Verner Hajzenberg
Verner Karl Hajzenberg (nem. Werner Karl Heisenberg; Vircburg, 5. decembar 1901 — Minhen, 1. februar 1976)[1] bio je nemački fizičar i dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za fiziku 1932. godine, jedan od osnivača kvantne mehanike.[2]
Verner Hajzenberg | |
Lični podaci | |
Puno ime | Verner Karl Hajzenberg |
Datum rođenja | 5. decembar 1901. |
Mesto rođenja | Vircburg, Nemačko carstvo |
Datum smrti | 1. februar 1976.74 god.) ( |
Mesto smrti | Minhen, Zapadna Nemačka |
Obrazovanje | Univerzitet Ludvig Maksimilijan u Minhenu |
Naučni rad | |
Polje | teorijska fizika |
Institucija | Univerzitet u Čikagu Univerzitet Ludvig Maksimilijan iz Minhena Humboltov univerzitet u Berlinu Univerzitet u Lajpcigu Univerzitet u Kopenhagenu Univerzitet u Getingenu |
Učenici | Ugo Fano Feliks Bloh Edvard Teler Etore Majorana |
Poznat po | Relacije neodređenosti |
Nagrade | Nobelova nagrada za fiziku |
Potpis |
Kvantna mehanika
urediHajzenberg je u jesen 1920. godine upisao fiziku, 17. jula 1923. godine je doktorirao, a oktobra 1927. godine, kao dvadesetšestogodišnjak, postavljen je za redovnog profesora Teorijske fizike u Lajpcigu. U tom periodu boravio je u tri najveća svetska centra teorijske atomske fizike tog vremena. U Minhenu je uradio doktorat pod rukovodstvom A. Zomerfelda, u Getingenu je u zimu 1922/23. bio student, a 1923/24. asistent M. Borna, dok je u Kopenhagenu, kod Nilsa Bora, prvo, 1924/25, bio u poseti, a 1926. godine je postavljen za predavača iz teorijske fizike.
Godine 1925. je otkrio matričnu mehaniku, prvu formulaciju kvantne mehanike. Njegova Relacija neodređenosti, otkrivena 1927, tvrdi da određivanje pozicije i impulsa čestice nužno sadrži greške, a proizvod ove dve greške je veći od, ili jednak određenoj Plankovoj konstanti. Zajedno sa Borom, on će formulisati Kopenhagensku interpretaciju kvantne mehanike.
Dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku 1932. godine „za stvaranje kvantne mehanike, njenu primenu koja je, inter alia, dovela do otkrića alotropskih formi vodonika“.
Rad za vreme rata
urediNuklearna fisija je otkrivena u Nemačkoj 1938. Hajzenberg je ostao u Nemačkoj za vreme Drugog svetskog rata, radeći pod nacističkim režimom. Vodio je nemački program nuklearnog oružja, ali opseg njegove saradnje sa nacistima nije sasvim razjašnjen.
Otkrio je Boru postojanje ovog programa na konferenciji u Kopenhagenu, septembra 1941. Posle ovog susreta, veliko prijateljstvo između Bora i Hajzenberga je okončano. Bor se kasnije pridružio Projektu Menhetn. Nemačka nije uspela da proizvede atomsku bombu.
Spekuliše se da je Hajzenberg imao moralne sumnje, i da je pokušavao da uspori projekat. On lično je takođe pokušavao da stvari prikaže tako posle rata, i knjiga Tomasa Pauera, „Hajzenbergov rat“, kao i predstava „Kopenhagen“ Mihaela Frajna su usvojile ovakvu interpretaciju.
Februara 2002. se pojavilo pismo koje je Bor napisao Hajzenbergu 1957. (ali ga nije poslao). U tom pismu Bor kaže da Hajzenberg kada su se sastali 1941, nije izrazio nikakve moralne probleme u vezi projekta pravljenja bombe, da je Hajzenberg proveo protekle dve godine radeći skoro u potpunosti na ovom projektu, i da je bio ubeđen da će atomska bomba odlučiti pobednika u ratu.
Većina istoričara nauke uzima ovo kao dokaz da je prethodna interpretacija Hajzenbergovog otpora bila pogrešna, ali neki se ne slažu, smatrajući da je Bor možda pogrešno razumeo Hajzenbergove namere, kada su se sreli 1941.
Pogled unazad
urediHajzenberg je napisao knjigu pod naslovom „Deo i celina“ koja govori o njegovom životu, prijateljstvu sa Borom, i njegovim ocenama kvantne fizike.
„On leži ovde negde“ bio je njegov epitaf.
Kako se priča, jednom su ga pitali, šta bi upitao Boga, ako bi se ukazala prilika. On je odgovorio:
Kada sretnem Boga, upitaću ga dve stvari: Zašto relativitet? I zašto turbulencija? Zaista verujem da će imati odgovor na prvo pitanje.
uredi- — (1949) [1930]. The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory . Translators Eckart, Carl; Hoyt, F.C. Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-60113-7.
- — (1955). Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik. Rowohlts Enzyklopädie. 8. Rowohlt.
- — (1966). Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science. Fawcett.
- — (1971). Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations . Harper & Row. ISBN 9780061316227.
- — (1971). Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations.
- — (1977). Tradition in der Wissenschaft. Reden und Aufsätze. Munich: Piper.
- —; Busche, Jürgen (1979). Quantentheorie und Philosophie: Vorlesungen und Aufsätze. Reclam. ISBN 978-3-15-009948-3.
- — (1979). Philosophical problems of quantum physics. Ox Bow. ISBN 978-0-918024-14-5.
- — (1983). Tradition in Science. Seabury Press.
- — (1988). Physik und Philosophie: Weltperspektiven. Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg.
- — (1989). Encounters with Einstein: And Other Essays on People, Places, and Particles . Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-02433-2.
- —; Northrop, Filmer (1999). Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science (Great Minds Series). Prometheus.
- — (2002). Der Teil und das Ganze: Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik. Piper. ISBN 978-3-492-22297-6.
- — (1992). Rechenberg, Helmut, ur. Deutsche und Jüdische Physik. Piper. ISBN 978-3-492-11676-3.
- — (2007). Physik und Philosophie: Weltperspektiven. Hirzel.
- — (2007). Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. Harper Perennial Modern Classics (reprint izd.). HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-120919-2. (full text of 1958 version)
=Naučni izveštaji na temu nuklearne fizike
uredi- Werner Heisenberg. Die Möglichkeit der technischer Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung. G-39 (6 December 1939)
- Werner Heisenberg. Bericht über die Möglichkeit technischer Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung (II). G-40 (29 February 1940)
- Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Bestimmung der Diffusionslänge thermischer Neutronen in schwerem Wasser G-23 (7 August 1940)
- Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Bestimmung der Diffusionslänge thermischer Neutronen in Präparat 38[3] G-22 (5 December 1940)
- Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Versuche mit Schichtenanordnungen von D2O und 38 G-75 (28 October 1941)
- Werner Heisenberg. Über die Möglichkeit der Energieerzeugung mit Hilfe des Isotops 238. G-92 (1941)
- Werner Heisenberg. Bericht über Versuche mit Schichtenanordnungen von Präparat 38 und Paraffin am Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Physik in Berlin-Dahlem. G-93 (May 1941)
- Fritz Bopp, Erich Fischer, Werner Heisenberg, Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker, and Karl Wirtz Untersuchungen mit neuen Schichtenanordnungen aus U-metall und Paraffin G-127 (March 1942)
- Robert Döpel Bericht über Unfälle beim Umgang mit Uranmetall G-135 (9 July 1942)
- Werner Heisenberg Bemerkungen zu dem geplanten halbtechnischen Versuch mit 1,5 to D2O und 3 to 38-Metall G-161 (31 July 1942)
- Werner Heisenberg, Fritz Bopp, Erich Fischer, Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker, and Karl Wirtz Messungen an Schichtenanordnungen aus 38-Metall und Paraffin G-162 (30 October 1942)
- Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Der experimentelle Nachweis der effektiven Neutronenvermehrung in einem Kugel-Schichten-System aus D2O und Uran-Metall G-136 (July 1942)
- Werner Heisenberg. Die Energiegewinnung aus der Atomkernspaltung. G-217 (6 May 1943)
- Fritz Bopp, Walther Bothe, Erich Fischer, Erwin Fünfer, Werner Heisenberg, O. Ritter, and Karl Wirtz Bericht über einen Versuch mit 1.5 to D2O und U und 40 cm Kohlerückstreumantel (B7) G-300 (3 January 1945)
- Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Die Neutronenvermehrung in einem D2O-38-Metallschichtensystem G-373 (March 1942)
Druge istraživačke publikacije
uredi- Sommerfeld, A.; Heisenberg, W. (1922). „Eine Bemerkung über relativistische Röntgendubletts und Linienschärfe”. Z. Phys. 10 (1): 393—398. Bibcode:1922ZPhy...10..393S. S2CID 123083509. doi:10.1007/BF01332582.
- Sommerfeld, A.; Heisenberg, W. (1922). „Die Intensität der Mehrfachlinien und ihrer Zeeman-Komponenten”. Z. Phys. 11 (1): 131—154. Bibcode:1922ZPhy...11..131S. S2CID 186227343. doi:10.1007/BF01328408.
- Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1923). „Über Phasenbeziehungen bei den Bohrschen Modellen von Atomen und Molekeln”. Z. Phys. 14 (1): 44—55. Bibcode:1923ZPhy...14...44B. S2CID 186228402. doi:10.1007/BF01340032.
- Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1923). „Die Elektronenbahnen im angeregten Heliumatom”. Z. Phys. 16 (9): 229—243. Bibcode:1924AnP...379....1B. doi:10.1002/andp.19243790902.
- Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1924). „Zur Quantentheorie der Molekeln”. Annalen der Physik. 74 (4): 1—31. Bibcode:1924AnP...379....1B. doi:10.1002/andp.19243790902.
- Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1924). „Über den Einfluss der Deformierbarkeit der Ionen auf optische und chemische Konstanten. I”. Z. Phys. 23 (1): 388—410. Bibcode:1924ZPhy...23..388B. S2CID 186220818. doi:10.1007/BF01327603.
- — (1924). „Über Stabilität und Turbulenz von Flüssigkeitsströmmen (Diss.)”. Annalen der Physik. 74 (4): 577—627. Bibcode:1924AnP...379..577H. doi:10.1002/andp.19243791502.
- — (1924). „Über eine Abänderung der formalin Regeln der Quantentheorie beim Problem der anomalen Zeeman-Effekte”. Z. Phys. 26 (1): 291—307. Bibcode:1924ZPhy...26..291H. S2CID 186215582. doi:10.1007/BF01327336.
- — (1925). „Über quantentheoretische Umdeutung kinematischer und mechanischer Beziehungen”. Zeitschrift für Physik. 33 (1): 879—893. Bibcode:1925ZPhy...33..879H. S2CID 186238950. doi:10.1007/BF01328377. The paper was received on 29 July 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, 12 "Quantum-Theoretical Re-interpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations"] This is the first paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
- Born, M.; Jordan, P. (1925). „Zur Quantenmechanik”. Zeitschrift für Physik. 34 (1): 858—888. Bibcode:1925ZPhy...34..858B. S2CID 186114542. doi:10.1007/BF01328531. The paper was received on 27 September 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, "On Quantum Mechanics"] This is the second paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
- Born, M.; Heisenberg, W.; Jordan, P. (1926). „Zur Quantenmechanik II”. Zeitschrift für Physik. 35 (8–9): 557—615. Bibcode:1926ZPhy...35..557B. S2CID 186237037. doi:10.1007/BF01379806. The paper was received on 16 November 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, 15 "On Quantum Mechanics II"] This is the third paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
- — (1927). „Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik”. Z. Phys. 43 (3–4): 172—198. Bibcode:1927ZPhy...43..172H. S2CID 122763326. doi:10.1007/BF01397280.
- — (1928). „Zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus”. Z. Phys. 49 (9–10): 619—636. Bibcode:1928ZPhy...49..619H. S2CID 122524239. doi:10.1007/BF01328601.
- —; Pauli, W. (1929). „Zur Quantendynamik der Wellenfelder”. Z. Phys. 56 (1): 1—61. Bibcode:1929ZPhy...56....1H. S2CID 121928597. doi:10.1007/BF01340129.
- —; Pauli, W. (1930). „Zur Quantentheorie der Wellenfelder. II”. Z. Phys. 59 (3–4): 168—190. Bibcode:1930ZPhy...59..168H. S2CID 186219228. doi:10.1007/BF01341423.
- — (1932). „Über den Bau der Atomkerne. I”. Z. Phys. 77 (1–2): 1—11. Bibcode:1932ZPhy...77....1H. S2CID 186218053. doi:10.1007/BF01342433.
- — (1932). „Über den Bau der Atomkerne. II”. Z. Phys. 78 (3–4): 156—164. Bibcode:1932ZPhy...78..156H. S2CID 186221789. doi:10.1007/BF01337585.
- — (1933). „Über den Bau der Atomkerne. III”. Z. Phys. 80 (9–10): 587—596. Bibcode:1933ZPhy...80..587H. S2CID 126422047. doi:10.1007/BF01335696.
- — (1934). „Bemerkungen zur Diracschen Theorie des Positrons”. Zeitschrift für Physik. 90 (3–4): 209—231. Bibcode:1934ZPhy...90..209H. S2CID 186232913. doi:10.1007/BF01333516. The author was cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 21 June 1934.
- — (1936). „Über die 'Schauer' in der Kosmischen Strahlung”. Forsch. Fortscher. 12: 341—342.
- —; Euler, H. (1936). „Folgerungen aus der Diracschen Theorie des Positrons”. Z. Phys. 98 (11–12): 714—732. Bibcode:1936ZPhy...98..714H. S2CID 120354480. doi:10.1007/BF01343663. The authors were cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 22 December 1935. A translation of this paper has been done by W. Korolevski and H. Kleinert: arXiv:physics/0605038v1.
- — (1936). „Zur Theorie der 'Schauer' in der Höhenstrahlung”. Z. Phys. 101 (9–10): 533—540. Bibcode:1936ZPhy..101..533H. S2CID 186215469. doi:10.1007/BF01349603.
- — (1937). „Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern”. Die Naturwissenschaften. 25 (46): 749—750. Bibcode:1937NW.....25..749H. S2CID 39613897. doi:10.1007/BF01789574.
- — (1937). „Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Ultrastrahlung”. Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 18: 50.
- — (1938). „Die Absorption der durchdringenden Komponente der Höhenstrahlung”. Annalen der Physik. 425 (7): 594—599. Bibcode:1938AnP...425..594H. doi:10.1002/andp.19384250705.
- — (1938). „Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern”. Nuovo Cimento. 15 (1): 31—34. Bibcode:1938NCim...15...31H. S2CID 123209538. doi:10.1007/BF02958314. — (1938). „Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern”. Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 19 (2).
- — (1943). „Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. I”. Z. Phys. 120 (7–10): 513—538. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..513H. S2CID 120706757. doi:10.1007/BF01329800.
- — (1943). „Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. II”. Z. Phys. 120 (11–12): 673—702. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..673H. S2CID 124531901. doi:10.1007/BF01336936.
- — (1944). „Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. III”. Z. Phys. 123 (1–2): 93—112. Bibcode:1944ZPhy..123...93H. S2CID 123698415. doi:10.1007/BF01375146.
- — (1947). „Zur Theorie der Supraleitung”. Forsch. Fortschr. 21/23: 243—244. — (1947). „Zur Theorie der Supraleitung”. Z. Naturforsch. 2a (4): 185—201. Bibcode:1947ZNatA...2..185H. doi:10.1515/zna-1947-0401 .
- — (1948). „Das elektrodynamische Verhalten der Supraleiter”. Z. Naturforsch. 3a (2): 65—75. Bibcode:1948ZNatA...3...65H. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-0201 .
- —; von Laue, M. (1948). „Das Barlowsche Rad aus supraleitendem Material”. Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 514—518. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..514H. S2CID 121271077. doi:10.1007/BF01668888.
- — (1948). „Zur statistischen Theorie der Tubulenz”. Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 628—657. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..628H. S2CID 186223726. doi:10.1007/BF01668899.
- — (1948). „On the theory of statistical and isotropic turbulence”. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 195 (1042): 402—406. Bibcode:1948RSPSA.195..402H. doi:10.1098/rspa.1948.0127 .
- — (1948). „Bemerkungen um Turbulenzproblem”. Z. Naturforsch. 3a (8–11): 434—7. Bibcode:1948ZNatA...3..434H. S2CID 202047340. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-8-1103 .
- — (1949). „Production of mesons showers”. Nature. 164 (4158): 65—67. Bibcode:1949Natur.164...65H. PMID 18228928. S2CID 4043099. doi:10.1038/164065c0.
- — (1949). „Die Erzeugung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen”. Nuovo Cimento. 6 (Suppl): 493—7. Bibcode:1949NCim....6S.493H. S2CID 122006877. doi:10.1007/BF02822044.
- — (1949). „Über die Entstehung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen”. Z. Phys. 126 (6): 569—582. Bibcode:1949ZPhy..126..569H. S2CID 120410676. doi:10.1007/BF01330108.
- — (1950). „On the stability of laminar flow”. Proc. International Congress Mathematicians. II: 292—296.
- — (1952). „Bermerkungen zur Theorie der Vielfacherzeugung von Mesonen”. Die Naturwissenschaften. 39 (3): 69. Bibcode:1952NW.....39...69H. S2CID 41323295. doi:10.1007/BF00596818.
- — (1952). „Mesonenerzeugung als Stosswellenproblem”. Z. Phys. 133 (1–2): 65—79. Bibcode:1952ZPhy..133...65H. S2CID 124271377. doi:10.1007/BF01948683.
- — (1955). „The production of mesons in very high energy collisions”. Nuovo Cimento. 12 (Suppl): 96—103. Bibcode:1955NCim....2S..96H. S2CID 121970196. doi:10.1007/BF02746079.
- — (1975). „Development of concepts in the history of quantum theory”. American Journal of Physics. 43 (5): 389—394. Bibcode:1975AmJPh..43..389H. doi:10.1119/1.9833.
uredi- ^ „Werner Heisenberg | Biography, Nobel Prize, & Facts”. Encyclopedia Britannica (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2021-02-05.
- ^ „The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932”. Pristupljeno 7. 12. 2012. This source explains that Heisenberg actually received his Nobel Prize for 1932 one year later, in 1933.
- ^ Präparat 38 was the cover name for uranium oxide; see „Deutsches Museum”. Arhivirano iz originala 04. 09. 2015. g.
uredi- James Glanz, "New Twist on Physicist's Role in Nazi Bomb". The New York Times, February 7, 2002.
- Bernstein, Jeremy; Cassidy, David (avgust 1995). „Bomb Apologetics: Farm Hall, August 1945”. Physics Today. 48 (8): 32—36. Bibcode:1995PhT....48h..32B. doi:10.1063/1.881469. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g.
- Bernstein, Jeremy (2001). Hitler's Uranium Club: The Secret Recording's at Farm Hall. Copernicus. ISBN 978-0-387-95089-1.
- Bernstein, Jeremy (septembar 2002). „Heisenberg and the critical mass”. Am. J. Phys. 70 (9): 911—916. Bibcode:2002AmJPh..70..911B. doi:10.1119/1.1495409.
- Bernstein, Jeremy (mart 2004). „Heisenberg in Poland”. Am. J. Phys. 72 (3): 300—304. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72..300B. doi:10.1119/1.1630333. See also Letters to the Editor by Klaus Gottstein and a reply by Jeremy Bernstein in Gottstein, Klaus (septembar 2004). „Comment on "Heisenberg in Poland" by Jeremy Bernstein \Am. J. Phys. 72 (3), 300–304 (2004)”. Am. J. Phys. 72 (9): 1143—1145. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72.1143G. S2CID 119446738. arXiv:physics/0503167 . doi:10.1119/1.1778397.
- Bernstein, Jeremy (novembar 2005). „Max Born and the Quantum Theory”. Am. J. Phys. 73 (11): 999—1008. Bibcode:2005AmJPh..73..999B. doi:10.1119/1.2060717. Department of Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030. Received 14 April 2005; accepted 29 July 2005.
- Bethe, Hans A. (jul 2000). „The German Uranium Project”. Physics Today. 53 (7): 34—36. Bibcode:2000PhT....53g..34B. doi:10.1063/1.1292473. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g.
- Beyerchen, Alan D. (1977). Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich. Yale. ISBN 978-0-300-01830-1.
- Cassidy, David C. (1992). „Heisenberg, German Science, and the Third Reich”. Social Research. 59 (3): 643—661.
- Cassidy, David C. (1992). Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg. Freeman. ISBN 9780716722434.
- Cassidy, David C. (2009). Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and the Bomb. Bellevue Literary Press. ISBN 978-1-934137-28-4.
- Cassidy, David C. (jul 2000). „A Historical Perspective on Copenhagen”. Physics Today. 53 (7): 28—32. Bibcode:2000PhT....53g..28C. doi:10.1063/1.1292472. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g. See also Gottstein, Klaus; Lipkin, Harry J.; Sachs, Donald C.; Cassidy, David C. (april 2001). „Heisenberg's Message to Bohr: Who Knows”. Physics Today. 54 (4): 14 ff. Bibcode:2001PhT....54d..14G. doi:10.1063/1.1372099. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g. individual letters by Klaus Gottstein, Harry J. Lipkin, Donald C. Sachs, and David C. Cassidy.
- Chevalley, Catherine Werner Heisenberg: Philosophie le Manuscrit de 1942 (Éditions du Seuil, 1998)
- Eckert, Michael (1990). „Primacy doomed to failure: Heisenberg's role as scientific adviser for nuclear policy in the FRG”. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences. 21 (1): 29—58. JSTOR 27757654. doi:10.2307/27757654.
- Eckert, Michael Werner Heisenberg: controversial scientist (2001)
- Goudsmit, Samuel with an introduction by R.V. Jones Alsos (Toamsh, 1986)
- Fedak, William A.; Prentis, Jeffrey J. (2009). „The 1925 Born and Jordan paper "On quantum mechanics"”. American Journal of Physics. 77 (2): 128—139. Bibcode:2009AmJPh..77..128F. doi:10.1119/1.3009634.
- Greenspan, Nancy Thorndike (2005). The End of the Certain World: The Life and Science of Max Born. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-7382-0693-6. Also published in Germany: Max Born – Baumeister der Quantenwelt. Eine Biographie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. 2005. ISBN 978-3-8274-1640-7.
- Heisenberg, Werner Nobel Prize Presentation Speech, (1933)
- Werner Heisenberg Biography, Nobel Prize in Physics 1932
- Heisenberg, Elisabeth (1984). Inner Exile: Recollections of a Life with Heisenberg. Birkhäuser.
- Heisenberg, Werner (1971). Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations. Harper & Row.
- Heisenberg, Werner (1943). „Die theoretischen Grundlagen für die Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung”. Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Naturwissenschaft. 9: 201—212. See also the annotated English translation: Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, str. 294–301 Document 95. Werner Heisenberg. The Theoretical Basis for the Generation of Energy from Uranium Fission [26 February 1942]
- Heisenberg, Werner (16. 8. 1947). „Research in Germany on the Technical Applications of Atomic Energy”. Nature. 160 (4059): 211—215. Bibcode:1947Natur.160..211H. PMID 20256200. S2CID 4077785. doi:10.1038/160211a0. See also the annotated English translation: Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, str. 361–379 Document 115. Werner Heisenberg: Research in Germany on the Technical Application of Atomic Energy [16 August 1947]
- Heisenberg, Werner; Cassidy, David; Sweet, William (avgust 1995). introduction by David Cassidy, translation by William Sweet. „A Lecture on Bomb Physics: February 1942”. Physics Today. 48 (8): 27—30. Bibcode:1995PhT....48h..27H. doi:10.1063/1.881468. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g.
- Hentschel, Klaus; Hentschel, Ann M., ur. (1996). Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-0-8176-5312-5. [This book is a collection of 121 primary German documents relating to physics under National Socialism. The documents have been translated and annotated, and there is a lengthy introduction to put them into perspective.]
- Hentschel, Klaus (2007). The Metal Aftermath: The Mentality of German Physicists 1945–1949. Oxford.
- Hoffmann, Dieter (2005). „Between Autonomy and Accommodation: The German Physical Society during the Third Reich”. Physics in Perspective. 7 (3): 293—329. Bibcode:2005PhP.....7..293H. S2CID 122355802. doi:10.1007/s00016-004-0235-x.
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- Junk, Robert (1958). Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: A personal history of the atomic scientists. Harcourt, Brace.
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- Landsman, N.P. (jun 2002). „Getting even with Heisenberg” (PDF). Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 33 (2): 297—325. Bibcode:2002SHPMP..33..297L. doi:10.1016/S1355-2198(02)00015-1. as PDF
- MacKinnon, Edward (1977). „Heisenberg, Models, and the Rise of Quantum Mechanics”. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. 8: 137—188. JSTOR 27757370. doi:10.2307/27757370.
- Macrakis, Kristie (1993). Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany. Oxford.
- Mehra, Jagdish; Rechenberg, Helmut (2001). Volume 1 Part 2 The Quantum Theory of Planck, Einstein, Bohr and Sommerfeld 1900–1925: Its Foundation and the Rise of Its Difficulties. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95175-1.
- Mehra, Jagdish; Rechenberg, Helmut (2001). Volume 3. The Formulation of Matrix Mechanics and Its Modifications 1925–1926. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95177-5.
- Mehra, Jagdish; Rechenberg, Helmut (2001). Volume 6. The Completion of Quantum Mechanics 1926–1941. Part 2. The Conceptual Completion and Extension of Quantum Mechanics 1932–1941. Epilogue: Aspects of the Further Development of Quantum Theory 1942–1999. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-95086-0.
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- Powers, Thomas (1993). Heisenberg's War: The Secret History of the German Bomb. Knopf. ISBN 9780394514116.
- Rose, Paul Lawrence (1998). Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project: A Study in German Culture. (California, 1998). For a critical review of this book, please see: Landsman 2002
- Schaaf, Michael: Heisenberg, Hitler und die Bombe. Gespräche mit Zeitzeugen. GNT-Verlag. Schaaf, Michael (2018). Heisenberg, Hitler und die Bombe: Gespräche mit Zeitzeugen. Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86225-115-5..
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- Walker, Mark (januar 1990). „Heisenberg, Goudsmit and the German Atomic Bomb”. Physics Today. 43 (1): 52—60. Bibcode:1990PhT....43a..52W. doi:10.1063/1.881237. Arhivirano iz originala 15. 4. 2013. g.
- Walker, Mark (1992). „Physics and propaganda: Werner Heisenberg's foreign lectures under National Socialism”. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences. 22 (2): 339—389. JSTOR 27757685. doi:10.2307/27757685.
- Walker, Mark (1993). German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939–1949. Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-521-43804-9.
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- Dörries, Matthias Michael Frayn's 'Copenhagen' in Debate: Historical Essays and Documents on the 1941 Meeting Between Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg (University of California, 2005)
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- Kleint, Christian and Gerald Wiemer (2005). Werner Heisenberg im Spiegel seiner Leipziger Schüler und Kollegen. Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
- Medawar, Jean; Pyke, David (2012). Hitler's Gift: The True Story of the Scientists Expelled by the Nazi Regime (paperback). New York: Arcade Publishing. ISBN 978-1-61145-709-4.
- Papenfuß, Dietrich, Dieter Lüst, and Wolfgang P. Schleich (2002). 100 Years Werner Heisenberg: Works and Impact. Wiley-VCH.
- Powers, Thomas, "The Private Heisenberg and the Absent Bomb" (review of Werner and Elisabeth Heisenberg, My Dear Li: Correspondence, 1937–1946, edited by Anna Maria Hirsch-Heisenberg and translated from the German by Irene Heisenberg, Yale University Press, 312 pp., $40.00), The New York Review of Books, vol. LXIII, no. 20 (December 22, 2016, pp. 65–67. "Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, and... Karl Wirtz [during World War II led] an effort [to prevent] a complete shutdown [of work toward a German atom bomb], which would condemn young physicists to military service... or takeover by Nazi extremists who might think an atomic bomb could still give Hitler a complete victory." (p. 66.) Desiring on ethical grounds to prevent the introduction of nuclear weapons into the world, the key German nuclear physicists "'agreed... not to deny [the feasibility of] an atomic bomb, but... to [argue] that it could not be implemented within a realistic time frame...'" (p. 67.)
- Rechenberg, Helmut und Gerald Wiemers (2001). Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976), Schritte in die neue Physik. Sax-Verlag Beucha.
- Rhodes, Richard (1986). The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Simon and Schuster.
- Schiemann, Gregor (2008). Werner Heisenberg. C.H. Beck.
- von Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich and Bartel Leendert van der Waerden Werner Heisenberg (Hanser, Carl GmbH, 1977)
- Walker, Mark (1989). „National Socialism and German Physics”. Journal of Contemporary Physics. 24 (5655): 63—89. Bibcode:1978Natur.272..738M. S2CID 4182500. doi:10.1038/272738a0.
- Walker, Mark (1995). Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, and the German Atomic Bomb. Perseus.
- Walker, Mark (2005). „German Work on Nuclear Weapons”. Historia Scientiarum; International Journal for the History of Science Society of Japan. 14 (3): 164—181.
Spoljašnje veze
uredi- Critical Resources: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932
- Werner Heisenberg images
- About Werner Heisenberg
- „Annotated Bibliography for Werner Heisenberg”. Arhivirano iz originala 04. 08. 2010. g. from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues
- MacTutor Biography: Werner Karl HeisenbergArhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (2. maj 2012)
- „Heisenberg/Uncertainty”. Arhivirano iz originala 12. 11. 2012. g. biographical exhibit by American Institute of Physics.
- „Key Participants: Werner Heisenberg”. Arhivirano iz originala 20. 09. 2012. g. – Linus Pauling and the Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History
- Werner Heisenberg: Atomic Physics Mentorees
- „Oral history interview transcript with Werner Heisenberg”. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library & Archives. 16. 6. 1970. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 01. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 07. 05. 2019.
- „Oral history interview transcript with Werner Heisenberg”. American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library & Archives. 30. 11. 1962. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 01. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 07. 05. 2019.
- Novinski isečci na temu Verner Hajzenberg u Novinskim arhivama 20. veka Nemačke nacionalne biblioteke ekonomije (ZBW)