Arapska legija je vojno-policijska snaga koju su britanske mandatne vlasti 1920. godine stvorile i izdržavale u Transjordaniji (posle Drugog svetskog rata Jordan) radi zaštite svojih naftovoda, prekomorskih baza i aerodroma i kontrole svog protektorata.[1]

Amblem Arapske legije

Za 36 godina postojanje narasla je do 23.000 ljudi. Ljudstvo su činili Arapi a komandni kadar britanski oficiri. Od 1939. do 1956. vrhovni komandant Arapske legije bio je britanski potpukovnik John Bagot Glubb

Legija je učestvovala:

Godine 1956. Arapska legija je pretvirena u Arapsku armiju Jordana.


  1. ^ „Arapska legija”. Enciklopedija. Pristupljeno 17. 1. 2020. 


  • Dupuy, Trevor N, Elusive Victory, The Arab-Israeli Wars, 1947–1974, Hero (1984)
  • Farndale, Sir Martin, History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, The Years of Defeat, 1939–41, Brassey’s (1996)
  • Glubb, John Bagot, The Arab Legion, Hodder & Stoughton, London (1948)
  • Isseroff, A., Kfar Etzion Remembered: A History of Gush Etzion and the Massacre of Kfar Etzion, 2005.
  • Levi, I., Jerusalem in the War of Independence ("Tisha Kabin" – Nine Measures – in Hebrew) Maarachot – IDF, Israel Ministry of Defence, 1986. ISBN 965-05-0287-4
  • Pal, Dharm, Official History of the Indian Armed in the Second World War, 1939-45 - Campaign in Western Asia, Orient Longmans (1957)
  • Roubicek, Marcel, Echo of the Bugle, extinct military and constabulary forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan 1915, 1967, Franciscan (Jerusalem 1974)
  • Shlaim, Avi (2007). Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace, Allen Lane. ISBN 978-0-7139-9777-4
  • Vatikiotis, P.J. (1967). Politics and the Military in Jordan: A Study of the Arab Legion, 1921-1957, New York, Praeger Publishers.
  • Young, Peter (1972). The Arab Legion, Osprey Publishing. ISBN 0-85045-084-5 and ISBN 978-0-85045-084-2
  • Jordan – A Country Study, U.S. Library of Congress