger, 1966
- Alienatinae Barber, 1953
- Alydinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Amnestinae Hart, 1919
- Aneurinae Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Anisopinae Hutchinson, 1929
- Anthocorinae Fieber, 1837
- Aphrophorinae Licent, 1912
- Aradinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Artheneinae Stål, 1872
- Asiracinae Motschulsky, 1863
- Asopinae Spinola, 1850
- Bactrodinae Stål, 1866
- Belostomatinae Leach, 1815
- Berytinae Fieber, 1851
- Blaudusinae Kumar, 1974
- Bledionotinae
- Blissinae Stål, 1862
- Bryocorinae Baerensprung, 1860
- Cacodminae Kirkaldy, 1899
- Calisiinae Stål, 1873
- Cantacaderinae Stål, 1873
- Carayoneminae
- Carventinae Usinger, 1950
- Centrocnemidinae Miller, 1956
- Ceratocombinae Fieber, 1860
- Cercopinae Leach, 1815
- Cetherinae Jeannel, 1919
- Charmatometrinae Andersen, 1975
- Chauliopinae Breddin, 1907
- Cheirochelinae Montandon, 1897
- Chiloxanthinae Cobben, 1959
- Chryxinae Champion, 1898
- Cicadettinae Buckton, 1889
- Cicadinae Batsch, 1789
- Cimicinae Latreille, 1802
- Coreinae Leach, 1815
- Corixinae Leach, 1815
- Cryphocricinae Montandon, 1897
- Cydninae Billberg, 1820
- Cylapinae Kirkaldy, 1903
- Cylindrostethinae Andersen, 1975
- Cymatiinae Hungerford, 1948
- Cyminae Baerensprung, 1860
- Delphacinae Leach, 1815
- Deraeocorinae Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Derotettiginae Moulds in Simon et al., 2019
- Diaprepocorinae Lundblad, 1928
- Dinidorinae Stål, 1867
- Discocephalinae Stål, 1867
- Ditomotarsinae Signoret, 1864
- Ectrichodiinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Edessinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Elasmodeminae Lethierry and Severin, 1896
- Electrobatinae Andersen and Poinar, 1992
- Emesinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Enicocephalinae Stål, 1860
- Eotrechinae Matsuda, 1960
- Epiroderinae Distant, 1904
- Eurygastrinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Fischerotrephinae Zettel, 1994
- Foldicoccinae
- Gampsocorinae Southwood and Leston, 1959
- Gelastocorinae Kirkaldy, 1897
- Geocorinae Baerensprung, 1860
- Gerrinae Leach, 1815
- Haematosiphoninae Jordan and Rothschild, 1912
- Halobatinae Bianchi, 1896
- Haloveliinae Esaki, 1930
- Hammacerinae Stål, 1859
- Harpactorinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hebrinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helotrephinae Esaki and China, 1927
- Henestarinae
- Hesperocteninae Maa, 1964
- Heterocleptinae Villiers, 1948
- Heterocorixinae Hungerford, 1948
- Heterogastrinae Stål, 1872
- Holoptilinae Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Horvathiniinae Lauck and Menke, 1961
- Hydarinae Stål, 1873
- Hydrometrinae Billberg, 1820
- Hypselosomatinae Esaki and Miyamoto, 1959
- Hyrcaninae Andersen, 1981
- Idiocorinae Esaki and China, 1927
- Ischnorhynchinae Stål, 1872
- Isometopinae Fieber, 1860
- Kelisinae Wagner, 1963
- Laccocorinae Stål, 1876
- Larginae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lasiochilinae Carayon, 1972
- Latrocimicinae Usinger, 1966
- Leptopodinae Brullé, 1836
- Leptosaldinae Cobben, 1971
- Lethocerinae Lauck and Menke, 1961
- Limnobatodinae Esaki, 1927
- Limnocorinae Stål, 1876
- Lyctocorinae Reuter, 1884
- Lygaeinae Schilling, 1829
- Madeoveliinae Poisson, 1959
- Mahunkacoccinae
- Malcinae Stål, 1865
- Manangocorinae Miller, 1954
- Megenicocephalinae Stys, 1989
- Megymeninae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Meropachyinae Stål, 1867
- Mesoveliinae Douglas and Scott, 1867
- Metacanthinae Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Mezirinae Oshanin, 1908
- Micrelytrinae Stål, 1868
- Micronectinae Jaczewski, 1924
- Microveliinae China and Usinger, 1949
- Mirinae Hahn, 1833
- Nabinae Costa, 1853
- Natalicolinae Stål, 1870
- Naucorinae Leach, 1815
- Neotrephinae China, 1940
- Nepinae Latreille, 1802
- Nerthrinae Kirkaldy, 1906
- Notonectinae Latreille, 1802
- Ocelloveliinae Drake and Chapman, 1963
- Oncomerinae Stål, 1870
- Ontiscinae Hamid, 1975
- Orsillinae Stål, 1872
- Orthotylinae Van Duzee, 1916
- Pachycorinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pachygronthinae Stål, 1865
- Peiratinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pentatominae Leach, 1815
- Perittopinae China and Usinger, 1949
- Phallopiratinae Stys, 1985
- Phimophorinae Handlirsch, 1897
- Phthirocorinae Jeannel, 1942
- Phylinae Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Phymatinae Laporte, 1832
- Physopeltinae Hussey, 1929
- Piesmatinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Plesiodelphacinae Asche, 1985
- Plinthisinae
- Podopinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Polycteninae Westwood, 1874
- Primicimicinae Ferris and Usinger, 1955
- Prostemmatinae Reuter, 1890
- Psamminae
- Pseudocetherinae Villiers, 1963
- Pseudophloeinae Stål, 1868
- Ptilomerinae Bianchi, 1896
- Pyrrhocorinae Fieber, 1860
- Ranatrinae Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Reduviinae Latreille, 1807
- Rhagodotarsinae Lundblad, 1933
- Rhagoveliinae China and Usinger, 1949
- Rhodesaclerdinae Hodgson and Millar, 2002
- Rhopalinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhyparochrominae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saicinae Stål, 1859
- Saldinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saldoninae Popov, 1973
- Salyavatinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Scaptocorinae Froeschner, 1960
- Schizopterinae Reuter, 1891
- Scutellerinae Leach, 1815
- Sehirinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Serinethinae Stål, 1873
- Sphaeridopinae Pinto, 1927
- Sphaerodemopsinae Popov, 1971
- Stenocorixinae Hungerford, 1948
- Stenocraninae Wagner, 1963
- Stenopodainae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Synaptogobiinae Nieser and P. Chen, 2006
- Tessaratominae Stål, 1865
- Tettigarctinae Distant, 1905
- Tettigomyiinae Distant, 1905
- Thaicorinae Kormilev, 1969
- Thaumastocorinae Kirkaldy, 1908
- Tibicininae Distant, 1905
- Tinginae
- Tingiometrinae Heiss, Golub and Popov, 2015
- Trephotomasinae Papácek, Stys and Tonner, 1988
- Trepobatinae Matsuda, 1960
- Triatominae Jeannel, 1919
- Trichotonanninae Stys, 1970
- Veliinae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Vesciinae Fracker and Bruner, 1924
- Vianaidinae Kormilev, 1955
- Visayanocorinae Miller, 1952
- Vizcayinae Asche, 1990
- Xylastodoridinae Barber, 1920
уреди- Abelocephalini Forthman and Weirauch, 2017
- Acanthocephalini Stål, 1870
- Acanthocerini Bergroth, 1913
- Acanthocorini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Agraptocorixini Hungerford, 1948
- Agriopocorini Miller, 1954
- Aidiini Popov, 1971
- Alberproseniini Martínez and Carcavallo, 1977
- Alcestini Melichar, 1914
- Amberianini J. Lis and Kocorek in J. Lis et al., 2015
- Ambrysini Usinger, 1951
- Amorbini Stål, 1873
- Angaronectini Popov, 1971
- Anhomoeini Hsiao, 1964
- Anisoscelini Laporte, 1832
- Anopercalnini Boulard, 2008
- Antankariini Sanborn, 2021
- Anthocorini Fieber, 1837
- Antillocorini Ashlock, 1964
- Aphelonectini Lansbury, 1965
- Aphrophorini Lallemand, 1924
- Apiomerini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Aradellini Wygodzinsky and Usinger, 1963
- Aragualnini Sanborn, 2018
- Araphini Bliven, 1973
- Arenopsaltriini Moulds in Marshall et al., 2018
- Asiracini Motschulsky, 1863
- Austronepini Menke and Stange, 1964
- Ayuthiini Moulds, Lee and Marshall in Hill et al., 2021
- Barreratalpini Brailovsky, 1988
- Berytini Fieber, 1851
- Berytinini Henry, 1997
- Blaudusini Kumar, 1974
- Bolboderini Usinger, 1944
- Bryocorini Baerensprung, 1860
- Burbungini Moulds, 2005
- Byrsodepsini Kocorek and J. Lis, 2000
- Cantacaderini Stål, 1873
- Cappaeini Atkinson, 1888
- Carcinocorini Handlirsch, 1897
- Carinetini Distant, 1905
- Carldrakeanini B. Lis, 1999
- Cataractocorini Popov, 1970
- Catulliini Melichar, 1914
- Cavernicolini Usinger, 1944
- Centrocnemidini Miller, 1956
- Ceratocaderini B. Lis, 1999
- Ceratocapsini Van Duzee, 1916
- Ceratocombini Fieber, 1860
- Chariesterini Stål, 1868
- Cheirochelini Montandon, 1897
- Chelinideini Blatchley, 1926
- Chilecicadini Sanborn, 2014
- Chlorocystini Distant, 1905
- Chorosomatini Fieber, 1860
- Cicadatrini Distant, 1905
- Cicadettini Buckton, 1889
- Cicadini Batsch, 1789
- Citroriginini Sanborn, 2021
- Cixiopsini Fennah, 1982
- Clavigrallini Stål, 1873
- Cleradini
- Clivinematini Reuter, 1876
- Cloresmini Stål, 1873
- Collartidini Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Colpurini Breddin, 1900
- Coreini Leach, 1815
- Corixini Leach, 1815
- Cosmopsaltriini Kato, 1932
- Cryphocricini Montandon, 1897
- Curictini Menke and Stange, 1964
- Cyclochilini Distant, 1904
- Cylapini Kirkaldy, 1903
- Cyllarini Stål, 1873
- Cyphoceratopini Fennah, 1945
- Daladerini Stål, 1873
- Dasycnemini Wygodzinsky and Usinger, 1963
- Dasynini Bergroth, 1913
- Deliastini Villiers, 1949
- Delphacini Leach, 1815
- Deraeocorini Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Diaspidiini Miller, 1959
- Dicrotelini Stål, 1859
- Dicyphini Reuter, 1883
- Dinidorini Stål, 1867
- Diphlebini Bergroth, 1924
- Discocephalini Stål, 1867
- Discogastrini Stål, 1868
- Distantadini Orian, 1963
- Ditomotarsini Signoret, 1864
- Drymini Stål, 1872
- Dufouriellini Van Duzee, 1916
- Dundubiini Atkinson, 1886
- Durangonini Moulds and Marshall in Marshall et al., 2018
- Eccritotarsini Berg, 1884
- Ectinoderini Stål, 1859
- Ectrichodiini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Emesini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eodelphacini Emeljanov, 1995
- Eporini Fennah, 1982
- Eumenotini Bergroth, 1907
- Eutropistini Kirkaldy, 1906
- Fidicinini Distant, 1905
- Fulviini Uhler, 1886
- Gaeanini Distant, 1905
- Gaetuliini Fennah, 1978
- Gampsocorini Southwood and Leston, 1959
- Gerrini Leach, 1815
- Glaenocorisini Hungerford, 1948
- Golmoniini Popov, 1989
- Gonianotini Stål, 1872
- Gonocerini
- Goondnomdanepini Lansbury, 1974
- Graptocorixini Hungerford, 1948
- Hallodapini Van Duzee, 1916
- Halobatini Bianchi, 1896
- Halticini Costa, 1853
- Halyini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Harmostini Stål, 1873
- Harpactorini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helotrephini Esaki and China, 1927
- Hemidictyini Distant, 1905
- Herdoniini Distant, 1904
- Holoptilini Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Homoeocerini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hoplinini Henry, 1997
- Hovanini Sanborn, Marshall and Moulds in Sanborn et al., 2020
- Hyaliodini Carvalho and Drake, 1943
- Hyalopeplini Carvalho, 1952
- Hypselonotini Bergroth, 1913
- Idiosystanini Asche, 1985
- Iruanini Boulard, 1993
- Isometopini Fieber, 1860
- Isporisini Fennah, 1982
- Issidomimini Stys, 1970
- Jassopsaltriini Moulds, 2005
- Katoini Moulds and Marshall in Marshall et al., 2018
- Kelisini Wagner, 1963
- Kimberpsaltriini Moulds, Marshall and Popple, 2021
- Kmentiini Stehlík, 2013
- Laccocorini Stål, 1876
- Laccophorellini Kumar, 1974
- Lahugadini Distant, 1905
- Lamotialnini Boulard, 1976
- Lanopini Kumar, 1974
- Largini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Largulini Stehlík and Jindra, 2007
- Lasiochilini Carayon, 1972
- Latimbini Stål, 1873
- Leistarchini Stål, 1862
- Leotichiini Schuh, 1986
- Leptocorisini Stål, 1872
- Leptopodini Brullé, 1836
- Leptopsaltriini Moulton, 1923
- Lepyroniini Lallemand and Synave, 1952
- Lethaeini Stål, 1872
- Leucophoropterini Schuh, 1974
- Liadonaucorini Popov, 1971
- Limnocorini Stål, 1876
- Limnotrephini J. Polhemus, 1990
- Lohitini Ahmad and Abbas, 1987
- Lyctocorini Reuter, 1884
- Macrocephalini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Macrotristriini Moulds in Marshall et al., 2018
- Manocoreini Hsiao, 1964
- Mecideini Distant, 1852
- Mecocnemini Hsiao, 1964
- Megalonotini Slater, 1957
- Megymenini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mendanocorini Miller, 1956
- Merocorini Stål, 1870
- Meropachyini Stål, 1867
- Metacanthini Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Metapterini Stål, 1874
- Metrargini Kirkaldy, 1902
- Metrobatini J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Metrocorini Matsuda, 1960
- Micrelytrini Stål, 1868
- Mictini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mirini Hahn, 1833
- Myodochini Boitard, 1827
- Naboandelini J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Naucorini Leach, 1815
- Nelcyndanini Marshall and Moulds in Marshall et al., 2018
- Nematopodini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Neommatissini Fennah, 1982
- Neopunanini Emeljanov, 1995
- Nepini Latreille, 1802
- Niesthreini Chopra, 1967
- Noliphini Ahmad, 1965
- Notonectini Latreille, 1802
- Notopomini Horváth, 1900
- Nychiini Hungerford, 1933
- Nysiini Uhler, 1852
- Oncotympanini Ishihara, 1961
- Oriini Carayon, 1955
- Orsillini Stål, 1872
- Orthotylini Van Duzee, 1916
- Ozophorini Sweet, 1964
- Pachygronthini Stål, 1865
- Pagiphorini Moulds and Marshall in Marshall et al., 2018
- Paricanini Melichar, 1914
- Parnisini Distant, 1905
- Pelocorini
- Pentatomini Leach, 1815
- Petascelini Stål, 1873
- Phatnomatini Drake and Davis, 1960
- Philaenini Metcalf, 1955
- Phimophorini Handlirsch, 1897
- Phylini Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Phyllomorphini Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Phymatini Laporte, 1832
- Physopeltini Hussey, 1929
- Pictilini Moulds and Hill in Marshall et al., 2018
- Pilophorini Douglas and Scott, 1876
- Pithanini Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Placoscelini Stål, 1868
- Platypediini Kato, 1932
- Platypleurini Schmidt, 1918
- Platysystatini Emeljanov, 1995
- Plesiodelphacini Asche, 1985
- Ploiariolini Van Duzee, 1916
- Polyneurini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Prasiini Matsumura, 1917
- Prionogastrini Stål, 1870
- Prionotylini Puton, 1872
- Procamptini Ahmad, 1964
- Psaltodini Moulds in Marshall et al., 2018
- Pseudophloeini Stål, 1868
- Ptyelini Fowler, 1897
- Ranatrini Douglas and Scott, 1865
- Redubitini P. Putshkov and Popov, 1993
- Remosini Fennah, 1982
- Restheniini Reuter, 1905
- Rhaphidosomini Distant, 1904
- Rhodniini Pinto, 1926
- Rhopalini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhyparochromini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saccharosydnini Vilbaste, 1968
- Sagocorini La Rivers, 1971
- Saldini Cobben, 1959
- Saldoidini Reuter, 1912
- Saldunculini J. Polhemus, 1985
- Sapantangini Sanborn, Moulds and Marshall in Sanborn et al., 2020
- Sciocorini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Scolopini Carayon, 1954
- Selymbriini Mould and Marshall in Marshall et al., 2018
- Sepinini Horváth, 1900
- Sinotagini Hsiao, 1963
- Sonatini Lee, 2010
- Spartocerini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Spathophorini Kormilev, 1954
- Stenobatini J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Stenocranini Wagner, 1963
- Stenodemini China, 1943
- Stygnocorini Gulde, 1936
- Tachygerrini Andersen, 1975
- Tacuini Distant, 1904
- Talcopsaltriini Moulds, 2008
- Tamasini Moulds, 2005
- Tambiniini Kirkaldy, 1907
- Tangiini Melichar, 1914
- Tanycricini La Rivers, 1971
- Taphurini Distant, 1905
- Tegeini Villiers, 1948
- Teracriini Stål, 1872
- Termatophylini Reuter, 1884
- Tessaratomini Stål, 1865
- Tetrasteirini Emeljanov, 1995
- Tettigadini Distant, 1905
- Tettigarctini Distant, 1905
- Tettigomyiini Distant, 1905
- Thalmini Nuamah, 1982
- Themonocorini Carayon, Usinger and Wygodzinsky, 1958
- Thophini Distant, 1904
- Tibicinini Distant, 1905
- Tingini
- Tosenini Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Trepobatini Matsuda, 1960
- Triatomini Jeannel, 1919
- Tribelocephalini Stål, 1862
- Tribelocodiini Forthman and Weirauch, 2017
- Trienopini Fennah, 1954
- Tropidocephalini Muir, 1915
- Tropiduchini Melichar, 1914
- Trypetimorphini Melichar, 1914
- Turneriolini Fennah, 1982
- Udeocorini Sweet, 1967
- Ugyopini Fennah, 1979
- Vizcayini Asche, 1990
- Xenocaucini Maldonado, 1996
- Xylocorini Carayon, 1972
- Ydiellini Boulard, 1973
- Zammarini Distant, 1905
уреди- Aolina Boulard, 2013
- Ayuthiina Moulds, Sarkar, Lee and Marshall in Hill et al., 2021
- Bafutalnina Boulard, 1993
- Becquartinina Boulard, 2005
- Cicadina Batsch, 1789
- Dazina Kato, 1932
- Distantalnina Moulds, Lee and Marshall in Hill et al., 2021
- Dundubiina Matsumura, 1917
- Eusthenina Stål, 1870
- Euterpnosiina Lee in Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Fidicinina Distant, 1905
- Formotosenina Boulard, 2008
- Gaeanina Distant, 1905
- Gudabina Lee in Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Guyalnina Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Heteropsaltriina Distant, 1905
- Iruanina Boulard, 1993
- Leptopsaltriina Moulton, 1923
- Leptosemiina Lee in Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Macrosemiina Kato, 1925
- Megapomponiina Lee in Lee and Sanborn, 2014
- Mosaicina Lee in Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Nggelianina Boulard, 1979
- Opistoplatyina Bergroth, 1921
- Orientopsaltriina Lee in Lee and Sanborn, 2014
- Platytatina Horváth, 1900
- Plautillina Distant, 1906
- Polyneurina Myers, 1929
- Psithyristriina Distant, 1905
- Puranina Lee in Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Sepinina Horváth, 1900
- Tacuina Distant, 1904
- Tessaratomina Stål, 1865
- Tribelocephalina Stål, 1862
- Zammarina Distant, 1905
уреди- Abagazara Distant, 1905
- Abbrosoga Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Abdastartus Distant, 1910
- Abditicoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1975
- Abedus Stål, 1862
- Abelamocoris Miller, 1958
- Abelocephala Maldonado, 1996
- Abgrallaspis
- Abricta Stål, 1866
- Abroma Stål, 1866
- Abulites Stål, 1876
- Acaciacoris Schaffner, 1977
- Acalypta Westwood, 1840
- Acanonicus Dallas, 1852
- Acanthaspis Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthocephala Laporte, 1833
- Acanthocerus Palisot de Beauvois, 1818
- Acanthocheila Stål, 1858
- Acanthococcus
- Acanthocoris Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthocrios Del Ponte and Riesel, 1945
- Acantholomidea Sailer, 1945
- Acantholybas Breddin, 1898
- Acanthorhinocoris Miller, 1940
- Acanthosoma Curtis, 1824
- Acanthotingis Monte, 1940
- Acanthotyla Stål, 1873
- Acanthoventris Ruschel in Ruschel et al., 2023
- Acaricoris Harris and Drake, 1944
- Acarihygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Aceropyga Duffels, 1977
- Acestra Dallas, 1852
- Acetropis Fieber, 1858
- Achillas Torre Bueno, 1914
- Achilorma Metcalf and Bruner, 1930
- Acholla Stål, 1862
- Achorotile Fieber, 1866
- Acidomeria Stål, 1870
- Acidosterna Stål, 1872
- Acinocoris Hahn, 1834
- Acinopterus
- Acizzia
- Aclerda Signoret, 1874
- Acocopus Stål, 1864
- Acompocoris Reuter, 1875
- Aconchus Horváth, 1905
- Acosmetocoris Miller, 1954
- Acrisius Stål, 1862
- Acrodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Acroelytrum Mayr, 1865
- Acrophyma Bergroth, 1917
- Acrosternum Fieber, 1860
- Actinocoris Reuter, 1878
- Acuticephala Torres, 1958
- Acyroneura Torres, 1958
- Acyrthosiphon
- Acysta Champion, 1898
- Adelia Moulds, 2012
- Adelphocoris Reuter, 1896
- Ademula McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Adeniana Distant, 1905
- Adenostomocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Adrania Stål, 1863
- Adricomius Distant, 1903
- Adroctenes Jordan, 1912
- Adusella Haupt, 1918
- Aedeastria Boer, 1990
- Aegilipsicola J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Aegilipsovelia J. Polhemus, 1970
- Aeipeplus Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Aeithauma Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aelia Fabricius, 1803
- Aenictocoris Woodward, 1956
- Aenictopechys Breddin, 1905
- Aeopelys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepophilus Signoret, 1879
- Aepycysta Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Aepykorys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aesepus Stål, 1876
- Aestuansella Boulard, 1981
- Aetanna Lee, 2014
- Aethodelphax Bartlett and Hamilton, 2011
- Aethomyctus Williams, 1981
- Aethus Dallas, 1851
- Afghanoderus B. Lis, 2001
- Afgoia Linnavuori, 1976
- Aframixia Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Afrocastra Breddin, 1903
- Afrochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Afrocimex Schouteden, 1951
- Afrocoronacella Asche, 1988
- Afrodecius Jeannel, 1919
- Afroelfus Gnezdilov, 2012
- Afrokalpa Fennah, 1969
- Afromelampsalta Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Afromenotes Kment and Kocorek, 2014
- Afrosellana Asche, 1988
- Afrosydne Fennah, 1969
- Afrotingis Drake and Hill, 1964
- Afzeliada Boulard, 1972
- Aga Distant, 1910
- Agachila Drake and Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Agallia
- Agamedes Stål, 1876
- Agaotingis Drake, 1954
- Agapophyta Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Agathyrna Stål, 1861
- Agdistocoris Kormilev, 1962
- Aglotingis Drake, 1954
- Agnocoris Reuter, 1875
- Agonoscelis Spinola, 1837
- Agramma Stephens, 1829
- Agraptocorixa Kirkaldy, 1898
- Agreuocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Agriocleptes Stål, 1866
- Agrioclopius Stål, 1866
- Agriocoris Stål, 1866
- Agriolestes Stål, 1866
- Agriopocodemus Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocoris Miller, 1954
- Agriopocoscelis Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocostella Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Agrisicula Asche, 1980
- Agyrius Stål, 1863
- Ahomana Distant, 1905
- Aidium Popov, 1968
- Aidoneus Distant, 1909
- Akamba Distant, 1905
- Akemetopon Weglarz and Bartlett, 2011
- Akilas Distant, 1916
- Alarcta Torres, 1958
- Alavametra Sánchez-García and Nel in Sánchez-García et al., 2016
- Alayocimex Hernández Triana and de la Cruz, 1994
- Albanycada Villet, 1989
- Alberprosenia Martínez and Carcavallo, 1977
- Alcaeorrhynchus Bergroth, 1891
- Alcestis Stål, 1862
- Alcmena Stål, 1859
- Alcmenoides Miller, 1954
- Alcocerniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Alcumena Schmidt, 1932
- Aleeta Moulds, 2003
- Alepidiella Poppius, 1914
- Aleurocanthus
- Aleurocybotus
- Aleurodicus
- Aleurothrixus
- Aleurotuberculatus
- Aleurotulus
- Aleyrodes Latreille, 1796
- Alienates Barber, 1953
- Alinotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Alkowdiella Stys, 2002
- Alleloplasis Waterhouse, 1839
- Allobroma Duffels, 2011
- Allocader Drake, 1950
- Allocara Bergroth, 1894
- Alloeocranum Reuter, 1881
- Alloeoderes Drake, 1961
- Alloeohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Alloeorhynchus Fieber, 1860
- Alloiothucha Drake, 1927
- Allokermes Bullington and Kosztarab, 1985
- Allopeza Bergroth, 1912
- Allopodops Harris and Johnston, 1936
- Allorhinocoris Reuter, 1876
- Allotingis Drake, 1930
- Alocha Melichar, 1926
- Alofa Herring, 1976
- Aloha Kirkaldy, 1904
- Alpagut Kryak, 1995
- Alphesiboea Schmidt, 1932
- Altekon Fennah, 1975
- Althos Kirkaldy, 1904
- Alumeda Popov, 1989
- Alveotingis Osborn and Drake, 1916
- Alvilla Stål, 1874
- Alydus Fabricius, 1803
- Amaclardea Muir, 1931
- Amapala Melichar, 1914
- Amaurochrous Stål, 1872
- Amauroclopius Stål, 1868
- Ambarcader Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ambarvalia Distant, 1917
- Ambastus Stål, 1872
- Amberiana Distant, 1911
- Amberobyrsa Heiss, 2009
- Ambigonalia
- Ambilobea Villiers, 1971
- Amblycotis Stål, 1853
- Amblyomia Stål, 1870
- Amblypelta Stål, 1873
- Amblystira Stål, 1873
- Amblythyreus Westwood, 1842
- Amblytylus Fieber, 1858
- Ambotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Ambragaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Ambrinemesa Villiers, 1971
- Ambrysus Stål, 1861
- Ambycysta Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Ameenocoris Ahmad and Moizuddin, 1990
- Amemboa Esaki, 1925
- Amemboides J. Polhemus and Andersen, 1984
- Americodema Henry, 2000
- Amissus Stål, 1863
- Ammianus Distant, 1903
- Amnestus Dallas, 1851
- Amorbus Dallas, 1852
- Amorphococcus Green, 1902
- Amphaces Dallas, 1851
- Amphiareus Distant, 1904
- Amphibolus Klug, 1830
- Amphipsalta Fleming, 1969
- Amulius Stål, 1866
- Amygdonia Schouteden, 1938
- Amyssonotum Horvath, 1919
- Anacanthesancus Miller, 1955
- Anacanthiocnemis Reuter, 1882
- Anacanthopus Montandon, 1894
- Anacerilocus Miller, 1957
- Anacestra Hsiao, 1964
- Anadasynus China, 1934
- Anakelisia Wagner, 1963
- Analanca Miller, 1955
- Anandromesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Anapsaltoda Ashton, 1921
- Anaptus Kerzhner, 1968
- Anapus Stål, 1858
- Anasa Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Anchidelphax Fennah, 1965
- Anchodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Andaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Andersenella J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Andersenius Zettel and Chen, 1996
- Andrallus Bergroth, 1905
- Andriscus Stål, 1876
- Androclus Stål, 1863
- Anectopia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Aneuidellana Asche, 1988
- Aneuides Fennah, 1969
- Aneurocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aneurus Curtis, 1825
- Angamiana Distant, 1890
- Angaronecta Popov, 1971
- Angilia Stål, 1865
- Angilovelia Andersen, 1981
- Angiocader Drake, 1950
- Angolotingis Drake, 1955
- Angolusa Drake, 1958
- Angulochterus Yao, Zhang and Ren in Yao et al., 2011
- Angusta Wang and Cong, 2024
- Anhomoeus Hsiao, 1963
- Anischys Dallas, 1851
- Anisops Spinola, 1837
- Anisoscelis Latreille, 1829
- Anomalococcus Green, 1902
- Anomalopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Anommatocoris China, 1945
- Anopercalna Boulard, 2008
- Anoplocerus Kiritshenko, 1926
- Anoplocnemis Stål, 1873
- Antabhoga Distant, 1912
- Antanambecoris Brailovsky, 2001
- Antanambeus Villiers, 1948
- Antankaria Distant, 1904
- Antecerococcus
- Anthocoris Fallén, 1814
- Anthylla Stål, 1876
- Antianthe
- Antidryas Asche, 1998
- Antillocoris Kirkaldy, 1904
- Antiopula Bergroth, 1863
- Antiopuloides Miller, 1952
- Antipetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Antonina Signoret, 1875
- Anyttus Stål, 1865
- Aonidiella Berlese and Leonardi, 1895
- Aoteasalda Larivière and Larochelle, 2016
- Aoyuanus Ding and Chen in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Apachemiris Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Apateticus Dallas, 1851
- Apechtia Reuter, 1881
- Aphelocheirus Westwood, 1833
- Aphelonecta Lansbury, 1965
- Aphelotingis Drake, 1948
- Aphis
- Aphlebocoris Handlirsch, 1908
- Aphleboderrhis Stål, 1860
- Aphonocoris Miller, 1950
- Aphrania Jordan and Rothschild, 1912
- Aphrophora Germar, 1821
- Aphrovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1988
- Apicrenus Maldonado, Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1993
- Apidaurus Stål, 1870
- Apiomerus Hahn, 1831
- Aplanodes Fennah, 1965
- Apocaucus Distant, 1909
- Appasus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Aprepolestes Stål, 1868
- Apronius Stål, 1865
- Apteroreduvius Villiers, 1975
- Aptinocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aquarius Schellenberg, 1800
- Aquulavelia Thirumalai, 1999
- Aradelloides Malipatil, 1983
- Aradellus Westwood, 1874
- Aradomorpha Champion, 1899
- Aradus Fabricius, 1803
- Araeopus Spinola, 1839
- Aragualna Champanhet, Boulard and Gaiani, 2000
- Araneaster Hesse, 1925
- Araphocoris Miller, 1954
- Arcantivelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Arcesius Stål, 1863
- Archaeoditomotarsus Faúndez, Carvajal and Rider, 2014
- Archaeoptilomera Zettel, 2009
- Archaesalepta Grimaldi and Engel in Grimaldi et al., 2013
- Archepopovia Golub, 2001
- Archilestidium Breddin, 1900
- Arcifrons Ding and Yang in Ding et al., 1986
- Arcofaciella Fennah, 1956
- Arcofacies Muir, 1915
- Arctocorisa Wallengren, 1894
- Arctorthezia
- Arctostaphylocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Arcystasia Distant, 1882
- Arefbea Jessop, 1983
- Arenaeocoris Blinn, 2012
- Arenasella Schmidt, 1932
- Arenocoris Hahn, 1834
- Arenopsaltria Ashton, 1921
- Arfaka Distant, 1905
- Argenta Granara de Willink in Granara de Willink et al., 2023
- Argyrocoris Van Duzee, 1912
- Arhaphe Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Arhyssus Stål, 1870
- Ariasa Distant, 1905
- Arilus Hahn, 1831
- Arioge Stål, 1867
- Aripoa Fennah, 1945
- Aristathlus Bergroth, 1913
- Aristobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Armilargulus Stehlík and Jindra, 2007
- Armstrongocoris Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Armstrongula Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Arrilpecoris Malipatil, 1988
- Artheneis Spinola, 1837
- Arunta Distant, 1904
- Arushia Drake, 1951
- Arvelius Spinola, 1840
- Asceloconchaspis Williams, 1992
- Ascetotrephes J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2003
- Aschistocoris Bergroth, 1909
- Asciodema Reuter, 1878
- Asclepios Distant, 1915
- Ashlockaria Harrington, 1980
- Ashlockhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Asiarcha Stål, 1870
- Asiocoris Tomokuni and Cai, 2002
- Asiraca Latreille, 1796
- Asiracemus Asche, 1988
- Asiracina Melichar, 1912
- Asperotingis Péricart, 2000
- Aspidiella
- Aspidiotus Bouche, 1833
- Aspilosterna Stål, 1873
- Aspiodiotus
- Asteliamiris Schwartz and Polhemus, 1999
- Asterodiaspis Signoret, 1877
- Asterolecanium Targioni Tozzetti, 1868
- Asthenocoris Usinger, 1938
- Astinus Stål, 1859
- Astolphos Distant, 1904
- Astygiton Berg, 1884
- Athaumastus Mayr, 1865
- Atheas Champion, 1898
- Athestia Melichar, 1914
- Atisne Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Atomoscelis Reuter, 1875
- Atopozelus Elkins, 1954
- Atrachelus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Atractotomus Fieber, 1858
- Atrapsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Atrazonotus Slater and Ashlock, 1966
- Attenuella Boulard, 1973
- Audernaculus Miller, 1941
- Audernacus Distant, 1904
- Aufeius Stål, 1870
- Augocoris Burmeister, 1835
- Aulacaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Aulacoclopius Breddin, 1903
- Aulacogenia Stål, 1870
- Aulacorthum
- Aulacosphodrus Stål, 1870
- Aulacosterjanus Brailovsky, 2002
- Aulacosternum Dallas, 1852
- Aulotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Aurantiocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Aurelianus Distant, 1902
- Auritibicen Lee, 2015
- Aurivilliana Distant, 1881
- Aurungabada Distant, 1906
- Auscala Moulds, 2012
- Australcmena Miller, 1958
- Australocader B. Lis, 1997
- Australocleptes Miller, 1951
- Australostolus Stys, 1980
- Australotingis Hacker, 1927
- Austrarcesius Miller, 1957
- Austrobates Andersen and Weir, 1994
- Austrohebrus Andersen and Weir, 2004
- Austrokatanga Weirauch, Rabitsch and Rédei, 2009
- Austronecta Tinerella, 2013
- Austronepa Menke and Stange, 1964
- Austrovelia Malipatil and Monteith, 1983
- Austrovelinus Malipatil, 1991
- Auta Distant, 1897
- Authenta Bergroth, 1894
- Autumnimiris Schwartz, 1989
- Axiokersos Distant, 1909
- Ayesha Distant, 1905
- Ayuthia Distant, 1919
- Babras Jacobi, 1907
- Bacillometra Esaki, 1927
- Bacillometroides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2010
- Baclozygum Bergroth, 1909
- Bactrocoris Kormilev, 1953
- Bactrodes Stål, 1860
- Bactrodosoma Stål, 1860
- Bactrophya Breddin, 1901
- Bactrophyamixia Brailovsky, 1991
- Badilloniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Baebius Stål, 1865
- Baeochila Drake and Poor, 1937
- Baeotingis Drake and Poor, 1939
- Baeturia Stål, 1866
- Bafutalna Boulard, 1993
- Bagauda Bergroth, 1903
- Bagaudella Miller, 1952
- Bagaudina Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Bagriella McAtee and Malloch, 1923
- Baichila Drake and Slater, 1955
- Bakerella Crawford, 1914
- Bakerinia Kormilev, 1962
- Bako Schouteden, 1923
- Balboa Distant, 1893
- Balclutha Kirkaldy, 1900
- Baldus Stål, 1868
- Baliemocoris Miller, 1958
- Balinta Distant, 1905
- Ballella Knight, 1959
- Ballhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Baloghicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Balolina
- Balticovelia Andersen, 2000
- Bambucibatus Muir, 1915
- Bambusaspis Cockerell, 1902
- Bambusiphaga Huang and Ding in Huang et al., 1979
- Banahaona Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Bananellodes Strand, 1928
- Banarocoris Miller, 1958
- Banasa Stål, 1860
- Bannania Hsiao, 1973
- Baptista Distant, 1904
- Barberiella Poppius, 1914
- Barce Stål, 1866
- Bardesanes Distant, 1909
- Bargylia Stål, 1865
- Barlireduvius Malipatil, 1988
- Barreratalpa Brailovsky, 1988
- Basa Distant, 1905
- Bathysolen Fieber, 1860
- Baumannhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Bavea Distant, 1905
- Bayerus Distant, 1904
- Beamerella Knight, 1959
- Beameria Davis, 1934
- Beanana Villiers, 1960
- Bebaeus Dallas, 1851
- Beckocoris Knight, 1968
- Becquartina Kato, 1940
- Beesonia Green, 1926
- Befotaka Villiers, 1962
- Beharus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Bekilya Villiers, 1949
- Belemnocoris Miller, 1952
- Belenus Distant, 1909
- Bellamynacoris Brailovsky, 1997
- Belminus Stål, 1859
- Belocera Muir, 1913
- Belonochilus Uhler, 1871
- Belonomus Uhler, 1869
- Belosternella Maldonado and van Doesburg, 1996
- Belostoma Latreille, 1807
- Bemisia Quaintance and Baker, 1914
- Benacus Stål, 1861
- Bequaertidea Schouteden, 1932
- Berberigetta Costa, Nunes, Marabuto, Mendes and Simões in Costa et al., 2017
- Bergalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Bergemesa Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bergeviniella Villiers, 1948
- Bergrothellus Miller, 1954
- Bergrotheus Schouteden, 1913
- Berlandiana Villiers, 1949
- Bermejanus Brailovsky, 2018
- Berotingis Drake, 1956
- Bertilia Reuter, 1913
- Berytinus Kirkaldy, 1900
- Bettotanocoris Miller, 1941
- Bettyella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Beutelspacoris Brailovsky, 1987
- Bewanicoris Miller, 1958
- Biasticus Stål, 1866
- Bijaurana Distant, 1912
- Birabena Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Bironannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bironiola Horváth, 1914
- Birrima Distant, 1906
- Biruga Fennah, 1944
- Bispinalta Delorme, 2017
- Biturinannus Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Biura Lee and Sanborn, 2015
- Blapton Spinola, 1850
- Blaudus Stål, 1872
- Blepharidopterus Kolenati, 1845
- Blissus Burmeister, 1835
- Bloeteomedes van Doesburg, 1970
- Bobba Bergroth, 1914
- Bocatella Villiers, 1948
- Boisea Kirkaldy, 1910
- Bolbodera Valdés, 1910
- Bolteria Uhler, 1887
- Borborophilus Stål, 1865
- Borborophyes Stål, 1870
- Borencona Davis, 1928
- Boreostolus Wygodzinsky and Stys, 1970
- Borgmeierina Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Bostaera Ball, 1902
- Bothrostethus Fieber, 1860
- Bothynotus Fieber, 1864
- Botocudo Kirkaldy, 1904
- Brachycaudus
- Brachyceratocoris Knight, 1968
- Brachycraera Muir, 1916
- Brachylobopyga Duffels, 1982
- Brachylybas Stål, 1870
- Brachylybastella Brailovsky, 1996
- Brachymetra Mayr, 1865
- Brachymetroides Andersen, 2001
- Brachynotocoris Reuter, 1880
- Brachysandalus Stål, 1866
- Brachysteles Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Brachytes Westwood, 1842
- Brachytonus China, 1925
- Brassivola Distant, 1904
- Brechivelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2004
- Breddinella Dispons, 1962
- Breddinia Bergroth, 1903
- Bredo Schouteden, 1931
- Brentiscerus Scudder, 1962
- Brepholoxa Van Duzee, 1904
- Brevennia
- Brevialavenosa Sanborn, 2021
- Brevicoryne Van Der Goot, 1915
- Brevidorsus Kritsky, 1977
- Brevisiana Boulard, 1972
- Brevitanna Lee, 2022
- Brevrimatus Zhang, Yao and Ren, 2011
- Brisbanocoris Miller, 1957
- Brochymena Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Brontostoma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Brookesiella Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1974
- Brooksetta Kelton, 1979
- Brotheolus Bergroth, 1908
- Brulecoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Brunsellius Distant, 1902
- Bubiacoris Miller, 1959
- Buchananiella Reuter, 1884
- Bucimex Usinger, 1963
- Buenoa Kirkaldy, 1904
- Bukacoris Miller, 1958
- Bulbocornis Brailovsky and Barrera, 2022
- Bunia Schouteden, 1955
- Buninotus Maldonado, 1981
- Bunotingis Drake, 1948
- Burbunga Distant, 1905
- Burmacader Heiss and Guilbert, 2013
- Burmacicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Burmametra Huang et al., 2015
- Burnilia Muir and Giffard, 1924
- Burtinus Stål, 1860
- Buruhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Busas Jacobi, 1909
- Butuanocoris Miller, 1954
- Buyisa Distant, 1907
- Byrsodepsus Stål, 1872
- Cabecita Lee, 2014
- Cacama Distant, 1904
- Cachanocoris Villiers, 1959
- Cacodmus Stål, 1873
- Cadmilos Distant, 1909
- Caecina Stål, 1863
- Caenodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Caenopamera Barber, 1918
- Caffrocysta Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Caffrommatissus Fennah, 1967
- Calacanthia Reuter, 1891
- Calamocoris Breddin, 1901
- Calbodus Spinola, 1852
- Calcagninus Distant, 1892
- Caledoderus Guilbert, 2012
- Caledopsalta Delorme, 2018
- Calidroides Schwartz, 2005
- Caliginopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Calipsalta Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Calisius Stål, 1860
- Calistocoris Reuter, 1881
- Calisuspensus Ding, 2006
- Callanocoris Villiers, 1960
- Callichlamydia Stål, 1873
- Calliclopius Stål, 1868
- Callicorixa White, 1873
- Calligypona Sahlberg, 1871
- Callilestes Stål, 1866
- Calliodis Reuter, 1871
- Calliopsida Torres, 1958
- Callipappus Guérin-Méneville, 1841
- Callistodema Reuter, 1890
- Callithrincus Horváth, 1925
- Callogaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Calocoris Fieber, 1858
- Caloloma Drake and Bruner, 1924
- Calopsaltria Stål, 1861
- Calotingis Drake, 1918
- Caloundranius Miller, 1957
- Calphurniella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Calphurnioides Distant, 1913
- Calyptobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Calyria Stål, 1862
- Calytohygia Brailovsky, 1998
- Camerunilla Haglund, 1899
- Camirus Stål, 1862
- Campsocnemis Stål, 1870
- Campsolomus Stål, 1870
- Camptibia Cai and Tomokuni, 2003
- Camptischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptopus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptozygum Reuter, 1896
- Campylomma Reuter, 1878
- Campyloneura Fieber, 1860
- Campylorhyncha Stål, 1870
- Campylosteira Fieber, 1844
- Campylotingis Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Candace Stål, 1870
- Cantacader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cantata Lee and Pham in Pham and Lee, 2021
- Canthesancus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cantinona Distant, 1913
- Cantoreanus Dlabola, 1971
- Canualna Boulard, 1985
- Canungrantmictis Brailovsky, 2002
- Canyra Stål, 1862
- Capcicada Villet, 1989
- Capitonisalda J. Polhemus, 1981
- Capitonisaldoida J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Capitophorus Van Der Goot, 1913
- Caprilesia Gil-Santana, Marques and Costa, 2006
- Caprocethera Breddin, 1903
- Capsus Fabricius, 1803
- Caracoris Schwartz, 1989
- Carayonella Poisson, 1948
- Carayonema Richard, 1986
- Carayonhygia Brailovsky, 2002
- Carayonia Villiers, 1951
- Carcinochelis Fieber, 1861
- Carcinocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Carcinomma Bergroth, 1894
- Cardiastethus Fieber, 1860
- Cargasdama Villiers, 1950
- Caridomma Bergroth, 1894
- Carinametra Andersen and Grimaldi, 2001
- Carinatala Hill, 2015
- Carineta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cariniocoris Henry, 1989
- Carinodelphax Ding and Yang, 1987
- Carinofrons Chen and Li, 2000
- Carldrakeana Froeschner, 1968
- Carlisis Stål, 1858
- Carmenula Maldonado, 1992
- Carneocephala
- Carpilis Stål, 1874
- Carpona Dohrn, 1863
- Carthasis Champion, 1900
- Carulaspis
- Carvalhoiella De Carlo, 1963
- Carvalhotingis Froeschner, 1995
- Carvalhygia Brailovsky, 1995
- Castolus Stål, 1858
- Catadipson Breddin, 1903
- Catala Villiers, 1951
- Catamiarus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cataractocoris Usinger, 1941
- Catasphactes Stål, 1866
- Catoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Catorhintha Stål, 1859
- Catullia Stål, 1870
- Catulliaria Muir, 1931
- Catullioides Bierman, 1910
- Caucanannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Caulotops Bergroth, 1898
- Caunus Stål, 1865
- Cavariella Del Guercio, 1911
- Cavaticovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Cavernicola Barber, 1937
- Cavocoris La Rivers, 1971
- Cebrenis Stål, 1862
- Cebreniscella Brailovsky, 1995
- Cebrenistella Brailovsky, 1995
- Celantia Distant, 1903
- Celaticoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1976
- Celerobates Zettel, 2009
- Cemopsis Fennah, 1978
- Cemus Fennah, 1964
- Cenocorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Censorinus Distant, 1903
- Centraspis Schaum in Peters and Schaum, 1853
- Centrocnemis Signoret, 1852
- Centrocnemoides Miller, 1956
- Centrocoris Kolenati, 1845
- Centrocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Centrogastocoris Miller, 1958
- Centrogonus Bergroth, 1894
- Centroplax Horváth, 1932
- Centropleurocoris Miller, 1955
- Ceoncophalus Villiers, 1961
- Cephalalna Boulard, 2006
- Cephalidiosus Guilbert, 1999
- Cephalohygia Brailovsky, 2005
- Cephalometra D. Polhemus and Ferreira, 2018
- Cephisus Stål, 1866
- Ceraleptus Costa, 1847
- Cerataphis Lichtenstein, 1882
- Ceratinoderma Stål, 1873
- Ceratocader Drake, 1950
- Ceratocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Ceratocomboides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Ceratocombus Signoret, 1852
- Ceratocoris White, 1842
- Ceratopachys Westwood, 1842
- Ceratopidea Knight, 1968
- Ceratopirates Schouteden, 1933
- Ceratotingis Montemayor, 2008
- Cercinthinus Kiritshenko, 1916
- Cercinthus Stål, 1860
- Cercotmetus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cerellius Distant, 1903
- Cerilocus Stål, 1859
- Ceroplastes
- Cerotrioza Crawford, 1918
- Cervantistellus Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Cethera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cetheromma Jeannel, 1917
- Cetiothucha Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Chaetacantha Bergroth, 1895
- Chaetococcus Maskell, 1898
- Chaetofoveolocoris Knight, 1968
- Chaetometra Hungerford, 1950
- Chaetomiris Bliven, 1973
- Chalumalna Boulard, 1998
- Champaka Distant, 1905
- Changeondelphax Kwon, 1982
- Chariesterus Laporte, 1833
- Charmatometra Kirkaldy, 1899
- Chartosaldoida Cobben, 1987
- Chartoscirta Stål, 1868
- Chasmacephala Fennah, 1945
- Chauliops Scott, 1874
- Cheirochela Hope, 1841
- Chelapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Chelinidea Uhler, 1863
- Chelocoris Bianchi, 1899
- Chenevelia Zettel, 1996
- Chepuvelia China, 1963
- Cheronea Stål, 1863
- Cheronella Miller, 1955
- Chilacis Fieber, 1864
- Chilecicada Sanborn, 2014
- Chilocoris Mayr, 1865
- Chilodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Chiloxanthus Reuter, 1891
- Chimarrhometra Bianchi, 1896
- Chinannus Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Chinaola Blatchley, 1928
- Chinaria Davis, 1934
- Chinemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Chionaspis
- Chionomus Fennah, 1971
- Chiricocoris Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Chlamydatus Curtis, 1833
- Chlamyopsallus Schwartz, 2005
- Chloriona Fieber, 1866
- Chlorionidea Löw, 1885
- Chlorizococcus
- Chlorocanta Chatfield-Taylor in Cole et al., 2023
- Chlorochroa Stål, 1872
- Chlorococcus
- Chlorocoris Spinola, 1837
- Chlorocysta Westwood, 1851
- Chloropsalta Haupt, 1920
- Choerommatus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Chondrocera Laporte, 1832
- Chondrolophus Bergroth, 1895
- Chonosia Distant, 1905
- Chopardita Villiers, 1944
- Choreutocoris Miller, 1957
- Chorotingioites Wappler, 2003
- Chorotingis Drake, 1961
- Chortinaspis
- Choucoris Cai in Cai, Yan and Chen, 2000
- Chremistica Stål, 1870
- Christometra Pêgas, Leal and Damgaard, 2017
- Chrysocicada Boulard, 1989
- Chrysolasia Moulds, 2003
- Chrysomphalus Ashmead, 1880
- Chryxus Champion, 1898
- Cicada Linnaeus, 1758
- Cicadatra Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadetta Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadettana Marshall and Hill, 2017
- Cicadmalleus Boulard and Puissant, 2013
- Cidoria Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ciliometra J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Cimbus Hahn, 1831
- Cimex Linnaeus, 1758
- Cimexopsis List, 1925
- Cimolus Stål, 1862
- Cinara Curtis, 1835
- Cipia Stål, 1866
- Circulifer
- Cistalia Stål, 1874
- Citroriginis Sanborn, 2021
- Ciucephalus Stys, 1982
- Cixiopsis Matsumura, 1900
- Clardea Signoret, 1862
- Clastoptera Germar, 1839
- Clavaspis
- Clavicoccus Ferris, 1948
- Clavigralla Spinola, 1837
- Clavigralloides Dolling, 1978
- Cleoliturus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cleontes Stål, 1874
- Cleotopetalops Brailovsky, 2000
- Cleptria Stål, 1853
- Clerada Signoret, 1862
- Cletomorpha Mayr, 1866
- Cletoscellus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cletus Stål, 1859
- Clidophleps Van Duzee, 1915
- Cligenes Distant, 1893
- Clinata Moulds, 2012
- Clinopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Clivinema Reuter, 1876
- Cloresmus Stål, 1860
- Closterocoris Uhler, 1890
- Clydonagma Fennah, 1969
- Cneius Stål, 1865
- Cnemiandrus Distant, 1902
- Cnemodus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Cnemomis Stål, 1860
- Cnemyrtus Stål, 1860
- Cnethocymatia Jansson, 1982
- Cnizocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Coata Distant, 1906
- Coccivora McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Coccobaphes Uhler, 1878
- Coccus Linnaeus, 1758
- Cochabambia Pirán, 1959
- Cochleopsaltria Pham and Constant, 2017
- Cochlochila Stål, 1873
- Cocles Bergroth, 1905
- Codophila Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Codotingis Drake, 1942
- Coelostomidia Cockerell, 1900
- Coenus Dallas, 1851
- Coilopus Elkins, 1969
- Colastocoris Miller, 1959
- Coleopterodes Philippi, 1864
- Coleotichus White, 1839
- Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Coliniella Schouteden, 1932
- Collarhamphus P. Putshkov and Popov, 1995
- Collaria Provancher, 1872
- Collartida Villiers, 1949
- Collartiella Schouteden, 1931
- Collatia Stål, 1862
- Collinutius Distant, 1903
- Colobopyga Bréthes, 1912
- Coloradoa Wilson, 1910
- Colpochilocoris Reuter, 1881
- Colpoproctus Stål, 1870
- Colporidius J. Lis, 1990
- Columbiana Muir, 1919
- Columbisoga Muir, 1921
- Compseuta Stål, 1873
- Compsidolon Reuter, 1899
- Comstockiella Cockerell, 1896
- Conchaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Conchotingis Drake, 1954
- Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860
- Congochila Drake, 1954
- Conibosa Distant, 1905
- Coniferocoris Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Coniophyrta Breddin, 1912
- Conocephalocoris Knight, 1927
- Conocraera Muir, 1916
- Conomelus Fieber, 1866
- Conostethus Fieber, 1858
- Consociata Qin and Zhang, 2006
- Copicerus Swartz, 1802
- Copium Thunberg, 1822
- Coptocatus Montandon, 1909
- Coquillettia Uhler, 1890
- Coracodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Corallocoris Cobben, 1970
- Coranopsis Horváth, 1892
- Coranus Curtis, 1832
- Corcia Stål, 1859
- Cordillonotus Scudder, 1984
- Corduba Stål, 1862
- Cordysceles Hsiao, 1963
- Coreus Fabricius, 1794
- Corhinoris Villiers, 1953
- Coribergia Casini, 1984
- Coridiellus J. Lis, 1990
- Coridius Illiger, 1807
- Coridromius Signoret, 1862
- Corimelaena White, 1839
- Corinthus Distant, 1920
- Coriomeris Westwood, 1842
- Corisella Lundblad, 1928
- Corixa Geoffroy, 1762
- Corixidea Reuter, 1891
- Corizoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Cormidius Emeljanov, 1972
- Cornonannus Luo, Gong and Xie, 2022
- Cornuplura Davis, 1944
- Coronacella Metcalf, 1950
- Corticoris McAtee and Malloch, 1922
- Corupaia Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Corycera Drake, 1922
- Corythaica Stål, 1873
- Corythauma Drake and Poor, 1939
- Corythotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Corythucha Stål, 1873
- Cosmoclopius Stål, 1866
- Cosmococcus Borchsenius, 1959
- Cosmoleptus Stål, 1873
- Cosmolestes Stål, 1866
- Cosmopepla Stål, 1867
- Cosmopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Cosmosycanus Ishikawa and Tomokuni, 2004
- Cossutia Stål, 1866
- Costomedes van Doesburg, 2004
- Cotoya Anufriev, 1977
- Cottothucha Drake and Poor, 1941
- Cracenpsaltria Sanborn, 2016
- Crambostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Craspeduchus Stål, 1874
- Crassicimex Ferris and Usinger, 1957
- Crassisternalna Boulard, 1980
- Crassopsaltria Boulard, 2008
- Cratocora Martins-Neto in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Cratonerthra Martins-Neto, 2005
- Cratopelocoris López Ruf and Perez Goodwyn in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Crawforda Caldwell, 1940
- Crenidorsum
- Creontiades Distant, 1883
- Crescoccus Wang, 1982
- Cretaceometra Nel and Popov, 2000
- Cretaceomira McKellar and Engel, 2014
- Cretogerris Perrichot, Net and Neraudeau, 2005
- Cricetopareis Breddin, 1903
- Crinocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Criocoris Fieber, 1858
- Criomorphus Curtis, 1833
- Crociaeus Breddin, 1900
- Cromerus Distant, 1902
- Crophius Stål, 1874
- Croscius Stål, 1874
- Crotopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Cryphocricos Signoret, 1850
- Cryphula Stål, 1874
- Cryptococcus Douglass, 1890
- Cryptomannus Hill, 1984
- Cryptonannus Dougherty, 1995
- Cryptopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Cryptophysoderes Wygodzinsky and Maldonado, 1972
- Cryptostemma Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835
- Cryptotympana Stål, 1861
- Cryptovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Ctenipocoris Montandon, 1897
- Ctenomelynthus Breddin, 1903
- Ctenotrachelus Stål, 1868
- Ctydinna Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Cuernolestes Miller, 1954
- Cumare Blöte, 1945
- Cuneoceps Williams, 1981
- Curalium Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Curicta Stål, 1861
- Curtius Stål, 1870
- Curtometopum Muir, 1926
- Curvicicauda Chou and Lu, 1997
- Cyanolicimex Carpintero, Di Iorio, Masello and Turienzo in Di Iorio et al., 2010
- Cyclochila Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclogastridea Reuter, 1884
- Cyclopelta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclopocoris Miller, 1950
- Cyclotynaspis Montandon, 1892
- Cydamus Stål, 1860
- Cydnocoris Stål, 1859
- Cydnoides Malloch, 1919
- Cydnus Fabricius, 1803
- Cylapus Say, 1832
- Cylicovelia J. Polhemus and Copeland, 1996
- Cylindrobates Wappler and Andersen, 2004
- Cylindrocnema Mayr, 1864
- Cylindrostethus Mayr, 1865
- Cyllarus Stål, 1866
- Cymatia Flor, 1860
- Cymodema Spinola, 1837
- Cymoninus Breddin, 1907
- Cymus Hahn, 1832
- Cyperobia Bergroth, 1927
- Cyphoceratops Uhler, 1901
- Cyphodemidea Reuter, 1903
- Cyphopelta Van Duzee, 1910
- Cyphostethus Fieber, 1860
- Cyptocephala Berg, 1883
- Cyrtocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtomenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyrtomycta Williams, 1981
- Cyrtopeltis Fieber, 1860
- Cyrtopeltocoris Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtorhinus Fieber, 1858
- Cysteochila Stål, 1873
- Cystopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Cystosoma Westwood, 1842
- Dacerla Signoret, 1881
- Daclera Signoret, 1863
- Dacota Uhler, 1872
- Dactylopius Costa, 1829
- Dactylopodocoris Miller, 1957
- Dagbertus Distant, 1904
- Daillea Péricart, 1991
- Dalader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Daladeropsis Karsch, 1894
- Dalcantha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Daleapidea Knight, 1968
- Dalensocoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Dallasiellus Berg, 1901
- Dalmatomammurius Brailovsky, 1982
- Danepteryx Uhler, 1889
- Daniavelia Andersen, 1998
- Danumococcus Takagi and Hodgson, 2005
- Danzigia Popov, 2003
- Daphnasa Brailovsky, 1984
- Daradacella Fennah, 1949
- Daradax Walker, 1857
- Daradaxoides Distant, 1917
- Daraxa Stål, 1859
- Darmistus Stål, 1860
- Darwinivelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Dasycnemus Bergroth, 1898
- Dasycorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Dasynus Burmeister, 1834
- Dasytingis Drake and Poor, 1936
- Daza Distant, 1905
- Dazollina Sanborn, 2018
- Debilia Stål, 1859
- Decarloa La Rivers, 1969
- Decebalus Distant, 1920
- Delacampius Distant, 1903
- Delochilocoris Bergroth, 1893
- Delphacellus Haupt, 1929
- Delphacinus Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodes Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodoides Muir, 1929
- Delphax Fabricius, 1798
- Deltocephalus Burmeister, 1838
- Dendrocoris Bergroth, 1891
- Deraeocapsus Knight, 1921
- Deraeocoris Kirschbaum, 1856
- Deremeces Sanborn, 2021
- Derephysia Spinola, 1837
- Derepteryx White, 1839
- Derophthalma Berg, 1883
- Derotettix Berg, 1882
- Dersagrena Kirkaldy, 1904
- Descarpentriesus Villiers, 1961
- Desystellores Villiers, 1958
- Dextritubus Hill, 2015
- Diabolicoris Wall and Cassis, 2003
- Diactor Perty, 1830
- Diaditus Stål, 1859
- Diagrynia Melichar, 1914
- Dialeurodes Cockerell, 1902
- Diambon O'Brien, 2010
- Dianomictis O'Shea, 1980
- Dianus Ding, 2006
- Diaphnidia Uhler, 1895
- Diaphorina
- Diaphorocoris Montandon, 1897
- Diaprepocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Diariptus Stål, 1859
- Diarthrotarsus Bergroth, 1905
- Diaspidius Westwood, 1837
- Diaspis Costa, 1828
- Dicentropyx Emeljanov, 1972
- Diceroprocta Stål, 1870
- Diceropyga Stål, 1870
- Dichaetocoris Knight, 1968
- Dichocysta Champion, 1898
- Dichoneura Lethierry, 1890
- Dichrooscytus Fieber, 1858
- Diconocoris Mayr, 1865
- Dicorymbus Bergroth, 1918
- Dicranocephalus Hahn, 1826
- Dicranotropis Fieber, 1866
- Dicrotelus Erichson, 1842
- Dicrotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Dictyla Stål, 1874
- Dictyobia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyonia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyonissus Uhler, 1876
- Dictyonota Curtis, 1827
- Dictyophorodelphax Swezey, 1907
- Dictyotangia Fennah, 1945
- Dictyotingis Drake, 1942
- Dictyssa Melichar, 1906
- Dictyssonia Ball, 1936
- Dicyphus Fieber, 1858
- Dicysta Champion, 1897
- Diemeniana Distant, 1906
- Dilobopyga Duffels, 1977
- Dilophocoris Miller, 1959
- Dilycochtha Karsch, 1895
- Dimissalna Boulard, 2007
- Dinarobia Mamet, 1957
- Dingiana Qin, 2005
- Dinidor Latreille, 1829
- Dinocleptes Stål, 1866
- Diocles Stål, 1866
- Diodelphax Yang, 1989
- Diokterocoris Miller, 1959
- Diolcus Mayr, 1864
- Dioxyomus Fennah, 1945
- Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939
- Diphleps Bergroth, 1924
- Diplocysta Horváth, 1925
- Diplonychus Laporte, 1833
- Diplosiacanthia Breddin, 1903
- Diplozona Van Duzee, 1915
- Dipsopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Discocoris Kormilev, 1955
- Discogaster Burmeister, 1835
- Disponsopsis Villiers, 1979
- Distantada Orian, 1963
- Distantalna Boulard, 2009
- Distantus Villiers, 1943
- Distirogaster Horváth, 1914
- Distocader Froeschner, 1968
- Distotrephes J. Polhemus, 1990
- Dithectocoris Swanson, 2017
- Dithmarus Distant, 1904
- Ditomotarsus Spinola, 1850
- Ditora Schouteden, 1938
- Ditropis Kirschbaum, 1868
- Ditropsis Wagner, 1963
- Ditulocoris Miller, 1955
- Diurocoris Maa and Lin, 1956
- Doblepardocoris Dougherty, 1995
- Doesbergiana Durai, 1987
- Doesburgella Rédei and Jindra, 2013
- Dogodelphax Lindberg, 1956
- Dohrnemesa Wygodzinsky, 1945
- Doldina Stål, 1859
- Dolichocephalometra Hungerford, 1939
- Dolicholygus Bliven, 1957
- Dolichomiris Reuter, 1882
- Dollingocoris O'Shea, 1980
- Dominicicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Domnus Stål, 1858
- Dorachosa Distant, 1892
- Dorisiana Metcalf, 1952
- Dorrigocoris Miller, 1957
- Draeculacephala
- Drepanovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Drescherocoris Miller, 1954
- Drymopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Drymus Fieber, 1860
- Duadicus Dallas, 1851
- Dufouriellus Kirkaldy, 1906
- Dulderana Distant, 1905
- Dulichius Stål, 1866
- Dulinius Distant, 1903
- Dulitocoris Miller, 1940
- Dumbia Schouteden, 1932
- Dundonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Dundubia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Duonota Hill, 1984
- Duplaspidiotus Macgillivray, 1921
- Durangona Distant, 1911
- Durevius Villiers, 1962
- Durganda Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Durgandana Miller, 1957
- Duriocoris Miller, 1940
- Duriopsis Melichar, 1906
- Durium Stål, 1861
- Dyakocoris Miller, 1951
- Dycoderus Uhler, 1901
- Dycticopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Dyctidea Uhler, 1889
- Dyctionannus Gross, 1951
- Dysaphis
- Dysdercus Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Dysmicoccus
- Dyspharsa Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Dystecta Breddin, 1901
- Dyticodopoea Sanborn, 2020
- Ea Distant, 1911
- Ebboa Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ecdelphax Yang, 1989
- Ecelenodalus Elkins and Wygodzinsky, 1957
- Echinocoris Miller, 1949
- Echinogalla Takagi, 2001
- Ectemnostega Enderlein, 1912
- Ectemnostegella Lundblad, 1928
- Ectinoderus Westwood, 1843
- Ectmetacanthus Reuter, 1882
- Ectomocoris Mayr, 1865
- Ectopiocerus Uhler, 1890
- Ectrichodia Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Ectrichodiella Fracker and Bruner, 1924
- Ectrychotes Burmeister, 1835
- Ectrychotoides Miller, 1954
- Edessa Fabricius, 1803
- Edocla Stål, 1859
- Edoclella Miller, 1956
- Edoclina Jeannel, 1919
- Egerniella Brailovsky, 2000
- Eicissus Fowler, 1897
- Eidmannia Taeuber, 1934
- Eilithyia Distant, 1912
- Elachisme Kirkaldy, 1904
- Elachodelphax Vilbaste, 1965
- Elachysoma Torres, 1964
- Elaphocranus Bergroth, 1904
- Elaphodelphax Fennah, 1949
- Elasmocnema Karsch, 1892
- Elasmocniella Brailovsky, 2011
- Elasmodema Stål, 1860
- Elasmogaster Stål, 1854
- Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844
- Elasmolomus Stål, 1859
- Elasmopoda Stål, 1873
- Elasmostethus Fieber, 1860
- Elasmotropis Stål, 1874
- Elasmucha Stål, 1864
- Elassoneura Torres, 1964
- Elatophilus Reuter, 1884
- Eldarca Signoret, 1863
- Electrobates Andersen and Poinar, 1992
- Electrogerris Andersen, 2000
- Electrovelia Andersen, 1998
- Elemacoris Miller, 1958
- Elizabetha Schouteden, 1916
- Elongicoris Hidaka and Miller, 1959
- Eludohygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Emathia Stål, 1866
- Emblethis Fieber, 1860
- Embolophora Stål, 1853
- Embolorrhinus Jeannel, 1942
- Embolosterna Stål, 1870
- Emelyanodelphax Koçak, 1981
- Emesa Fabricius, 1803
- Emesaya McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Emesella Dohrn, 1859
- Emesites Popov and Weitschat, 2005
- Emesopsis Uhler, 1893
- Emilianovelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Emoloana Asche, 2000
- Empedocles Stål, 1867
- Empicoris Wolff, 1811
- Empiploiariola Popov, 1993
- Empoasca Walsh, 1862
- Empyrocoris Miller, 1954
- Empysarus Martin, 1904
- Enada Walker, 1868
- Enalosalda J. Polhemus, 1969
- Encedonia Stål, 1868
- Encosternum Spinola, 1850
- Endernia Danzig, 1971
- Endochiella Hsiao, 1979
- Endochopsis Hsiao, 1979
- Endochus Stål, 1859
- Engynoma Drake, 1942
- Engyotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Engytatus Reuter, 1875
- Enicocephalus Westwood, 1837
- Enigmocephala Rédei, 2007
- Enithares Spinola, 1837
- Enitharoides Brooks, 1953
- Enoplocephala Miller, 1940
- Enoplops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Entomovelia Esaki, 1930
- Eobates Drake and Harris, 1934
- Eocader Drake and Hambleton, 1934
- Eocanthecoma Bergroth, 1915
- Eocenometra Andersen, 1982
- Eoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Eodelphax Kirkaldy, 1901
- Eodryas Kirkaldy, 1907
- Eoeurysa Muir, 1913
- Eohydara Bergroth, 1925
- Eopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Eorissa Fennah, 1965
- Eotingis Scudder, 1890
- Eotrechus Kirkaldy, 1902
- Epactiohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Epeurysa Matsumura, 1900
- Ephedrodoma Polhemus and Polhemus, 1984
- Epiclopocoris Miller, 1952
- Epidaucus Hsiao, 1979
- Epidaus Stål, 1859
- Epimixia Kirkaldy, 1908
- Epipyga Hamilton, 2001
- Epiroderoides Villiers, 1962
- Epora Walker, 1857
- Eporiella Melichar, 1914
- Equasystatus Asche, 1983
- Eratyrus Stål, 1859
- Erbessus Stål, 1872
- Ereminellus Harrington, 1980
- Eremocoris Fieber, 1860
- Eremostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Erempsalta Moulds, 2012
- Eretmophora Stein, 1860
- Erga Walker, 1868
- Erianotoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Erianotus Fieber, 1861
- Eriococcus
- Eriopreda Jeannel, 1917
- Eriopredoides Miller, 1955
- Eriosoma Leach, 1818
- Eripison Fennah, 1969
- Eritingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Erugissa Hamilton, 2001
- Esada Boulard, 1973
- Esakia Lundblad, 1933
- Esakiella China, 1932
- Esbenia Jensen-Haarup, 1931
- Eshanus Ding, 2006
- Esocampylia Hacker, 1929
- Esparzaniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Esperanza Barber, 1906
- Eteoneus Distant, 1903
- Etesinalda Froeschner, 1996
- Euagona Dallas, 1852
- Euagoras Burmeister, 1835
- Euagoropsis Hsiao, 1979
- Euahanes Distant, 1911
- Euaulana Drake, 1945
- Euboeana Gogala, Drosopoulos and Trilar, 2011
- Eubule Stål, 1867
- Eucalymnatus Cockerell, 1901
- Eucameruna Melichar, 1906
- Euchelichir Jeannel, 1942
- Euconomelus Haupt, 1929
- Euconon Fennah, 1975
- Eudarmistus Breddin, 1903
- Eudima Schouteden, 1912
- Eugubinus Distant, 1903
- Euidastor Fennah, 1969
- Euidellana Metcalf, 1950
- Euidelloides Muir, 1926
- Euides Fieber, 1866
- Euidopsis Ribaut, 1948
- Eulachnus
- Eulyes Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eumenotes Westwood, 1844
- Eumetopina Breddin, 1896
- Eupheno Gistel, 1832
- Eupolemus Distant, 1910
- Euptychodera Bergroth, 1908
- Eurocconota Miller, 1941
- Europiella Reuter, 1909
- Eurosomocoris Miller, 1958
- Eurostus Dallas, 1851
- Eurybregma Scott, 1875
- Eurychilopterella Reuter, 1909
- Eurygaster Laporte, 1832
- Eurygerris Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Eurymetra Esaki, 1926
- Eurymetropsiella Poisson, 1950
- Eurymetropsielloides Poisson, 1956
- Eurymetropsis Poisson, 1948
- Eurymnus Bergroth, 1917
- Euryphara Horváth, 1912
- Eurypharsa Stål, 1873
- Eurypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eurysa Fieber, 1866
- Eurysanoides Holzinger, Kammerlander and Nickel, 2003
- Eurysella Emeljanov, 1995
- Eurysula Vilbaste, 1968
- Euschistus Dallas, 1851
- Eusthenes Laporte, 1833
- Eusthenimorpha Yang, 1935
- Eustictus Reuter, 1909
- Euterpnosia Matsumura, 1917
- Euthemopsaltria Moulds, 2014
- Euthetus Dallas, 1852
- Euthochtha Mayr, 1865
- Euthyrhynchus Dallas, 1851
- Eutropistes Schaum, 1853
- Euvelia Drake, 1957
- Euvonymus Distant, 1904
- Ewartia Moulds, 2012
- Exaeretosoma Elkins, 1962
- Exilcrus Zhang, Yao, Ren and Zhao, 2011
- Exitianus
- Exmesselensis Wappler, 2003
- Exphora Signoret, 1860
- Extraneza Barber, 1939
- Exulmus Froeschner, 1996
- Eysarcoris Hahn, 1834
- Fagisuga Lindinger, 1909
- Falcatpsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Falcotoya Fennah, 1969
- Fangdelphax Ding, 2006
- Fennasiraca Asche, 1985
- Ferganodelphax Dubovsky, 1970
- Ferrisia Fullaway, 1923
- Feshina Stys, 1983
- Fibrenus Stål, 1861
- Ficarasa Walker, 1857
- Fidicina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Fidicinoides Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Fieberocapsus Carvalho and Southwood, 1955
- Fijipsalta Duffels, 1988
- Fijivelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2006
- Fiorinia Targioni-tozzetti, 1868
- Fischerotrephes Zettel, 1994
- Fitana Villiers, 1948
- Fitchia Stål, 1859
- Flastena Nast, 1975
- Flavius Stål, 1862
- Flexitibia Zhao, Pham, Truong and Cai, 2014
- Floresiobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2008
- Floresocoris Miller, 1958
- Floricaudus Yao, Ren and Shih in Yao et al., 2011
- Florodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Fokkeria Schouteden, 1904
- Foldicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Folengus Distant, 1914
- Formocicada Lee and Hayashi, 2004
- Formodelphax Yang, 1989
- Formosemia Matsumura, 1917
- Formotosena Kato, 1925
- Forticauda Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019
- Foucartus Bérenger, 2006
- Fracastorius Distant, 1902
- Fractuosella Boulard, 1979
- Frameus Bartlett, 2009
- Frenchia Maskell, 1892
- Fritzruehlia Schmidt, 1924
- Froeschneria Harrington, 1980
- Froeschnerisca Coscarón, 1997
- Froggattia Froggatt, 1901
- Froggattoides Distant, 1910
- Fromundus Distant, 1901
- Fulvius Stål, 1862
- Fumua Schouteden, 1912
- Furcaspis Lindinger, 1908
- Furchadaspis
- Furcilliger Horváth, 1925
- Fusius Stål, 1862
- Gabirobius Schouteden, 1955
- Gaeana Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Gaetulia Stål, 1864
- Gagatopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Gageus Villiers, 1961
- Galaesus Dallas, 1852
- Galanga Moulds, 2012
- Galeatus Curtis, 1833
- Galgacus Distant, 1899
- Galgoria Lee, 2016
- Galgupha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Gallacoccus Beardsley, 1971
- Gallienius Villiers, 1948
- Gallinoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1973
- Gallobelgicus Distant, 1906
- Gallomesovelia A. Nel, P. Nel, Krieg-Jacquier, Pouillon, and Garrouste, 2014
- Gallulacoccus
- Galotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Gamergomorphus Melichar, 1906
- Gamergus Stål, 1859
- Gamostolus Bergroth, 1927
- Gampsocoris Fuss, 1852
- Ganesocoris Miller, 1955
- Ganocapsus Van Duzee, 1912
- Ganus Ding, 2006
- Garaga Anufriev, 1977
- Garceus Distant, 1893
- Gardena Dohrn, 1859
- Gardenoides Paulian and Grjebine, 1953
- Garganus Stål, 1862
- Gargaphia Stål, 1862
- Garumna Melichar, 1914
- Garumnella Wang, Liang and Webb, 2009
- Gastrodes Westwood, 1840
- Gastrogyrus Bergroth, 1921
- Gattonocoris Miller, 1957
- Gazuma Distant, 1905
- Gelastocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gelidea Moulds, 2012
- Gelonus Stål, 1866
- Genaparlatoria Macgillivray, 1921
- Geococcus Green, 1902
- Geocoris Fallén, 1814
- Geotomus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Geovelia Zimmermann, 1984
- Gerbelius Distant, 1903
- Gergithomorphus Haglund, 1899
- Germalna Delorme, 2018
- Germalus Stål, 1862
- Gerris Fabricius, 1794
- Gerrisella Poisson, 1940
- Gestroiella Montandon, 1897
- Ggomapsalta Lee, 2009
- Ghesquierea Schouteden, 1931
- Ghilianella Spinola, 1835
- Ghinallelia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Gibbocicada Ruschel, 2018
- Gibbosella Chlond, 2010
- Gigantometra Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Gitava Drake, 1948
- Glabrinotum Ding, 2006
- Glaenocorisa Thomson, 1869
- Glaesivelia Sánchez-García and Solórzano Kraemer in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Glaucopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Glossopelta Handlirsch, 1897
- Glymmatophora Stål, 1853
- Glyptocombus Heidemann, 1906
- Glyptonysius Usinger, 1942
- Gminatellus Miller, 1957
- Gminatus Stål, 1859
- Gnathobleda Stål, 1859
- Gnistus Stål, 1874
- Gnomobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1995
- Gnomocoris McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Goellneriana van Doesburg, 2004
- Golema Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Golmonia Popov, 1989
- Gomesius Distant, 1903
- Gonocerus Berthold in Latreille, 1827
- Gonoporomiris Henry and Schuh, 2002
- Gonteosphodrus Cheesman, 1935
- Gonycentrum Bergroth, 1898
- Goondnomdanepa Lansbury, 1974
- Gorareduvius Malipatil, 1991
- Gourlayocoris Stys, 2002
- Gracchus Stål, 1862
- Gracilimiris Stonedahl and Henry, 1991
- Gracilovelia Poisson, 1955
- Gralliclava Dolling, 1978
- Graminitigrina Ewart and Marques, 2008
- Grammococcus Miller and Lambdin, 1978
- Grammopoecilus Stål, 1868
- Graphocephala
- Graptocleptes Stål, 1866
- Graptoclopius Stål, 1866
- Graptocorixa Hungerford, 1930
- Graptolestes Stål, 1866
- Graptopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Graptostethus Stål, 1868
- Graptotettix Stål, 1866
- Gravesteiniella Wagner, 1963
- Grimaldinia Popov and Heiss, 2014
- Griveaudicoris Villiers, 1961
- Grosshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Grosshygioides Brailovsky, 1993
- Grynia Stål, 1862
- Grypocephalus Hsiao, 1963
- Guapinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Guaranisaria Distant, 1905
- Gudanga Distant, 1905
- Guentherocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Gufacies Ding, 2006
- Guidelphax Ding, 2006
- Guilbertocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2016
- Guineapsaltria Boer, 1993
- Guionius Distant, 1909
- Guithera Distant, 1906
- Guyalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Gyaclavator Wappler, Guilbert, Wedmann and Labandeira in Wappler et al., 2015
- Gyalotingis Drake, 1960
- Gymnaspis
- Gymnotingis Hacker, 1928
- Gymnotympana Stål, 1861
- Gyponana
- Habrochila Horváth, 1912
- Hadeodelphax Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hadoa Moulds in Hill et al., 2015
- Hadrokerala Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Hadronema Uhler, 1872
- Hadropygos Gonzon and Bartlett, 2008
- Haedacanthus Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Haedus Distant, 1904
- Haematochares Stål, 1855
- Haematoloecha Stål, 1874
- Haematorrhophus Stål, 1874
- Haematosiphon Champion, 1900
- Haemopsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Haerinella Fennah, 1965
- Hagamiodes Fennah, 1975
- Hagia Stål, 1863
- Hagiana Miller, 1958
- Haglundina Schouteden, 1938
- Haidara Distant, 1908
- Hainanaella Qin and Zhang, 2007
- Hainanosemia Kato, 1927
- Haliartus Melichar, 1914
- Halimococcus Cockerell, 1902
- Halmaheria Zettel, 2007
- Halmyra Mitjaev, 1971
- Halobates Eschscholtz, 1822
- Halobatopsis Bianchi, 1896
- Halohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Halosalda Reuter, 1912
- Halovelia Bergroth, 1893
- Haloveloides Andersen, 1992
- Halticotoma Townsend, 1892
- Halticus Hahn, 1832
- Halyomorpha Mayr, 1864
- Hambletoniola Carvalho, 1954
- Hamedius Stål, 1860
- Hammatoscelis Signoret, 1860
- Hamza Distant, 1904
- Hapalomelus Stål, 1853
- Haphsa Distant, 1905
- Haplodelphax Kirkaldy, 1907
- Haplolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Haplonotocoris Miller, 1940
- Haploprocta Stål, 1872
- Haplosterna Westwood, 1837
- Harmalia Fennah, 1969
- Harmalianodes Asche, 1988
- Harmostes Burmeister, 1835
- Harpactor Laporte, 1833
- Harpactorella Wygodzinsky, 1946
- Harpagochares Stål, 1859
- Harpagocoris Stål, 1853
- Harrisocoris Miller, 1959
- Havinthus Stål, 1859
- Hayhurstia
- Hea Distant, 1906
- Hebetingis Drake, 1960
- Hebrometra Cobben, 1982
- Hebrovelia Lundblad, 1939
- Hebrus Curtis, 1831
- Hediocoris Reuter, 1882
- Heegeria Reuter, 1881
- Hegesidemus Distant, 1911
- Heidemanniella Poppius, 1914
- Heinsenia Melichar, 1906
- Heissaptera Stys and Banar, 2006
- Heisshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Heissiella Péricart, 1984
- Helcomeria Stål, 1873
- Helenasaldula Cobben, 1976
- Heleocoris Stål, 1876
- Heleonaucoris Popov, 1971
- Heliocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Heliopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Hellica Stål, 1867
- Hellicoides Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Helocephalocoris Miller, 1958
- Helonotus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helotrephes Stål, 1860
- Hemiberlesia Leonardi, 1897
- Hemidictya Burmeister, 1835
- Hemihaematorrhophus Murugan and Livingstone, 1995
- Hemisastrapada Livingstone and Ravichandran, 1989
- Hemischizocranium
- Hemisciera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hemisphaerodella Reuter, 1908
- Hendecacentrus Bergroth, 1919
- Heniartes Spinola, 1840
- Henicocephaloides Villiers, 1962
- Henicocorinus Stys, 1988
- Henicocoris Woodward, 1968
- Henicopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Henicotettix Stål, 1858
- Henricohahnia Breddin, 1900
- Henrikus Drake, 1955
- Henrylygus Schwartz in Schwartz and Foottit, 1998
- Henschiella Horváth, 1888
- Heraeus Stål, 1862
- Herbalima Emeljanov, 1972
- Heremusina Ewart, 2018
- Hermanlentia Jurberg and Galvão, 1997
- Hermatobates Carpenter, 1892
- Hermilloides Schouteden, 1931
- Hermillus Stål, 1874
- Herrera Distant, 1905
- Hesperocimex List, 1925
- Hesperocorixa Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hesperoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hesperolabops Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hesperophylum Reuter and Poppius, 1912
- Hesperotingis Parshley, 1917
- Heterobates Bianchi, 1896
- Heterocleptes Villiers, 1948
- Heterocordylus Fieber, 1858
- Heterocorideus Schouteden, 1952
- Heterocorixa White, 1879
- Heterogaster Schilling, 1829
- Heteropinus Breddin, 1903
- Heteroplea Cook, 2011
- Heteropsaltria Jacobi, 1902
- Heteropsylla
- Heteroscelis Latreille, 1829
- Heterotoma Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Heterotrephes Esaki and Miyamoto, 1959
- Hevaheva Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hewlettia Smeds in Cole et al., 2023
- Hexamerocerus Reuter, 1881
- Heydonhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Heza Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hiarchas Distant, 1910
- Hilaphura Webb, 1979
- Himacerus Wolff, 1811
- Himella Dallas, 1852
- Himellastella Brailovsky and Barrera, 1998
- Himeunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hiranetis Spinola, 1840
- Hirilcus Stål, 1862
- Hirozuunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hispanocader Golub, Popov and Arillo, 2012
- Hoberlandtia Villiers, 1950
- Hoberlandtiana Kormilev and van Doesburg, 1986
- Hoffeinsia Koteja, 2008
- Hoffmannocoris China, 1940
- Holcocranum Fieber, 1860
- Holcostethus Fieber, 1860
- Holhymenia Le Peletier and Serville, 1825
- Holophygdon Kirkaldy, 1908
- Holoptiloides Miller, 1956
- Holoptilus Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Holotrichius Burmeister, 1835
- Holzfussella Schmidt, 1926
- Homaemus Dallas, 1851
- Homalocolpura Breddin, 1900
- Homalocoris Perty, 1833
- Homalodisca Stål, 1869
- Homalosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Homoeocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Homognetus Bergroth, 1923
- Homosura Melichar, 1912
- Hoplinus Stål, 1874
- Hoplistoscelis Reuter, 1890
- Hoplitocoris Jeannel, 1942
- Hoplolomia Stål, 1873
- Hoplomachidea Reuter, 1909
- Hoplomachus Fieber, 1858
- Hoplomargasus Horváth, 1914
- Hoplonannus McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Hoplopium Bergroth, 1910
- Horcinia Stål, 1874
- Horcoma Fennah, 1969
- Horcomana Asche, 1988
- Hormambogaster Karsch, 1892
- Hornylia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Horvathianella Anufriev, 1980
- Horvathinia Montandon, 1911
- Hovacoris Villiers, 1964
- Hovana Distant, 1905
- Hovatlas Schouteden, 1957
- Howardia Berlese and Leonardi, 1896
- Hsiaotycoris Lü, Zhao and Cai, 2006
- Hsuia Ferris, 1950
- Huechys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hulstaertiella Schouteden, 1931
- Humpatanannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Hurdchila Drake, 1953
- Husseyella Herring, 1955
- Hyalessa China, 1925
- Hyaliodes Reuter, 1876
- Hyalochiton Horváth, 1905
- Hyalochloria Reuter, 1907
- Hyalococcus Borchsenius, 1950
- Hyalopeplus Stål, 1870
- Hyalopsallus Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Hyalymenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hyantia Stål, 1866
- Hybomatocoris Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Hybopharsa Hurd, 1946
- Hydara Dallas, 1852
- Hydarella Bergroth, 1925
- Hydarellamixia Brailovsky, 1988
- Hydaropsis Hsiao, 1965
- Hydascelis Brailovsky, 2010
- Hydrocyrius Spinola, 1850
- Hydrometra Latreille, 1797
- Hydrotrephes China, 1935
- Hygia Uhler, 1861
- Hygropetrocoris Sites, 2015
- Hyledelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Hylora Boulard, 1971
- Hymenarcys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hymenocoris Uhler, 1892
- Hymenopterites Heer, 1870
- Hynesionella Poisson, 1949
- Hyocephalus Bergroth, 1906
- Hypencha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hyperbius Stål, 1867
- Hyperomyzus
- Hypochthonella China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypoctenes Jordan, 1922
- Hypselonotus Hahn, 1833
- Hypselopus Burmeister, 1835
- Hypselosoma Reuter, 1891
- Hypselosomops Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsipteryx Drake, 1961
- Hypsipyrgias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hypsohapsis Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsotingis Drake, 1960
- Hyrcanus Distant, 1910
- Hysteroneura
- Iberovelia Sánchez-García and A. Nel in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Ibocoris Roche, 1947
- Icerya Signoret, 1875
- Ichilocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Icodema Reuter, 1875
- Idiobregma Anufriev, 1972
- Idiocarus Montandon, 1897
- Idiocleptria Miller, 1956
- Idiocoris Esaki and China, 1927
- Idiocysta China, 1930
- Idiomyctus Williams, 1981
- Idiopterus Davis, 1909
- Idiosemus Berg, 1883
- Idiostolus Berg, 1883
- Idiosystatus Berg, 1883
- Idiotrephes Lundblad, 1933
- Ignotingis Zhang et al., 2005
- Igora Hesse, 1925
- Ilburnia White, 1878
- Ildefonsus Distant, 1910
- Illinoia
- Illyria Moulds, 1985
- Ilnacora Reuter, 1876
- Ilnacorella Knight, 1925
- Ilyocoris Stål, 1861
- Imbabura Distant, 1911
- Inara Stål, 1859
- Incertametra Perez Goodwyn, 2002
- Indocader Péricart, 1981
- Indogaetulia Schmidt, 1919
- Indolomia Dolling, 1986
- Indotrephes Zettel, 1997
- Indozuriel Fennah, 1975
- Inflatopyga Duffels, 1997
- Ingcainyenzane Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Ingoma Fennah, 1954
- Inkewana Hesse, 1925
- Inoma Hacker, 1927
- Inonemia Drake, 1942
- Intandela Hesse, 1925
- Intercader Golub and Popov, 1998
- Interocoris La Rivers, 1974
- Inthaxara Distant, 1913
- Ioba Distant, 1904
- Iobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Iocoris Zhao, Luo and Cai, 2009
- Iolania
- Ioscytus Reuter, 1912
- Ipamu Schouteden, 1955
- Iphita Stål, 1870
- Iphithereuta Breddin, 1903
- Irantha Stål, 1861
- Iranthoides Miller, 1959
- Irbisia Reuter, 1875
- Irkutonecta Popov, 1985
- Iruana Distant, 1905
- Ischnaspis Douglas, 1887
- Ischnobaena Stål, 1870
- Ischnobaenella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Ischnoclopius Stål, 1868
- Ischnodemus Fieber, 1837
- Ischnolestes Stål, 1866
- Ischnonyctes Stål, 1874
- Ischnotingis Horváth, 1925
- Isdegardes Distant, 1909
- Ishiharodelphax Kwon, 1982
- Isocondylus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Isodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Isogaetis Fennah, 1969
- Isporisa Walker, 1857
- Isporisella Baker, 1927
- Issedonia Emeljanov, 1972
- Issidomimus Poppius, 1910
- Isthmocoris McAtee, 1914
- Isyndus Stål, 1858
- Itagunannus Wygodzinsky, 1943
- Ithamar Kirkaldy, 1902
- Ittolemma Symonds and Cassis, 2014
- Iubsoda Nast, 1975
- Ixopus Bergroth, 1913
- Izella Fennah, 1965
- Jacatra Distant, 1905
- Jacobsonocoris Miller, 1954
- Jadera Stål, 1862
- Jafuna Distant, 1912
- Jalina Distant, 1911
- Jalinoides Dolling, 1974
- Jalysus Stål, 1862
- Jamesa Villiers, 1949
- Jamesella Dispons, 1969
- Jassidaeus Fieber, 1866
- Jassopsaltria Ashton, 1914
- Javesella Fennah, 1963
- Jeanneliella Schouteden, 1932
- Jindraia Stehlík, 2006
- Jingicoris Li and Zheng, 2002
- Jinlinus Ding, 2006
- Jobertus Distant, 1893
- Johannesburgia Distant, 1907
- Joppeicus Putton, 1881
- Juanaria Distant, 1920
- Juaristiella Brailovsky, 1999
- Jucundus Distant, 1910
- Junghuhnidia Breddin, 1903
- Junodis Van Reenen, 1976
- Kageralna Boulard, 2012
- Kaimon Hill, 2004
- Kakuna Matsumura, 1935
- Kalabita Moulton, 1923
- Kalabitocoris Miller, 1941
- Kalama Puton in Lethierry and Puton, 1876
- Kalania Kirkaldy, 1904
- Kalarko Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Kalinckascelis Brailovsky, 1990
- Kallitambinia Muir, 1931
- Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901
- Kalonotocoris Miller, 1941
- Kalshovenia Miller, 1954
- Kamakonocoris Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Kamalata Distant, 1889
- Kamehameha Kirkaldy, 1902
- Kanakia Distant, 1892
- Kaniama Schouteden, 1952
- Kaphsa Lee, 2012
- Kapiriella Schouteden, 1919
- Karenia Distant, 1888
- Karenocoris Miller, 1954
- Karlacoris Malipatil, 1988
- Karnaviexallis Brailovsky, 1984
- Karscheliana Boulard, 1990
- Kartalia Koçak, 1981
- Kasaka Schouteden, 1952
- Katanga Schouteden, 1903
- Katoa Ouchi, 1938
- Kayanocoris Miller, 1954
- Kaytuesso Carjaval, Faundez & Rider, 2018
- Kazachicesa Koçak and Kemal, 2010
- Kazerunia Dlabola, 1974
- Keiserocoris Miller, 1957
- Kekenboschia Villiers, 1968
- Kekihygia Brailovsky, 1994
- Kelainocoris Kormilev, 1963
- Kelisia Fieber, 1866
- Kelisicranus Bartlett, 2006
- Kelisoidea Beamer, 1950
- Keltonia Knight, 1966
- Kennetus Distant, 1904
- Kermana Rolston and McDonald, 1981
- Kermes
- Kerzhnercryptes Brailovsky, 2002
- Kerzhnerhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Keyflana Beamer, 1950
- Khafra Distant, 1902
- Khafrana Miller, 1957
- Khimbya Distant, 1905
- Kiambrama Donaldson, 1988
- Kibatia Schouteden, 1932
- Kibonotocoris Miller, 1954
- Kikihia Dugdale, 1972
- Kilifia De Lotto, 1965
- Kimberpsaltria Moulds, Marshall and Popple, 2021
- Kinabaluhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Kirkaldiella Osborn, 1935
- Kirkaldyia Montandon, 1899
- Kirongoziella Schmidt, 1924
- Kiskeyana Weirauch and Forero, 2007
- Kiwisaldula Larivière and Larochelle, 2016
- Klapperichicen Dlabola, 1957
- Kleidocerys Stephens, 1829
- Klopicoris Van Duzee, 1915
- Kmentia Stehlík, 2013
- Knightomiris Kelton, 1973
- Knightomiroides Stonedahl and Schwartz, 1996
- Knightopiella Schuh, 2004
- Koanoa Kirkaldy, 1902
- Kobacoris Villiers, 1969
- Kobonga Distant, 1906
- Kodormus Barber, 1930
- Koenigsbergia Popov, 2003
- Kokeshia Miyamoto, 1960
- Kokodacoris Miller, 1958
- Kolenetrus Barber, 1918
- Kolleriella Schouteden, 1938
- Koma Distant, 1904
- Komodocoris Miller, 1954
- Kongota Distant, 1904
- Kopsteinia Miller, 1954
- Koranna Distant, 1905
- Korinchocoris Miller, 1941
- Kormijirania Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Kormilevida van Doesburg, 1997
- Kormus Fieber, 1866
- Kosemia Matsumura, 1927
- Kosswigianella Wagner, 1963
- Krizousacorixa Hungerford, 1930
- Kulichoderes Stys, 2002
- Kumanga Distant, 1905
- Kumaonocoris Miller, 1952
- Kunzeana
- Kurnaina Distant, 1911
- Kurrajongia Brailovsky and Monteith, 1998
- Kusnezoviella Vilbaste, 1965
- Kuwanaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Kuwania Cockerell in Fernald, 1903
- Kuwayama
- Kvamula Stys, 1982
- Kwazulaclerda Hodgson and Millar, 2002
- Laberia Stål, 1866
- Labidocoris Mayr, 1865
- Labopella Knight, 1929
- Labopidea Uhler, 1877
- Labops Burmeister, 1835
- Laccocera Van Duzee, 1897
- Laccocoris Stål, 1856
- Laccophorella Horváth, 1904
- Laccotrephes Stål, 1865
- Lacertina Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz, 2011
- Lacertovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Lacetas Karsch, 1890
- Lacrimascellus Brailovsky, 2015
- Ladella Stål, 1859
- Ladellodes Fennah, 1965
- Lagoana Melichar, 1905
- Lahima Linnavuori and Van Harten, 2002
- Lahugada Distant, 1905
- Lamabokeus Villiers, 1972
- Lamenia
- Laminatopina Qin and Zhang, 2007
- Laminiceps Costa, 1863
- Laminicoccus
- Lamotialna Boulard, 1976
- Lamottellus Villiers, 1948
- Lamotteus Villiers, 1948
- Lampethusa Distant, 1884
- Lampracanthia Reuter, 1912
- Lamprodema Fieber, 1860
- Lamprogastocoris Miller, 1952
- Lamprosphodrus Stål, 1870
- Lanaphora Muir, 1915
- Lanca Distant, 1906
- Lanopis Signoret, 1864
- Lanshu Yang, Yang and Wilson, 1989
- Laodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Laoterthrona Ding and Huang in Ding et al., 1980
- Largidea Van Duzee, 1912
- Largulus Hussey, 1927
- Largus Hahn, 1831
- Larotingis Drake, 1960
- Larraldiella Brailovsky, 1999
- Lasiacantha Stål, 1873
- Lasiochilus Reuter, 1871
- Lasiomerus Reuter, 1890
- Lathriobates J. Polhemus, 2004
- Lathriobatoides J. Polhemus, 2004
- Lathriovelia Andersen, 1989
- Latimbus Stål, 1860
- Latistria Huang and Ding in Huang et al., 1980
- Latitingis Péricart, 1985
- Lativena Hill, 1984
- Latrocimex Lent, 1941
- Laurenticoris Villiers, 1975
- Lavora Muir, 1931
- Leaylia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Lecadra Signoret, 1862
- Lecanaclerda Hodgson and Millar, 2002
- Lecanium
- Lecanodiaspis Targioni Tozzetti, 1869
- Leialoha Kirkaldy, 1910
- Leistarches Dohrn, 1860
- Lembeja Distant, 1892
- Lemuriana Distant, 1905
- Lemurichila Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Lenaeus Stål, 1859
- Lentia Wygodzinsky, 1946
- Lentireduvius Cai and Taylor, 2006
- Leogorrus Stål, 1859
- Leotichius Distant, 1904
- Lepidargyrus Muminov, 1962
- Lepidopsallus Knight, 1923
- Lepidosaphes Shimer, 1868
- Leptacanthaspis Jeannel, 1917
- Leptinoschidium Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Leptobyrsa Stål, 1873
- Leptocimex Roubaud, 1913
- Leptocorisa Latreille, 1829
- Leptocysta Stål, 1873
- Leptodelphax Haupt, 1927
- Leptodema de Carlini, 1892
- Leptodictya Stål, 1873
- Leptoeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Leptoglossus Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Leptolestes Bergroth, 1906
- Leptomendis Breddin, 1903
- Leptonannus Reuter, 1891
- Leptopelios Brailovsky, 2001
- Leptopetalops Breddin, 1901
- Leptopharsa Stål, 1873
- Leptophysoderes Weirauch, 2006
- Leptopoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Leptopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Leptopterna Fieber, 1858
- Leptoptyx Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Leptopus Latreille, 1809
- Leptosalda Cobben, 1971
- Leptosaldinea Popov and Heiss, 2016
- Leptoscelis Laporte, 1832
- Leptosemia Matsumura, 1917
- Leptostellana Brailovsky, 1997
- Leptotambinia Kato, 1931
- Leptovanua Melichar, 1914
- Leptoypha Stål, 1873
- Lepturga Stål, 1873
- Leptynoptera
- Lepyronia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lerton Schouteden, 1952
- Lestomerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lestonicoris Villiers, 1967
- Lethama Distant, 1905
- Lethierrya Puton, 1876
- Lethocerus Mayr, 1853
- Leucydria Emeljanov, 1972
- Leusaba Walker, 1857
- Lhostella Villiers, 1948
- Liadonaucoris Popov, 1971
- Liaghinella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Liangcoris Zhao, Cai and Ren, 2007
- Liaspis Bergroth, 1894
- Libaviellus Miller, 1941
- Libavius Distant, 1904
- Liburnia Stål, 1866
- Liburniella Crawford, 1914
- Libyomendis Breddin, 1903
- Lidopus Gibson, 1917
- Ligymolpa Karsch, 1890
- Ligyrocoris Stål, 1872
- Lilia White, 1879
- Limacoccus Bondar, 1929
- Limnacis Germar in Germar and Berendt, 1856
- Limnobatodes Hussey, 1925
- Limnocoris Stål, 1860
- Limnogeton Mayr, 1853
- Limnogonus Stål, 1868
- Limnometra Mayr, 1865
- Limnoporus Stål, 1868
- Limnopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Limnotrephes Esaki and China, 1928
- Lindbergicoris Leston, 1951
- Lindbergocapsus Wagner, 1960
- Lindingaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Lindus Stål, 1862
- Lineatopsallus Henry, 1991
- Lineostethus Ruckes, 1966
- Lingnania China, 1940
- Linguacicada Chou and Lu, 1997
- Linshcosteus Distant, 1904
- Liorhyssus Stål, 1870
- Liotingis Drake, 1930
- Lipaphis
- Lipogomphus Berg, 1879
- Lisarda Stål, 1859
- Lisogata Ding, 2006
- Lissocleptes Stål, 1870
- Litadea China, 1924
- Litemixia Asche, 1980
- Litochodelphax Asche, 1982
- Litomiris Slater, 1956
- Liuaspis Borchsenius, 1960
- Livatiella Fennah, 1956
- Lobogonius Stål, 1870
- Loboplusius Bergroth, 1909
- Lococytonis Villiers, 1969
- Locoptiris Villiers, 1943
- Lomagostus Villiers, 1958
- Longicoris Ahmad, 1968
- Longiscutella Livingstone and Jeyanthibai, 1995
- Longtania Ding, 2006
- Lophocephala Laporte, 1833
- Lopholeucaspis
- Lophoscutus Kormilev, 1951
- Lopidea Uhler, 1872
- Lopidella Knight, 1925
- Lopodytes Stål, 1853
- Lopus Hahn, 1831
- Loricula Curtis, 1833
- Lothygia Brailovsky, 1994
- Lotukonannus Linnavuori, 1974
- Loulucoris Asquith, 1995
- Loxa Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Loxaspis Rothschild, 1912
- Loxocnemis Fieber, 1860
- Luachimonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Luangwana Distant, 1914
- Lucullia Stål, 1865
- Luda Ding, 2006
- Luja Schouteden, 1911
- Lullius Distant, 1904
- Luluacoris Villiers, 1972
- Lupanthus Stål, 1860
- Lutetiabates Wappler and Andersen, 2004
- Lutetiacader Wappler, 2006
- Lutevula Breddin, 1909
- Luxorianella Asche, 1994
- Lybindus Stål, 1859
- Lycambes Stål, 1862
- Lyctocoris Hahn, 1836
- Lycurgus China, 1925
- Lydenburgia Miller, 1957
- Lygaeopharus Stål, 1871
- Lygaeospilus Barber, 1921
- Lygaeus Fabricius, 1794
- Lygidea Reuter, 1879
- Lygocoris Reuter, 1875
- Lygus Hahn, 1833
- Lyramna Breddin, 1900
- Lyramorpha Westwood, 1837
- Lyristes Horváth, 1926
- Lyrnessus Stål, 1862
- Lysenicocephalus Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Machadocoris Villiers, 1959
- Machadonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
- Machairotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Machtima Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Maconellicoccus
- Macracanthopsis Reuter, 1881
- Macrocephalus Swederus, 1787
- Macrocheraia Guérin-Méneville, 1835
- Macrocoris Signoret, 1861
- Macrocorupha Muir, 1926
- Macrocorytha Stål, 1873
- Macrolophus Fieber, 1858
- Macromannus Hill, 1984
- Macroporus Uhler, 1876
- Macropsis Lewis, 1835
- Macrosaldula Southwood and Leston, 1959
- Macrosemia Kato, 1925
- Macrosiphoniella
- Macrosiphum Passerini, 1860
- Macrothacheliella Champion, 1900
- Macrotingis Champion, 1897
- Macrotomella Van Duzee, 1897
- Macrotrachelia Reuter, 1871
- Macrotristria Stål, 1870
- Macrotylus Fieber, 1858
- Macrovanua Fennah, 1950
- Macrovelia Uhler, 1872
- Madagalaesus Brailovsky and Barrera, 2007
- Madangocoris Péricart, 2000
- Madecassosaica Villiers, 1957
- Madeovelia Poisson, 1959
- Madhalimococcus Mamet, 1959
- Madura Stål, 1860
- Maduranoides Brailovsky, 1988
- Maevius Stål, 1874
- Mafa Hesse, 1925
- Mafulemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Mafulocoris Miller, 1958
- Magicicada Davis, 1925
- Magmara Péricart, 1977
- Magnusantenna Du and Chen in Du et al., 2021
- Mahea Distant, 1909
- Mahmutkashgaria Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Mahunkacoccus Kozár, 2000
- Majeorona Distant, 1905
- Makarorysa Remane and Asche, 1986
- Makilingana Miller, 1954
- Malacocoris Fieber, 1858
- Malacopus Stål, 1860
- Malagasia Distant, 1882
- Malagasotingis B. Lis, 2009
- Malaiseana Miller, 1954
- Malandiola Horváth, 1925
- Malaxa Melichar, 1914
- Malaxella Ding and Hu in Ding et al., 1986
- Malaxodes Fennah, 1967
- Malcus Stål, 1860
- Maldonadocoris Zhao, Yuan and Cai, 2006
- Malenavelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Malezonotus Barber, 1918
- Malgachialna Boulard, 1980
- Malgassus Horváth, 1900
- Malgotilia Boulard, 1980
- Mallochiola Bergroth, 1925
- Malloryalna Sanborn, 2016
- Malvana Stål, 1865
- Malvanaioides Brailovsky, 1990
- Mametina Villiers, 1964
- Mametocoris Miller, 1956
- Mamurius Stål, 1862
- Manangocoris Miller, 1954
- Mangabea Villiers, 1970
- Mangalorea Takagi, 1992
- Manganeutes Fennah, 1965
- Mangrovelia Linnavuori, 1977
- Manicocoris Stål, 1866
- Mankuninga Distant, 1902
- Manna Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Manocoreus Hsiao, 1964
- Maoricicada Dugdale, 1972
- Maoristolus Woodward, 1956
- Maosogata Ding, 2006
- Mapondera Distant, 1905
- Maraenaspis Karsch, 1892
- Marbodus Distant, 1904
- Marcius Stål, 1865
- Mardania Stål, 1859
- Margacoris D. J. Carpintero, 1980
- Margasus Stål, 1858
- Marichisme Kirkaldy, 1904
- Mariekea Jong and Boer, 2004
- Marjoriana Bérenger, 2007
- Maroantsetrana Villiers, 1968
- Maroboduus Distant, 1920
- Marojejycoris Forthman, Chlond and Weirauch, 2016
- Marquedryas Asche, 1998
- Martarega White, 1879
- Marteena Moulds, 1986
- Martiniola Horváth, 1911
- Masamia Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Mascaregnasa Distant, 1909
- Mascarenisalda J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Massartia Schouteden, 1952
- Mastigonomus Bergroth, 1894
- Mastocoris Miller, 1959
- Mastostethocoris Miller, 1958
- Masupha Distant, 1892
- Mata Distant, 1906
- Matangocoris Miller, 1940
- Mateucoris Villiers, 1958
- Matsumuranoda Metcalf, 1943
- Mattiphus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Matutinus Distant, 1917
- Maua Distant, 1905
- Maurodactylus Reuter, 1878
- Mayemesa Wygodzinsky, 1944
- Mazanoma Rolston and Kumar, 1974
- Meccus Stål, 1859
- Mecidea Dallas, 1851
- Mecistocoris Reuter, 1877
- Mecocnemis Hsiao, 1964
- Mecomma Fieber, 1858
- Mecopharsa Drake, 1953
- Megadelphax Wagner, 1963
- Megaedoeum Karsch, 1895
- Megaloceroea Fieber, 1858
- Megalocoleus Reuter, 1890
- Megalocysta Champion, 1897
- Megalonotus Fieber, 1860
- Megalopsallus Knight, 1927
- Megalotomus Fieber, 1860
- Megamelanus Ball, 1902
- Megamelodes Le Quesne, 1960
- Megamelus Fieber, 1866
- Meganannus Weirauch, Whorrall, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2018
- Megapocaucus Miller, 1954
- Megapomponia Boulard, 2005
- Megatibicen Sanborn and M. Heath, 2016
- Megatrioza Crawford, 1915
- Megenicocephalus Usinger, 1945
- Megochterus Jaczewski, 1934
- Megymenum Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Meimuna Distant, 1903
- Mekeocoris Miller, 1958
- Melampsalta Kolenati, 1857
- Melanacanthus Stål, 1873
- Melanaethus Uhler, 1876
- Melanaphis
- Melanaspis Cockerell, 1897
- Melanesia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Melanesiana Delorme, 2017
- Melanocoris Champion, 1900
- Melanolestes Stål, 1866
- Melanopleurus Stål, 1874
- Melanorhopala Stål, 1873
- Melanotrichus Reuter, 1875
- Melanugyops Fennah, 1956
- Melormenis
- Melucha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Meluchamixia Brailovsky, 1987
- Meluchopetalops Breddin, 1903
- Melymacra Schwartz, 2004
- Membracioides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Menbyolidis Villiers, 1948
- Mendanocoris Miller, 1956
- Mendis Stål, 1859
- Mendola Breddin, 1900
- Mendozana Distant, 1906
- Menecles Stål, 1867
- Menenotus Laporte, 1832
- Mengdelphax Ding in Ding and Zhang, 1994
- Menuthiasia Poisson, 1952
- Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo and Jorg, 1940
- Mercennus Distant, 1904
- Merifanocoris Miller, 1955
- Meristopsis Kennedy, Bartlett and Wilson, 2012
- Merocoris Perty, 1833
- Meropachys Burmeister, 1835
- Meropalionellus Brailovsky, 2009
- Merragata Buchanan-White, 1877
- Mertila Distant, 1904
- Mesacanthaspis Livingstone and Murugan, 1993
- Mesepora Matsumura, 1914
- Mesosepis Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Mesovelia Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Mesoveloidea Hungerford, 1929
- Mestus Motschulsky, 1863
- Metacanthus Costa, 1847
- Metadelphax Wagner, 1963
- Metagreuocoris Villiers, 1965
- Metapterus A. Costa, 1863
- Metasalis Lee, 1971
- Metatropiphorus Reuter, 1872
- Metrarga White, 1878
- Metriorrhynchomiris Kirkaldy, 1904
- Metrobates Uhler, 1871
- Metrobatoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Metrobatopsis Esaki, 1926
- Metrocephala Popov, 1996
- Metrocoris Mayr, 1865
- Metroma Ding, 2006
- Metropis Fieber, 1866
- Mevanidea Reuter, 1883
- Mevaniomorpha Reuter, 1883
- Mexicomiris Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Mezira Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Micistylus Guo and Liang, 2006
- Micracanthia Reuter, 1912
- Micrauchenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Micrelytra Laporte, 1833
- Micreuides Fennah, 1969
- Microbasis Dallas, 1852
- Microcader Péricart, 1981
- Microcarenus Bergroth, 1895
- Microcleptocoris Villiers, 1968
- Microdeuterus Dallas, 1851
- Microlestria Stål, 1860
- Micronecta Kirkaldy, 1897
- Microphylidea Knight, 1968
- Micropolytoxus Elkins, 1962
- Microporus Uhler, 1872
- Microsandalus Stål, 1866
- Microsanta Breddin, 1903
- Microstemmatodes Putshkov, 1985
- Microstemmella Miller, 1952
- Microstemmidea Miller, 1952
- Microtelocerus Reuter, 1900
- Microtomus Illiger, 1807
- Microtriatoma Prosen and Martínez, 1952
- Microvarus Jeannel, 1917
- Microvelia Westwood, 1834
- Microveloidella Poisson, 1952
- Microvelopsis Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Microvescia Wygodzinsky, 1943
- Mictiopsis Hsiao, 1965
- Mictis Leach, 1814
- Millotella Poisson, 1948
- Millotina Villiers, 1953
- Mimoceps Uhler, 1890
- Mimocleptria Horváth, 1914
- Mimoelasmodema Villiers, 1962
- Mineocapsus Knight, 1972
- Minilomia Lee, 2013
- Minipomponia Boulard, 2008
- Miniterpnosia Lee, 2013
- Minitingis Barber, 1954
- Minyscapheus Poinar, Kritsky and Brown, 2012
- Miohebrus Garrouste and Nel, 2010
- Miomerocerus Karsch, 1892
- Miotingis Nel, 1992
- Mirabella Emeljanov, 1982
- Mirabilamorbus Brailovsky, 2001
- Mirabilopsaltria Boer, 1996
- Mirambulus Breddin, 1901
- Miranha Distant, 1905
- Miranus Chen and Ding in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Mireella Villiers, 1967
- Mireicoris Villiers, 1967
- Mirocauda Chen, 2003
- Miroculus Zhang, Yao, Ren and Zhao, 2011
- Mirperus Stål, 1860
- Misodema Melichar, 1907
- Missimhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Mixotrephes Papácek, Stys and Tonner, 1989
- Mniovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Moana Myers, 1928
- Mochus Distant, 1910
- Mogannia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mokoto Schouteden, 1952
- Molchina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Molipteryx Kiritshenko, 1916
- Monalocoris Dahlbom, 1851
- Monalocorisca Distant, 1884
- Monasavuhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Mongonecta Popov, 1996
- Monicacoris Putshkov, 1985
- Monogobia Nieser and P. Chen, 2006
- Monomatapa Distant, 1879
- Monopsis Spinola, 1839
- Monospinodelphax Ding, 2006
- Monosteira Costa, 1863
- Monosynamma Scott, 1864
- Montandionola Poppius, 1909
- Montandonius Melin, 1929
- Monteithiessa Kumar, 1974
- Monteithocoris Woodward, 1968
- Monteithostolus Stys, 1981
- Monticorixa Stys, 1975
- Montina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Montonepa Lansbury, 1973
- Montrouzierana Signoret, 1861
- Moramanga Villiers, 1962
- Morganella
- Mormidea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Moromorpha Rolston, 1978
- Moronopelios Brailovsky, 1988
- Morphocorixa Jaczewski, 1931
- Mosaica Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Moto Schouteden, 1932
- Motoperius Tordo, 1958
- Motucoris Miller, 1949
- Mouia Distant, 1920
- Mouldspsaltria Sanborn, 2021
- Mozena Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Muansa Distant, 1904
- Muatianvuaia Wygodzinsky, 1953
- Mucanum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mucillnata Qin and Zhang, 2010
- Mucrolicter Elkins, 1962
- Muda Distant, 1897
- Muellerianella Wagner, 1963
- Mugadina Moulds, 2012
- Muirodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Muizonia Villiers, 1954
- Mummius Horváth, 1910
- Munza Distant, 1904
- Mura Distant, 1905
- Muraoides Sanborn, 2018
- Murgantia Stål, 1862
- Murmurillana Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Murphyalna Boulard, 2012
- Murphyanella Wygodzinsky and Stys, 1982
- Murtula Schouteden, 1912
- Musgraveia Leston and Scudder, 1957
- Musimoia China, 1929
- Musoda Karsch, 1890
- Mutusca Stål, 1866
- Mycetococcus Ferris, 1918
- Mycococcus Ferris, 1952
- Myersalna Boulard, 1988
- Mygdonia Stål, 1866
- Myiomma Puton, 1872
- Myiophanes Reuter, 1881
- Myla Stål, 1866
- Myocoris Burmeister, 1835
- Myodocha Latreille, 1807
- Myopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Myrmecophyes Fieber, 1870
- Myrmedobia Baerensprung, 1857
- Myrmicella Chlond and Banar, 2013
- Myrrhina Linnavuori, 1973
- Myzaphis
- Myzus Passerini, 1860
- Nabalua Moulton, 1923
- Nabicula Kirby, 1837
- Nabis Latreille, 1802
- Nablistes Karsch, 1891
- Naboandelus Distant, 1910
- Nacorus Villiers, 1948
- Nacurosana Miller, 1954
- Nagusta Stål, 1859
- Nagustoides Miller, 1954
- Naitingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Nalata Stål, 1860
- Namacus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Namapa Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Namtokocoris Sites in Sites and Vitheepradit, 2007
- Nandariva Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Nannium Bergroth, 1898
- Nannocleptria Miller, 1952
- Nannocoris Reuter, 1891
- Nannodictyus Stys, 1982
- Nannolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Nannotegea Miller, 1954
- Nanokerala Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Nanokermes Bullington and Kosztarab, 1985
- Nanonaucoris Zettel, 2001
- Nanopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Nanotoya Fennah, 1975
- Nanotrephes Papácek and Zettel, 2001
- Nanyukicoris Miller, 1959
- Naochila Drake, 1957
- Narina Distant, 1906
- Nariscus Stål, 1866
- Narnia Stål, 1862
- Narsetes Distant, 1903
- Narvesus Stål, 1859
- Nasonovia
- Nataliana Muir, 1926
- Natalicola Spinola, 1850
- Naucoris Fabricius, 1775
- Nazugumia Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Neacoryphus Scudder, 1965
- Neaethus Stål, 1861
- Neaira Linnavuori, 1973
- Neapodops Slater and Baranowski, 1970
- Nebriscoides Miller, 1957
- Nebriscus Bergroth, 1895
- Necodan Fennah, 1975
- Nectocader Drake, 1928
- Nectodes Popov, 1968
- Nectonaucoris Popov, 1968
- Nectoquintius Brailovsky and Barrera, 2003
- Neervoortia Miller, 1954
- Neides Latreille, 1802
- Neivacoris Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Nelbroma Sanborn, 2021
- Nelcyndana Distant, 1906
- Nematopus Berthold in Latreille, 1827
- Nemausus Stål, 1866
- Nemetor Fennah, 1969
- Nemocoris Sahlberg, 1848
- Neoacanthaspis Murugan and Livingstone, 1991
- Neoalardus Distant, 1912
- Neoanthylla Kormilev, 1951
- Neoarcesius Miller, 1958
- Neoasterodiaspis Borchsenius, 1960
- Neobayerus Miller, 1954
- Neobelocera Ding and Yang in Ding, Yang and Hu, 1986
- Neoborella Knight, 1925
- Neoborops Uhler, 1895
- Neocapsus Distant, 1884
- Neocarinodelphax Chen and Tsai, 2009
- Neocatara Distant, 1910
- Neocentrocnemis Miller, 1956
- Neocentrogonus Miller, 1940
- Neocerilocus Miller, 1957
- Neocheronea Miller, 1955
- Neocicada Kato, 1932
- Neoconon Yang, 1989
- Neocorixa Hungerford, 1925
- Neocydnocoris Miller, 1954
- Neodicranotropis Yang, 1989
- Neogadora Fennah, 1969
- Neogerris Matsumura, 1913
- Neohaematorrhophus Ambrose and Livingstone, 1986
- Neohalohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Neohavinthus Malipatil, 1991
- Neokhafra Miller, 1957
- Neoklugia Distant, 1919
- Neolargulus Stehlík and Brailovsky, 2011
- Neolibavius Miller, 1941
- Neolocoptiris Wygodzinsky and Usinger, 1963
- Neomacrocoris Montandon, 1913
- Neomalaxa Muir, 1918
- Neomegalotomus Schaffner and Schaefer, 1998
- Neomegamelanus McDermott, 1952
- Neometopina Yang, 1989
- Neomevaniomorpha Dolling, 1986
- Neomictis O'Shea and Schaefer, 1980
- Neommatissus Muir, 1913
- Neomuda Distant, 1920
- Neonagusta Ambrose and Kumaraswami, 1992
- Neoncotympana Lee, 2011
- Neoncylocotis Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Neoneides Stusak, 1989
- Neonychia Hungerford, 1950
- Neopamera Harrington, 1980
- Neoperkinsiella Muir, 1926
- Neopharnus Van Duzee, 1910
- Neophilaenus Haupt, 1935
- Neophyllaphis Takahashi, 1920
- Neophysoderes Miller, 1955
- Neopinnaspis
- Neopirates Miller, 1952
- Neoplatypedia Davis, 1920
- Neoplea Esaki and China, 1928
- Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Neopsallus Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Neopsaltoda Distant, 1910
- Neopunana Asche, 1983
- Neopunia Moulds, 2012
- Neopurana Lee and Marshall in Lee et al., 2023
- Neoquintius Brailovsky and Barrera, 1986
- Neortholomus Hamilton, 1983
- Neorudia Fennah, 1945
- Neosalica Distant, 1882
- Neosantosia Miller, 1941
- Neosastrapada Miller, 1940
- Neoscadra Miller, 1941
- Neoscadroides Miller, 1954
- Neosciophyrus Brailovsky, 2004
- Neosigara Lundblad, 1928
- Neosphedanolestes Miller, 1958
- Neostachyogenys Miller, 1954
- Neosteingelia Morrison, 1927
- Neosuris Barber, 1924
- Neotangia Melichar, 1914
- Neotaxilana Synave, 1979
- Neotaxilanoides Men and Qin, 2011
- Neoterpnosia Lee and D. Emery, 2014
- Neoterthrona Yang, 1989
- Neothodelmus Distant, 1919
- Neotiarodes Miller, 1957
- Neotibicen Hill and Moulds in Hill et al., 2015
- Neotimasius Andersen, 1981
- Neotingis Drake, 1922
- Neotoxoptera
- Neotrematocoris Ahmad, 1979
- Neotrephes China, 1936
- Neotrichedocla Villiers, 1962
- Neotropiconyttus Kirkaldy, 1909
- Neottiglossa Kirby, 1837
- Neotylana Distant, 1909
- Neoveledella Malipatil, 1991
- Neovelinus Miller, 1958
- Neovillanovanus Ambrose and Vennison, 1992
- Neovizcaya Liang, 2002
- Neozirta Distant, 1919
- Nepa Linnaeus, 1758
- Nepella Poisson, 1947
- Nephotettix
- Nepidium Westwood, 1854
- Nepiohygia Brailovsky, 2004
- Nepiomistus Brailovsky, 2019
- Nepitella Stys and Jansson, 1988
- Nereivelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1989
- Nerthra Say, 1832
- Neseis Kirkaldy, 1900
- Nesenicocephalus Usinger, 1939
- Nesidiocoris Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidiolestes Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidiorchestes Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Nesiomiris Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesita Bergroth, 1906
- Nesocastolus Bruner and Barber, 1937
- Nesoclimacias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesococcus Ehrhorn, 1916
- Nesocricos La Rivers, 1971
- Nesocryptias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocymus Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesocypselas Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocysta Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesodryas Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesolina Osborn, 1935
- Nesomartis Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesonannus Usinger, 1946
- Nesopedronia
- Nesophrosyne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesophryne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesorestias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesorthia Fennah, 1962
- Nesosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesotaxila Fennah, 1971
- Nesotemora Fennah, 1956
- Nesothoe Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesotingis Drake, 1957
- Nesotriatoma Usinger, 1944
- Nethersia Horváth, 1925
- Neunkanodes Yang, 1989
- Neurocolpus Reuter, 1876
- Neuroctenus Fieber, 1860
- Neurotmeta Guérin-Méneville, 1856
- Neusterensifer J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Neuterthron Ding, 2006
- Nevadocoris Knight, 1968
- Nezara Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Nggeliana Boulard, 1979
- Niborskiana Montemayor, 2012
- Nicetor Fennah, 1964
- Nicholia Knight, 1929
- Nicrus Stål, 1863
- Nidicola Harris and Drake, 1941
- Nieserius Zettel, 1999
- Niesthrea Spinola, 1837
- Nigripsaltria Boer, 1999
- Nilaparvata Distant, 1906
- Nilsvelia Cassis, Hodgins, Weir and Tatarnic, 2017
- Ninus Stål, 1860
- Nipaecoccus
- Niphisia Emeljanov, 1966
- Nipponaclerda McConnell, 1954
- Nirovecus Stål, 1859
- Nishihygia Brailovsky, 2000
- Nisoscolopocerus Barber, 1928
- Nitornus Stål, 1859
- Nobarnus Distant, 1920
- Noctuocoris Knight, 1923
- Nogullocoris Miller, 1958
- Noliphus Stål, 1859
- Nonlygus Schwartz in Schwartz and Foottit, 1998
- Noongara Moulds, 2012
- Nopalis Signoret, 1864
- Nosoarna Ruschel and Sanborn, 2021
- Nosola Stål, 1866
- Notapictinus Usinger and Matsuda, 1959
- Nothocleptes Miller, 1959
- Nothodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Nothokalpa Fennah, 1975
- Notholopisca Carvalho, 1975
- Nothorestias Muir, 1917
- Notobitiella Hsiao, 1963
- Notobitopsis Blöte, 1938
- Notobitus Stål, 1860
- Notocyrtus Burmeister, 1835
- Notogryps Fennah, 1965
- Notohyus Fennah, 1965
- Notonecta Linnaeus, 1758
- Notopodops Barber and Sailer, 1953
- Notopomus Montandon, 1894
- Notopsalta Dugdale, 1972
- Notopteryx Hsiao, 1963
- Notuchoides Donaldson, 1988
- Notuchus Fennah, 1969
- Noualhierana Miller, 1958
- Noualhierella Villiers, 1951
- Noualhieridia Breddin, 1898
- Novemcella Goding, 1925
- Novmammilla Jian and Xing, 2022
- Nubithia Stål, 1859
- Nularda Stål, 1859
- Numata Matsumura, 1935
- Numathriambus Asche, 1988
- Numatodes Fennah, 1964
- Numicia Stål, 1866
- Nurunderia Distant, 1909
- Nyara Villet, 1999
- Nycheuma Fennah, 1964
- Nychia Stål, 1858
- Nyctotingis Drake, 1922
- Nyllius Stål, 1859
- Nymphocoris Woodward, 1956
- Nyplus Villiers, 1948
- Nysius Dallas, 1852
- Nyttum Spinola, 1837
- Oacoccus Williams, 2007
- Oannes Distant, 1911
- Oaristes Fennah, 1964
- Oaxacacoris Schwartz and Stonedahl, 1987
- Obedas Jacobi, 1910
- Oblongomorpha Wappler, 2003
- Obtusicranus Bartlett, 2006
- Occamus Distant, 1909
- Occidentodema Henry, 2000
- Oceanaspidiotus
- Oceanides Kirkaldy, 1910
- Ocelliemesina Wang, Wang, Cao and Cai, 2015
- Ocellovelia China and Usinger, 1949
- Ocheovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2006
- Ochrimnus Stål, 1874
- Ochrochira Stål, 1873
- Ochterus Latreille, 1807
- Ocrioessa Bergroth, 1918
- Octacysta Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Ocyochterus Drake and Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Odmalea Bergroth, 1915
- Odonaspis Leonardi, 1897
- Odontaleyrodes
- Odontobola Stål, 1873
- Odontocurtus Brailovsky, 2011
- Odontogonus Bergroth, 1904
- Odontoparia Mayr, 1965
- Odontorhopala Stål, 1873
- Odopoea Stål, 1861
- Oebalus Stål, 1862
- Oechalia Stål, 1862
- Oechalina Melichar, 1914
- Oedalocanthus Henry, 1996
- Oedancala Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Oedemanota Miller, 1957
- Oedotingis Drake, 1942
- Oeocharis Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Ogeria Distant, 1913
- Ogygotingis Drake, 1948
- Ohiacoccus
- Oiosalda Drake and Hoberlandt, 1952
- Oiovelia Drake and Maldonado-Capriles, 1952
- Okanagana Distant, 1905
- Okanagodes Davis, 1919
- Okondo Schouteden, 1931
- Olastrida Schouteden, 1956
- Oliarus
- Oligaethus Jacobi, 1928
- Oligoglena Horváth, 1912
- Oligosaldina Statz, 1950
- Oligotylus Van Duzee, 1916
- Ollanta Distant, 1905
- Olliffiella Cockerell
- Omania Horváth, 1915
- Omanocoris Kiritshenko, 1916
- Omanonabis Asquith and Lattin, 1991
- Ommatides Uhler, 1894
- Ommatissus Fieber, 1875
- Omoplax Horváth, 1912
- Oncacontias Breddin, 1903
- Oncaspidia Stål, 1873
- Oncerodes Uhler, 1894
- Oncerometopus Reuter, 1876
- Oncerotrachelus Stål, 1868
- Oncocephalus Klug, 1830
- Oncochila Stål, 1873
- Oncodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Oncomeris Laporte, 1833
- Oncopeltus Stål, 1868
- Oncophysa Stål, 1873
- Oncotylus Fieber, 1858
- Oncotympana Stål, 1870
- Oncozygia Stål, 1872
- Oncylocotis Stål, 1855
- Onidodelphax Yang, 1989
- Onomacritus Distant, 1912
- Onoralna Boulard, 1996
- Onoremia Brailovsky, 1995
- Onychomesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Onychotrechus Kirkaldy, 1903
- Onymochila Drake, 1948
- Onymocoris Drake and Slater, 1957
- Opiconsiva Distant, 1917
- Opisthacidius Berg, 1879
- Opistheurista Carvalho, 1959
- Opistoplatys Westwood, 1834
- Oplomus Spinola, 1840
- Opsius Fieber, 1866
- Opuna Kirkaldy, 1902
- Oranoma Drake, 1951
- Orapa Distant, 1905
- Oravelia Drake and Chapman, 1963
- Orbella Maldonado, 1987
- Orcaenas Fennah, 1969
- Orchamoplatus
- Orchesma Melichar, 1903
- Ordirete Hill, 1984
- Orectoderus Uhler, 1876
- Orellana Distant, 1905
- Orialella Metcalf, 1952
- Orianocoris Villiers, 1964
- Orientafroinsularis Sanborn, 2021
- Orientopsaltria Kato, 1944
- Orientoya Chen and Ding in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Origanaus Distant, 1893
- Orius Wolff, 1811
- Ornithocoris Pinto, 1927
- Ornytus Dallas, 1852
- Orocorixa Nieser and Padilla Gil, 1992
- Orotingis Drake and Poor, 1941
- Orphnotrechus Sweet, 1991
- Orsillacis Barber, 1914
- Orsilochides Kirkaldy, 1909
- Orthezia Bosc, 1784
- Orthocephalus Fieber, 1858
- Orthocnemis Westwood, 1845
- Orthophrys Horváth, 1911
- Orthops Fieber, 1858
- Orthorhagus McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Orthosaldula Gapud, 1986
- Orthotylus Fieber, 1858
- Orthunga Dohrn, 1859
- Osbornia Ball, 1910
- Ossoides Bierman, 1910
- Ostama Walker, 1857
- Otiodactylus Pinto, 1927
- Ottoicus Drake, 1960
- Oudeboschia Distant, 1920
- Ouranion Kirkaldy, 1904
- Ovatametra Kenaga, 1942
- Ovatus
- Owenoderes Stys, 2002
- Owra Ashton, 1912
- Oxycranum Bergroth, 1910
- Oxypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Oxypristis Signoret, 1861
- Oxythyreus Westwood, 1841
- Ozophora Uhler, 1871
- Pacarina Distant, 1905
- Pachybrachius Hahn, 1826
- Pachycoleus Fieber, 1860
- Pachycolpura Breddin, 1900
- Pachycolpuroides Brailovsky, 1993
- Pachycoris Burmeister, 1835
- Pachycysta Champion, 1898
- Pachygrontha Germar, 1837
- Pachylis Le Peletier and Serville, 1825
- Pachypeltocoris Knight, 1953
- Pachyplagia Gross, 1951
- Pachyplagioides Gross, 1951
- Pachypoda Carvalho and China, 1951
- Pachypsaltria Stål, 1863
- Pachysandalus Jeannel, 1916
- Padaeus Stål, 1862
- Padasastra Villiers, 1948
- Paectira Karsch, 1890
- Paedocoris Miller, 1952
- Pagasa Stål, 1862
- Pagiphora Horváth, 1912
- Pahabengkakia Miller, 1941
- Paharia Distant, 1905
- Pakesia Miller, 1952
- Pakidetta Sanborn and Ahmed, 2017
- Palacus Dohrn, 1863
- Palaeogerris Andersen, 1998
- Palaeoheteroptera Handlirsch, 1908
- Palaeoleptus Poinar and Buckley, 2009
- Palapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Palauella Drake, 1956
- Palawanocoris Miller, 1954
- Palego Fennah, 1978
- Paleocader Froeschner, 1996
- Paleodoris Poinar and Santiago-Blay, 1997
- Paleoploiariola Maldonado, Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1993
- Palmacorixa Abbott, 1912
- Palmaspis Bodenheimer, 1951
- Palmicultor
- Paloptus Stål, 1861
- Pamillia Uhler, 1887
- Panaetius Stål, 1865
- Panagrocoris Miller, 1957
- Panamia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Pangaeus Stål, 1862
- Paniaia Miller, 1958
- Panialna Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Panka Distant, 1905
- Panstrongylus Berg, 1879
- Panstronhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2000
- Panthous Stål, 1863
- Pantoleistes Stål, 1853
- Pantopsilus Berg, 1879
- Papacekia Zettel, 2005
- Papeocoris Brailovsky, 2003
- Papuamorbus Brailovsky, 2007
- Papuanecta Tinerella, 2008
- Papuapsaltria Boer, 1995
- Papuavelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2000
- Parabelminus Lent, 1943
- Parabemisia
- Parabotha Kormilev, 1984
- Parabrachytes Distant, 1879
- Paracarnus Distant, 1884
- Paracaunus Miller, 1956
- Paracentrocnemis Miller, 1956
- Paracerilocus Miller, 1957
- Paracimex Kiritshenko, 1913
- Paracleptria Miller, 1952
- Paraconchaspis Mamet, 1959
- Paraconon Yang, 1989
- Paracopium Distant, 1902
- Paracorbulo Tian and Ding in Tian, Ding and Kuoh, 1980
- Paracorixa Poisson, 1957
- Paracydnocoris Miller, 1954
- Parada Horváth, 1925
- Paradacerla Carvalho and Usinger, 1957
- Paradasynus China, 1934
- Paradelphacodes Wagner, 1963
- Paradina Moulds, 2012
- Paraduriocoris Miller, 1955
- Paragamergomorphus Synave, 1956
- Paragerbelius Miller, 1958
- Paraghesquierea Villiers, 1948
- Paragreuocoris Carayon, 1949
- Paragylloides Putshkov, 1985
- Parahermillus Miller, 1955
- Parahiranetis Gil-Santana, 2015
- Parahydriena Muir, 1924
- Parajalysus Distant, 1881
- Paralargulus Stehlík and Brailovsky, 2011
- Paralasonia Muir, 1924
- Paralcmena Miller, 1954
- Paralenaeus Reuter, 1881
- Paraleptoypha Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraleyrodes
- Paralibavius Paiva, 1919
- Paraliburnia Jensen-Haarup, 1917
- Paralimnotrephes Poisson, 1950
- Paralisarda Miller, 1957
- Paralivatiella Qin and Zhang, 2010
- Paralosalda J. Polhemus and Evans, 1969
- Paraluteva Villiers, 1961
- Paralycambes Kormilev, 1954
- Paramarcius Hsiao, 1964
- Paramestus Ding, 2006
- Paramphibolus Reuter, 1887
- Paramyla Linnavuori, 1971
- Paranda Melichar, 1903
- Paranectopia Ding and Tian, 1981
- Paranepa Poisson, 1965
- Paranesita Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Paranisops Hale, 1924
- Paranistria Metcalf, 1952
- Paranosia Lee, 2014
- Paranyllius Miller, 1954
- Parapanthous Distant, 1919
- Parapechtia Miller, 1954
- Parapeprius Villiers, 1961
- Paraperissonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraphatnomella B. Lis, 2000
- Paraphilaenus Vilbaste, 1962
- Paraphrynovelia Poisson, 1957
- Paraphymata Kormilev, 1962
- Paraphysoderes Villiers, 1962
- Parapirates Villiers, 1959
- Paraplea Esaki and China, 1928
- Paraplesius Scott, 1874
- Paraplynus Jeannel, 1919
- Paraproba Distant, 1884
- Parapunana Chen and Hou, 2012
- Parareduvius Schouteden, 1952
- Pararhaphe Henry in Henry and Froeschner, 1988
- Parasaissetia
- Parascadra Miller, 1954
- Parasigara Poisson, 1957
- Parasinalda Heiss and Golub, 2013
- Parasinea McPherson and Ahmad, 2011
- Paratagalis Monte, 1943
- Paratalainga He, 1984
- Paratanna Lee, 2012
- Paratoya Ding, 2006
- Paratrephes China, 1940
- Paratriatoma Barber, 1938
- Paratriphleps Champion, 1900
- Paravadimon Villiers, 1951
- Paravelia Breddin, 1898
- Paravilius Miller, 1955
- Parawatsa Villiers, 1961
- Paraxenetus Reuter, 1907
- Parazetekella Nel et al., 2004
- Parechinocoris Miller, 1949
- Paredocla Jeannel, 1914
- Parendochus Hsiao, 1982
- Parepiclopocoris Miller, 1958
- Pareuidella Beamer, 1951
- Pareulyes Miller, 1957
- Parharpagocoris Schouteden, 1952
- Parhelonotus Miller, 1958
- Paricana Walker, 1857
- Paricanoides Liang, 2003
- Parirantha Miller, 1959
- Parkana Beamer, 1950
- Parlatoria Targioni-tozzetti, 1869
- Parnisa Stål, 1862
- Parnkalla Distant, 1905
- Parnquila Moulds, 2012
- Paromius Fieber, 1860
- Parthenicus Reuter, 1876
- Partoya Asche, 1988
- Paruzelia Melichar, 1903
- Parvacinocoris Melo and Dellapé, 2019
- Parvittya Distant, 1905
- Parvodeceptor Hill, 2015
- Parvopsalta Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Parypheroides Brailovsky and Barrera, 2020
- Paryphes Burmeister, 1835
- Paseala Schouteden, 1923
- Pasira Stål, 1859
- Pasiropsis Reuter, 1881
- Paskia Esaki and China, 1927
- Passicimex Usinger and Carayon, 1967
- Pastiroma Dlabola, 1967
- Patago Bergroth, 1905
- Patanocnema Karsch, 1892
- Patapius Horváth, 1912
- Pateena Hill, 1980
- Paulaudalna Delorme, 2017
- Paulianocoris Villiers, 1953
- Pauroaspis Tang, 1995
- Paurocoris Slater, 1980
- Pauropsalta Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Paurotriozana Caldwell, 1940
- Pedana Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Pedionotocoris Miller, 1949
- Pegapsaltria Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Peggioga Kirkaldy, 1905
- Peirates Serville, 1831
- Peliades Jacobi, 1928
- Pelitropis Van Duzee, 1908
- Pellaea Stål, 1872
- Pelmatomesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pelocoris Stål, 1876
- Peloridinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Peltocopta Bergroth, 1904
- Peltodictya Kirkaldy, 1906
- Pelurgocoris Miller, 1958
- Penepissonotus Beamer, 1950
- Penottus Distant, 1903
- Pentacora Reuter, 1912
- Pentagramma Van Duzee, 1897
- Pentalonia Coquerel, 1859
- Pentasteira Barringer and Bartlett, 2011
- Penthikocleptes Miller, 1958
- Pephricus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Peprius Stål, 1859
- Peranthus Stål, 1868
- Perbrinckea Drake, 1956
- Peregrinator Kirkaldy, 1904
- Peregrinus Kirkaldy, 1904
- Pericallea Moulds, Marshall and Hutchinson, 2022
- Perigenes Distant, 1893
- Perillus Stål, 1862
- Perimececera Muir, 1913
- Perinetocoris Villiers, 1961
- Perissonemia Drake and Poor, 1937
- Perissopygocoris Miller, 1951
- Perissorhynchus Miller, 1952
- Peritrechus Fieber, 1860
- Peritropis Uhler, 1891
- Perittonannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Perittopus Fieber, 1861
- Perkinsiella Kirkaldy, 1903
- Pessoaia Lima, 1940
- Petalocheirus Palisot de Beauvois, 1805
- Petalocnemis Stål, 1854
- Petalops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Petascelis Signoret, 1847
- Petasolentia Weirauch, 2012
- Petersitocoris Brailovsky, 1990
- Petersitocoroides Brailovsky, 1992
- Petillia Stål, 1865
- Petillocoris Hsiao, 1963
- Petillopsis Hsiao, 1963
- Petrovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Peyrierocoris Chlond and Junkiert, 2010
- Phacalastor Kirkaldy, 1906
- Phaenicocleus Stys and Banar, 2009
- Phaenotropis Horváth, 1906
- Phaeochila Drake and Hambleton, 1945
- Phalantus Stål, 1863
- Phallopirates Stys, 1985
- Pharagocoris Villiers, 1982
- Phasmatocoris Breddin, 1904
- Phatnocader Stusák, 1976
- Phatnoma Fieber, 1844
- Phatnomella Péricart, 1981
- Phaurolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Phelaus Stål, 1866
- Pheletocoris Miller, 1959
- Phemius Stål, 1859
- Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1902
- Philaenarcys Hamilton, 1979
- Philaenus Stål, 1864
- Philaronia Ball, 1898
- Philippinocoris D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 1987
- Philipsalta Lee, Marshall and Hill, 2016
- Philodoxus Horváth, 1914
- Phimodera Germar, 1839
- Phimophorus Bergroth, 1886
- Phlegyas Stål, 1865
- Phoenicocoris Reuter, 1875
- Phonergates Stål, 1853
- Phonoctonus Stål, 1853
- Phonolibes Stål, 1854
- Phoradendrepulus Polhemus and Polhemus, 1985
- Phorastes Kirkaldy, 1903
- Phorbanta Stål, 1872
- Phoreticovelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2000
- Phorticus Stål, 1860
- Phrictopyga Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Phrynodermocoris Miller, 1952
- Phrynovelia Horváth, 1915
- Phryxobotrys McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Phthia Stål, 1862
- Phthiacnemia Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthiadema Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthiarella Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthirocoris Enderlein, 1904
- Phthirocorisella Stys, 1986
- Phthirostenus Stys, 2002
- Phyja Distant, 1919
- Phyllococcus
- Phyllodinus Van Duzee, 1897
- Phyllogonia Stål, 1873
- Phyllomorpha Laporte, 1833
- Phyllopidea Knight, 1919
- Phylus Hahn, 1831
- Phymacysta Monte, 1942
- Phymata Latreille, 1802
- Phymatopsallus Knight, 1964
- Physatocheila Fieber, 1844
- Physeema Moulds, 2012
- Physoderes Westwood, 1846
- Physoderoides Miller, 1955
- Physomerus Burmeister, 1835
- Physopelta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Physopleurella Reuter, 1884
- Phytocoris Fallén, 1814
- Piceophylus Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Picrops La Rivers, 1952
- Pictila Moulds, 2012
- Piesma Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Piestolestes Bergroth, 1912
- Piezodorus Fieber, 1860
- Piezogaster Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Piezosternum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pilophoropsis Poppius, 1914
- Pilophorus Hahn, 1826
- Pinalitus Kelton, 1955
- Pineus
- Pinheya Dlabola, 1963
- Pinnaspis Cockerell, 1892
- Pinochius Carayon, 1949
- Pinomiris Stonedahl and Schwartz, 1996
- Pinophylus Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Pipilopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Piramurana Distant, 1911
- Piramuranoides Dolling, 1974
- Pirnonota Stål, 1859
- Pisilus Stål, 1858
- Pissonotus Van Duzee, 1897
- Pithanus Fieber, 1858
- Placomerus La Rivers, 1956
- Placotingis Drake, 1960
- Plagiognathus Fieber, 1858
- Plagiotropis Emeljanov, 1993
- Planchonia Signoret, 1870
- Planeocoris Chlond, 2010
- Planibyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Planococcus
- Planois Signoret, 1864
- Planusocoris Yi and Bu, 2015
- Plapigus Stål, 1860
- Platerus Distant, 1903
- Platychiria Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Platycoccus Stickney, 1934
- Platycoelostoma Morrison in Morrison and E. Morrison, 1923
- Platycorpus Ding, 1983
- Platyeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Platygerris White, 1883
- Platylomia Stål, 1870
- Platylygus Van Duzee, 1915
- Platymeris Laporte in Guérin, 1833
- Platymicrus Bergroth, 1903
- Platypareia Muir, 1934
- Platypedia Uhler, 1888
- Platypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Platypsalta Moulds, 2012
- Platysystatus Muir, 1930
- Platytatus Bergroth, 1892
- Platytibia Ding, 2006
- Platytingis Drake, 1925
- Platytrephes Zettel, 2005
- Platytylus Fieber, 1858
- Platyvelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Plautia Stål, 1864
- Plautilla Stål, 1865
- Plaxiscelis Spinola, 1837
- Plea Leach, 1818
- Pleciobates Esaki, 1930
- Pleciogonus Chen, Nieser and Wattanachaiyingcharoen, 2002
- Plectrophorocoris Miller, 1958
- Plectropoda Bergroth, 1894
- Plectropodoides Schouteden, 1938
- Pleotrichophorus
- Plerapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Plerochila Drake, 1954
- Pleseobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Plesiocoris Fieber, 1861
- Plesiodelphax Asche, 1985
- Plesiodema Reuter, 1875
- Plesionoma Drake, 1950
- Plinachtus Stål, 1860
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829
- Pliobyrsa Drake and Hambleton, 1946
- Plisthenes Stål, 1865
- Plochiocoris Champion, 1900
- Ploeogaster Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ploiaria Scopoli, 1786
- Plunentis Stål, 1860
- Pluotenia Brailovsky, 2001
- Plynaspoides Miller, 1955
- Plynoides Schouteden, 1931
- Plynus Stål, 1858
- Pnirontis Stål, 1859
- Pnirsus Stål, 1859
- Pnohirmus Stål, 1859
- Podisus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1851
- Podormus Stål, 1859
- Poecilobdallus Stål, 1868
- Poecilocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Poeciloclopius Stål, 1866
- Poecilopterocoris Miller, 1959
- Poecilosphodrus Reuter, 1887
- Pogonocaudina Sites and Zettel in Sites et al., 2011
- Pogonostyla Drake, 1953
- Polauchenia McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Polea Green, 1922
- Polhemovelia Zettel and Sehnal, 2000
- Polididus Stål, 1858
- Pollinia Targioni Tozzetti, 1868
- Polycentrocoris Miller, 1957
- Polyctenes Giglioli, 1864
- Polymazus Gerstaecker, 1892
- Polymerus Hahn, 1831
- Polyneura Westwood, 1840
- Polytoxus Spinola, 1850
- Pompanonia Boulard, 1982
- Pomponatius Distant, 1904
- Pomponia Stål, 1866
- Ponerobia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pontanus Distant, 1902
- Popplepsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Porcelloderes Rédei, 2012
- Porcellus Emeljanov, 1972
- Porpomiris Berg, 1883
- Possaniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Postleniatus Brailovsky, 2007
- Potamobates Champion, 1898
- Potamocoris Hungerford, 1941
- Potamometra Bianchi, 1896
- Potamometroides Hungerford, 1951
- Potamometropsis Lundblad, 1933
- Pothea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Poviliana Boulard, 1997
- Praecoris Poinar, 1991
- Praesus Stål, 1872
- Prasia Stål, 1863
- Prasinosoma Torres, 1963
- Prasliniana Asche, 1998
- Pratigi Gil-Santana and Oliveira, 2016
- Preangerocoris Miller, 1954
- Prepops Reuter, 1905
- Preterkelisia Yang, 1989
- Primicimex Barber, 1941
- Priocnemicoris Costa, 1863
- Prionogaster Stål, 1853
- Prionolomia Stål, 1873
- Prionolomiopsis O'Shea, 1980
- Prionosoma Uhler, 1863
- Prionotylus Fieber, 1860
- Prismatocerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pristhesancus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pristicoris Miller, 1952
- Pristinochterus Yao, Cai and Ren, 2007
- Proarna Stål, 1864
- Proba Distant, 1884
- Proboscidopirates Villiers, 1958
- Proboscidotylus Henry, 1995
- Procamptus Bergroth, 1925
- Procidelphax Bartlett, 2010
- Procollina Metcalf, 1952
- Procryphocricos J. Polhemus, 1991
- Proctophantasta Breddin, 1903
- Prodelphax Yang, 1989
- Proguithera Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Prokelisia Osborn, 1905
- Prolivatis Emeljanov, 1995
- Pronotacantha Uhler, 1893
- Pronotocrepis Knight, 1929
- Pronozelus Forero, 2012
- Propentacora J. Polhemus, 1985
- Propicimex Usinger, 1966
- Prosapia Fennah, 1949
- Prosopophora Douglas, 1892
- Prosotettix Jacobi, 1907
- Protalebrella
- Protenor Stål, 1868
- Protenoroides Brailovsky, 2019
- Protenthocoris Miller, 1959
- Proterosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Protobacillometra Nel and Paicheler, 1993
- Protodoris Nel and De Ploëg, 2004
- Protogardena Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Protopulvinaria
- Proxius Stål, 1873
- Proxylastodoris Heiss and Popov, 2002
- Proxys Spinola, 1840
- Prunasis Stål, 1862
- Pruneocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Prytanes Distant, 1893
- Psallodia Uhler, 1903
- Psallovius Henry, 1999
- Psallus Fieber, 1858
- Psalmocharias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Psaltoda Stål, 1861
- Pselliopus Bergroth, 1905
- Psephenotettix Torres, 1958
- Pseudacalypta Péricart, 1983
- Pseudacysta Blatchley, 1926
- Pseudaraeopus Kirkaldy, 1904
- Pseudatomoscelis Poppius, 1911
- Pseudaulacaspis
- Pseudembolophora Muir, 1920
- Pseudischnaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Pseudobaebius Villiers, 1948
- Pseudobagauda Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pseudobargylia Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Pseudobeanana Villiers, 1960
- Pseudobebaeus Distant, 1911
- Pseudocethera Villiers, 1963
- Pseudochermes Nitsche, 1895
- Pseudoclardea Williams, 1981
- Pseudoclerada Kirkaldy, 1902
- Pseudocnemodus Barber, 1911
- Pseudococcus Westwood, 1840
- Pseudocymus Van Duzee, 1936
- Pseudodaraxa D. J. Carpintero, 1980
- Pseudodelphacodes Wagner, 1963
- Pseudogergithus Schmidt, 1912
- Pseudoghiliana Maldonado, 1992
- Pseudoglaenocorisa Jaczewski, 1939
- Pseudohalobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1996
- Pseudohegesidemus B. Lis, 2001
- Pseudohenschiella Villiers, 1958
- Pseudohydrotrephes Poisson, 1956
- Pseudokanakia Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Pseudolestomerus Villiers, 1964
- Pseudolopodes Putshkov, 1985
- Pseudoloxops Kirkaldy, 1905
- Pseudomacrocorupha Muir, 1930
- Pseudometapterus Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pseudomictis Hsiao, 1963
- Pseudomuizonius Villiers, 1961
- Pseudomyla Dolling, 1986
- Pseudonychomesa Popov, 1991
- Pseudopachybrachius Malipatil, 1978
- Pseudopamera Distant, 1882
- Pseudoparicana Melichar, 1914
- Pseudoparlatoria
- Pseudopendulinus Schouteden, 1938
- Pseudophatnoma Blöte, 1945
- Pseudophelaus Schouteden, 1938
- Pseudophonoctonus Schouteden, 1913
- Pseudopothea Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Pseudopsallus Van Duzee, 1916
- Pseudopycanum Bergroth, 1891
- Pseudosaica Blinn, 1990
- Pseudosaldula Cobben, 1961
- Pseudosepina Sinclair, 2000
- Pseudosinopla Faúndez, 2014
- Pseudosogata Ding, 2006
- Pseudotangia Metcalf, 1938
- Pseudotettigetta Puissant, 2010
- Pseudotrionymus
- Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1951
- Pseudoxenetus Reuter, 1909
- Pseudozelurus Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Pseudozirta Bérenger and Gil-Santana, 2005
- Pseudurentius Péricart, 1992
- Psilobyrsa Drake and Hambleton, 1935
- Psilolomia Breddin, 1909
- Psilotympana Stål, 1861
- Psithyristria Stål, 1870
- Psitticimex Usinger, 1966
- Psophis Stål, 1863
- Psoraleococcus Borchsenius, 1959
- Psytalla Stål, 1859
- Ptenidiophyes Reuter, 1891
- Pternistria Stål, 1873
- Pterococcus Howell and Kosztarab, 1973
- Pteromalestes Miller, 1959
- Pterovianaida Montemayor and Carpintero, 2007
- Ptilocerus Gray, 1831
- Ptilocnemus Westwood, 1840
- Ptilocoris Montandon, 1907
- Ptilomera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ptilomerella Zettel, 2009
- Ptochiomera Say, 1832
- Ptyctus Stål, 1873
- Pucina Stål, 1866
- Pullocader Péricart, 1991
- Pulvinaria Targioni-tozzetti, 1867
- Punana Muir, 1913
- Pundaluoya Kirkaldy, 1903
- Pungra Dolling, 1986
- Punia Moulds, 2012
- Puppeia Stål, 1866
- Purana Distant, 1905
- Puranoides Moulton, 1917
- Purohita Distant, 1906
- Putoniola Bergroth, 1898
- Pycanum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pycna Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pycnocoris Van Duzee, 1914
- Pycnoderes Guérin-Méneville, 1857
- Pycnoderiella Henry, 1993
- Pygmaeodopoea Sanborn, 2020
- Pygolampis Germar, 1825
- Pygoplatys Dallas, 1851
- Pygospina Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Pyrodocoris Miller, 1955
- Pyropsalta Moulds, 2012
- Pyrrhosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Qianlia Ding, 2006
- Queenslandicesa Koçak and Kemal, 2010
- Quercetanus Distant, 1904
- Quesada Distant, 1905
- Quinssyana Distant, 1913
- Quintilia Stål, 1866
- Quintius Stål, 1865
- Qurana Lee, 2009
- Racelda Signoret, 1863
- Radinacantha Hacker, 1929
- Radionaspis
- Raglius Stål, 1872
- Raiateana Boulard, 1979
- Raipurocoris Miller, 1959
- Ramidelphax Qin and Zhang, 2006
- Ramphocorixa Abbott, 1912
- Ranatra Fabricius, 1790
- Ranzovius Distant, 1893
- Rapites Villiers, 1948
- Rasahus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Raunothryallis Faúndez, 2016
- Raunotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Recaredus Distant, 1909
- Recicolus Jeannel, 1917
- Reclada White, 1878
- Rectilamina Hill, 1984
- Rectivertex Guo and Liang, 2006
- Redeicephala Davranoglou, 2016
- Redubinotus Popov and Putshkov, 1998
- Redubitus P. Putshkov and Popov, 1993
- Reduvius Fabricius, 1775
- Relictapsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Rellimocoris Dougherty, 1982
- Remanodelphax Drosopoulos, 1982
- Remaudiereana Hoberlandt, 1954
- Remosa Distant, 1906
- Renaudicoris Villiers, 1961
- Renodaeus Distant, 1893
- Repipta Stål, 1859
- Reticulaphis
- Reuteria Puton, 1875
- Reuteroscopus Kirkaldy, 1905
- Rhachicephala Truong, Zhao and Cai, 2007
- Rhacognathus Fieber, 1861
- Rhadinopyga Duffels, 1985
- Rhaeboepelis Ruschel and Sanborn, 2021
- Rhagadotarsus Breddin, 1905
- Rhagovelia Mayr, 1865
- Rhamnomia Hsiao, 1963
- Rhamphophora Miller, 1958
- Rhapactor Puton, 1887
- Rhaphidosoma Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhasis Distant, 1893
- Rheovelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2004
- Rheumatobates Bergroth, 1892
- Rheumatogonus Kirkaldy, 1909
- Rheumatometra Kirkaldy, 1902
- Rheumatometroides Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Rhiginia Stål, 1859
- Rhinacloa Reuter, 1876
- Rhinocapsus Uhler, 1890
- Rhinocoroides Miller, 1954
- Rhinodelphax Muir, 1934
- Rhinodictya Kirkaldy, 1906
- Rhinopsalta Melichar, 1908
- Rhinotettix Stål, 1853
- Rhizoecus
- Rhodesaclerda McConnell, 1954
- Rhodnius Stål, 1859
- Rhodobium
- Rhodopsalta Dugdale, 1972
- Rhoecus Bergroth, 1891
- Rhombolaparus Bergroth, 1906
- Rhombotoya Fennah, 1975
- Rhopalimorpha Dallas, 1851
- Rhopalosiphoninus
- Rhopalosiphum Koch, 1854
- Rhopalus Schilling, 1827
- Rhyacobates Esaki, 1923
- Rhynchotmetus Horváth, 1900
- Rhynocoris Hahn, 1834
- Rhyparochromus Hahn, 1826
- Rhyparoclopius Stål, 1859
- Rhysostethus Hsiao, 1973
- Rhyticoris Costa, 1863
- Rhytidophthia Brailovsky, 2009
- Rhytidoporus Uhler, 1877
- Riancia Signoret, 1860
- Ribautodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Ricolla Stål, 1859
- Riedelhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Riegeriana Stehlík and Kment, 2014
- Riegerochterus Popov and Heiss, 2014
- Rihirbus Stål, 1861
- Rimanannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Riptortus Stål, 1860
- Risbecocoris Izzard, 1949
- Robustocephalus Ahmad, Abbas, Shadab and Khan, 1979
- Rocconota Stål, 1859
- Rochonia Distant, 1913
- Rochrosoma Reed, 1899
- Rodepirea Villiers, 1962
- Rodhainiella Schouteden, 1913
- Rolstonus Froeschner, 1997
- Romoniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Rondoneva Brailovsky and Barrera, 2003
- Rorocoris Miller, 1958
- Rosaphe Kirkaldy and Edwards, 1902
- Rotundifronta Beamer, 1950
- Rotunosa Distant, 1906
- Rouxalna Boulard, 1999
- Ruckesius Yonke, 1972
- Rudebeckocoris Miller, 1956
- Rulandus Distant, 1904
- Runibia Stål, 1861
- Rupisalda J. Polhemus, 1985
- Rusingeria Coetzee and Kment, 2013
- Russellaspis Bodenheimer, 1951
- Rustia Stål, 1866
- Sabestena Drake, 1944
- Sabronocoris Miller, 1958
- Saccharicoccus
- Saccharosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Sadaka Distant, 1904
- Sagocoris Montandon, 1911
- Sagotylus Mayr, 1865
- Sagriva Spinola, 1850
- Saguntus Stål, 1865
- Sahyaterpnosia Sadasivan in Sadasivan and Sarkar, 2023
- Saica Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saicella Usinger, 1958
- Saicireta Melo and Coscarón, 2005
- Saileria Hsiao, 1945
- Saissetia Deplanche, 1858
- Sakina Synave, 1978
- Salamancaniella Brailovsky and Luna, 2000
- Salapia Stål, 1865
- Salda Fabricius, 1803
- Saldoida Osborn, 1901
- Saldolepta Schuh and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Saldonia Popov, 1973
- Saldula Van Duzee, 1914
- Salduncula Brown, 1954
- Salgohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Salignus Kelton, 1955
- Salona Stål, 1866
- Salvazana Distant, 1913
- Salyavata Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Samaecicada Popple and D. Emery, 2010
- Sanazarius Distant, 1904
- Sanganus Distant, 1909
- Sangarius Stål, 1865
- Sankurua Schouteden, 1951
- Santosia Stål, 1858
- Sapantanga Distant, 1905
- Sardia Melichar, 1903
- Sarona Kirkaldy, 1902
- Sarucallis
- Sastragala Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sastrapada Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saticula Stål, 1866
- Sava Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Savius Stål, 1862
- Saxitius Stål, 1859
- Scadra Stål, 1859
- Scadrana Miller, 1954
- Scalponotatus Kelton, 1969
- Scamurius Stål, 1859
- Scaphytopius
- Scaptocoris Perty, 1830
- Scenoma Fennah, 1969
- Schaeferhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Schaeferocoris O'Shea, 1980
- Schaffneria Knight, 1966
- Scheitzia Schouteden, 1951
- Schenchiella Villiers, 1969
- Schidium Bergroth, 1916
- Schizaphis
- Schizoptera Fieber, 1860
- Schizopterops Poppius, 1913
- Schmitzicoris Villiers, 1976
- Schmitziella Villiers, 1967
- Schottus Distant, 1902
- Schoutedenana Miller, 1952
- Schoutedenocoris Villiers, 1961
- Schroederia Schmidt, 1911
- Schuhella Dougherty, 1995
- Schuhgaster Brailovsky, 1993
- Schultheissidia Breddin, 1903
- Schwetzia Schouteden, 1938
- Sciadiocoris Magnien and Pluot-Sigwalt, 2016
- Sciaphilocoris Miller, 1949
- Scieroptera Stål, 1866
- Sciocoris Fallén, 1829
- Sciophyrella Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyritides Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyroides Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyropsis Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyrus Stål, 1873
- Scioriedeli Brailovsky, 2005
- Scipinia Stål, 1861
- Sclerosococcus McKenzie, 1958
- Sclomina Stål, 1861
- Scolopita Chou and Lei, 1997
- Scolopocerus Uhler, 1875
- Scoloponotus Horváth, 1914
- Scoloposcelis Fieber, 1864
- Scolopostethus Fieber, 1860
- Scolopsomorpha Melichar, 1912
- Scolopygos Bartlett, 2002
- Scotinophara Stål, 1867
- Scotoeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Scotomedes Stål, 1873
- Scottianella Anufriev, 1980
- Scottotympana Boer, 1991
- Sculptocoris Ren and Yang, 1991
- Scymnotingis Drake, 1960
- Sechellalna Boulard, 2010
- Sehirus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Selenymenum Montandon, 1894
- Selymbria Stål, 1861
- Semangananus Stys, 1974
- Sembrax Fennah, 1969
- Semia Matsumura, 1917
- Semiaphis
- Semium Reuter, 1876
- Sephina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sephinioides Brailovsky, 1996
- Sephora Kirkaldy, 1902
- Sepimesos Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Sepina Signoret, 1861
- Serafinana Gebicki and Szwedo, 2000
- Serendiba Distant, 1906
- Serendibana Miller, 1954
- Serendus Hsiao, 1979
- Sericophanes Reuter, 1876
- Seridentus Osborn, 1904
- Serranoniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Serrocarpona Blöte, 1945
- Sethenira Spinola, 1837
- Severiana Boulard, 1973
- Severiniella Montandon, 1894
- Seychellesanus Distant, 1913
- Seychellovelia Andersen and D. Polhemus, 2003
- Shadelphax Ding, 2006
- Shaoshia Wei, Ahmed and Rizvi, 2010
- Shijidelphax Ding, 2006
- Siamocoris Miller, 1941
- Sibirodelphax Vilbaste, 1980
- Sibuyanhygia Brailovsky, 1997
- Sigara Fabricius, 1775
- Silhouettanus Emsley, 1969
- Simona Moulds, 2012
- Sinalda Distant, 1904
- Sinaldocader Popov, 1989
- Sinapsaltria Kato, 1940
- Sinchocoris Dougherty, 1995
- Sindala Stål, 1862
- Sinea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Singhius
- Sinnamarynus Maldonado and Bérenger in Bérenger et al., 1996
- Sinodasynus Hsiao, 1963
- Sinolacme Fennah, 1978
- Sinoperkinsiella Ding, 1983
- Sinopla Signoret, 1864
- Sinosalda Vinokurov, 2004
- Sinotagus Kiritshenko, 1916
- Sinovelia Yao, Zhang and Ren, 2012
- Sinuessa Horváth, 1910
- Siopaphora Metcalf, 1952
- Sipha
- Siphanta Stal, 1860
- Siphnus Stål, 1863
- Siphonius
- Sirthenea Spinola, 1837
- Sisamnes Distant, 1893
- Sisperonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1987
- Sitobion
- Sixeonotopsis Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Sixeonotus Reuter, 1876
- Slateria Ahmad, 1965
- Slaterobius Harrington, 1980
- Slaterocoris Wagner, 1956
- Smaroides Fennah, 1988
- Smicrotatodelphax Kirkaldy, 1906
- Smiliopus Bergroth, 1909
- Sniploa Signoret, 1864
- Soekhnandanius Makhan, 2013
- Sogana Matsumura, 1914
- Sogata Distant, 1906
- Sogatella Fennah, 1956
- Sogatellana Kuoh in Huang et al., 1980
- Sogatopsis Muir, 1913
- Sohnhygia Brailovsky, 2004
- Solenonotus Reuter, 1871
- Songga Lee, 2016
- Sosius Champion, 1899
- Soteloniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Soudaniella Boulard, 1972
- Spairapeltis Miller, 1950
- Spanagonicus Berg, 1883
- Spanbergiella
- Sparnia Stål, 1862
- Spartocera Laporte, 1832
- Spathocera Stein, 1860
- Spathocranus Muir, 1934
- Spathophora Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Specinervures Kuoh and Ding, 1980
- Spelaeometra D. Polhemus and Ferreira, 2018
- Speovelia Esaki, 1929
- Sphaeridops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sphaerista Kiritshenko, 1951
- Sphaerocysta Stål, 1873
- Sphaerodemopsis Handlirsch, 1908
- Sphalerocoroides V. Putshkov, 1985
- Sphedanocoris Stål, 1866
- Sphedanolestes Stål, 1866
- Sphedanovarus Jeannel, 1919
- Sphictyrtus Stål, 1859
- Sphinctocoris Mayr, 1865
- Sphodrolestes Stål, 1866
- Sphodronyttus Stål, 1866
- Sphragisticus Stål, 1872
- Sphyrocoris Mayr, 1864
- Spinaprocessus Ding, 2006
- Spinidelphacella Asche, 1988
- Spinigernotus Scudder, 1984
- Spinitingis Heiss and Guilbert, 2013
- Spissistilus
- Spoerryana Boulard, 1974
- Squamocoris Knight, 1968
- Staccia Stål, 1865
- Stachyocnemus Stål, 1870
- Stachyogenys Stål, 1870
- Stachyolobus Stål, 1871
- Stachyomerus Stål, 1870
- Stachyotropha Stål, 1870
- Stacota Stål, 1859
- Stagea Villet, 1994
- Stagira Stål, 1861
- Stalemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Staliastes Kirkaldy, 1900
- Stalireduvius Tomokuni and Cai, 2004
- Stalocoris La Rivers, 1969
- Staluptus Stål, 1860
- Stauralia Dallas, 1851
- Stehlikia Villiers, 1965
- Steinovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Stellenboschia Distant, 1920
- Stemmocrypta Stys, 1983
- Stenobates Esaki, 1927
- Stenobatopsis J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1996
- Stenocader Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Stenoconchyoptera Muir, 1931
- Stenocoris Burmeister, 1839
- Stenocorixa Horváth, 1926
- Stenocranus Fieber, 1866
- Stenocysta Champion, 1897
- Stenodema Laporte, 1833