Категорија:CS1 грешке: невидљиви карактери

This is a tracking category for CS1 and CS2 templates that have parameter values that contain invisible or non-printable characters.

<char> character in |<param>= at position n

This error is reported for citations with parameter values that contain invisible or non-printable characters known as control characters; the error includes the position at which the character can be found. Module:Citation/CS1 detects parameter values that contain any of these characters:

replacement character, U+FFFD
hair space, U+200A
zero width space, U+200B
zero width joiner, U+200D
soft hyphen, U+00AD
horizontal tab, U+0009 (HT)
line feed, U+0010 (LF)
carriage return, U+0013 (CR)
delete character, U+007F (DEL)
C0 control, U+0000–U+001F (NULL–US)
C1 control, U+0080–U+009F (XXX–APC)

To resolve invisible-character errors, remove or replace the identified character. Because these characters are mostly invisible, the error message identifies the character's position in the parameter value counted from the left. Space characters between the assignment operator (the '=' sign) and the parameter value are not counted.

<name> stripmarker in |<param>= at position n

Stripmarkers are special sequences of characters that MediaWiki inserts as a place-holder for certain xml-like tags. These tags include <gallery>...</gallery>, <math>...</math>, <nowiki>...</nowiki>, <pre>...</pre>, and <ref>...</ref>. The stripmarkers are replaced with content before the final page rendering. The module ignores math and nowiki stripmarkers.

To resolve stripmarker errors, remove or replace the identified tag. The error message identifies the stripmarker's position in the parameter value counted from the left. Space characters between the assignment operator (the '=' sign) and the parameter value are not counted.

Pages with this error are automatically placed in Категорија:CS1 грешке: невидљиви карактери.[а]


  1. ^ Странице у именским просторима Разговор о књизи, Разговор о категорији, Скица, Разговор о скици, Разговор о едукационом програму, Разговор о датотеци, Разговор о помоћи, Разговор о Медијавикију, Разговор о модулу, Разговор о порталу, Разговор, Разговор о шаблону, Разговор о привременом тексту, Корисник, Разговор са корисником и Разговор о Википедији нису укључене у категорије за праћење грешака.
Садржај: ^ | 0—9 | А | Б | В | Г | Д | Ђ | Е | Ж | З | И | Ј | К | Л | Љ | М | Н | Њ | О | П | Р | С | Т | Ћ | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Џ | Ш

^ | 0—9 | A | B | C | Č | Ć | D | | Đ | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | LJ | M | N | NJ | O | P | R | S | Š | T | U | V | Z | Ž

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