Zlatna zora (Grčka)

грчка десничарска странка

Narodno udruženje — Zlatna zora[19][20] (grč. Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή), poznatija kao Zlatna zora, politička je stranka krajnje desnice[21] u Grčkoj. Osnivač i vođa organizacije je Nikolaos Mihaloliakos.

Narodno udruženje — Zlatna zora
Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή
Generalni-sekretarNikolaos Mihaloliakos
portparolIlijas Kasidijaris
OsnivačNikolaos Mihaloliakos
Osnovana1. januar 1985.; pre 39 godina (1985-01-01)
Omladinski ogranakMladi front
Grčki ultranacionalizam[4][5][6]
Megali ideja[7]
Socijalni konzervativizam[8]
Nacionalni konzervativizam[9]
Ekonomski nacionalizam[10]
Desničarski populizam[15]
Anti-imigracionizam[18] Neofašizam
Politička pozicijaKrajnja desnica
Međunarodno članstvoEvropski nacionalni front
Bojecrna, crvena, bela
SloganΠατρίδα, Τιμή, Χρυσή Αυγή
Helenski parlament
0 / 300
Evropski parlament
2 / 21
Periferije Grčke
22 / 703
Zastava stranke

Neki mediji i komentatori je opisuju kao neonacističku[22][23] i fašističku,[24] iako stranka odbija ove kvalifikacije.[25] U organizaciji sebe opisuju kao „narodni nacionalistički pokret“ i „beskompromisne nacionaliste“, a takođe se pozitivno izjašnjavaju o autoritarnom režimu Joanisa Metaksasa. Zlatna zora je registrovana kao politička stranka 1993, a 2005. je privremeno ugašena, ali je ponovo počela sa radom u martu 2007.

Na parlamentarnim izborima koji su održani u maju 2012 Zlatna zora je osvojila 6,97% glasova, što joj je donelo 21 poslaničko mesto u parlamentu. Kampanja stranke pred izbore je uglavnom bila zasnovana na ekonomskim problemima kao što su nezaposlenost i mere štednje,[26] ali su pokrenuli i kampanju protiv imigracije.

Na parlamentarnim izborima 2019. stranka nije prešla cenzus za ulazak u Helenski parlament.

Rat u Bosni


Tokom rata u Bosni, na strani Republike Srpske se borio određen broj grčkih dobrovoljaca, većinu njih su činili članovi Zlatne zore, koji su se borili u sastavu Grčke dobrovoljačke garde (grč. Ελληνική Εθελοντική Φρουρά), koja je postala legalna formacija 1995. godine kada je naređenjem komandanta Glavnog štaba Vojske Republike Srpske Ratka Mladića, stavljena pod komandu Drinskog korpusa.[27][28] Grčka dobrovoljačka garda je učestvovala u zauzimanju Srebrenice 1995. godine.[28] Danas se u sedištu ove stranke nalaze slika Željka Ražnatovića Arkana, četnički simboli i srpska zastava.[29]

Izborni rezultati

Izborni rezultati
Godina Tip Glasovi % Poslanici
maj 2012.
21 / 300
jun 2012.
18 / 300
januar 2015.
17 / 300
septembar 2015.
18 / 300
0 / 300

Vidi još



  1. ^ Evdoxios Doxiadis (2018). Aimee Placas, ur. Living Under Austerity. Greek Society in Crisis, Berghahn Books. str. 83. ISBN 9781785339349. 
  2. ^ Erik Sjöberg (2016). The Making of the Greek Genocide: Contested Memories of the Ottoman Greek Catastrophe. Berghahn Books. str. 143. ISBN 9781785333262. 
  3. ^ Vasilopolou, Sofia (2015). The Golden Dawn's 'Nationalist Solution': Explaining the Rise of the Far Right in Greece. Springer. 
  4. ^ Tsatsanis, Emmanouil (2011), „Hellenism under siege: the national-populist logic of antiglobalization rhetoric in Greece”, Journal of Political Ideologies, 16 (1): 11—31, doi:10.1080/13569317.2011.540939, „...and far right-wing newspapers such as Alpha Ena, Eleytheros Kosmos, Eleytheri Ora and Stohos (the mouthpiece of ultra-nationalist group Chrysi Avgi). 
  5. ^ Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2006), Reputational Shields: Why Most Anti-Immigrant Parties Failed in Western Europe, 1980–2005 (PDF), Nuffield College, University of Oxford, str. 15 
  6. ^ „On the Road with Golden Dawn, Greece’s Ultra-Nationalist Party”. Pristupljeno 11. 3. 2017. . Time. Published 31 October 2012..
  7. ^ Μιχαλολιάκος: Του χρόνου στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, στην Σμύρνη, στην Τραπεζούντα…. Stochos (na jeziku: Greek). 31. 12. 2012. Pristupljeno 3. 11. 2013. 
  8. ^ Sotiris, Panagiotis (2018). Crisis, Movement, Strategy: The Greek Experience. BRILL. str. 196. 
  9. ^ O'Reilly, Gerry (2019). Aligning Geopolitics, Humanitarian Action and Geography in Times of Conflict. Springer. str. 47. 
  10. ^ Rose, William (2014). „Thirties Throwbacks: Explaining the Electoral Breakthroughs of Jobbik and Golden Dawn” (PDF). Tufts University. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 23. 04. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 24. 09. 2019. 
  11. ^ Antonis Galanopoulos: Greek right-wing populist parties and Euroscepticism(PDF), p.2 "Golden Dawn is also Eurosceptical and it is opposing Greece's participation in the European Union and the Eurozone"
  12. ^ France24: A look at the European Parliament's eurosceptic parties, Golden Dawn, Greece
  13. ^ The Guardian: Greek election 2015: Golden Dawn rises on austerity-driven despair, "In successive opinion surveys, the virulently [...] anti-EU party has emerged as Greece's third-biggest political force"
  14. ^ Financial Times: Anti-EU parties celebrate election success, 26 May 2014
  15. ^ Ekström, Mats (3. 7. 2018). „Right-wing populism and the dynamics of style: a discourse-analytic perspective on mediated political performances”. Palgrave Communications. 4 (83). 
  16. ^ Independent: The Golden Dawn: A love of power and a hatred of difference on the rise in the cradle of democracy, "The economic ethos of European neo-fascism, from the Golden Dawn to the British National Party, has historically been anti-neoliberal and anti-globalization", 14 October 2012
  17. ^ „Χυδαίος αντικομμουνισμός από τη ναζιστική Χρυσή Αυγή στη Βουλή – 902.gr”. 15. 10. 2015. Pristupljeno 15. 8. 2017. 
  18. ^ Smith, Helena; Kingsley, Patrick (8. 4. 2016). „Greece resumes migrant deportations to Turkey”. The Guardian. Pristupljeno 10. 4. 2016. 
  19. ^ Galiatsatos, Panagis (1. 10. 2013), „Golden Dawn: From fringe group to game changer”, Ekathimerini 
  20. ^ Ellinas (2013), The Rise of the Golden Dawn, str. 21 
  21. ^ * Gemenis, Kostas; Nezi, Roula (januar 2012), The 2011 Political Parties Expert Survey in Greece (PDF), University of Twente, str. 4, „Interestingly, the placement of the extreme right Chrysi Avyi does not seem to be influenced by this bias, although this has more do with the lack of variance in the data (32 out of 33 experts placed the party on 10) 
  22. ^
    • Miliopoulos, Lazaros (2011), „Extremismus in Griechenland”, Extremismus in den EU-Staaten (na jeziku: German), VS Verlag, str. 154, doi:10.1007/978-3-531-92746-6_9, „...mit der seit 1993 als Partei anerkannten offen neonationalsozialistischen Gruppierung Goldene Mörgenröte (Chryssi Avgí, Χρυσή Αυγή) kooperierte... (...cooperated with the openly neo-National Socialist group Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgí, Χρυσή Αυγή), which has been recognized as a party since 1993...) 
    • Chalk, Peter (2003), „Non-Military Security in the Wider Middle East”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 26 (3): 197—214, doi:10.1080/10576100390211428, „Reflecting these perceptions has been a growing sub-culture of support for neo-Nazi hate groups such as Troiseme Voie in France, Golden Dawn in Greece, Combat 18 (C18) in the United Kingdom... 
    • Altsech, Moses (2004), „Anti-Semitism in Greece: Embedded in Society”, Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism (23): 12, „On 12 March 2004, Chrysi Avghi (Golden Dawn), the new weekly newspaper of the Neo-Nazi organization of that name, cited another survey indicating that the percentage of Greeks who view immigrants unfavorably is 89 percent. 
    • Porat, Dina; Stauber, Roni (2002), Antisemitism Worldwide 2000/1, University of Nebraska Press, str. 123, „The neo-Nazi Chrissi Avgi (Golden Daybreak) was the only far right group active in 2000. It was responsible for at least one antisemitic act and for attacks against left-wing targets. 
  23. ^ * Explosion at Greek neo-Nazi office, CNN, 19. 3. 2010, Arhivirano iz originala 8. 3. 2012. g., Pristupljeno 2. 2. 2012 
  24. ^ Smith, Helena (16. 12. 2011), „Rise of the Greek far right raises fears of further turmoil”, The Guardian 
    • Kravva, Vasiliki (2003), „The Construction of Otherness in Modern Greece”, The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and dilemmas, Routledge, str. 169 
  25. ^ Greek far-right leader savors electoral success, Reuters, 6. 5. 2012, Arhivirano iz originala 14. 10. 2012. g., Pristupljeno 09. 06. 2012, „... the group - which denies it is neo-Nazi - one of the biggest winners in an election... 
  26. ^ „Q&A: Greece's Golden Dawn - Features - Al Jazeera English”. Pristupljeno 7. 4. 2013. 
  27. ^ „Grcki dobrovoljci u redovima VRS”. Arhivirano iz originala 13. 10. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 7. 4. 2013. 
  28. ^ a b „Grčka zastava nad Srebrenicom | camo.ch”. Arhivirano iz originala 19. 10. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 7. 4. 2013. 
  29. ^ „U sjedištu grčke Zlatne zore stoji Arkanova slika VIDEO”. Pristupljeno 7. 4. 2013. 

Spoljašnje veze
